INDEX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1. CONFIGURATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
2.1. Configuration with Layer Setting Service (LSS) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.2. Configuration with Service Data Objects (SDO) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2. OBJECT DICTIONARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

2.1. Configuration with Layer Setting Service (LSS)
Use the following tables to set the Node ID and bit rate using the LSS protocol.
* For the configuration with LSS, the bit rate settings of Master device and Slave device must be the
* For configuration with LSS, only Master and Slave devices should be in the network.
* The default bit rate for your EPA300 device is 250 kbps and the Node ID is 1.
** To change any value with LSS, the device must be in Configuration Mode.
*** Please restart your device for changes to take effect.
LSS-Master Request COB-ID for LSS-Slave operations: 0x7E5
LSS-Slave Response COB-ID for LSS-Master operations: 0x7E4
To switch to the Configuration mode required to make Node ID or Baud Rate changes; If you do not want
all devices to use the Switch Mode Global command; Use Switch Mode Selective commands only if it is a
device on your network. For Selective mode, you need to know one of the Vendor ID, Product Code,
Revision Number, Serial Number or Node ID of your device. If you do not know, you can use the Inquire
commands by connecting your Master device and the Slave device you want to learn.
Switch Mode Global -
Operation Mode
Command to import all connected devices
into Operational Mode
Switch Mode Global -
Configuration Mode
Command to import all connected devices
into Configuration Mode
Vendor ID request command from sensor
The answer from the sensor contains the
Vendor ID information.
Command to request product code from
The answer from the sensor contains
Product Code information
Inquire - Revision
Request Revision Number from Sensor
Revision Number :
The response from the sensor contains
Revision Number information
Command to request Serial Number from
Serial Number :
The response from the sensor contains
Serial Number information.
Command to request Node ID from sensor
The response from the sensor contains
Node ID information.
Switch Mode Selective
– Vendor ID : 0xZZ
0xZZ Command to import Vendor ID device
into Configuration Mode

Switch Mode Selective
– Product Code :
0xZZYY Command to import Product Code
Device into Configuration Mode
Switch Mode Selective-
Revision Number:
0xZZYYXX Command to import Revision
Number Device into Configuration Mode
Switch Mode Selective
– Serial Nr. :
0xZZYYXXTT Command to import Serial
Number Device into Configuration Mode
Switch Mode Selective
Response from sensor to switch to
Configuration Mode: 'YY'=00= Successful
'YY'=01= Unsuccessful
*** Please restart the device for changes to take effect.
You can use the following commands to make Node ID and Bitrate changes in your Slave device that you
have imported in Configuration mode. After the changes you have made, you must use the store
configuration command to save changes from the temporary memory to the permanent memory.
Sensor command for bit rate change
Values for [XX]: '00'=10 kbps, '01'=20 kbps,
'02'=50 kbps, '03'=100 kbps, '04'=125
'05'=250 kbps, '06'=500 kbps,
'07'= 800 kbps, '08'= 1000 kpbs
Configure Bit Rate
Response from the sensor for bit rate
change: 'YY'=00= Successful
'YY'=01= Unsuccessful
Sensor command for Node ID change:
for [XX]: Value between 1 and 127
Configure Node ID
Response from the sensor for Node ID
change: 'YY'=00= Successful 'YY'=01=
Store Configuration
The response to the command to save
changes: 'YY'=00= Successful 'YY'=01=
*** Please restart the device for changes to take effect.

2.2. Configuration with Service Data Objects (SDO)
Use the following tables to set any parameters with the SDO protocol.
* For the configuration with SDO, the bit rate settings of Master device and Slave device should be
* Node IDs of all CANopen devices in the network should be different from each other.
* The default bit rate for your EPA300 device is 250 kbps and the Node ID is 1.
** To change any value with SDO, the device must be in Configuration Mode.
*** Please restart your device for changes to take effect.
Write command
Index: 0xYYZZ Subindex: 0xXX
Confirmation that the parameter
successfully registered
Read command
Index: 0xYYZZ Subindex: 0xXX
Contains the information of the data
being read.
Index: 0xYYZZ Subindex: 0xXX
If a command fails, it contains
information about what the error
Index: 0xYYZZ Subindex: 0xXX
Hata kodu: [0xPPRRSSTT]
0x06090011: Subindex is incorrect
Error code: [0xPPRRSSTT] 0x06090030: Max value exceeded
list 0x06020000: Index is incorrect
0x06010001: Parameter writeonly
0x06010002: Parameter read-only
0x08000020: Data transfer error
0x08000000: General error
0x08000022: Incorrect state
*** Please restart the device for changes to take effect.
Example to make Node ID 2 of device with Node ID 1:
(NodeID): index=0x3001, subindex=0x00
Write command
Data: 0x00000002
Node ID changed successfully
Node ID 2, Bit rate of 250 kbps device to make 125 kbps example:
(baudrate): index=0x3000, subindex=0x00

Write command / Data: 0x00000004
Options for the last two digits:
'00'=10 kbps, '01'=20 kbps, '02'=50 kbps,
'03'=100 kbps, '04'=125 kbps,
'05'=250 kbps, '06'=500 kbps,
'07'= 800 kbps, '08'= 1000 kpbs
Confirmation that the parameter
successfully registered