User’s Guide
Thank you for purchasing the
KeyControl 25/49 XT. KeyControl 25/49
XT provides everything you need to
control software synthesizers,
sequencing software, other MIDI
equipment and much more directly and
conveniently in a stylish product with a
stable aluminium cabinet enclosure.
KeyControl 25/49 XT provides 25 or 49
full size keys, a MODULATION SLIDER,
a PITCH BEND wheel, a SHIFT and two
OCT/TRANS buttons as well as 4
endless encoders (R1-R4).
Configuration is done via the buttons
and the functions assigned to each key
(conveniently printed above the key),
including the numeric keys that allow
you to enter numbers.
Please note that this document covers
the basics of the various built-in
functions. However, this manual is not
intended to explain the basics about
MIDI, MIDI controller messages, MIDI
programs, MIDI channels or anything
about typical audio-/MIDI sequencing
software. If you need to get more
information about MIDI (i.e. you don’t
know what a MIDI controller actually is
for example), a good start is usually the
manual of your notation or sequencing
software (i.e. the included Cubase LE 5).
In addition there are a lot of details about
MIDI on the Internet. A good technical
resource and great starting point is
www.midi.org, some details are typically
also provided in various forums about
audio / MIDI and home recording.
KeyControl 25/49 XT gets connected via
the included USB cable to your
computer. This connection powers the
keyboard and is used to transfer the
MIDI data to your computer. KeyControl
25/49 XT works with computers using
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows
XP or Mac OS X. You can also use
KeyControl 25/49 XT without a
computer. To do that an external (not
included) 12V / 0.5A DC power supply
and a standard MIDI connection cable is
Octave Change
To change the octave range of the
keyboard up or down, press the left
(down) or right (up) OCT/TRANS button.
A solid (non-flashing) LED light under
the button cover will show that the
octave has changed. If the LED is
flashing instead, you have changed the
transposition (see below). To select
between octave and transposition
change, you need to press the SHIFT
button and then hit the OCT/TRANS key.
To change the transposition of the
keyboard up or down, press the left
(down) or right (up) OCT/TRANS button.
A flashing (not solid) LED light under the
button cover will show that the
transposition has changed. If the LED is
solid instead, you have moved the
octave range (see above). To select
between transposition and octave
change, you need to press the SHIFT
button and then hit the OCT/TRANS key.
Program Change
To change the program (instrument),
press the SHIFT button and then hit the
PROGRAM key. Now enter the program
number with the numeric keys (from 0 to
127) and once finished, hit the ENTER
MIDI Channel
To change the MIDI channel, press the
SHIFT button and then hit the
CHANNEL key. Now enter the MIDI
channel number with the numeric keys
(from 1 to 16) and once finished, hit the
ENTER key.
Velocity Curve
KeyControl 25/59 XT has 5 velocity
curves available: 1. hard; 2. normal; 3.
soft; 4. fixed at 100; 5. fixed at 127. To
select the curve, press the SHIFT button
and then hit the VELOCITY key. Now
enter the number of the curve with the
numeric keys (from 1 to 5) and once
finished, hit the ENTER key.
Bank Select
To select a different instrument bank,
press the SHIFT button and then hit the
BANK MSB (for bank MSB bank
selection) or BANK LSB (for bank LSB
bank selection) key. Now enter the bank
number with the numeric keys (from 0 to
127) and once finished, hit the ENTER
key. Note that most sound modules
require you to change the program after
selecting the bank.
GM / GS selection
To send out a GM or GS initialisation
string, press the SHIFT button and then
hit the GM/GS key. The first time you do
this, a GM init string is set, the next time
a GS init string, then again GM, and so
Sustain Pedal Polarity
The polarity of the sustain pedal input
can be changed by pressing the SHIFT
button, followed by hitting the PEDAL
POL key. Every time you do this, the
polarity is swapped.
Sustain Pedal Controller Assignment
To assign a controller number to the
sustain pedal input, press the SHIFT
button and then hit the PEDAL SET key.
Now enter the controller number with the
numeric keys (from 0 to 127) and once
finished, hit the ENTER key.
Modulation Slider Controller Assign.
To assign a controller number to the
slider, press the SHIFT button and then
hit the SLIDER SET key. Now enter the
controller number with the numeric keys
(from 0 to 127) and once finished, hit the
ENTER key. By default, the slider is set
to modulation (controller number 1).
Endless Encoder Controller Assign.
To assign a controller number to any of
the 4 endless encoders (R1 to R4),
press the SHIFT button and then hit the
ENCODER SET key. Now touch / turn
the encoder that you want to change.
After that, enter the controller number
with the numeric keys (from 0 to 127)
and once finished, hit the ENTER key.
Load and Save configuration
KeyControl 25/49 XT allows you to save
the configuration to an internal register.
You can save up to 10 different
configurations (0 to 9).
To save the current settings to a
register, press the SHIFT button,
followed by hitting the REGISTER key
and the number key (0 to 9)
simultaneously. It is important you hit
both keys at the same time to save the
To load a configuration from a register,
press the SHIFT button, then hit the
REGISTER key and then the desired
number key (0 - 9) followed by the
ENTER key.
To reset all notes, press the SHIFT
button and then hit the RESET ALL key.
General Information
For technical support inquiries, contact
your nearest dealer, local distributor or
check www.esi-audio.com online.
ESI, KeyControl, KeyControl 25 XT and
KeyControl 49 XT are trademarks of ESI
Audiotechnik GmbH. Windows is a
trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Cubase is a registered trademark of
Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
Other product and brand names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.
All features and specifications are
subject change without notice. Parts of
this manual are continually being
updated. Please check our web site
occasionally for the most recent update
Declaration of Conformity
The product described in this manual is manuf actured in
China by ESI Audiotechnik GmbH, Brennerstraße 48, D-
71229 Leonberg, Germany. The product is labelled with t he
CE mark and conform to the protection requirements of the
European Electromagnetic Compatibilit y Standards and
Directives. The product is designed and constructed s uch
that electromagnetic disturbances generated do n ot exceed
levels allowing radio and telecommunications equipment and
other equipment to operate as intended, and, the pro duct has
an adequate level of intrinsic immunit y to electromagnetic
disturbance to enable operation as specified and in tended.
The product is marketed as ESI KeyCont rol 25/49 XT
controller keyboard.
With reference to regulations in the directives 73/23/EEC ,
89/336/EEC, the equipment listed above is c overed by this
certificate and labelled with th e CE mark conforms to the
following standards: EN55103-1 & EN55103-2 (Product
family standard for audio, video, aud io-visual and
entertainment lighting control apparatus for professional use).
This declaration is made by Cla us Riethmüller (Managing
Director, ESI Audiotechnik GmbH).
Leonberg 06.05.2010
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City Date Signature