ESI IVX20 Plus Service Manual

IVX 20 Plus: additional features
Administrator’s programming supplement to the IVX 20 documentation
Thank you for your purchase of the IVX 20 Plus. In addition to what is covered in your IVX 20 Administrator’s Manual, this system has additional programmable features, described herein, as well
as changes in the way you program previously available functions; so please use this supplement with your Administrator’s Manual.
Remote setting/recording of day, night and holiday modes
What’s new: The ability to re-record ID1 remotely.
Normally, the system’s day/night mode operation will be manually controlled at a Digital Feature Phone and/or set to follow the day/night mode tables (programmed by the Installer) automatically. In addition, the Administrator can remotely change the mode and/or re-record the day/night main greeting and holiday greeting to handle unexpected closings such as for inclement weather. Remotely logging into the system with the Installer or Administrator password will allow the caller to re-record the holiday greeting and manually change the mode for day/night/holiday.
At the main greeting, enter * * 4 5 6 # (or * * and the new password then #) to enter remote
programming mode. You’ll hear prompts that will allow you to change the answer mode (day, night, holiday or auto)
and/or to re-record the day/night main greeting and holiday greeting. Follow the prompts to perform the desired operation.
Exit by pressing * and hanging up.
Function 53: Guest/info mailboxes
What’s new: Mailboxes 300–309 can be either guest or info mailboxes.
Mailboxes numbered 300–309 can be programmed as either a guest or info mailbox. Enter the mailbox number and select Guest or Info by pressing a scroll ( or ) key.
Guest mailboxes
Guest mailboxes are designed to be used by personnel, such as in outside sales or manufacturing, who do not have an extension assigned to them. A guest mailbox requires no programming other than the assigning of a name.
Note: A Guest Mailbox can be handled like a regular extension (i.e. listed in the Directory, assigned a
Station Key, etc.).
If a programmable feature key is programmed as a virtual mailbox key with a guest mailbox number, the key’s LED will blink, to indicate that new messages exist.
Otherwise, the key is a DSS key that allows for single-key transfer of a call with no message indication.
0450-0157 Rev. D
IVX 20 Plus: additional features
To retrieve messages from a station, press VOICEMAIL, * and then either the DSS key or dialing the mailbox number. To record a guest mailbox’s greeting, press PROG/HELP, * and then the mailbox number, and follow the prompts. The default password is the mailbox number. To retrieve messages from the outside, press * and the mailbox number during the Main Greeting.
Default: 300–309 as Guest.
Info mailboxes
Info mailboxes can be used to give callers information on a variety of different subjects by “publishing” these mailbox numbers. Info Mailboxes are identical to Guest Mailboxes except that the caller will not be given a record tone after the personal greeting (the information to be played). Instead, the caller will be forwarded as programmed in this function (default is the caller will be disconnected after the information is played). The maximum length of the record time is 14 minutes. Guest/Info Mailboxes are created or deleted here, but are turned “on” only when a personal greeting (the information to be played) has been recorded. Deleting the personal greetings will turn “off” the mailbox.
Below is an example of a completed Programming Worksheet. The sequence of programming is as follows:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
MB Name Type CF day CF night 300 Dana Guest 302 Literature Info X/MB/ID X/MB/ID
Each programming step is defined as follows:
Mailbox number
— The mailbox name is used for the LCD display, reports, and as a programming aid. The
— Input a mailbox number, 300–309.
name length can be no longer than 10 characters.
Default: The Mailbox number. Type
— Select a mailbox type: Guest or Info.
Default: Guest.
4 & 5.
Call forward
(info mailbox only) — An info mailbox can be set to call forward after the personal greeting has played to an extension, department, a mailbox or a branch ID for day mode and differently for night mode. Default: ID9999 (automatic disconnect).
Function 56: Cascade paging mailboxes
What’s new: There are up to 10 cascade paging mailboxes.
In addition to individual mailbox paging, IVX 20 Plus can support up to 10 cascade paging mailboxes (520–529). These can be assigned to anyone who requires escalating levels of paging beyond the single level available in all user mailboxes. In this function, you program the paging numbers and number of times each is to be paged before the next paging number is added; additionally, the mailbox owner can program these settings.
Function 561: Cascade mailbox options
The user can program up to three paging numbers, of up to 24 digits each, to be paged whenever the mailbox takes a new or urgent message. The system will page the first paging number (for the number of times listed), then add the second paging number (for the number of times listed), then add the third paging number and will continue to page all three pagers until the message has been retrieved.
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