Esoteric Sound Cartridges Brochure

Th e A ud io-T ec hnica A TN 34 72 P is ou r low es t co st, bu t qu ality m ov ing m agnet ca rtridge . It is a P-Mount only for turntables, such as, the VINTA GE II. Tracks at 2 grams.
ATN3472P...............$30.00 ATN34-78........$22.00
Th e S hu re M E75 is a high qu ality, low -co st c artridg e that is ide al for b oth Lp ’s an d 7 8's. It includ es a b uilt-in sty lus g ua rd. T racking forc e is 2 .0 g ram s.
ME75...................... $32.00 N75-3.........$30.00
Th e S h u re M 9 2 E is a m o d e st pr ice d ca rtridge fo r lo w to m e d ium en d tu rn ta b les and it comes with an elliptical tipped LP stylus. It tracks from 0.75 to 1.50 grams, and has the advantage of offering both standard headshell mounting and P-Mount for turntables, such as, the VIN TAGE II.
Shure M92E............$37.00 N92-3.........$34.00
The Shure SC35 is designed for the heav y tra ck ing requirem en ts of the DJ and broadcast industry. Both the spherical tip Lp and"78" track up to 4 - 6 grams. T h is m ak es it ideal for 78's & transcriptions. Elliptical 78 tipped SS78E available.
Shure SC35C..........$49.00 SS78............$34.00 SS78E.........$100.00
Because the Shure M44-7 it is designed for rugged use, it has been adopted as a favo rite fo r D J’s in n igh t club s. B e ca use it tra ck s f ro m 1 t o 3 g ra m s, it c a n ea sily accomm odate both LPs and 78s. We exclusively manufacture the N-44-3E elliptical 78 sty lus fo r it.
Shure M44-7..........$75.00 N-44-78........$39.00 N-44-3E...........$65.00
Transcriptions and 78's are reproduced with less distortion when played at heavier tracking forces . O ur e xclusive, low -co st Rondine Jr, C N 1 00 0 pic kup with its 2. 8 m il stylus is a real bargain. It tracks at 2 - 4 grams. We exclusively manufacture the CN1000-3E elliptical 78 stylus for it. Cannot be used with Vertical-Lateral switch.
CN1000..........$30.00 CN1000-78........$29.00 CN1000-3E.......$55.00
Th e G rad o D J1 00 w ith its D J-3 blun ted 3.0 m il sph erica l tip repro du ce s m os t 78 's w ith less no ise, b ut will have so m e tra ck ing p rob lem s w ith w arped disc s a nd hu m fields. Cha ng ing s tyli is m ore difficult, an d w e re co m m en d tw o cartridg es & h ea ds he lls. It tracks at 2 - 5 gra m s a nd m ou nts in sta nd ard he ad sh ells. For VINTAGE and CVS Models only! Custom styli available.
Grado DJ100.........$59.00 see STYLUSKIT DJ-3..............$45.00
The Stanton 500.V3 with its optional D500-3M, spherical 2.7 mil "78" tip provides excellent tracking of normal or damaged 78's and transcription discs. W ith our custom size d s tyli, it can b e u se d fo r so phisticate d n oise red uc tion. It tracks at from 2 - 5 gram s. W e exclusively m an ufa ctu re th e D 51 30 -3E J elliptica l 78 s tylus for it.
Stanton 500.V3.......$45.00 D500-3M........$40.00 D5130EJ........$70.00
Th e S tan ton 680H IFI is b es t us ed for ca su al listen ing o f LP ’s an d 7 8's with high qu ality and audiophile turntables. For medium and audiophile systems. We do not offer custo m size d s tyli for this c artridge. It tracks from 0.7 5 to 1.7 5 g ram s w ith LP ’s an d 3 to 7 grams with 78's.
Stanton 680HIFI........$80.00 D6827.........$75.00
Th e Stan to n 68 1 E E E M K III is for th e hig h e st qu a lity , a u d iophile t u rn tables . Its bu ilt-in brush sweeps the record as it plays. It provides audiophile reproduction. We do not offe r cu st o m sized st yli f o r th is c a rtrid g e . It tr a ck s f ro m 0. 75 to 1.75 gr a m s w ith LP ’s and 3 to 7 grams with 78's.
Stanton 681 EEE M K III.......$144.95 D6827.........$75.00
Include $4 .25 to co ve r sh ippin g. IL residents a dd 7.2 5% IST