ESI VIP Quick Quick Reference

User’ s Guide
Rev. B
Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 1
VIP: A n ove rvie w...........................................................................................................................................2
Setting up VIP................................................................................................................................................ 6
Using VIP.....................................................................................................................................................13
VIP Call Control window: Quick overview ...................................................................................................................................................13
Unified messaging.........................................................................................................................................................................................15
Saving voice messages as .WAV files.........................................................................................................................................................17
Contact management....................................................................................................................................................................................18
Basic call commands....................................................................................................................................................................................19
Call activity folders in Outlook.......................................................................................................................................................................20
Station programming in VIP......................................................................................................................... 21
Customization............................................................................................................................................. 22
Customizing the Call Window command buttons......................................................................................................................................22
Customizing the VIP toolbar.........................................................................................................................................................................22
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 23
About ESI
ESI (Estech Systems, Inc.) is a privately held corporation based in Plano, Texas. Founded in 1987, ESI designs and builds innovative telecommunications products for businesses like yours. Because of their pow erful c ombi nation of value and features, E SI pro ducts are consistently recognized by in dustr y publications and leaders.
Visit ESI on the Web at
Copyright © 2004 ESI (Estech Systems, Inc.). IVX is a registered trademark, and VIP (Visually Integrated Phone) is a trademark, of ESI. Microsoft, Windows, NT, and Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel and Pentium are regis ter ed trademarks of Intel Corporation. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Some features described herein may not be available at initial product release. ESI products are protected by U.S. Patents No. 6,067,349 and 6,252,944, and others pending. ESI is an ISO 9001:2000-certified company.
VIP Quick -R e ference User’s Guide Introduction
Combining the ad vanced cap ab ilit ies o f your ES I phone system with the pow er o f Microsoft VIP (Visually Integrated Phone)
from ESI pro vides advanced call and message handling for today’s busi ne ss customer s. VIP takes Outlook’s powerful applications and adds the missing critical application: control of your telephone and voice mail. VIP lets you intelligently do the follow ing, and mo re :
Manage your telephone calls — Handle incoming and outgoing calls to your stat ion
with various ESI syst e m feat ures.
Man age you r voic e mail — View your voice and e-ma il mes s ages , live call recordings, and personal
memos i n one Outlook Inbox; prioritize each message by importance; and select for playback voice mail messages, in any order. You also can resto re dele te d voice ma il mess ages .
Manage your contacts — Keep your cont ac ts in a ce nt r al loca tion, including Outlook Contacts,
Station List, Company Speed-Dial List, Remote Location List, a nd the VIP Quick Call L ist.
Log all your inbound and outbound calls — View and print a history of your station’s call activity.
Program your phone from y o u r PC.
, in conjunction
Your phone. In this and other ESI user documentation, we will use the term phone and station interchangably. To be precise,
station doesn’t necessarily mean the same as phone, but it’s easier to understand the concept that way.
VIP: An overview VIP Quic k -Referen c e User’s Guide
VIP: An overview
Note: This section gives you a high-level overview of VIP’s features. For greater detail, refer to the
individual feature descriptions in the VIP Setup and User’s Guide (ESI #0450-0513).
You access VIP’s fe atures through th e familiar Outlook in terface. This gives you a quick and convenient way to manage your ca lls and con tacts, along with the Outlook features with which you’re already familiar. The following illustration describes VIP’s features:
1. Options button, which sets VIP configuration and preferences
4. VIP button, which launches the Call Window
3. New e-mail
2. New voice m ai l and VI P toolbar
5. Contacts, including eed dial lists
6. Mini-alert
7. Call activity folders
1. The Options button on the toolbar launches a separate window where you must configure VIP with your station (e xtension) number, mailbox password, the NSP IP Address , and por t numbe r.
You’ll be prompted to select t he Options button when first installing VIP. You can also access other standard Outlook options from this button.
2. In the Outlook Inbox shown above, a new voice mail ap pears in the list, along with the name and number informa tion (C a ller ID2), message duration, and date.
Because the mess age is highlighted, the VIP toolbar is active, letting you Play, Delete, and Save
the voice mail. You can playback the mes s age th roug h the spe ak er (or hands e t , if it’s off-hook) of the ESI 48-Key Fea tu re Phone assoc iated with the voice mailbox.
You also can return the person’s call (if the Caller ID data is available). The VIP Advantage: You can view all your messages at once and choose which ones to play.
For network information, contact your ESI Reseller or System Administrator.
If you have subscribed to Caller ID service from your telephone service provider.
VIP Quick -R e ference Use r’s Guid e VIP: An overview
3. E-mails will app ear in the Inbox, as they norma lly do.
The VIP advantag e: Now, both E-mails and voice ma ils appea r in
a single location fo r more efficient handling .
4. The VIP button on the toolbar launches the Call Window (shown
below). You use this window to make inbound and outbound calls, and to access other common call-handling features you normally use on your ESI phone.
The illustration below shows a typical Call Window feature configuration, such as after first installing VIP on your computer.
The me nu bar contains the remaining call-handling features (under Commands) that aren’t displayed on command buttons. You’ll also find user help and user phon e pro gr am ming, along wi t h ot her custom ization options, under Tools on the me nu bar .
The two-line call s tatus display shows a variety of states, such as: date and time (when your station is idle/on-hook); Caller ID; call forward, etc. It also changes to a data entry field so you can type in a phone numbe r to call.
The call command but ton area shows up to 12 buttons, eight of whic h you can remove and/or replac e with ot her call features. The four remaining buttons (top row) are permanent and can’t be removed or replaced.
The VIP Quick Call lis t is a list of names you add by dragging-and-dropping names from your Outlook
Contacts and speed-dial lists. Once the list is populated, you can scroll through the alphabetical VIP contact list, highlight the name, and double-click to place a call to that person.
The VIP advantag e: Call-handling is a mouse-click away.
5. The Contacts fold er inc lu des Outlook Contacts and up to
thr ee diff erent VIP lists: Company Speed Dia l, Re mo te Loca t ion List, and Station List. The lists will automatically populate the first time you install VIP. The Outlook Contacts folder remains the same, conta in ing a lis t of pers ona l con t a cts. In addition, VIP provid es you with up to three different speed-dial lists:
Company Speed-Dial — All system speed-dials (600-699 numbers) on the system.
Remote Location List — All location numbers on the s ystem.
Station List — All stations (extensions) on the system.
The VIP advantag e: having a list of personal contacts,
employee contacts, pre-programmed speed-dial numbers, and location numbers in one place in your Outlook menu.
Available only if either the Installer or the System Administrator has set up a System Dex.
Available only if your system is using Esi-Link. For more information, consult your System Administrator.
VIP: An overview VIP Quic k -Referen c e User’s Guide
6. The mini-alert is a small “bubb le” that appears in the lower right-han d corner of your screen to provide you with a variety of information. You can perform the following actions when the mini-alert appears:
Incoming call — Click the Caller ID informa tion. Th is takes you to the Call Window, where you can handle the call.
New voice mails messages or e-mails — Click New E-mail or New Voice Mail. T his takes yo u to the Outlook In b ox, where you can view your mess ages .
Missed calls — Click New Missed Call . This takes you to the VIP Missed Calls fo l d er in Outlook, wher e yo u can view a list of those calls.
The VIP advantag e: Without having to take yo ur eyes o f f you r work on-screen, you can make a
quick decision whether to (a.) pick up the call or (b .) kee p wor k ing and let the ca ller be t ransferred automatically to you r voice ma ilbox.
7. The Call Log, Missed Calls, and Recycle Bin folders , all of which automatically populate, require no mainte nanc e, and contain speci fic inform ation:
(a.) Call Log (shown below) contains a viewable and printable list of incoming, ou tgoing, an d
tra nsfer red calls associated with your sta tion. You can also plac e an outbound call if the call record provides Caller ID data.
(b.) Missed Calls contains an ongoing list of missed ca lls from yo ur sta t ion . You can place an
outbound call if the sp ec ific m iss ed -c a ll reco rd provides Caller ID data.
(c.) The Recycle Bin contains the last 10 voice mail messages that you deleted. You can play a
deleted message from the Recycle Bin or restore it to your Inbox. As with Call History and Missed Calls, you can place an outbound call fro m the Recycle Bin if the record provides Caller ID data.
VIP Quick -R e ference Use r’s Guid e VIP: An overview
Overview example: Using VIP
Note: Phone system features mentioned below are explained in detail later on in this manual, as well as in
your ESI phone system’s specific documentation. Visit for more information.
The first time you open Outlook after you install VIP, you’ll be prompted to click the Options button on the VIP toolbar to configure VIP. Once you’ve done so , click the VIP button on the same toolbar to launch the Call Window, so you can make or receive calls.
Let’s say that a ca ll co mes in. When your phone rings, the Call Window and mini-alert show Caller ID informat ion. You can h andle the incoming call i n s everal ways s uch as: answerin g the call (ANSWER); using a virtual answer greeting (VIRTUAL ANSWER 1); or letting the phone ring and let the caller leave a message in your voice mailbox. Y ou can use even more options — for example, listening to the caller while he lea ves a message (MESSAGE MONITOR). If the caller leaves a message, you can select it by loo king in your Ou tlook Inbox, h ighligh t ing the mess age, and then c licking PLAY on the VIP toolbar (you also can just doub le-c lic k the mes s age) . While you’re in the Inbox, of course, you can also read any new e-mails.
But what if the caller hears your greeting and decides not to leave a message? This would be a missed call, which you can view in the Missed Calls fold er .
Throughout the day, you can handle your inco ming ca lls with the Call Window. You also can use different command but tons to place outgoing calls.
Finally, let’s say it’s now time to leave work, and you want to set your mailbox to play a different greeting because you’ll be out of tow n the next day. Just access us er progr a mmin g unde r Tools in the Call Window . Unde r the Pers onal Greet i ngs tab, you see that greeting 2 is recorded (and you know it’s the one needed to allow message notification to your cell phone), so you select it. Then, switch to the External Message Notification tab and ensure that delivery to your cell phone is chosen, enter the appropriate cell phone number, and click A pply to update your phone. Your phone is now set to handle calls while you’re out of the office.
This is only a small example of what VIP can d o. However, you can see that VIP’s various elements work together to ma ximize the usa bility and efficien cy of both yo ur ESI phone system and Outlook.
Setting up VIP VIP Qui c k -Referen c e User’s Guid e
Setting up VIP
To install and configure VIP correctly, complete all of the following four s teps (e xp lained in detail beginning below). Failure to do so may result in VIP’s not functioning properly.
1. Observe minimum ESI hardware and computer software requirements.
2. Install the VIP software.
3. Configure station and network op tions.
4. Set up Outlook dialing options and properties.
Step 1: Observe minimum ESI hardware and computer software requirements
ESI hardware requirements
One of the follow ing ES I phone systems, with installed Netw o rk Services Processor (NSP)
– IVX X-Class – IVX E-Class – IVX S-Class
ESI Digital or [local] IP 48-Key Feature Phone
2 2
at the extension
Computer system requirements
One of the follow ing opera t ing syst e ms: – Windows – Windows NT
Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002, or 2003.
Intel® Pentium® II 400 MHz proces sor or bette r
128 MB of RAM
15 MB of hard dri ve free sp ace :
– 12 MB for installed so ftw a re – 3 MB for temporary setup files
98, 2000, ME, or XP
4 with S er vice Pack 6 (w orkstati on only)
IVX X-Class has a built-in NSP.
Generation II systems only.
Currently, VIP doesn’t support Remote IP Feature Phones.
VIP Quick -R e ference Use r’s Guid e Setting up VIP
Step 2: Install the VIP software
The ESI Reseller or System Administrator must enable your voice mailbox for VIP. If you aren’t sure if your voice mailbox is enabled for VIP, please co ntact your Sy s tem Administrator.
Important: If you have a previous version of VIP on your system, uninstall it before installing this version.1 If you’re installing VI P on Windows NT, 2000, or XP, you must have Windows Administrator log-in
privileges before continuing. Consult your (phone) System Administrator if necessary.
Obtaining the VIP installer software fr om the W eb
ESI makes the VIP installer software available both on a CD-ROM and as a free download from ESI’s User’s Guide We b si te .
If you get the CD-ROM, proceed to “T o insta ll VIP” (below). However, if you are
working with th e Web download, pleas e follow th ese inst ruct ions first.
1. Point your Web browser to This will ta ke you to the “Dow nloadables”
page on ESI’s special Web site for users of its products.
2. Click the link for VIP software. Thi s i s a self-expanding archive file, VIP.exe. When your Web
browser a s ks whether you want to open or save the file, select save and pick a location on y our PC where you can find the file again in subsequent steps.
3. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the location where you saved VIP.exe in step 2.
Depending on your “Folders” settings in Windows , the file will appear as either “VIP” or “VIP. exe.”
4. Double-click VIP.exe to expand the needed files. One of them, Setup.exe,
is the VIP installer file .
To install VIP
1. Close Outlook — including any open messages, reminders, or other Outlook items, even if they
appear in separate windows.
2. If you haven’t done so already, assign a pas s w ord at you r phon e: pres s PROGRAM 5 1 and follow
the prompt instructions to set a password.
3. Access the CD or directory that contains the VIP installe r file, Setup.exe.
4. Double-click the VIP Insta ller file . This will cause the VIP Setup Wizard to appea r.
5. Follow the inst a llat ion ins truc tions disp laye d by the VIP Setup Wizard.
6. When the installation is complete, launch Outlook.
7. If this is the first time VIP has been installed on this PC, you will be prompted to select the VIP tab in
the Options window. Proceed to “Step 3: Configure station and network o ptions” (page 8).
To uninstal l V IP
1. Close Outlook — including any open messages, reminders, or other Outlook items, even if they
appear in separate windows.
2. Select Settings from the Windows Start menu.
3. Select Control Panel and double-click Add/Remove Programs.
4. Choose VIP.
5. Select Remove VIP and click Finish.
6. When prompted to confirm removal, click Yes.
This will not erase your settings, contacts, logs, etc.; they will reappear when you install the current version of VIP.
Your ESI phone system must be properly licensed before VIP will work with it. For more information about system licensing,
consult your Syste m Administrator o r ESI Reseller.
The “.exe” extender may not appear in some cases, depend i n g o n your Windows Folders settings in Explorer.
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