ESI Voice Works 16 User Manual

Administrator manual
Rev. B
About ESI
ESI (Estech Systems, Inc.) is a privately held corporation based in Plano, Texas, in the internationally known “Telecom Corridor.” Founded in 1987, ESI designs and builds innovative telecommunications products for businesses like yours. Because of their powerful combination of value and features, ESI products are consistently recognized by industry publications and leaders. In fact, ESI also creates tele­communications products for major companies to market under their well-known brand names.
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Table of contents
General description................................................................................................................................A-1
Auto attendant features ......................................................................................................................................................A-1
V oice mail features..............................................................................................................................................................A-1
What a system administrator does.......................................................................................................B-1
Re-recording prompts ...................................................................................................................................................B-1
Distributing the user’s guide..........................................................................................................................................B-1
Assigning user mailboxes.............................................................................................................................................B-1
Assign special mailboxes..............................................................................................................................................B-1
Introduction: Programming VoiceWorks16............................................................................................C-1
Keypad methodology....................................................................................................................................................C-1
Entering programming ..................................................................................................................................................C-1
Administrator’s programming menu tree...........................................................................................................................C-2
Function 1: System parameters............................................................................................................D-1
Function 12: Administrator password................................................................................................................................D-1
Function 16: Time and date................................................................................................................................................D-1
Function 4: Auto attendant programming...........................................................................................E-1
Function 43: Automatic day/night mode table..................................................................................................................E-1
Function 431: Day/night mode.....................................................................................................................................E-1
Function 5: Voice mail programming ...................................................................................................F-1
Overview: Mailbo x types.....................................................................................................................................................F-1
User mailboxes..............................................................................................................................................................F-1
Guest mailboxes............................................................................................................................................................F-1
Informational mailboxes................................................................................................................................................F-1
Group mailboxes............................................................................................................................................................F-1
Broadcast mailbox.........................................................................................................................................................F-2
Cascade paging mailboxes..........................................................................................................................................F-2
Question-and-answer (Q&A) mailboxes......................................................................................................................F-2
Function 53: Mailbox programming...................................................................................................................................F-2
Function 54: Group mailbox es and the broadcast mailbox.............................................................................................F-4
Function 55: Off-premises notification parameters..........................................................................................................F-5
Function 56: Cascade paging mailboxes..........................................................................................................................F-7
Function 561: Cascade mailbox options.....................................................................................................................F-7
Function 562: Paging interval.......................................................................................................................................F-8
Function 57: Q&A mailbox es..............................................................................................................................................F-9
Function 6: Recording........................................................................................................................... G-1
Function 61: Re-record system prompts ......................................................................................................................... G-1
Re-recordable prompts........................................................................................................................................ G-2
Function 62: Record directory names.............................................................................................................................. G-3
Function 63: Message-on-hold programming................................................................................................................. G-4
Function 631: MOH source ......................................................................................................................................... G-4
Function 633: MOH volume......................................................................................................................................... G-5
Function 7: Reports................................................................................................................................H-1
Function 72: Auto Attendant Report..................................................................................................................................H-1
Function 73: Extension Department Report.....................................................................................................................H-1
Function 74: Voice Mail Statistics Report..........................................................................................................................H-1
Function 8: Exit Programming Mode .................................................................................................... I-1
Function 81: Exit programming and return to main greeting............................................................................................ I-1
Function 82. Exit programming and disconnect................................................................................................................I-1
(This page included for pagination purposes only.)
General description
General description
2 to 16 ports with over 70 hours of voice storage, and 1,000 mailboxes. It is housed in a small ABS plastic case that is wall mounted in the telephone equipment room. The system consists of a cabinet which houses up to 4 port cards, a main board and a memory module. An exter­nal wall mounted power transformer powers the system.
Programming of the system can be done from a standard PC using the VoiceWorks application through either the serial port or modem. Programming can also be done from any telephone by dialing V oiceW orks of touch-tone commands. VoiceWorks mer through all system programming on a prompted, step-by-step basis. Recording of system announcements, prompts or directory names are done through the phone. The VoiceWorks automated attendant’s audio-text branches can be programmed with up to 100 announce­ments and can be of any length. Announcements and name changes or other day -to-day operations are accomplished via dial-up using an Administrator's password. Other, more per­manent, programming can be accessed only by a higher level, programmer's password.
Auto attendant features
is a standalone voice mail and auto attendant system that can be configured for
Installe r
directly, then entering the appropriate password and a series
built-in voice instructional prompts walk the program-
VoiceWorks16 contains an automated attendant that provides traditional automatic answering of incoming calls, presentation of choices to the caller, and connection to destination based on those choices. The system’s call routing follows a branch concept whereby the caller is routed through a series of branches to the destination he/she wishes to reach. He/she moves from branch to branch by selecting a number or name presented in an announcement. Call routing can contain up to 6 levels of branches with each branch at each level capable of advancing to up to 8 more branches (total branches not to exceed 100). Based on the phonepad responses , a caller is routed along a path from branch to branch to: a preset extension or department, an alphabetic or all names directory, or another menu branch for further choices.
Voice mail features
VoiceWorks16, in conjunction with its auto attendant, will have designated busy and/or no an­swer stations rerouted to their corresponding mailboxes or other ex tensions automatically.
A caller who has manually entered a mailbox number or who has been redirected by the auto attendant will hear the user's personal greeting such as “Hi, this is John Jones, I'm either on the phone or awa y from my desk, please leave me a message at the tone.” After the message has been left, the caller will hear another instructional prompt such as “To reach an oper ator press 0, or if finished press * and hang up.”
When a mailbox owner uses a personal password to enter the mailbox, the system will play the number of new and old messages currently in the mailbox and then play all messages starting with the oldest of the remaining new messages. The user can ex ecute the following options during or at the end of each message: pause, save, delete, reply to sender, back-up, hear time & date stamp, move the message to another mailbox (with or without a preamble) or leave a message in another mailbox.
Reply to sender will operate only if another user who was logged into his/her mailbox when they left the message.
General description
Group mailboxes allow authorized individuals to “broadcast” a message to several members' mailboxes at one time. Even though a group mailbox can have many members, a group mes­sage only uses memory storage as one message.
Cascade paging mailboxes can be assigned when messages received require that several external pagers be notified. Informational mailboxes can be created to provide information to outside callers.
A mailbox user can also control many mailbox functions once his pass word has been entered: record, delete or hear his personal greeting; hear or enter a new passw ord; hear, add, or de­lete members from a group mailbox; add or delete his pager or telephone number.
The system can have up to 1000 individual mailboxes plus up to 16 group mailboxes. Each mailbox can have a maximum of 128 messages.
What a system administrator does
What a system administrator does
System Administrator’s
•ýMaintaining the employee directory (if used)
•ýAssigning/deleting mailboxes
•ýRe-recording prompts
•ýAdministering manual change of day/night mode (if required)
•ýTraining new employees on the system's operation Once the installer has completed putting VoiceWorks
is used to gain access to VoiceWorks programmed by dialing in either “locally” (from a system e x tension) or remotely, such as from your home or other location.
When VoiceWorks16 answers, enter the administrator's password during the first few seconds of the main greeting. VoiceW orks ply follow the instructional voice prompts to make any desired changes.
Refer to this Administrator's Manual for the programming functions that the administrator's password can access.
duties may include:
and make the desired changes. VoiceWorks16 can be
will respond with a menu of all programmable options; sim-
in place, the Administrator's password
The Administrator and users will require training and preparation for the cutover:
Re-recording prompts
VoiceWorks16 has all necessary prompts pre-recorded to assist in initial set-up. You may wish to re-record some or all of them. The main greeting must be re-recorded and may require oc­casional updating for holidays, etc. It’s best to write out a script and practice.
Distributing the u ser’s guide
Reproduce the user guide and distribute it to your organization. It should provide enough detail for each user to get started. The user guide should also become part of your new employee kit.
Assigning user mailboxes
User mailboxes will always match their extension number. If you hav e outside employees, assign them mailbox numbers that are out of the range of your existing phone system exten­sion numbers but within the mailbox range set by the installer.
Assign special mailboxes
The numbers for group mailboxes (see page F-1) and cascade paging mailboxes (see page F-
2) are pre-set. Work out their best use for your organization and distribute the group mailbox numbers accordingly.
General description
(This page included for pagination purposes only.)
Introduction: Programming VoiceWorks
Introduction: Programming VoiceWorks
VoiceWorks16 is programmable by using an y standard touchtone phone (either locally — within your phone system — or remotely, such as from home or another location). Once con­nected to VoiceWorks
, enter the Administrator password to enter programming mode. Programming is accomplished by following voice prompts through the Programming Menu Tree. The prompts are intended to be descriptive and detailed. You do not have to wait for the entire prompt to play— you can enter a value and/or the # key during any prompt. As you be­come more familiar with a function, you can step through its prompts very quickly.
Keypad methodology
During DTMF programming the keystroke methodology is as follows:
Code Action
Acts as an enter key. It will also confirm the new or existing entry and advance to the next programming step.
Backs up to the previous prompt. Erases, or replaces any existing recording or entry with no
entry. When entered from the programmer’s main menu, exits
programming mode and goes to the automated attendant’s main greeting.
When entered from the programmer’s main menu, exits programming mode and goes on-hook.
Always use
to exit programming mode. VoiceWorks
will wait a maximum of fifteen minutes without programming entry before automatically exiting programming mode and returning the port on-hook. Hanging up without e xiting these will require a 15­minute wait before the programmer can re-enter the programming mode.
(Cycling the
system’ s power also resets the timer.)
When a programming function is accessed, VoiceWorks
will play one of the following:
•ýThe default value for the programmed phone system type, or “None" if no default e xists.
•ýThe existing value , if previously programmed.
If the function has multiple entries, VoiceWorks
may begin with a command to enter the par­ticular extension, mailbox or port to be programmed. At any point where a programming entry was made in error, use the * key to bac k up to the previous instructional prompt.
The contents of any function can be played without being altered. Access the function, then use the # key to advance through the values without replacing them with new values .
Entering programming
To enter the VoiceWorks16 system for programming, dial to one of the extensions to which it’s connected. VoiceW orks then enter the Administrator passw ord assigned b y your installer, and complete the entry by pressing # (for example:
programming menu tree.
will answer with the automated attendant main greeting. Press
4 5 6 #.)
* *
will respond with the main menu for the
That men u tree is as shown on the next page.
* *,
Introduction: Programming VoiceWorks
Administrator’s programming menu tree
F1 System Parameters
12 Passwords
122 Administrator
16 Time and Date
F4 Auto Attendant Programming
43 Day/Night T ab les
431 Day/Night Mode
F5 Voice Mail Programming
53 Mailbox Programming
531 User Mailboxes 532 Guest Mailboxes 533 Informational Mailboxes
5331 Range
5332 Reroute 54 Group Mailboxes 55 Off-Premise Notification P a rameters
551 Delivery Options
56 Cascade Mailbox es
561 Mailbox Programming 562 Paging Interval
57 Q&A Mailboxes
F6 Recordings
61 Prompt/Branch Recordings 62 Directory Name Recordings 63 Message On Hold (MOH)
631 MOH Source 633 MOH V olume
F7 Reports
72 Auto Attendant Report
721 Report w/o Clearing Totals 722 Report and Clear Totals
73 Extension Department Report
731 Report w/o Clearing Totals 732 Report and Clear Totals
74 Voice Mail Statistics Report
741 Report w/o Clearing Totals 742 Report and Clear Totals
F8 Exit Programming
81 Exit and Return to Main Greeting 82 Exit and Hang Up
Function 1: System parameters
Function 1: System parameters
Function 12: Administrator password
These functions will play the existing passw ord and prompt the programmer fo r entry of a new Administrator password. The Administrator can program only those functions listed in this manual; other func ti on s req ui re t he Ins t all e r.
Setting range
The password can be 2 to 8 digits long.
Administrator Passw ord (Function 122) =
Programming steps
Select the Administrator’s password.
Enter a new password, followed by the # key. Or, press the # key to confirm the
current password. To continue programming, press the * key to back up to the main menu. If finished, select
Function 8 from the main menu to exit programming.
Be sure to write down the new password and keep it in a saf e place.
You may override any user’s mailbox password using the Administrator password.
Function 16: Time and date
Time and date need to be programmed to facilitate the time-and-date stamp for messages and also for the automated attendant’s automatic timetables.
does Savings Time. However, leap days (quadrennial February 29s) matically.
Setting range
Any valid time and date is allowed. A new time is entered in a twelve-hour format, because VoiceWorks
allows se tti n g for AM or PM.
Factory-set time and date (Central time zone).
automatically update for regions which observe Daylight
handled auto-
is fully Year 2000 compliant.
+ 23 hidden pages