ESI 900 Programming Manual

IP Server 900
Programmi ng Manu al
Copyright © 2013 ESI (Estech Systems, Inc.). IVX is a registered trademark of Estech Systems, Inc. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Motorola and ColdFire are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Rayovac is a registered trademark of Rayovac Corporation. Act! is a registered trademark of Sage Software, Inc. Goldmine is a trademark of Goldmine Software Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, NT and Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Panasonic and DBS are registered trademarks of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America. Novell and Netware are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. Smart Jack is a trademark of Westell Technologies, Inc. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Certain features described herein may not be available at initial release. ESI products are protected by various U.S. Patents, granted and pending. Visit ESI at
0450-13 07
Rev. F
General description ..............................................................A.1
Flexible numbering.................................................................A.5
System capacities.................................................................B.1
System programming: An introduction...........................C.1
Function 1: System function programming ...................D.1
Function 11: System Initialization...........................................D.1
Fun ct io n s 12 an d 1 3: In st aller an d Adm i n i s tra t o r p a ss wo rd s.... D.1
Function 14: System clock and calenda r............................... D.2
Function 15: System timing paramet er s.................................D.4
Function 16: System feature parameters............................... D.5
Function 17: System speed-dial........................................... D.13
Function 18: SMDR settings................................................ D.14
Function 2: CO line programming ....................................E.1
Function 21: Line programming..............................................E.1
Function 22: Toll restricti on, ARS, and DID programming.....E.25
Function 23: Line parameter programming...........................E.35
Function 24: Caller ID programming.....................................E.37
Function 3: Station programming..................................... F.1
Function 30: Station move......................................................F.1
Function 31: Extension de finition and routing .........................F.2
Function 32: Extension fe ature authorization........................F.23
Function 33: Department groups..........................................F.28
Function 34: Reassign an extension, mailbox, or department
Function 35: Extension button mapping................................F.41
Function 36: View local and remote IP feature phone parameters
Function 37: E SI device programming..................................F.45
Function 4: Auto attendant programming ......................G.1
Function 41: Auto attendant branches................................... G.1
Function 42: A nnounce exten sion numbe r.............................G.6
Function 43: Automatic day /night tables ................................G.7
Function 5: Voice mail programming...............................H.1
Function 51: Maximum message length.................................H.1
Function 52: Message purge control......................................H.1
Function 53: Guest/information mailboxes.............................H.2
Function 54: Group mailboxes (and the broadcast mailbox)...H.3
Function 55: Message notifi cation options..............................H.3
Function 56: Cascade paging mailboxes................................H.5
Function 57: Q & A mailboxes................................................H.6
Function 58: Message move and delete .................................H.6
Function 6: Recording of prompts..................................... I.1
Function 61: Record system prompts.......................................I.1
Function 62: Record directory names.......................................I.2
Function 63: Message-on-hold / Music-on-hold (MOH)
Function 64: Call recording settings.........................................I.5
Function 7: Reports .............................................................. J.1
Report prin ting ........................................................................J.1
Reporting functions.................................................................J.1
Feature description: SMDR.................................................K.1
Standard tabular SMDR fo rmat..............................................K.1
CSV SMDR format.................................................................K.2
SMDR format when using account codes..............................K.3
Reporting conventions and rules (standard and CSV formats)K.4
Extended SMDR format......................................................... K.5
Function 8: IP programming...............................................L.1
Function 81: Display licenses..................................................L.1
Function 82: Local IP-PBX programming................................L.2
Function 83: Esi-Link programming.......................................L.10
Function 84: S IP trunk programming.....................................L.13
Function 86: Unified Messagi ng sele ction.............................L.14
Function 87: Universal IP resource programming..................L.15
Important: For information concerning the hardware installation for an IP Server 900, see the IP Server 900 Hardware
Installation Manual (ES I documen t #045 0 -1305) .
IP Server 900 Programming Manual General description
General description
ESI’s IP Server 900 is a high-per form ance IP phone sy stem that unite s the com m unication and product ivity
needs of end us ers in small-t o-medium organizati ons with one or more sites. The I P Server 900 represents the latest gener ation of ESI’s advanced communications systems, and provid es much more than standard phone service. The I P Server 900’s powerful Voice-over-IP (VoIP) feat ures all ow your customers to transition smoothly from traditional circuit-switc hed telephony to cost-efficient I P-network-based tel ephony. VoIP features include support for SIP phones and trunks, ESI IP phones, VIP 7 Softphone, and T.38 Fax-over-IP. Standard features include voice mail, automated attendant, automated call distributio n (ACD), external paging interface, and extensive cal l coverage features ( such as off-premises “ reach-me”). Optional featur es include comput er/telephony integration, video and audio recording, a nd presence management.
You, or an Administrator, can program the system locally or remot ely thr ough either a phone or over Ethernet with ESI’s browser-based IP Serv er 900 Web ESI Syst e m Prog r ammer application through the system’s built-in Network Servi ces Processor (N SP).
Important: Except where noted, the remainder of this “General description” chapter describes only features, rather than
The 48-Key Feature Phone has a dedicated PROGRAM key. If performing this programming with a 48-Key
any system capacities. For system-specific capaci t y sp eci f i ca t io ns — e.g., CO lines, ports, message storage, etc. — see “System capacities” (page B.1).
Feature Phone, press PROGRAM whenever the instructions tell you to press PROG/HELP.
Telephone system features
SIP tru nking support — Co nnect the IP Ser ver 900 to an Internet Telephony Service Provider (I TSP) in order to use the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) VoIP standard to connect to the PSTN over the Internet. SIP trun ks ca n pro vid e a si gnif i c ant c ost s avi ng s ov er tr a dit i on al CO line s, part ic ul ar ly b y lower i ng or eliminating long distance t oll charges.
T.38 fax support — Due t o the error-correcti on nece ssary in processing VoIP audi o, faxes can oft en become distorted or get lost altogether. The IP Server 900 SIP tr unks allow the transmi ssion of faxes over the industry-standard T.38 prot ocol to ensure that faxes can be sent and re ceived correctly. For more inform ation about T. 3 8 faxi ng o n th e IP Ser ver 90 0 se e the IP Ser ver 90 0 Fa x-o ver- I P Feature Over vi ew (ESI docum ent # 0450-1355).
ESI fax over e-mai l — Receive faxes and have them converted to a PDF fil e and sent as an email attachment to a predefined email ad dress. For more informatio n about the IP Server 900’s int ernal fax serv er, see the I P Ser ver 9 00 Fa x over e-m ail Fe atur e O ver vi ew (ESI document # 0450-1354) .
T1 and PRI suppor t — Conve ntional hi gh- b andwidth di git al C O lin es ar e ful l y sup p ort e d.
ESI phones — Compact and stylish, yet rugged, each ESI phone incl udes a high-qual ity speakerphone, large and informati ve multi-functional displa y, and a specially designed key layout with several dedic ated keys to m inimi ze or eli m inate t he need to memorize codes. The following models are supported on the IP Server 90 0:
ESI 60 Business Phone — Digit al and two IP (Gi gabit Ethernet and 10/100 Ethernet) ver sions. Each
includes an integrated hea dset jack, a bac klit display, and full -duplex HD-qual ity speakerphone.
ESI 40 Business Phone — Digital and IP (10/100 Ether net) versions. Each includes an integrate d
headset j a c k and a backl i t di splay.
ESI 30D (digital) Business Phone.
48-Key Feature Pho ne — Digital and I P (10/100 Ether net) version s. Each includes an integrated headset
jack, a bac kli t di spl ay, a nd ful l- dup l ex sp ea ker ph o ne.
ESI Cordless Handset II — Availa ble in digital a nd two (local and remote) IP versions.
Extensive help — ESI’s Ver bal User Guid e the Installer through the Administrator down to the least experienced end user. Easily accessible with one press of t he PROG/HELP key. O ne can al s o visi t for help.
Enhanced Caller ID — Allows one-touch automatic message return. data to both digital and analog port s.
uses spok en and di spl aye d hel p pr om pts t o h elp e very one from
An IP Server 900 passes Caller ID
See also the IP Server 900 Hardware Installation Manual (ESI document # 0450-1305).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual General description
Live call recording — Can record any conversation or p ersonal memo, with moving or copying of any recording to another user’s voice mailbox (see “Voice mail features,” page A.4).
Call waiting — Includes helpful display, showing both calls’ C aller I D information, and ea sy one-key toggling betwe en cal ls.
Conference calling — Includes up to 64 dyn am ic conference ports; a single conference may contain up to 16 members.
Conferen ce br id ge s are dy na mi c, s o pos si ble c o nf er en ce si ze s include: 21 t hre e-m em ber ; 16 four-member; 10 six-party; and var ious combinations in-between. Analog phones on the system als o m ay origi nat e co nferences. “M eet- m e” co nferencin g al lo ws ea sy setup of conf er en ce cal l s; part ic i pants who dial into (or are tr ansferre d to) a pre- est ablishe d num ber f or a conferen ce c all at a speci fied time ar e con ne ct ed together — re ducing or elimi nating the need for th ird-par ty conferenci ng servi ces.
speed-dial — Calls an y num b er usi n g four se par at e li st s (per s ona l, stat i on, syst em and — whe n
Esi-Li nk is in use — ca binet l ocation) ; uses Caller ID inf ormation or direct ke ypad entries.
Dedicated overhead paging int erface — Allows for external paging through overhead speakers or multi- zone pa ging units (amplification required) and separat e, vendor-supplied z one page adapters.
Intelligent Call Forwarding
— Lets users of compatibl e PRI-equi pped ESI system s view the original Caller
ID data of a call forwarded to an off-premises phone.
911 alert — Provides immediate line access if any station
dials 9 1 1 to report an emergency; sends a message via the serial port indicating th e start date, t ime, statio n number a nd end-time of the 911; also sound s an audible warning at t he operator st ation and displays, for example: 911 CAL L FROM X102 JOHN JAMES
Important: Remember to advise your customers not to make 911 calls using a remote IP phone.4 Because such a
phone isn't connected directly to the local telephone network, they should use a regular phone connected locally, not the remote IP phone, to make 911 or other emergency calls. (For more information, see the documentation included with the remote IP phone.)
Shared-office tenants — Tenant service allows multiple business entities to share a telephone system while maintaining separation of various facilities and features. For more details, see “Shared-office tenanting,” page A.5.
Twinning — Lets a user set his/her extension so that an incoming call will ring both it and an additional number simultaneously. The additional number can be either an internal extension or a n off-premises number, s uc h as a cell ph one or ho me ph on e.
This and all other references to Caller ID ser vice within this manual assume the end-user organization subscribes to Caller ID service fro m it s
telephone service pro vider.
See “System capaciti es” (page B .1).
An ESI Remote IP Cordless Handset (II or original) sends 911 calls via the local analog CO line attached to the Cordless Handset’s base station.
The 911 alert i n formation isn’t available at the operator station or via serial port.
A remotely installed ESI desktop IP phone, a Remo te IP Cordless Handset, or a remote installation of VIP Softphone.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual General description
Support for these options:
Esi-Link — Allows a multi-site enterprise to network any combination of dozens of compatible ESI systems
across an IP-based network. For details, see the Esi-Link Product Overview (ESI document # 0450-0214).
Notes: The ESI-50 uses only the G.726 speech compression algorithm and, therefore, can be in an Esi-Link
ESI’s IVX® X-Class and IVX E-Class systems, as well as the original ESI-600 (prior to system
network with only other ESI systems (specifically, the IP Server 900 and ESI Communications Servers) which have been set to G.726 (in Function 835; for details, see page L.12).
software version 16.2.0), use only the G.729 speech compression algorithm; thus, an ESI-50 cannot be in an Esi-Link network with these systems.
— Provides a value-added interface to the IP Server 900 and most other ESI systems. Delivers call control a nd on- scr e en me ss ag e ha ndli ng. F or detai l s, see th e VIP 7 Product Overview (ESI document # 0450-1340).
ESI Presence Mana gement — Provi de s int e gr at ed bui l di ng e nt ry co nt ro l , acc e ss cont r ol , st at us
indication, personal call routing, and ( optionally) ti me and attendance management. For details, see the ESI Presence Management Product Overview (ESI document # 0450-0794).
ESI Mobile Me ssaging — Lets users receive messa ges (voi ce mail s and r ecordi ngs) as .WAV at tachm ents
to regular e-mail s; works wit h any standard e- mai l client appl icat ion.
ESI Media Management — A hardware and software sol ution t hat offers storage of live video and a udio
as well as the storage of SMDR records and fob activity from ESI Presence M anagement RFID Readers. The IP S erver 900 supports ext ernal media storage t o only eSATA drives. For more informati on on ESI Media Management and e xternal drive config uration see the ESI Media Manager Installation Guid e (E SI document # 0450-1240).
ESI Video Management — A hardware and softwar e sol uti on that offer s live video m onit oring, al ong with
special added functi onali ty when used i n conjunct ion wi t h ESI Pr esence Management .
IP Server 900 Programming Manual General description
Voice mail features
Built-i n voi ce m ail port s — The se are in addition to the call-proce ssing ports; t hus, you may build th e system to its maximum for call-handling without having to balance voice mail needs versus call-handling needs. For speci f ic v oic e st or ag e ca pa cit ie s on a sy st em -b y- sy st em b asi s, see “S ystem cap acit i e s” (p ag e B.1) .
Highest-grade voice quality (64-kilobit/second sampling) for voice mail and other storage of voice messages.
Message-o n-hol d (MO H) r ec ordi ng s — Among these are t hre e prer ec orde d tr ack s; al s o supp ort s li ve ent r y. Wi th tenant service enabled (see “Tenant service features,” page A.5), each tenant has its own MOH source.
Off-premises m essage delivery — Automati cal l y delivers voi ce m ess ag e s to designate d ph on e num ber, such a s a cell phone, when one is out of the office.
Urgent messages — Can del iver higher-priority messages first.
Several different mailbox types, including group, broadcast, informational, cascade notification and Q & A.
Messag e Recycle Bin (undelete) — Remembers, and can restore, each mai lbox’s 10 most recently deleted messages.
Quick Groups
Quick Move
Virtual Mailbox Key
Optional ESI Mobile Messaging delivers voice mail as a .WAV file to your “smart” phone or the inbox of nearly an y e- mai l cli ent appl i c ati o n.
Find-Me when they don’t answer their desktop phone. The numbers are dialed seque ntiall y, all owing a user to gi ve some numbers priori t y ov er other s. A total of 1, 0 00 Fin d- M e num ber s ca n be stored per system.
— Makes it easy to leave voice mail messag es for several users.
— Records a co nv ers at i on i nto a not her user ’ s mai lb o x.
allows ea sy monitoring of a second mailbox.
allows users to store up to 5 phone numbers that the system will use to attempt to locate them
Auto attendant features
Six levels, 10 0 branch es — Allow you and your customer to set up a more caller-friendly answering environment, including a company directory.
Virtually unlimited call routing — Includes off-premises transfer, pager notification, more.
ACD features
Routes calls within designated depart m ents for quickest possible call answering.
Uses three- li ne ESI ph on e displ a y to provide up-to-the-second information on queue s, wait t imes, delay announ cement, priority queueing, and overf low routing.
Optional VIP 7 ACD Supervisor and VIP 7 ACD Agent enhance ACD usage; VIP 7 ACD Su pervisor offers highly useful reports and also gives ability to customize reports.
Report customization requires Microsoft SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (not available from ESI).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual General description
Shared-office tenanting
Can be confi gur ed to su p port up to eig ht te na nts.1
CO lines — CO line groups and corresponding access codes can be used to separate each tenant’s CO lines if required. “Pooled” or shared lines can be assigned to a line group to which all stations are allowed access. CO lines are assigned t o tenants for t he purpose of following each tenant’s day/night mo de.
Statio ns and de par tm ents — Each stati on an d de par tm ent can be as si gn e d to on e tena nt.
Automatic day/night mode — If this is enabled, each tenant will follow day/night mode changes assigned in its unique table.
Day/night key — A day/night key may be a ssigned to select day or night mode manuall y for each tenant.
Auto atte ndant da y/night gre eti ng — Each tenant may use a dedicated day/ni ght branch ID
to route to a destination. Day/night routing will be controlled either automatically by each individual tenant’s day/night tables or man ual l y by use of a day/ ni g ht ke y for ea c h te nant .
Message-on-hold (MOH) — Each tenant will have a unique customer-recorded MOH s ource.
Central answering — Centr al answ ering makes it possibl e for one extension (or department) to answer incoming call s to dif ferent tenant s.
Operat or (dial -“0”) routing — Unique operator call r outing may be a ssi gn ed to ea c h tena nt .
Hold — For each tenant, a specific MOH c an be assigned, based on CO line.
Flexible numbering
Flexible numbering provides the means to assign extensio n, voice mailb o x, and department numb ers base d on
specific customer r equirements. ESI’s flexible numbering is separated into three parts:
1. Selection of a st arting numbering plan template.
2. Reassignment of ranges of extensions and (if needed) guest mailboxes.
3. Reassignment of individual extensions and (if needed) guest mailboxes and department numbers.
Selectable numbering plans (Function 169)
The selectable numbering plan template is the basis for flexible numbering assignment. When a numbering tem p late i s selected, all exte nsions, mailboxes, departments, and other system features are automatically assigned with the numbering plan of that template. Choosing the template that is clo sest to the custom er’s existing configurati on greatly simplifies, or e ven eliminates the need for, number r eassignment. (See “Sel e cta ble n umb er in g pl an, ” pag e C. 2.)
Note: Full system capacity can be achieved only through use of a four-digit selectable numbering plan (see
See “System capaciti es ” (page B.1) .
See “Function 41: Auto atte ndant bran ch programmi ng, ” p p . G. 1 – G . 6 .
page C.2).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual General description
Range reassignment (Functi on 34 exte nded; IP Server 900 Web ESI System Programmer only)
Included in IP Server 900 Web ESI System Programmer, fl exible number ra n ge assi g nme nt i s used to change the numbers of a block, or range, of extensions or guest mailboxes.
Range reassignment can be
used either at time of installatio n or after the system is instal led.
Number reassignment (Functio n 34)
Number r eassignment lets you assign new (or r eassign existing) individual ext e nsions2, departments, and guest m ailbox numbers — all throughout the entire Esi-Link network.
Station move (Function 30)
Station move is used by the Installer or System Administrator to m ove, or exchange, extension numbers and other st ation inform at i on between ext ensions of th e sam e stat i on t ype. greetings, voice mai l mess ages, and other system information are automatic ally and insta ntly exchanged betwe en the two stati ons when this is done.
Programmable feature keys, personal
Esi-Link and fle xible n um ber ing: Li m itati ons
The following table lists the Esi-Link compatibility of various ESI products with an IP Server 900 using flexible numbering.
REMOTE site’s ESI system
IP Server 900 [All] Any Complete ESI-1000, -200, -100, or -50 [All] Any Complete
IVX X-Class
IVX E-Class Generation II
REMOTE site’s
system software version
Feature Set II (16.1.0 or higher) Any Complete
Feature Set I (15.2.x or lower) Any Limited
10.6.0 or higher
10.5.x or lower
2.5.2 or higher
2.5.1 or lower
In this chart, limited compatibility means that, when you use Function 34 (num ber reassignm ent), you must keep the extension and mailbox ranges within their origi nal numbering plan template ra nges.
LOCAL system’s
numbering plan template
Any three-digit Limited
Any four-digit None
Dial plan template 100 Limited
Any other dial plan None
Any three-digit Limited
Any four-digit None
Dial plan template 100 Limited
Any other dial plan None
Resulting Esi-Link
Example: Let’s say your local system is an ESI-600 using numbering plan 100. If you swap extension 100 with
mailbox 300 — i.e., so that station 100 is now extension 300, and mailbox 300 is now mailbox 100 — an IVX X-Class system that dials station 300 over Esi-Link won’t be able to process the call correctly, because that station is no longer within the numbering template. However, if you merely swap extensions 100 and 120 on that same ESI-600, an Esi-Linked IVX X-Class will be able to process a call to extension 120 (because the changed extension is still within the numbering template).
For proper op erat i o n, two or mor e Esi-Link ed IP S erv er 900 s y stem s sh ou ld al l be ru n ni ng th e sam e sy ste m software version. However, an ESI system without flexible numbering-compatible system software will still be compat ible with an IP Server 9 00 with flexi bl e n umb eri n g- com pat i bl e system soft ware; yet, the IP Server 900 with flexible numbering will remain subject to the same Function 34-related limitations described above.
Range assignment of department numbers and special -purpose mailboxes is not supported at initial release of this system software. However,
Function 34 can be used to reassign department numbers.
Valid extensions also can be swapped throughout the Esi-Link network.
Such stations must be like types — e.g., ESI digital phone to ESI digital phone, ESI IP phone to ESI IP phone, or analog extension to
analog extension.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual System capacities
System capacities
Important: Each ESI Presence Management RFID Reader uses one digital station.
Stations and trunks
The spe cific ations shown below reflect maximum capacities and configur ations. Not all of the station a nd trunk maximums c an be r ea ched si mul t an e ousl y.
Maximum modules 8 8 Maximum port configuration1 500 400
– Maximum stations 191 168 – Maximum IP stations 127 127 – Maximum digital stations 64 64
– Maximum analog stations 32 32 Maximum CO lines 192 84 Maximum T1/PRI Modules 2 2 Esi-Link channels 127 127 SIP trunking capability (Built-in) (Built-in) Maximum number of SIP trunks 127 84 Maximum lines available 192 84
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Dedicated ports
Voice mail/auto attendant ports 32 32 Conference po rts (max. of 16 members per conference) NSP2 1 1 Overhead paging ports 1 1 Serial/SMDR port s n/a n/a Meet-Me Conference Bridge s 4 4
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
Four Three
64 64
Voice mail capacities
Voice mail storage (hours) 140 140 Broadcast mailbox (one to all extensions) Yes Yes Cascade notification mailboxes 20 10 Group mailboxes/max. members 32/64 32/64 Guest/info mailboxes 1,000 190 Maxim um station mai lboxes 191 168 Q & A mailboxes 20 10 Maximum unheard messages per mail box 128 128 Maximum stored messages per mailbox 256 256 Find-Me stored phone number s 1,000 1,000
Includes Esi-Link channels.
Network Services Processor; see the IP Server 900 Hardware Installa tion Manual (ESI # 0450-1305).
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
IP Server 900 Programming Manual System capacities
Max. departments 64 20 Department types: Rin g-all, ACD, UCD, in­order, pick-up, attendant Max. members, non-ring-all depts. 64 64 Max members, ring-all depts. 64 64
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
Yes Yes
Automatic call distribution (ACD)
Max. ACD departments 64 20 Max ACD agents per department 64 64 Max ACD agents (system-wide) 191 168
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
Shared-office tenanting
Tenants 8 8
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
CO line groups
Line groups 9, 8, 71–76 Yes Yes Max. members, CO ring assignment l ist 64 64
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
Translation tables
Pilot numbers 100 100 Max. DID entries 600 600
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
System speed-dial numbers
System speed-dial numbers 1,000 100
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
Maximum installations of VIP 7 applications
Installations, VIP 7 PC Attendant Console 8 8 Installations, VIP 7 ACD Supervisor 8 8
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
IP Server 900 Programming Manual System capacities
ESI Presence Management features
RFID Reader access door records 10,000 10,000 RFID Reader entries in Fn. 3721 32 32 Max. RFID tags (“electronic keys”) 500 500
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
ESI Mobile Messaging features
Maximum stations 191 168 Maximum guest mailboxes 250 250
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
ESI Video Viewer and ESI Video Adapters
ESI Video Adapters (see below) 12 12 RFID Readers per ESI Video Adapter 1 1 User extns./depts. per ESI Video Adapter 64 64 ESI Video Viewer users 20 20
Although the system supports up to 12 cameras, a variety of other factor s can affect the maximum numbe r of usable camera s. The frequency and duration of video recordings from each camera as well as overall network load to the system — such as local or remote IP phones, SIP trunks, SIP stations, and usage of ESI application s (e.g., ESI Mobile Messaging, VIP 7, or ESI Presence Management) — can severely impact the performance of both the cameras and the IP Server 900. The following chart can be used as a general guideline for determining the number of cameras supported based on system configuration and usage:
Number of users Li gh t us a ge Medium usage Heavy usage
20 12 cameras 12 cameras 10 cameras 40 12 cameras 10 cameras 8 came ras 60 10 cameras 8 cameras 5 cameras
120 8 cameras 6 cameras 4 cameras
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
ESI Media Management features
Video recordings 12 12 Audio recordings 32 32 SMDR events Yes Yes Fob activity Yes Yes ESI Media Manage r user s 20 20
Diali n g pla ns ( -d ig its)
Four Three
See the ESI Presence Management Installation Manual (ESI document # 0450-0792).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
Syste m pr og r a m mi n g: An intr od u ct io n
You can program an IP Server 900 either (a.) from an ESI desktop phone1 in the system or (b.) with IP Server 900 Web ESI System Pro gr am mer. Both me thods follow the same prog rammin g steps. This manual focuses on
programming from an ESI desktop phone; for more information on local or remote administration through the Web programming interface, consult the IP Server 900 Web E SI System Programming Manual (ESI document # 0450-1366).
Read the User’s Guide first. Pr ogr amming feat ur es r equi r es a cl ear u nd er st an di ng of th e users’ interface, features, and applications.
Once you’ve accessed programming mode on an ESI desktop phone, the system will prompt for — and confirm — each keystro ke action via voice commands and the display. You program both configuration data and recordings in the same manner.
Important: During programming, the ESI 30D’s two-line display shares the same content as the top two lines of the
If installing ESI Presence Management on this system, refer to the ESI Presence Management Installation
three-line display found on most current ESI desktop phones. As a result, to save space, the sample displays shown herein will show only two lines.
Manual (ESI document # 0450-0792) for important information before you program the system.
Programming keys
During programming, the first line of the display will show the current item being programmed, and the second line will be the entry lin e. You ca n enter values as directed by the combinati on of the voice prompts and display. To enter multiple values, such as a list of extension numbers, separate each value by # (to exit the list, enter # #).
To... Press ... What this does
Enter # Confirms new or existing entry and advances to next
Back up (i.e., reverse direction)
Delete HOLD Deletes data or recording.
Exit [Hang up] Exits programming mode and removes extension from DND.
Help HELP Provides more detailed instructions during programming.
(right-side scroll key)
(lef t-sid e scroll key)
Notes: Either < or > in the display indicates that additional choices or values are available by pressing a
corresponding scroll key (or ).
programming step. Backs up to previous prompt without changing its value.
• During entry of a value, backs up.
• If a list is present (“>” is displayed), scrolls to left.
• Selects from options presented.
• If a list is present (“>” is displayed), scrolls to right.
• Inserts a space during entry of a name.
Only one person at a time can be performi ng Installer or Administrator pr ogrammi ng.
ESI system programming cannot be performed using an ESI Cordless Handset.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
Entering alphanumeric characters
You enter names for extensions, departments, branch IDs, CO lines, guest mailboxes and DIDs by pressing the dial pad key that corresponds to the character to be entered. The key’s possible entries will change each time the key is pressed, and the display will show this. When the desired character appears on the display, press # to confirm; the cursor will move to the next character position. You may move the cursor left (to correct an entry) by pre ssing the left s crol l k ey () or move rig ht (to ad d a spa ce) by pr e ssi n g the right scr oll key ().
Key Options Key Options
0 0, - (hyphen), _ (underline) 7 P, R, S, p, r, s, 7 1 Q, Z, q, z, 1, “_” (space) 8 T, U, V, t, u, v, 8 2 A, B, C, a, b, c, 2 9 W, X, Y, w, x, y, 9 3 D, E, F, d, e, f, 3 (left scroll key) Backs up and erases 4 G, H, I, g, h, i, 4 (right scroll key) Adds a space 5 J, K, L, j, k, l, 5 # [Enter] 6 M, N, O, m, n, o, 6 # # Ends the name
Important: Lower-case letters are available only for programming the settings for Function 2142 (p. E.18) and
Example: To enter a B, press 2 twice (the possible options to scroll through are A, B, C, a, b, c, and 2). When B appears,
Note: On an incoming call, the name you assigned to the call’s CO line or DID — rather than the Caller ID data —
Function 823 (page L.7).
press # to confi rm ; the cur so r wi ll move to th e ne xt c ha rac te r to be ente red . To com ple te the name , pre ss # #.
will appear until the call is answered.
Selectable numbering plan
The IP Server 900’s selectable numbering plan offers up to nine pre-configured ranges — three three-digit plans and six four-digit plans. When an extension range is selected, department numbers and guest mailbox numbers are also changed. How ever, regardless of which extension range i s selected, feature k ey code s, and CO line group access numbers will st ay the same. The dial plan range is selected through Instal ler pr ogramming Function 169 (see page D.11 for more information).
Notes: The ESI Presence Management RFID Reader1 uses one digital or IP extension, regardless of dial plan. An ESI desktop IP phone, the IP Cordless Handset (Local or Remote), VIP 7 Softphone, and a SIP phone
Important: Full capacity on the IP Server 900 can be achieved only by using a four-digit plan. (See “System
each uses one IP port, regardless of dial plan.
capacities,” page B.1.)
Line groups
The numbers 9, 8, and 71–76 are desi gn at ed as li ne gr oup s. A line group is, as th e name implies, a specific group of line s in a key system that are used for maki ng outgoing calls. In an IP Server 900, line groups give phones access to outside lines without t aking up any pro g rammable key s on each phone.
Note: Line groups 71–76 may conflict with Esi-Link locations 710–769 (if they’re needed); refer to Function 164
For more information, see the ESI Presence Management Installation Manual (ESI # 0450-0792).
(see page D.7).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
Three-digit selectable numbering plan templates for the IP Ser ver 900
Selection 100 (default) Selection 200 Selection 300
From To Used for From To Used for From To Used for
100 267 Extensions 200 367 Extensions 300 467 Extensions 280 299 Departments 380 399 Departments 470 489 Departments 300 489 Guest/info mboxes 100 199 Guest/info mboxes 100 289 Guest/info mboxes 270 273 Conference b ridge 400 489 Guest/info mboxes 290 293 Conference b ridge
370 373 Conference b ridge
Commo n t o a ll three- digit numbering plan se lections f or the IP Serv e r 9 0 0
From To Used for From To Used for From To Used for
0 — Operator #500 #599 Feature key codes 8 — CO line grp. 490 499 Q & A mailboxes 600 699 System speed-dial 9 — CO line grp./ARS 500 — Broadcast mail box 700 709 Esi-Link1 locations 501 532 Group mboxes 770 799 Esi-Link locations # — Paging 533 542 Cascade notif. mboxes 71 76 Esi-Link/CO line grps.
Four-digit number ing plan selection for the I P S erver 900
Selection 1000 Selection 2000 Selecti on 3000
From To Used for From To Used for From To Used for
1000 1863 Extensions 2000 2863 Extensions 3000 3863 Extensions 1864 1927 Departments 2864 2927 Departments 3864 3927 Departments 3000 3999 Guest/info mboxes 3000 3999 Guest/info mboxes 2000 2999 Guest/info mboxes 4000 — Broadcast mail box 4000 — Broadcast mailbox 4000 — Broadcast mailbox 4001 4032 Group mboxes 4001 4032 Group mboxes 4001 4032 Group mboxes 4040 4059 Q & A mboxes 4040 4059 Q & A mboxes 4040 4059 Q & A mboxes 4060 4079 Cascade notif. mboxes 4060 4079 Cascade notif. mboxes 4060 4079 Cascade notif. mboxes 4080 4083 Conference b ridge 4080 4083 Conference b ridge 4080 4083 Conference b ridge 6000 6999 System speed-dial 6000 6999 System speed-dial 6000 6999 System speed-dial
— Call pickup
Selection 4000 Selection 5000 Selecti on 6000
From To Used for From To Used for From To Used for
4000 4863 Extensions 5000 5863 Extensions 6000 6863 Extensions 4864 4927 Departments 5864 5927 Departments 6864 6927 Departments 3000 3999 Guest/info mboxes 3000 3999 Guest/info mboxes 3000 3999 Guest/info mboxes 2000 — Broadcast mail box 4000 — Broadcast mailbox 4000 — Broadcast mailbox 2001 2032 Group mboxes 4001 4032 Group mboxes 4001 4032 Group mboxes 2040 2059 Q & A mboxes 4040 4059 Q & A mboxes 4040 4059 Q & A mboxes 2060 2079 Cascade notif. mboxes 4060 4079 Cascade notif. mboxes 4060 4079 Cascade notif. mboxes 2080 2083 Conference b ridge 4080 4083 Conference bridge 4080 4083 Conference b ridge 6000 6999 System speed-dial 6000 6999 System speed-dial 2000 2999 System speed-dial
Common to all four-digit numbering plan selections for the IP Server 900
From To Used for From To Used for From To Used for
0 — Operator 770 799 Esi-Link locations 9 — CO line grp./ARS
#500 #599 Feature key codes 71 76 CO line grps. or
See “Function 8: IP programming” (page L.1).
700 709 Esi-Link locations 8 — CO line grp. # — Paging
Esi-Link loc. prefixes
— Call pickup
IP Server 900 Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
System programming overview
1 System function programming
11 System Initialization 12 Installer password 13 Administrator password 14 System clo c k and c a le nd ar
141 Set time/date 142 Automatic time setting 143 Clock adjustment
15 System timing parameters
151 Flash hook duration 152 Transfer recall timer 153 Hold recall timers
1531 Exclusive hold recall timer 1532 Hold recall timer 1533 Hold recall timeout timer
154 ACD timers
1541 ACD exit timer 1542 ACD wrap timer 1543 ACD agent hold recall timer
155 SIP stat i on ti mer s
1551 SIP station registration timer 156 Cell phone delay 157 Devic e time r s 158 VIP 7 Attendant exit timer
16 System feature parameters
161 Recording alert tone 162 Connect tone 163 Stat ion fe at ur e para meters 164 Esi-Li n k an d li ne grou p access cod e s 165 Auto at te nd an t par am et ers 166 CO para me ter s 167 Voice mail parameters 169 System feature activation and dial plan selection
17 System spee d- d i al 18 SMDR settings
2 CO line programming
21 Line programming
211 Analog CO line programming 212 T1 programming
2121 Line programming
2122 Frame format and l ine co d in g
2123 Line co mp en s at i on programming
2124 CSU emulation programming 213 PRI programming
2131 Line programming
2132 Line co mp en s at i on programming
2133 CSU emulation programming
2134 Switc h pro tocol
2135 DID 214 SIP trunk programming
2141 SIP tr un k pr ogr am m in g
2142 SIP ac count progr am min g
2145 SIP DID
22 Toll restriction, ARS, and DID programming
221 Line ac ce ss co de pr ogramming 222 Toll table restriction exception tables programming 223 ARS (Automatic Route Selection) 224 DID and DNI S tr an sla t io n ta b le 225 PRI pilo t nu mb er pr ogramming 226 Local allow table
23 Line parameter programming
231 CO Line receive vol um e pro grammin g 232 Open loop prog ramming 233 T1 line receive volume 234 PRI line receive volume 235 SIP trunking line receive volume
24 Caller ID programming
3 Station programming
31 Extens ion de finitio n an d rou ti n g 32 Extens ion fe ature auth or iz at i on
321 Basic feature authorization 322 Advan ce d fe at ure authorization
33 Department groups
331 Department definition and routing 332 VIP 7 ACD parameters
3321 Assign VIP 7 ACD database owner
3322 Manually clear V I P 7 ACD real-time statistics
3323 Set an automatic time to clear VIP 7 ACD real-time stati stics
3324 Set VIP 7 ACD service level threshold
3 Station programming (continued)
34 Reassign an extension, mai lbox, or department number
341 Flexib l e nu mb er a ss ig nm en t
342 Network number a ss ig nm en t 35 Extens ion bu tt on mapping 36 View local and re mote IP feature phone parameters 37 ESI devic e programmi ng
371 Schedules for access control
372 RFID tag number pr ogr am m in g
373 View an ex te n s ion or ma i lbo x ta g nu m ber
374 General ESI Presence Management settings
375 ESI Pre sen c e Ma na ge me nt Rea der settings
376 ESI Vid eo Ada pt er programm in g 30 Station move1
4 Auto attendant programming
41 Auto attendant branches 42 Announc e e xt en s ion nu m ber 43 Automatic day/night tables
5 Voice mail programming
51 Maximu m me s sa ge leng th 52 Message purge control 53 Guest/information mailboxes 54 Group mailboxes 55 Message notification options
551 Messag e no t if ic at io n nu m ber s
552 Messag e de l iv er y parameter s 56 Cascade paging mailboxes 57 Q & A mailboxes 58 Message move and delete
6 Recording of prompts
61 Record system prompts 62 Record directory names 63 MOH
631 MOH source
632 Record MOH
633 MOH vol um e 64 Call recording settings
641 CO line recording parameters
6411 Analo g l in e re co rd in g set tings 6412 T1 line recording settings 6413 PRI lin e re cor d in g settings
6414 SIP tr un k re cor d in g set t in g s 642 Extension or department recording parameters 643 Call recording purge parameters
7 Print system reports
71 System reports
711 Syste m pro gr a m report 712 Diagn o sti c re ports
7121 Abnormal call report 7122 PRI status report 7123 Alarm history report 7124 PRI diagnostics report
7125 Clear diagnostic error counts and alarms 72 ESI Presence Management access door report 73 ACD department statistics report 74 Voice ma il s ta t ist i c s rep ort 75 System spee d- d i al r ep ort 76 NDDS report
8 IP network programming
81 License Management 82 Local IP-PBX programming
821 IP Carrier Card Program settings 822 DSP IP Ad dre s s sett in g s 823 Syst em- W id e I P sett i ng s 824 Network Services Processor IP addressing 825 Soft war e Ma i nt en an c e IP Addr e s s
83 Esi-Link programming
831 Local l o cati on nu mb er 832 Adding an E s i-L ink location 833 Delet ing an E s i-L i n k loc at ion 834 Programming Esi-Link publish
835 Other Esi-Link parameters 84 SIP trun k pr ogr am m in g 86 Unified Messaging selection 87 Universal IP resource programming
871 ESI IP st at io n a llo c at ion
872 SIP stat i on allo c at i on
873 SIP trunk allocation
874 Esi-Li n k tru n k a llo c at ion
Shown in the same order as it appears in the p rogramming menu on an ESI desktop phone.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
Entering programming mode
You may program from any ESI de sktop phone in t he system:
1. Press PROG/HELP at any station. The normal station programming menu prompts will begin to play.
2. Press HOLD. The “enter password” prompt will play.
3. Enter the Installer password (default is 7 8 9). seconds. You are now in programming mode. The extension will be automatically placed in DND, and its display will show:
4. The system will play the system programming menu. Follow i t to pr ogram as you wish.
5. When finished, hang up.
Then, to confirm the pa ssword, either press # or wait t w o
Warning: Always FINISH programming in ANY function BEFORE exiting programming mode (as needed, press # to
Note: The system will automatically exit programming mode after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Example: If your Installer password is 864, enter programming mode by pressing PROG/HELP HOLD 8 6 4 #.
accept current entries for function parameters you’re not changing).
(To exit programming mode, hang up.)
If you prefer to enter Administrator programming mode, use the Administrator password, instead (the default is 4 5 6 ).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 1: System function programming
Function 11: System Initialization
This function will return all components and software to their initial state. Initialization will erase all data and custo m recordings — but not the time, date, licensing, or dial plan
Important: Always initialize the system before initial programming for a new installation. You must confirm the command to initialize, when prompted, by entering the Installer password (and then
pressing # to finish confirmation).
Be sure to set the time and date (Function 14) before initializing.
System initialization will take several minutes to complete. When completed, the phone’s display will return to the idle state. You must then re-access Programming Mode by following the steps described earlier (see page C.5).
(see Important notes, below).
Functions 12 and 13 : Insta l ler and Admi nist rato r pas swords
These functions will display the existing password and prompt for entry of a new password. The passwords can be 2–8 digits l ong, fol lowed by #. The Installer can ch ange either the I nstall er or Administrator Password.
Only t hose func tions listed in the Administrator Manual can be programme d via the Administrator Password. The default passw ords are:
Installer Password (Function 12) = 7 8 9 Administrator Password (Function 13) = 4 5 6
Note: Be sure to write down the new passwords, store them in a safe place, and give the new Administrator’s
Accessing user station programming
Should a user forget his password or if an em ployee leaves the organization, this feature allows the Installer or Administr ator to enter a user's station programming and operate within it as if he were the user. Fr om the user’s station, enter the Installer or Administrator password when the system prompts for the user password.
Password to the system Ad ministrator.
Example: From station 105, entering 7 8 9 # or 4 5 6 # instead of the user password (1 0 5 #) will enter the station’s
Dial plan is set in Function 169 (see page D.11).
user programming. (Default passwords shown for this example).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 14: System clock and calendar
Function 141: Set time/date
1. Enter a new ti m e in a twelve-hour format.
Example: Enter 1 2 3 3 for 12:33, or 3 1 5 for 3:15 (note that you need no leading zero for the time).
2. Select AM or PM by pressing a scroll key (either or ).
3. Enter a new date in an eight-digit format, including leading zeroes.
Example: Enter 0 7 0 4 2 0 1 1 for July 4, 2011 (n ote tha t lea din g zeroe s are required here, unlike in Step 1).
4. Press a scroll key (either or ) to select the time zone in which this system is located.
Default: Central (CST). Choices: Hawaii (HST), Alaska (AST), Pacific (PST), Mountain (MST), Central (CST), Eastern (EST).
5. Press # to finish the entry.
Note: A built-in battery maintains the correct time and date, even in the event of a power loss.
Function 142: Automatic time setting
1: Synchronize wi th Caller I D1
This function, when enabled, synchronizes the real-time clock with Caller ID (CID) messaging: call processing compare s the time of a CID message to the s ystem r eal-time clock and, if the differenc e is more than two minutes, resets the real-time clock to matc h the time (minutes) of the CID message. The system will analyze each such message (or — if it receives more than four calls with CID information withi n a one-minute per io d — as is ne ed ed). Sel e ct ENABLE or DISABLE by pressing a scrol l ke y (either or ). Choosing ENABLE will allow the CID data to update the time and date.
Default: Disabled.
Esi-Link-related notes (see also “Function 83: Esi-Link programming,” pages L.10–L.11):
If “synchronize with Caller ID” is enabled, Esi-Link time synchronization (from location 700) will be disabled.
If “synchr onize w ith Calle r ID” i s disabl ed, Esi-L in k time sync hroni zat io n will be allo wed (m inute s onl y). When Esi-Link is used, all cabinets’ time will be synchronized by cabinet 700, unless “synchronize
with Caller ID” is enabled in Function 142.
Does not work with PRI.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
2: Adjust for Daylight Saving Time
This function, when enabled, causes the real-time clock to adjust itself automatically for Daylight Saving Time (DST). Select AUTO or DISABLE for DST by pre s sin g a scr oll ke y (eit h er or ). Choosing DISABLE is best for those areas that don’t ob serve DST.
Default: Disabled.
Note: If this function is enabled and it causes an automatic time change, the system won’t update the real-
time clock from either Caller ID messages (Function 1421, above) or Esi-Link time synchronization for 25 hours before and 25 hours after the time change is due to be effective (i.e., 2:00 AM Sunday).
Function 143: Clock adjustm ent
This function lets the Installer or Admi nistrator ha ve the system automatically compens a te for a clock that’s running too fast or t oo slow. The clock adjustment speeds up or slows do wn the clock over a 30- day period by the amo unt selected. I f the system clock is runni n g slow, select a positive value. If the clock is running fast, select a negative value. Range: -2 to +5.5 minutes. Default: 0.
Example: If the clock is running two minutes fast over a month, select -2 (minus two minutes).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 15: System timing parameters
Function 151: Flash hook dur ation
This sets the time (in seconds) that a flash hook will be sent on the current line to the Telco from a digital phone s et. The default setti ng of 1.5 will cause disconnect and fresh dial tone from the CO. Range: 0. 2– 2.0. Default: 1.5.
Function 152: Transfer recall tim er
This sets the n umber of times a transf erred or DID1 call will ring before following the day/night routing for the extension or depar tm ent . Range: 1–9 rings. Default: 3.
Function 153: Hold recall timers
Function 1531: Exclusive hold recall timer
This is the amount of time, in seconds, that a call will remain on exclusive hold or loop-key hold before recall ing to t he extension that initiate d the exclusive hold or l oop-k ey hold.
Range: 5–960 seconds. Default: 60.
Function 1532: Hold recall timer
This is the amount of time, in seconds, that a call will remain on hold before recalling to the extension that initiated the hold.
Range: 5–960 seconds. Default: 60.
Function 1533: Hold recall timeout timer
This is the number of times a station will recall-ring before being re-routed. Range: 2–40 rings. Default: 6.
Function 154: ACD timers
Function 1541: ACD exit timer
This is the amount of time, in seconds, that a call will remain in ACD department queues before following the depart m e nt rer oute (see Fun cti o n 33, pa ge F.2 8) .
Range: 5–6 00 s ec on ds (or 0 for no lim i t) . Default: 180.
Function 1542: ACD wrap timer
This is the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that an agent can remain in wrap mode. If this function is turned off, agents cannot place their stations in Wrap Mode (see the “ACD agent operation” chapter in the User’s Gui de).
Range: 5–600 seconds (0 for no limit). Default: 0 (no l imit).
Function 1543: ACD agent hold recall timer
This is the amount of time, in seconds, that a call will remain on hold by a logged-in ACD agent before recall . (A logged-out user will follow the Function 1532 timer when placing someone on hold.) Range: 5–960 s econds. Default : 60.
Direct Inward Dialing.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 155: SIP station tim ers
Function 1551: SIP station registration timer
Becaus e the system ca nnot detect wh en a SIP station becomes disconnected, the system requires that the station p eriodically re- register. This funct ion determines the amount of t ime a SIP stati on regist ration will last. If this timer expires before a new register request is received the system will consider the phone to be discon ne ct ed. The value is in seconds. Range: 5–3600. Default: 1800.
Function 156: Cell phone delay
When one use s a cell ul ar phon e or c ordless phon e to pi ck u p mes s ages, this usuall y re q uir e s the us er to move the phone away from the ear frequently in order to press command keys, making the user miss some porti on of th e ne xt pr om pt. This f u nction adds add it io nal d ela y bef or e the playbac k of system prom pts d ur in g remote message pickup or message pickup from an analog station (this does not affect ESI phone message pickup). The value is in seconds. Range: 0. 0– 5.0. Default: 1.0.
Function 157: Device timers
Field 1 : Door unlock relay time r
Used only with ESI Presence Management. This is the number of seconds that a door-unlock relay will
remain open af ter one has pressed a remote d oor-unl ock key.
Range: 2–60 seconds. Default: 4.
Field 2 : Fax s e rver dial del a y
This is the amount of time the system will pause before sending the DID digits to a fax server after the call has been answered. Range: 5–100. Default: 50 (500 ms).
Function 158: VIP 7 PC Attendant exit timer
This is the amount of t ime it t akes an Attend department call (see “Department hunting methods,” page F.28) to enter and exit the Attendant queue.
Range: 5–900 seconds. Default: 180.
Function 16: System feature parameters
Function 161: Recording alert tone
This sets whether the system plays a short beep tone every 15 seconds during a call re cording, indicatin g to both parties that a recording is in progress.
Default: Disabled (the beep doesn’t play).
Function 162: Connect tone
This sets whether the system plays a system conne ct tone (two short beeps a user hears when a stati on a nswers). Default: Enabled (the beeps play).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 163: Station featur e par am eter s
Field 1 : Group list e n e na ble/disable
With this feature disabled: if a st ation user pr e s ses SPEAKER while on a call, the ESI phone immediately turns off the handset and switches to hands-free mode. If enabled, the grou p liste n featur e is avai lable system-wide. I f disabled, it is no l onger available.
Default: Enabled.
Field 2: Privacy release enable/disable
With this feature enabled: if a station user presses a CO line key that is in use (l it red) , the user wi ll be immediately conferenced with the call in progress on that line. With this feature disabled: pressing an in-use CO lin e key has no eff ect.
Default: Disabled.
Warning: Adjusting this parameter while calls are in progress may result in temporary loss of audio.
Field 3: Headset microphone gain adjust
Adjusts the gain of headset microphones connected either directly to the headset jack found on most ESI desktop phones. If the headset microphone gain is too high (“hot”), the user may perceive an annoyingly loud sidetone or hissing when on a station- to-CO call. T he default lev el should provide a comfortable sidetone level and adequat e transmit vol ume when used with recom mended headsets.
Range: 0–5. Default: 2. ( See table, below.)
Entry Value Entry Value
5 +9dB 2 0dB (default) 4 +6dB 1 -3dB 3 +3dB 0 -6dB
Warning: Changing the headset microphone gain will drop all calls in progress. Before making any changes to
this parameter, make sure that all stations are idle.
Field 4 : VIP 7 text-messaging enable/disable
With this enabled, us ers of VIP 7 applications1 can use VIP 7 text-me ssa gi n g. Default: Enabled.
Field 5: System-wide HOLD key lamp appearance
With this feature enabled: when a st ation user pr e sse s th e HOLD key, the HOLD LED flashes on all ESI digit a l stations in the system whe n the call is pl aced on system-wide hold. With this feature disabled: wh en a stat i on u ser pre s ses th e HOLD key, the HOLD LED remains off on all ESI digi tal stations in the system except the station that placed the call on system-wide hold.
Default: Enabled.
Field 6 : Ex c lusive hold a s default
If system-wide is selected: when a station user momentarily presses the HOLD key, the call is placed on system -wide hold; pre ssi n g th e HOLD key for an extended time period places the call on exclusive hold. If exclusive is sel ect ed: when a st ation user mom entarily pr e sse s th e HOLD key, the call is placed on exclusive hold.
Options: Sy st em -wide and excl usive. Def ault : Sy ste m- wi de.
VIP 7, VIP 7 ACD Agent, VIP 7 ACD Supervisor, VIP 7 PC Attendant Console, and VIP 7 Softphone.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 164: Esi-Link and line gr oup acces s codes
Without Esi -L i nk in st al le d, li ne gr o up a cce ss co d es 71 –76 aren’t reser ved for a particular purpose.
But, with Esi-Link installed, these codes are automatically reserved for Esi-Li nk location access, a s shown in the chart at right.
However , even if Esi-Link is installed, the Instal ler can manually change codes 71–76 using Function 164. Once t hese codes are manually change d, the Esi-Lin k locati on num b er s begi n ni ng wit h t he same t wo di gi ts ca n no longer be u se d (e.g., if line ac ces s co de 7 1 is cha ng ed for non-E si-Lin k use, Esi-Link locati on numbers 710–719 are no
Numbering of locations or line groups
Esi-Link location
number range (default)
710–719 71 720–729 72 730–739 73 740–749 74 750–759 75 760–769 76
Line group access
(if selected)
longer av ailable) .
Function 165: Auto attenda nt par am eter s
Field 1 : Auto a t t e ndant inte r-digit tim e r
Make t his sett ing higher if caller s complain that they don’t hav e enough time to dial before either t he system sends them to the wrong destination or they hear “Your entr y was not valid”; make it lower i f they say it pauses too long after they dial digits. This sets the time after the first digi ts has been entered and before the entered number is accept ed as being complete (ti me betw een each digit dialed). Expressed in 1/100 s of seconds.
Range: 40–1000 (i.e., 400 ms to 10 seconds). Default: 200 (i.e., 2 seconds)
Field 2 : Auto a t t e ndant no-re s ponse timer
Adjust i f the time aft er the playing of the auto attendant greeting is too long (or too short) befor e the system follows the no-resp onse (call-forward) destination of a menu or directory. Sets aut o attendant’s no­response timeout time. This is how long the auto attendant waits until after the menu plays all options. Express e d in 1/1 00 s of se co nds.
Range: 50–6000 (i.e., 50 0 ms to 1 minute). Default: 300 (i.e., 3 seconds).
Field 3 : ACD beep
Enables or disables t he ACD beep tone ( same as the “ne w m essage” beep) given to agents logged into an ACD de partment when they’re in a bus y condition and a call goes into queue.
Range: 0 (enabled) or 1 (disa bled). Default: 0 (enabled).
Field 4: Fax energy level (CNG tone)
Adjust this level if fax calls aren’t routing properly when the auto attendant answers. Incre a sing (or decre asing) this field causes the system to look for more (or less) CNG tone to detect whether it’s a valid tone. This is a threshold le vel, so setting it too low may c ause the system to route all calls to the fax port. The energy level of a fax signal must exceed this setting for more than 200 ms.
Range: 1–32767. Default: 70.
Field 5: Name key digits
(Number of digits used for the auto attendant directory branch name key prompt an outside caller to enter when in an auto attendant directory branch. Range: 1–3. Default: 3.
I.e., as are line access numbers 9 and 8.
See “Function 62: Record directory names,” p. I.2.
) This is the number of digits corresponding to the number of letters the system will
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 166: CO parame ters
Field 1: CO-to-CO conference gain
Adjusts the volume level on CO lines when in a conference c all. Increasing this level to a high setting can cause ex ces si ve noise or fee db ack on c onf er e nc e call s. Thi s i s a threshold gain lev el. Doubl ing or halving the cur rent setting is in 6dB increments.
Range: 100–32767. Default: 2048.
Warning: Adjusting field 1 while calls are in progress may result in temporary loss of audio.
Field 2 : ARS inter-digit timer
Adjust this timer if the sy stem disconnects the call bef o re all digits are sent or there is an excessively long delay before the number is di aled. Sets the time after the first digit has been entered and before the entered number is accepted as being complete. Thi s is when ARS (see “Funct ion 223: Automatic route selection [ARS],” page E.28) is enabled and an outgoing call is made. Also controls the amount of time available for dialing when PRI lines are accesse d. Expressed in 1/100s of secon ds.
Range: 40–1000 (i.e., 400 ms to 10 se con ds) . Default: 50 0 (i.e., 5 seconds).
Field 3: CO playback gain
Adjusts the volume level the system uses to play back recordings, prompts or messages to a CO line. If this value is set too low, callers i nto the system may not be able to hear th e greeti ng of a m ailbox or the auto attendant when either a nswers the call . 6 = 0dB; going up or down from t here is i n 3dB increments.
Range: 1–12. Default: 6.
Field 4 : Tr unk- t o- t runk CO gain
Adjust this if call ers in a trunk-to-trunk connection — either through the “r each-me” feature, manual conne cti on or auto atte ndant — are u na ble t o he ar or ha ve e xces si ve noise or feedb a ck. 10 = 0 dB; going up or down from there is in 3dB increments.
Range: 1–12. Default: 11.
Warning: Adjusting field 4 while calls are in progress may result in temporary loss of audio.
Field 5: Delay before connection “beep-beep”
Adjust this i f connection tones are played either too soon or too late after the system answers a C O or intercom call. Sets the amount of time before the connection “beep-beep” is started. Expressed in 1/100s of seconds.
Range: 10–100 (i.e., 1 00 ms to 1 second) . Default: 20 (i.e., 200 ms).
Field 6: Caller ID gain
Adjust this level if Caller ID inf ormation isn’t being displayed. Setting this field tells the system h ow much CID signal it needs to determine whether the signal is valid CID. This is a value set in the DSP and i s similar to the fax energy level (se e Function 165, f ield 4, page D. 7).
Range: 1–32767. Default: 2000 0.
Warning: Adjusting field 6 while calls are in progress may result in temporary loss of audio.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Field 7 : PRI local numbe r digit l e ngth
Tells t he system whether there is seven- or 10-digit lo cal dial ing in the system’s area. If the local call ing area uses only seven-digit dialing, set thi s value to 7 (this tells the system not to wait for additional digits when a local seven-digit number is dialed).
Range: 7 or 10. Default: 10 (supports both 10- and seven-di git dialing).
Field 8 : Di a ling off-hold
Enables or disables outside callers’ ability to dial off-hold only when MOH 590 (external source) is selected. Wh en this is enabled, CO callers will be able to dial extension, department, and mailbox number s while on hold. When this is disabled, the system will ignore digits dialed by CO callers. To enable or disable outside callers’ abil ity to dial off-hold, press a scroll key to make the desired selection and then press # to confirm.
Default: Enabled.
Field 9 : Re- s ending of Caller ID in Int e lligent Call Forwar ding (PRI)
This parameter “tur ns off” the repeat Call er ID (re-sending) component of Int ellige nt Call F orwarding in PRI. Some service providers — local exchang e carriers or inter-exchang e carriers — don’t allow repeating the call er’ s CID d ata wh en ma kin g an out going call. If re-sending of Caller ID is disabled, the PRI pilot number of the station’s tenant will be sent instead. If re-sending of Caller ID is enabled, CO calls that are forwarded to an off-premises number over a PRI channel will send the original caller’s CID data to the called person. To enable or disable this parameter, press a scr ol l ke y to ma ke th e desi r ed s el ect i on an d th e n pres s # to confirm. Default: Enabled.
Note: Call forwarding off-premises and call forwarding no-answer/off-premises will be unaffected by
changes to this parameter.
Field 1 0 : Re- s e nding of Cal ler ID in Inte lligent Call Forwardi ng (SIP)
This parameter “turns off” t he repeat Call er ID (r e -sending) component of Intelligent Call Forwarding in SIP trunki n g. Som e ser v ic e pro vi der s — lo cal ex c ha nge car r i ers or i nter - ex cha ng e car ri er s — don’ t all ow repeating th e caller’s CID data when ma king an outgoing call. If re-sending of Caller ID is disabled, the SIP pilot number of the station’s tenant will be sent instead. If re-sending of Caller ID is enabled, CO calls that are forwarded to an off-premises number over SIP trunki ng will send the origi nal caller’s CID data to the called person. T o enable or disable this parameter, press a scr ol l ke y to ma ke th e desi r ed s el e ction and the n pr ess # to confirm. Default: Enabled.
Note: Call forwarding off-premises and call forwarding no-answer/off-premises will be unaffected by
changes to this parameter.
Field 11: Fax call default destination
This parameter determines where fax calls detected by the system auto attendant will be routed. If this field is left at the default setting of ANALOG the system will route faxes that are detected by the auto attendant to the low est-num bered extension in th e system that has a type of Fax in Function 31. If this field is set to ESI FAX the system will route faxes detected by the auto attendant to the IP Server 900’s bui lt - in Fa x ov er e-m ai l f eat ur e. Default: ANALOG.
Note: With a setting of ESI FAX the system will send a notification e-mail to the system’s operator extension
with the fax attached as a .PDF file.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 167: Voice mail param eter s
Field 1: Energy threshold
Adjust this downward if (a.) callers in a mailbox, on a conference call or in the auto attendant are being di sc onn ected and/ or (b.) mess ag es i n a mailbox are incomplete. Adjust this upward if mailboxes are storing messages with long periods of silence. This sets the v alue used to detect energy received by the system on any port. Lowering this v alue means less energy will be required to stay connect ed. Energy below this level is treated as silence.
Range: 0–65535. Default: 500.
Field 2: Recording silence value
This sets how much consecutive sile nce can b e recorded in a mailbox before it stops and plays the “ end of recording” pr ompt (537). Expressed in 1/1 00s of seconds.
Range: 200–3000 (2 to 30 seconds). Default: 350 (3. 5 seco nd s) .
Field 3 : Pa ge glare detec t ion
Enables or disables t he ignoring of page glare when using pager not ification. When this is set to 1, the system will go off-hook and send phone or pager strings regardless of dialtone detection. Enable this field if one or both of the following occur:
• CO lines are not relea sing immediately after a pager notificati on.
• “Phantom” incoming calls ( no caller and no Caller I D ) are occurring.
Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (ena bled). Default: 0 (disable d).
Field 4: Maximum messages in Recycle Bin
Sets the maxim um number of messages in the Mess age Recy cle Bin. This is a system-wide setting.
Range: 2–40. Default: 10.
Field 5: Unified messaging playback exit timer
Sets the maxim um duration in seconds to keep the ESI phone connected to voice mail (i.e., wait for additi onal user entries) after a message stops playing via VIP 7. Range: 0–20 (seconds). Default: 4.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 169: System feature activation and dial plan selection
Field 1: Tenant service
Enables/disables t enant service. When tenant ser vice is enabled, stations and departments must b e assigned to one of eight tenants in Functi ons 21, 31, or 33. Tenant service affects:
• Function 21 (CO line assignment, page E.1)
• Function 225 (pilot number translat ion table, pa ge E.32)
• Function 31 (extension definition and routing, page F.2)
• Function 33 (department programming, page F.28)
• Function 4 (auto att endant programm ing, page G.1)
• Function 63 (MOH programming, page I.3)
Default: Disabled.
WARNING: When tenant service is enabled, ID branches 2 through 8 (see “Auto attendant programming,”
beginning on page G.1) will be initialized for each tenant’s main menu branch.
Field 2 : CO line tenant c he c k
Note: Offered only if tenant service is enabled in Field 1.
Controls two f unctions. If CO line t enant check is enabled:
1. When a CO line is pl aced on hold, the HOLD key LED fla she s onl y on st ations wh ose te n ant matches that CO line’s tenant.
2. When a station user presses the HOLD key to retr ieve a call, the display show s only the CO lines on hold whose tenant m atches that station’s tenant.
Default: Disabled.
If Function 163 , field 5, is enabled. See page D.6.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Field 3 : Se lectabl e numbe ring plan t e m plate
Warning: Changes to this parameter will result in system initialization, which will erase all programming, voice
Note: If a three-digit dial plan is used, the IP Server 900’s full capacity cannot be attained (see page
messages, greetings, and recordings. System programming backups that are of a different numbering plan range than the one selected cannot be restored.
“Selectable numbering plan,” page C.2).
This paramete r allows the i nstall er to select one of nine pre-d e fined r anges of exte nsion num bers (see “Selectable num bering plan, ” pa g e C.2). Ho we ver, r egar d le ss of whi c h ext en sio n num beri n g ra ng e is selected, feature codes, and CO line groups access numbers will stay the same. Press a scroll key to select a new numb er i ng pla n, or pre s s # to continue. If you select a new numbering plan, you will be prompted to ini tialize the system by entering the Installer password.
Note: Initialization will take several minutes to complete.
Ranges: (See page C.3.) Default: 100.
Field 4 : I n/out DSS lamp
When a station is in off-premises mode1 or th e s t at ion i s se t t o DN D , a n y ot h er st a tion wi t h a pr o g r am m a bl e feature key set as a DSS key for that station will light the key amber. This parameter controls how the key appears am ber :
Key’s amber lighting if phone is in this mode. . . Setting DND Off-premises
Both solid Solid Solid DND wink Slow blink Solid Out office wink Solid Slow blink
Use th e scroll keys to select and press # to confirm. Default: Both solid.
For more information, see the ESI Presence Management Installation Manual (ES I # 0450-0792).
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 17: System speed-dial
Up to 1,0001 system spe ed- di al name s an d as sociated num bers can be stor e d for a cc e ss by any st at i o n. A user can ini ti at e a syst em spe ed-dial by di aling the spe ed- di al locat i on num b er or by acc es si ng the n ame throug h th e Esi- D e x feat ur e. In Fun ct io n 32, acce s s to system spee d-d ial ca n be de nie d t o indi vi d ual statio ns (see page F.23).
Note: System speed-dialing overrides extension toll restrictions (Function 32, page F.23).
1. Enter the three-digit or four -digit sp e ed- di al n umb er to pr o gra m . (For ac ceptable sy stem spe ed-dial number s, see “Selectable numbering plan,” page C.2.)
2. Enter a name up to 10 characters in length (see “Entering alphanumeric characters,” page C.2).
3. Enter the number to be dialed (including the l ine groups 9, 8, or 71–76). Press t he left s croll k ey () to delete an y ch ara ct er or digi t e nt er ed i n err or .
Important: When using PRI, don’t enter a pause (“P”) after the line group number. If you do, the system will
send all digits after the pause as DTMF digits, and the call won’t be completed.
Here’ s an e xampl e:
Speed-dial number Name Number
1. 2. 3.
601 AUTO RENTL 915552221212
The number dialed in Ste p 3 can be up to 30 d igits long including special ch ar acters:
Code What it produces
# # DTMF tone
F Flash hook P 2-second pause
DTMF tone
Use the scroll key to enter special characters; us e the scroll key to ba ckspac e. Press # to confir m the insert e d char a cter a nd co nti nu e. Pres s # # to complete the entry.
Example: To create a system speed-dial number that dials 9, then 214-555-5644, then pauses for four seconds and
finally dials #104, enter the following dial string:
Deleting a speed-dial number
To delete a n enti r e spe ed-dial num ber and n ame, del et e th e locat i on n umb er by pr e ss in g HOLD or the left scroll key () during Step 1 i n the speed-dialing procedure described above.
Note: Speed-dial keys can’t be used when the station is already connected to a CO line.
Up to 100 if three-digit dial plan is used.
IP Server 900 Programming Manual Function 1: System function programming
Function 18: SMDR settings
Real-time SMDR call re cords are continuousl y output to the IP Ser ver 900’s Ether net port.
Note: Choose STORED in step 1 to have SMDR activity recorded to the ASC’s Memory Module.
1. Select the output device by pressing the scroll keys ( and ):
NONE (Makin g th is se l e cti on en ds t he pr oc es s at this step. )
ETHERNET (if connecting to a LAN through an NSP board).
2. Select the SMDR format, STANDARD, EXTENDED, or CSV, by pressing the scroll keys ( and ). Default: STANDARD.
Note: If STORED was selected in step 1, the SMDR format will be extended and no output will be seen.
Once STORED is selected, the second option (SMDR format) will no longer appear.
Capturing S MDR data ov er E ther ne t
The NSP c an be used to output SMDR data over an IP network; a nd a Telnet connection can be mad e to the NSP, using port xx003 (default is 59003), to capture th is data. For more information, see NSP Installation Made Simple (ESI # 0 450-0669).
SMDR output
Examples of SMDR output are shown beginn ing on page K.1.
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