ESI 600, IVX X-Class, IVX E-Class, IP E-Class, IP E-class series, IVX X-class series, E-Class, ESI-600 User Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
ESI Feature Phone
User’s Guide
Rev. B
Visit for up-to-date help.
About ESI
ESI (Estech S ystems, Inc.) is a privately held corporatio n base d in Plano, Texas. F ounded in 1987, ESI
designs and bui l ds innovative t el ecommunication s products for bus inesses like yours. Because of t heir
powerful com bi nation of value and f eatures, ES I products are consistently re cognized by indust ry
publications and leaders.
Esi-Dex, Qui ck Groups, Quick Moves, Virtual Mailbox Key, Auto Page, Quick Page and Verbal User Guide are trademarks, of ESI.
Act! is a registered trademark of Symantec Corporation. Goldmine is a trademark of Goldmine Software Corporation. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, NT and Outlook are registe re d tradem arks of Microso ft Corpora tio n.
Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Panasonic and DBS are registered trademarks of Matsushita Electric Corporation
of America.
Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
ESI products are protected by various U.S. Patents, granted and pending.
ESI is an ISO 9001:2000-certified company. Visit ESI on the Web at
ESI Cordless Handsets ...............................................................................................................................................................................A.6
Connecting your ESI phone ........................................................................................................................................................................A.7
Help mode (Verbal User Guide)..............................................................................................................................B.1
User programming: An introduction......................................................................................................................C.1
User programming menu ............................................................................................................................................................................C.1
Voice mail operation.......................................................................................................... ......................................D.1
VOICE MAIL key..........................................................................................................................................................................................D.1
Personal greetings .......................................................................................................................................................................................D.1
Moving and deleting a message.................................................................................................................................................................D.3
Live recording...............................................................................................................................................................................................D.7
Message Recycle Bin (u n- de l e te )...............................................................................................................................................................D.9
Status indicator lamp....................................................................................................................................................................................D.9
Optional voice mail feature: Guest mailboxes ........................................................................................................................................ D.10
Optional voice mail feature: Group/broadcast mailboxes......................................................................................................................D.12
Optional voice mail feature: Cascade notification mailboxes ................................................................................................................D.13
Optional voice mail feature: Q & A mailboxes ........................................................................................................................................ D.15
ESI Feature Phone operation..................................................................................................................................E.1
Caller ID ........................................................................................................................................................................................................E.1
Direct station selection.................................................................................................................................................................................E.5
Transferring an outside call . . . ...................................................................................................................................................................E.5
Transferring an internal call . . . ...................................................................................................................................................................E.7
Hold/exclusive hold operation ...................................................................................................................................................................E.13
Optional features ........................................................................................................................................................................................E.16
Special keys..............................................................................................................................................................F.1
Personal greeting reminder.......................................................................................................................................................................F.10
Outside dial tone preference .....................................................................................................................................................................F.11
Line keys.....................................................................................................................................................................................................F.11
Optional features ........................................................................................................................................................................................F.12
Using 48-Key IP Feature Phone II remotely..........................................................................................................G.1
2. No 911/emergency calls.........................................................................................................................................................................G.1
Using Esi-Link...........................................................................................................................................................H.1
Programmable feature keys and Esi-Link: an introduction.......................................................................................................................H.2
Dialing an Esi-Link location..........................................................................................................................................................................H.3
Using feature keys with Esi-Link.................................................................................................................................................................H.4
Other Esi-Link features................................................................................................................................................................................H.7
Dialing into an ESI IP Gateway...................................................................................................................................................................H.9
ACD agent operat i on.................................................................................................................................................I.1
Programming the agent log-on/off key ........................................................................................................................................................I.1
LED indicator..................................................................................................................................................................................................I.2
While logged on: no DND, monitor mode, call forward, or programming................................................................................................I.4
Analog stations............................................................................................................... ..........................................J.1
Voice mail operation from an analog station..............................................................................................................................................J.4
Analog station programming........................................................................................................................................................................J.7
User’s GuideIntroduction
Accessing the r i ch E S I feature set is simple and easy t hrough the straightforward design of each of the
various ESI Feature Phones. E ach feature has been de signed for ease of use while provi di ng
capabilities needed in an advanced business phone.
You will be able to learn man y of the features by simply using your phone; and this E S I Feature Phone User’s Guide will introduce you to the wi de variety of features offered by your ESI phone system and
how to use your ph one effectively t o achieve maximum benefits.
What it covers
This User’s Guide covers the use of t he following wi t h the ESI-600 phone system:
• 48-Key Featur e Phone (Digital , TAPI, and local/ remote IP Feature Phone II)
• 24-Key Digital Feature Phone
• 12-Key Featur e P hone
• ESI Cordles s Handset (Digi tal, IP, and Remote IP)
• 60-Key Expansion Console and Sec ond Expansion Con sole
How it’s arranged
• Section A — Phone illustrations
• Section B — User help
• Section C — User p rogramming
• Section D — Voi ce mai l operation
• Section E — Phone ope ration
• Sections F through K — Special keys and features
Introduction User’s Guide
48-Key Feature Phone
The 48-Key Feature Phone has a vari et y of programmabl e and built-in f eat ures. It comes in m ul t i ple
versions: 48 -Key Digital Fe ature Phone; 48-Key Digital T A PI Feature Phone; and 4 8-Key IP Feature
Phone II. A ddi t i onal l y, it supports up to two optional Expansion Consoles (see ne xt page). All versions
of the 48-Ke y Feat ure Phone offer t he same basic feat ures which are des cribed throughout this User’s Guide. The 48-Key Feature Phone’ s buil t-in voi ce mai l f eatures and voice prompts make it easy to
program and use.
soft fe ature key
(pg. C.2)
HELP key for
access to Verbal
User Guide
and tutorial
(pg. B.1)
Status indicator
lamp (pg. D.9)
3-line, 56- c h ar ac t er display
Volume/scroll keys
soft feature key
(pg. F.2)
key to select
displayed optio ns
(pickup) key
(pg. E.15)
30 program mable
feature keys
(pg. C.2)
Fixed feature keys
(pg. E.1)
Microphone for
buil t-in speakerphone
Hint: On any of these ESI phone varieties (including the Expansion Consoles), you can perform direct
programming by holding down a programmable feature key for at least two seconds (similar to how you
might program a car radio button). This isn’t applicable to the fixed-feature keys which, as their name
impli es, ar e al re a dy pro gr a mme d.
key (pg. D.1)
(pg. D.7)
PAGE key
(pg. E.15)
User’s Guide Introduction
Optional Expans io n C onsole s f or us e wi th t he 48 -K ey Fea tur e P hone
Note: Your Installer or System Administrator must enable Expansion Con sole support for your extension
before yo u ca n us e one or bot h E xpan si on C ons ol es.
Your ESI 48-Key Feature Phone can support up to two optional Expansion Consoles, for a possible total
of 120 additional programmable feature keys.
The 60-Key Expa nsion Console connects directly to the phone, while the Second Expansion Console
connects to the first Console.
You program ea ch E xpa nsion Console’s keys just as you do t he programmable feature keys on your
ESI Feature Phone, using eith er direct or tr adi t i onal programm i ng (see page C.2).
Note: Only one ke y can exist per ext en si on, feature or op erat i on. If y ou pro gr am a second key for the same
extension, f eature or operat ion, t his automatically erases the first k ey so programmed, thus m aking it
available for a new extension, feature or operatio n.
Hint: You may find it easier to write in the names on the overlay before you program the keys and atta ch the
overlay to th e Console.
60 program mable
feature keys
(pg. C.2)
in two banks
of 30 each
Hint: On any of these ESI phone varieties (including the Expansion Consoles), you can perform direct
programming by holding down a programmable feature key for at least two seconds (similar to how you
might program a car radio button). This isn’t applicable to the fixed-feature keys which, as their name
impli es, ar e al re a dy pro gr a mme d.
Introduction User’s Guide
24-Key Feature Phone
The 24-Key Feature Phone has featu res similar to t hose of the 48-Key Feature Phone. H owever, the
24-Key Featur e P hone is available only as a digital m odel and doesn’t support TAPI, IP, ESI’s softwar e
applications (VIP, VIP Professional, and ESI PC Attendant Console)
true for the 48-Key Feature Phone, the 24-Key Feat ure Phone’s buil t -in voice mail features and voice
prompts make it easy to program and use.
, or the Expansion Consoles. A s is
ESI-DEX key (pg. F.2)
P/UP (pickup) key
PROG/HELP combo key
for phone pr o gra mming
(pg. C.2) and access to
Verbal User Guide
and tutorial (pg. B.1)
(pg. E.15)
Volume/scroll keys
Other fixed feature keys
(pg. E.1)
Status indicator
lamp (pg. D.9)
2-line, 32- c h ar ac t er display
12 program mable fe at ur e
keys (pg. C.2)
VOICE MAIL key (pg. D.1 )
PAGE key (pg. E.15)
RECORD key (pg. D.7)
Microphone for
buil t-in speakerphone
Hint: On any of these ESI phone varieties (including the Expansion Consoles), you can perform direct
programming by holding down a programmable feature key for at least two seconds (similar to how you
might program a car radio button). This isn’t applicable to the fixed-feature keys which, as their name
impli es, ar e al re a dy pro gr a mme d.
For information concerning these software applications, see the ESI Web site at
User’s GuideIntroduction
12-Key Feature Phone
The 12-Key Feature Phone includes the basic, most commonly used phone features. Thi s simpl i f i ed
model is avail abl e only as a digital m odel and doesn’t support TAPI , IP, ESI’s software applications
(VIP, VIP Professional, and E SI PC Attendant Console)
, or Esi-Dex.
P/UP (pickup) key (pg. E.15 )
, the Expansion Consoles, speakerphone
Volume/scroll keys
16-char ac t er dis p lay
9 programmable
feature keys (pg. C.2)
PROG/HELP combo key
for phone pr o gra mming
(pg. C.2) and access to
Verbal User Guide
and tutorial (pg. B.1)
Fixed feature keys
(pg. E.1)
PAGE key (pg. E.15)
Note: The followi ng features are n’t available o n a 12-Key Feature Phone:
• Cert ain special keys and feat ures (s ee “Special key s,” page F.1).
• Esi-Dex.
• ACD operation.
Additi onally: to use voice mai l, conference calling and mute/DND on a 12-Key Feature Phone, you
must program these features into programmable feat ure keys (see “Programmable fe ature keys,” page
C.3, and “Optional features,” page F.12).
Hint: On any of these ESI phone varieties (including the Expansion Consoles), you can perform direct
programming by holding down a programmable feature key for at least two seconds (similar to how you
might program a car radio button). This isn’t applicable to the fixed-feature keys which, as their name
impli es, ar e al re a dy pro gr a mme d.
For information concerning these software applications, see the ESI Web site at
The 12-Key Feature Phone doesn’t have a hands-free microphone, and therefore can’t serve as a true two-way speakerphone.
Its speaker plays pages.
Introduction User’s Guide
ESI Cordless Handsets
ESI’s digit al Cordless Handsets come in two model s — compact and heavy-duty — but each offers the
same features. Note that they do not have the follow i ng features found on some ESI desktop phones:
speakerphone, Esi-Dex su pport (or ESI-DEX key), Calle r ID key, Virt ual M ai l box K ey support, or Verbal
User Guide (or HELP key). E ach m odel comes with a charger/AC adapter, base stati on, bel t clip,
battery pack, and wall mount.
Compact modelHeavy- duty model
Two-lin e, 3 2- c har ac t e r dis play;
third line contains status icons
VOICE MAIL key (pg. D.1 )
Other fixed feature keys (pg. E.1)
TALK key
Four programmable feature keys (pg. C.2)
User’s GuideIntroduction
Connecting your ESI phone
Depending on which ESI phone you ha ve, use the appropriate diagram (below) to conne ct i t. Each
diagram represents the panel on t he phone’s underside.
Note: The “Top of phone” and “Bott om of phone” references in these diagrams show t he correct vertical
orient ation of the phon e — i.e., the part with the display is the top.
Line cord
to wall
to PC
12-Key Featur e P hone
24-Key Featur e P hone
• Connects like a basic phone.
• Handset plug s into right-side jack.
• Line cord plugs into left -side jack.
48-Key Digi tal Fe atur e P hone
In addition to how the 24-Key F eat ure Phone connects
to the handset and line cord, not e t he presence of a
headset jack
, as well as the f ol lowing information:
To power
To 60-Key
To 60-Key
Line cord
Connectors on bottom of
48-Ke y Digit al Feature Phon e
to wall
(headset jack shown)
•TAPI versio n i ncludes a cable fo r connecting to your
PC’s serial port.
•60-Key Expansion Console cabl e (included wit h each
Console) uses standard RJ-11 telephone connectors.
48-Key IP Featur e P hone II
In addition to t he details menti oned previousl y for
the 48-Key Digital Feature Phone, each 48-Key IP
Feature Phone I I includes:
•A power supply t hat is unswitched (i.e., always-o n AC
outlet) and plugs into the phon e.
•An Ethernet cab l e, which connects the
phone to a PC (or, if no PC is present, directl y t o a
router, switch or hub) to achieve connecti vity to a local
area network (LAN).
Note: When the phone is in the highest upright position, use the wall-mount hook located under the handset
to secure the handset when you’ re not using t he phone.
On 48-Key Feature Phones shipped by ESI to its Resellers on or after March 1, 2004.
Introduction User’s Guide
60-Key Expansion Console connection
Notes: Your Inst aller or System Administ rator m ust enable Expansion Console s upport f or your extension
before yo u ca n us e one or bot h E xpan si on C ons ol es.
The 60-K ey Exp an sio n Con s ole c an be co nne ct ed t o only a 48 - Ke y Feat ure Ph on e.
If connectin g both a 60-Key Expansion Consol e and a Se cond Expansion Console t o a 48-Key Feature
Phone, see “Second Expansion Console c onnecti on,” page A.9.
1. Unplug the line cord or Ethernet cable from your 48-Key Feature Phone.
If it’s an IP Feature Phone II wi th a power supply plugged into it, unpl ug the power supply, too.
2. The 60-Key Expansion Console (right) includes a six-conductor
expansion cable. Connect one end of the expansion ca bl e t o the
appropriate c onnector on the bott om of the Feature Pho ne (below).
Then, connect t he other end of the expansion cable to t he 60-Key
Expansion Consol e.
3. To keep cabling out of the way, thread the ex pansion cable int o t he
slots on the bottom of the phone and 60-Key Expan sion Console.
4. Program the keys on the 60 -K ey E xpansion Console using the same
procedure a s with the Digital F eature Phone ( press PROGRAM 2).
5. If necessary, remove t he clear plastic overla y f rom t he keys on the
Expansion Consol e.
6. For maximum convenience, label the paper overl a y t o show how
the keys are p rogrammed (your Inst aller or Sy st em Administrat or can do this wit h ESI software).
7. Install the labeled paper overlay on the 60-Key E xpansion Console.
8. Install the clear plastic overlay over the pap er overlay, to protect it.
9. Use the provided Velcro
side of the 48-K ey Feature Phone.
10. Plug the line cord or Ethernet cable bac k into your 48-Key Feat ure Phone.
If you unplugged a power supply in step 1, plug it back in, as well.
tape to at t ach the left si de of the 60-Key Expan sion Console to the right
To 60-Key
Line cord
to wall
Connectors on bottom of
48-Ke y Digit al Feature Phon e;
to PC
TAPI m odel shown
User’s GuideIntroduction
Second Expansion Console connection
Notes: Your Inst aller or System Administ rator m ust enable Expansion Console s upport f or your extension
before yo u ca n us e one or bot h E xpan si on C ons ol es.
If connecting only one Expansion Console to a 48-Key Feature Phone, see “60-Key Expa nsion
Console c on nect i on, ” pa ge A. 8.
The Second Expansion Console connect s to the 60-Key Expansion Consol e and cannot connect
directly to the 48-Key Feature Phone (which is the only phon e to whic h you can connect a 60-Key
Expans ion Console).
1. Unplug the line cord or Ethernet cable from your 48-Key Feature Phone.
If it’s an IP Feature Phone II wi th a power supply plugged into it, unpl ug the power supply, too.
2. The Second Expansion Console
expansion “Y” cable(right)
the back of the equipment so that t he AC adapter is on
left and the end of the cable is on the right.
3. Connect the right end of t he expansion “Y” cable to the
appropriat e c onnector on the bott om of the 48-Key
Feature Phone (below).
4. Then, connect the expan sion “Y” cable’s middle plug to the 60-Key E xpansion Console, the left
plug to the Second Expansion Consol e, and the AC adapter t o an appropriate 110 VAC outl et to
provide power to the Second Expansion Consol e (above).
5. To keep cabling out of the way, thread the ex pansion “Y” cable into the slots on t he bottom of the
phone and the two Expansion Consoles.
6. Program the keys on the two E xpansion Consoles using the same procedure as with the Digital
Feature Phone (press PROGRAM 2).
7. If necessary, remove t he clear plastic overlay from the keys on the two 60-Key Expansion Consoles.
8. For maximum convenience, label the paper overl a y t o show how the ke ys are programmed (your
Installer or System Administrator can do this with ESI software).
9. Install the labeled paper overlays on the two 60-Key Expansion Consoles.
10. Install the clear plastic overlays over t he paper overl ays, to protect t hem .
11. Use the provided Velcro
tape to attach the left side of the 60-Key E xpansion Console t o the right
side of the 48-K ey Feature Phone, and the right si de of the 60-Key E xpansion Console to the left
side of the Second E xpansion Console).
12. Plug the line cord or Ethernet cable bac k into your 48-Key Feat ure Phone.
If you unplugged a power supply in step 1, plug it back in, as well.
includes an
. Lay out the cable across
to PC
To 60-Key
It’s physically identical to a 60-Key Expansion Console; consult your Installer if you have trouble determining which one it is.
This diagram shows the backs of the Expansion Consoles.
Line cord
Connectors on bottom of
48-Ke y Digit al Feature Phon e;
to wall
TAPI m odel shown
Introduction User’s Guide
ESI Cordless Handset connection
Each ES I Cordless Han dset com e s with:
• A charger/cradle to charge the H andset.
• An AC adapter for use with only t he charger.
• A base station to provide a di gi t a l interface between the E SI phone system and ESI Cordless
Handset. T his base station is line-powered and thus needs no AC power.
•Wall-mount(s), a belt clip, and a Quick Reference Gu ide.
Base station installation
Due to each site’s unique characteristics, the range and distance information we’ll p rovide herein is
only approximat e.
Characteristics that positively affect performance:
• The base station should be installed so it ha s a clear line-of-sight with the Cordless Han dset .
• The base station antenna should a l ways be pointed in i ts uppermost vertical position.
Don’t install the base station:
• Close to a wall, especially one with metal st uds.
• Next to a devi ce t hat em i ts EMI
light fixture, or fax machi ne.
— e.g., a television, radio, computer, computer printer , flourescent
• Next to any other 900 MHz device — e.g., a hand-held inventory cont rol device.
• In a ceiling t hat has foil-ba ck ed insulation.
• Behind doors that typicall y are closed, ti nt ed windows, one-way glass, or ot her areas that lim it or
cut off transmission to the Cordless Handset.
Base stations must be installed at least 10 feet apart, regardless of whet her t he base statio n is f or the
small-model or large-model Cordless Handset. Don’t inst al l m ore t hen six base stations in one area
(such as a network room). Choos e a l ocation at least 30 feet away if mo re t han six base stations are
needed in a buil di ng. A base station requires only a l ine cord to the phone system; A C power isn’t
needed because t he base station receives power f rom t he phone system via the l i ne cord.
Once the base stat i ons are installed and the Cordless Handsets charged, change each Hands et ’ s
channel by pressing its CH key . Each Handset should have its own channel. There are 30 available
channels on the small Cordless Handset and 10 on the large Cord l ess Handset.
Note: Feed back may result if the Cordless Handset is withi n three i nches of an ESI desktop Feature Phone.
Electromagnetic interference.
User’s GuideHelp mode (Verbal User Guide)
Help mode (Verbal User Guide)
Your ESI phone s ystem ’s Help mode (also calle d the Verbal User Guide) — a ca refully conceived
combination of spoken informat i on, display readouts and even key il l umi nation when appropriate — is a
powerful tool to help you lea rn how to use the system’s many featu res.
Notes: As explained on p age E.1, each of the two sm aller F eature Phones, 12-Key an d 24-Key, has a combo
The ESI Cordless Handsets have no access to the Verbal U ser Guide and, therefore, no HELP key.
When your stati on is idle, press HELP, and t hen f o ll ow the spoken Help m enu to:
• Learn how to use the phone • Hear a description of how any key is us ed
• Learn how to use voice m ai l features • Hear a complete tut orial on phone operation
Help during st ation program m ing
To hear a detailed description of a function you wish to program, press HELP while programm i ng i t .
Help during a call
Press HELP while on a call and this will pl ac e the call on hold, whereu pon you can use Help mode to
hear a description of the funct i on you wish to perform. When yo u exit Help mode, you wi l l be
reconnected to the call.
While you are either in He lp mode or programming your phone, your station will be tempora rily placed in
DND (see “MUTE/DND,” pag e E.3). Anyone calling your stat i on while you are in DND will be fo rwarded
to your mailbox (or other destination set by the installer).
Exiting Help mode
To exit Help mode, simply hang up.
Visit f o r up-t o-date help.
Help mode (Verbal User Guide) User’s Guide
(This page included for pagination purposes only.)
User’s GuideUser programming: An introduction
User programming: An introduction
Voice prompts will play menu and sub-menu options to access the desired feature. You don't have to wait
for the enti re prompt to be played. Therefore, on ce you’ve become famil iar with the prompts (consul t
“User program m i ng m enu overview,” below), you can qu i ckly set any frequently used feature.
Program m ing hel p
During any of the programming steps, press HELP to hear a more det ai l ed description of the featu re
and related p rogramming options.
1 Entry settings
2 Exit settings
3 Quiet time settings
9 Un-delete
Note: Selections 3, 5 and 6, as well as the backgr ound ann ounce function u nder “St ation opt ions” (see pa ge
E.12), are not availa ble on a 12-Key Feature Ph one.
For use with only ESI Cordless Handsets.
Available only if your phone system is using ESI Presence Management. If you’re not sure whether it is, consult your System
Administrator. For more information about ESI Presence Management, visit
User programming: An introduction User’s Guide
1 Select persona l gr ee ting
Select the desired greeting — 1, 2 or 3. The system will play the current greeting, followed by
prompts to re-record, delete or hear again — or select the current greeting by pr essing #.
1 Record personal greeting
Begin recordi ng at the tone. Press 1 to stop. T he new personal greeting automatically replaces
the previous greeting.
2 Delete personal greeting
When prompted, press 2 again to confi rm deletion.
Warning: Your mailbox is disabled if no personal greeting exists. Never delete all of your existing
personal greetings before you record at least one new one.
3 Hear current personal greeting
2 Programmable feature keys
There are two methods for perform i ng programming of your phone’s programmable feature keys:
• Direct programming — Select the ke y y ou want to program, and hold it down for at least two
seconds. This not only init iates programm ing but also let s you immediately program t hat specific key .
• T raditional programm i ng — P r ess PROGRAM. The Verbal Help Guide wil l speak to you,
walking you through the full m enu, during whi ch y ou can choose the appropriate option.
Direct pr ogr amm i ng ex ampl e:
You wish to set one of the keys to dial a co-worker, whose extension is 105. Hold down the key
for at least two seconds. This automatically puts you in feature key programmin g. Follow the
prompts to enter 1 0 5. (This has allowed you to skip two steps — pressing PROGRAM and
selecting a menu opti on — that you’d have had to perform if using traditional progr amming.)
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
How the programmable feature keys can be set
• Li ne keys — Programming a lin e num ber into a programmable feature key makes it a line key,
which provid es t he appropriate lam p information and manual outsi de-line acce ss.
• Stati o n keys — If you program a programmable feat ure key with any of the following, i t
becomes a stati on key, providing the appropriat e lamp inform at i on and easy access or transfer:
— User extensio ns — Group mailboxes
— Department pi lot numbers — Cascade paging mailboxes
— Guest/info mailboxes — System speed dial n umbers
— Q & A mailboxes
• Speed-di al keys — In addition t o programming a p rogrammable feature key with a system
speed-dial number, you can creat e personal speed-dial key s f or automatic di ali ng of frequently
called outsi de num bers. The speed -dial number can be up to 24 characters l ong. If you prog ram
9 (or 8 or 71–76) pl us a phone number, the programmab l e f eature key becomes a speed-dial
key. When you program a speed-dial key, there's n o need to insert a pau se af t er the 9 (or 8 or
71–76). Use t he scroll key to enter special characters for dialing:
— P = Three-se cond p ause
— F = Hook-flash
— # = # (pound) ke y
= (star) key
Note: You can als o pr o gr a m Locati on Keys for use with Esi-Link. See page H.1 for more information.
• Other f eature keys — If you enter a feature code, the programmable feature key will serve as
an enable/disable key for that f eature. The I nstal ler may have prog ram m ed certain stations for
accessing addit i onal feature s (see “Optional f eatures,” page F.12); consult your System
Administrator to determine your access.
Keys’ LED activity during programming
Key type a nd LED indi c a t ion
Station key or
Currently being progr am med and
previously assigned
Currently being progr am med and
previously unassigned
Programm ing mode — Was assigned or
viewe d in current session
Assigned in a previous pr ogr ammi ng session
and not yet viewed in current session
Never assigned and not yet viewed in
current se ssi o n
Note: Each ESI Cord l ess Ha nd s et has o nly on e LED c olor — red — with si mi l ar bli n ki ng rates.
Virtual Mailbox Key
Flashing red Flashing green Flashing amber
Flashing red Flashing red Flashing red
Blinki ng r ed Blinki ng gr e en Blinki ng am ber
Solid r ed Solid green Solid amber
Off Off Off
Line key
Feature k ey
or spe ed-dial key
User programming: An introduction User’s Guide
3 Station optio ns
The station options sub-menu (PROGRAM 3) lets you activate or deactivate several features your
station can p rovide. At each opti on sub-menu, 1 enable s the option and 0 di sables it. (Ea ch opti on
listed below is explained elsewhere in this manual, as noted.)
1 Call waiting/background announce
See page E.12 for call waiting a nd page E.12 for background announce.
Note: Backgro u nd an no unc e is not avai l a ble on a 12- Ke y Feature Phon e.
2 Personal greet ing reminde r
See page F.10.
3 Headset ope ration
See page F.10.
Note: Not available on a 12-Key Feature Phone.
4 Outside dial tone preference
See page F.11.
5 Hands-free answer
Note: With an ESI Cordless Handset, use of this feature requires a headset.
See page E.2.
Note: Not available on a 12-Key Feature Phone.
6 Message monitor
See page F.10.
Note: Not available on a 12-Key Feature Phone.
7 Power-saving mode
Note: Applicable to only an ESI Cordless Handset.
Allows you to enable or disabl e an ESI Cordless Handset’s power -sa vi ng mode. Enabli ng t hi s
mode helps achieve full batt ery life. However, if full-t i m e st at us monitoring is required, yo u can
disable this mode. In power-sa ving mode, the phone system blocks all status updat es
Cordless Ha ndset when the Han dset has been idle for 30 seconds. P ressing the Cordless
Handset’s keys or rece iving an incoming call on it will discontinue power-savi ng mode.
Note: When the handset has received no calls or status updates1 for five minutes, the Cordless
Handset enters deep-sleep mode. During it, the display is blank and the LEDs don’t light up.
If the system sends any updates to th e Cordless Handset, it will disconti nue deep-sleep mode.
to the
For example: If you have a programmable feature key set as a station key for someone’s extension, the system updates your
Cordless Handset based on that extension’s current status (busy, idle, do-not-disturb, or — with optional ESI Presence
Management — off-premises).
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
4 Station audibles
The station audibles program m i ng provides cont rol of the following audible items.
Note: Only the third setting, message ring, is applicable to the ESI Cordless Handset.
1 Station ring tone
You can select from six possible t ones to help di sti nguish it from other nearby ringing phones.
2 Station ring vol um e
Press or to set the desired ringer volum e (range: off to high), then press # to accept it.
3 Message ring
When enabled, this feature will periodically generate a s hort ring tone at your station as an
additional al ert that you ha ve new messages.
Your phone has a secondary ring tone you’ll hear (if your phone syst em has been programmed
accordingl y by your Installer) when call wai ting occurs — i.e., a seco nd call rings i n f o r you while
you’re already on another on e — on l i ve-ring call s. The following two parameters let you adjust how
it sounds.
or to select a to ne, then press # to accept it.
Note:(48- Ke y and 24-Key Feat ur e Pho ne s onl y)
If the ringer volume is turned off, the status indicator lamp will not “flutter” when an incoming or
recall ed call is presented to the ph one (see “Statu s indicator lamp,” page D.9).
4 Secondary ring tone
You can select from six possible t ones to help di sti nguish it from other nearby ringing phones.
or to select a to ne, then press # to accept it.
5 Secondary ring volume
Press or to set the desired ringer volum e (range: off to high), then press # to accept it.
5 Password
1 Enter new password
Your password m ay c onsist of 2–8 digits followed b y # (0 cannot be the first dig i t ). Entering only
0 as the password wi ll turn of f the password requi rem ent.
2 Delete current password
Resets the pa ssword to the defa u lt password.
3 Play back current password
Displays and pl ays back the cur rent password.
4 Password security level
Selection Result
0 No password requir ed for ac cess from any phone
1 Password required only for remote access, either off-premise s or from other
stations within the system
2 Password al ways requi red
User programming: An introduction User’s Guide
6 External message notification
Note: To use this feature, a 12-Key Feature Phone must have a voice mail key assi gned.
1 Delivery options
1 Delivery to phone number only
2 Notify pager only
0 No off-p rem ises delivery
2 Phone delivery
1 Enter phone number
Enter the pho ne num ber (24 digit s, m axi m um ) f ollowed by #. Do not include an outside li ne
access code (i.e., don’ t add 9, 8 or 71–76) before the number.
Use the scroll key to enter special characte rs; use the
also can use the scroll keys to view t he number after i t ’s saved. To change the number, you
must delete it and then re-ent er i t as desired.
2 Delete phone number
Deletes the c urrently program m ed phone number.
3 Display current phone number
Displays the currently programmed phone number.
scroll key to backspace. You
3 Pager notification
1 Enter pager number
Enter the pag er num ber (24 digit s, m axi m um) followed b y #. Do not include an outside l ine
access code (i.e., don’ t add 9, 8 or 71–76) before the number.
Use the scroll key to enter special characte rs; use the
also can use the scroll keys to view t he number after i t ’s saved. To change the number, you
must delete it and then re-ent er i t as desired.
2 Delete pager number
Deletes the c urrently progr am m ed pager number.
3 Display current pager number
Displays the currently p rogrammed pager numbe r.
4 Urgent message activation
1 Urgent messages only
Only urgent messages will be delivered.
Note: Remember to say in your personal greeting that callers s hould press 2 to mark a
messag e as urg ent. ( For mor e on p ers on al gr e eti ng s, see pag e D.1.)
2 All new m essag es
Any new message will be delivered.
scroll key to backspace. You
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
7 Personal Ca ll R outing
For details, consult the ESI Presence Management User’s Guide (ESI part # 0450-0 793).
Note: This function is available only if your phone s ystem is using E S I Presence Management. I f you’r e
not sure whether it is, consult your S ystem Administrator. For more information about ESI
Presence Management, visit
9 Message Recycle Bin (un-delete)
The most recently deleted message will be played first. Press 9 to move to the next message.
Press 8 to restore the message to your mailb ox as a new message.
User programming: An introduction User’s Guide
(This page included for pagination purposes only.)
User’s GuideVoice mail operation
Voice mail operation
Your phone system provides accurate and timely messa ges. Others will become more comfortable
leaving you voi ce messages if you prom ptly retrie ve and respond to your messages.
For direct a cc ess to all voi ce mai l f eatures, such as picking up messages or transfe rring direct ly
to mailboxes:
•On a 48-Key or 24-Key Feature Phone — Use the blue VOICE MAIL key. It will blink whenever you
have one or more new message s, and t he display will show you how man y new and old messages
are stored f or you on the ESI phon e system.
•On a 12-Key Feature P hone — Assign key code 579 to a programmable f eature key (see
“Programmable feature ke ys,” page C.2, and “O ptional features,” page F.12). Until this has been done for your phone, your mailbox is disabled. (When you try t o access a disable d m ai l box, the
system will notify you that it’s disabled.) You still can retrieve previou sly l ef t messages and access
user programm i ng, but the mailbo x won’t be able to receive new voice messages. T heref ore, to
enable the mail box, assign key co de 579 to a programm abl e f eature key .
•On an ESI Cordl ess Han dset, use the blu e-outlined VOICE MAIL key. The display, directly above
the VOICE MAIL key, will show an “envelope” icon when you have one or more new messages.
Personal greetings
To program your personal gree tings, press PROGRAM 1. Init i al ly, your mailbox h as a generic
greeting: “You have reached the mailbox for extension xxx. Dial 0 to reach the operator or begin recording at the tone.” You can record up to three diff erent personal greet i ngs in your own voice
indicating your availabil i t y t o return calls.
Sample greeting 1: Hi, this is [name] . I’m away from my desk or on the phone right now; so please either dial
zero to reach our oper ator, or leave m e your name, numb er and me ssage at t he tone and
I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Sample greeting 2: Hi, this is [name]. I’m out of the office. You may dial 1 2 2 for my assistant or, if you
prefer, you may leave me a voice message at the tone — I’ll check in regularly — or, if it’s
import ant, ei t her di al 4 to reach me on my cell phone or dial 2 to leave me an urgent
message that will page me automatically.1
Sample greeting 3: Hi, this is [name]. I’m away from my desk at the moment. To have me paged, dial 3.To
reach the operator , dial zero. Other w ise, leave your name and phone n umber at the beep
so I can return your call.1
These sample greetings refer to certain features which may not be activated for your extension; consult your System
Administrator for additional information, if necessary.
Voice mail operation User’s Guide
Depending on aut o at tendant usage a nd y our personal p ref erences, you may wish to in clude one or
more of these opt i ons in your pers onal greetings:
Option Instruction
0 T o reach the operator
1 T o skip direct ly to the record tone (or “bee p”)
2 To mark this message as urgent (see “Urgent messages,” page D.9)
3 T o page (internally) the person for whom the caller is leaving a voice mail m essage
4 T o perform off-premises “reach-me” (see “Of f-premises ‘reach-me, ’” page D.3)1
8 T o the main greet ing (if your system is using the auto attendant)
XXX An extension number of an oth er us er
Note: Option 4 is a vailable onl y whe n Personal Gr eet in g 2 has be en r ecor d ed.
You can change an y personal greeting as often as necessary, by just recording over a previousl y
recorded pe rsonal greeting.
Warning:Do not delete all of your personal greeti ngs; make sure at least one always remain s. Deleting all
the greetings not only doesn’t rev ert to the initial def ault gre eting, it also will turn off your mailbox.
Personal greeting keys
You can program a programmable feature key as a personal greeting key for any one of the three
personal gre et i ngs (see page F.14). Once created, this shortcut can t hen be used to activate the
associated personal greeting (the key’s LED will glow green and the greeting played as confirmation).
Note: To re-record this greeting, press RECORD while the confirmation is playi ng and follow t he prompts (on
a 12-K ey Feature Phone, which has no RECORD key; press PR OG /HELP 1 3 1 from idle).
Leaving messages . . .
If you call anot her station that is DND, busy or does not answer — or i f you call a specia l m ai lbox (such
as a guest or group mailbox) — you will be transferred to the mailbox. You can skip the mailbox’s
personal gre et i ng by pressing 1; t hi s t akes you direct ly to the recor d t one.
. . . directly in another user’s mailbox
The procedure for going directly to another user’s mailbox2 without ring i ng his/her exte nsion depends
upon whether you have that user’s extension set as one of your stati on keys:
• If you do, pres s VOICE MAIL and then the pers on’s station key.
• If you don’t, press VOICE MAIL and TRANSFER and then dial the extension number .
Either will connect you directly to that user’s personal greeting.
. . . in several users’ mailboxes using a Quick Gr oup
You can leave a direct message in s everal users' mai l boxes at the same time by pressing VOICE MAIL
and the desired station keys — thus creating a Quick Group. You can also move message s or
recording s t o a Quick Group in the same m anner.
Notes: You can use only station keys to select the additional mailboxes for Quick Groups. If you have a department progr ammed as a station key, pressing VOICE MAIL and then the
department’s station key will leave a message for all members of the department.
If your system is using ESI Presence Management, consult the ESI Presence Management User’s Guide (ESI part # 0450-0793)
to learn about additional, special functionality that may be available to you. If you’re not sure whether your system is using
ESI Presence Management, consult your System Administrator. For more information about ESI Presence Management,
You also can leave messages in mailboxes (such as guest mailboxes) that don’t have extensions associated with them.
User’s GuideVoice mail operation
This feature lets you have outside callers i nt ernally page you af ter they’ve b een f orwarded to you r voice
mailbox and are listening to your personal greeting (see “Personal greetings,” page D.1). You must have personal greeting 3 selected and it must tel l callers to p ress 3 fo r this featur e. If the calle r dials 3
during the pe rsonal greeting, he/she is placed on hold; the system then pages you by nam e, followed by
the phrase “You have a call on line ” and the line on which the call is on hold (e.g., “J ohn Doe, you have
a call on line 21”). If you do n’ t answer the page within a programmed i nterval, t he caller is fo rwarded
back to your ext ension/voice mai l box.
Note: This featur e is active if your administrator authorizes your station for it, you have set your mailbox to
play personal greeting 3, and a dire ctory name is recorded for your stati on.
Sample persona l greeting 3 for AutoPage:
“Hello. This is Rick. I’m currently unable to receive your call. To have me paged througho ut the bui lding,
please pr e ss 3 now. Otherwise, please leave me a message after the tone and I will return your call as soon
as possible.”
Moving and deleting a message
When you move a message, the system ac cesses another su bm enu to determine whet her you want t o
move and delete a message, or move an d save it. Af ter you press 6 to move a message, the prompt will
ask whether y ou wish to:
•Move the message but also save a copy of it in your voic e m ai l box
•Move the message and delete it from y our mailbox.
Off-premises “reach me”
After a caller has been forwarded to your voi ce mai l box and is listening to your per sonal greeting, t his
feature allows the caller to b e fo rwarded t o a numbe r outside the system — i.e., a regular phone number
rather than an ext ension. Y o u must h ave p erson al greeting 2 selected and it must tell callers to pres s 4 fo r thi s f ea tur e. When the caller presses 4 during your greeting, the system forwards him/her to
the number set f or “phone delivery” under “e xt ernal message noti fication” (PROGRAM 6 2 — see page
C.6). If t hat number doesn’t answer, the call er is returned to your voice mai lbox. When you re ceive a
forwarded call , you’ll be prom pt ed to “press any key” to accept the ca l l .
Note: This feature is acti vated only if y our admi ni st r at or en ables it on your st ati on an d yo u hav e set yo ur
mailbo x to pla y per so n al gr eet i ng 2.
Sample persona l greeting 2 for off-premises “reach me”:
“Hello. This i s Ri c k. I ’m cur rent ly out of t he off ice. T o at tem pt t o reach m e on m y mobi le ph on e, plea se pres s 4 now.
Otherwise, please leave me a me ssage after the tone and I will return y our call as soon as possi ble.”
Off-premi ses “reach-me” works on guest mailboxes, as well.
This feature is activated only if the Installer enables it on your system.
Voice mail operation User’s Guide
Message retrieval
Message(s) waiting display
If you have at least one new message, the VOICE MAIL key will blink (on a 24- or 48-Key Feature
Phone) and your display will show the number of new and old messages in your mailbox.
On an ESI Cordle ss Handset, an “envelope” icon on the display also a ppears when you have at l east
one new message.
Note: Message status informati on (shown in the example above as NEW 3 OLD 1) app ears on a 24-Key or
48-Ke y Feat ure Ph on e onl y whe n new me ss a ge s exi st.
Retrieving voice mail messages fr om your ESI Featur e Phone
1. Press VOICE MAIL.
2. Enter your passwo rd i f required (you m ay change the re qui rem ent for a pas sword in user
programming menu 5; see "Password,” page C.5).
3. The ESI phone system will start playback of messages with the oldest new message and continue
until all mes sages are played. The display wil l show the origination of the message, the countdown
duration of the message, whet her new or old, and t he time/date of when the message was left.
Handset or
Feature Phone
4. At the end of each message, the ESI phone system prompts you for instructions ( see t he chart,
“Keys’ fun ct i ons during voi ce mai l m essage retrie val,” next page). Once you’ve learned t hese
prompts, you can proceed more rapidly by pressing one of the appropriate keys any t im e during a
message or duri ng a prompt.
5. To exit playbac k of m essages, simply hang up your phone.
Feature Phone
(also shows
running playback
time in reverse)
Note: I f you hang up during playback of a message, the system saves that message as new and all ot h e r s
not deleted.
A 12-Key Feature Phone will display only the date and time.
User’s Guide Voice mail operation
New message skip
When listening to new messages, press 9 twice (wit hin two secon ds) to save a message as new. This
message will be pl ayed again as a new m essage the next ti m e you access your voice mail.
Note: When you press 9 once to save t he message as ol d, t here i s a short delay bef or e the system t ells you it
has saved the message. To bypass this delay after pressing 9, just press # to hear the next message.
Keys’ functions during voice m ail message retr ieval fr om an ESI Feature P hone
Key Function name Description
1 Pause Pauses for on e minute or until y ou pre s s 1 again.
2 Time an d date/
number t oggle
3 Reply Replies to th e origin ator of a m essage (possible only if message cam e from
4 Back up
T oggles the bot tom line of the display between the message’s time/date and the
caller’s number.
another user in the system). Record your r eply at the tone and then press 1 to stop,
after which t he system returns you t o your mailbox and the message to which you
were replying.
• If presse d during message playback, rewinds 4 seconds for each key-press.
• If presse d after the playback has finished, ret urns to beginning of me ssage.
5 Fast forward Advances playback 4 seconds for each key-pres s.
6 Move Moves a copy of the message to another user’s mailbo x.
7 Delete Deletes the message from the mailbox ( see “Message Recycle Bin,” page D. 9).
9 Save Saves the message (it will play as an old message the next time you
9 9 Save as new Skips over a new message and leaves it as a new message (i.e., it will be played
REDIAL Auto-callback Exits your mailbox without erasing the mess age, and then automatic ally di als
ESI-DEX Store If Caller ID is present, saves to your Personal Dex for later use.
# Leave
a message
other box
(Not available from an analog phone or off-premises location.)
You may move the copy wit h or without an introdu ction.
After t he move, the system ret urns you to your mailbox and th e origi nal mes sage.
retrieve messages).
as a new message the next time you pick up messages). You must press th e 9
key twice within two seconds.
the numb er .
(Not available from an ESI Cordless Handset, 12-Key Feature Phone, analog phone,
or off-premises location.)
Lets you record a message in another mailbox. At the prompt, enter t he desired
mailbox number.
Checks m essages in another mailbox (m ay require a pas sword, depending on
the mailbox’s setting; see “ Passwor d,” page C.5).
[See also the Note above this table.]
(Not available from an analog phone or off-premises location.)
Retrieving voice mail messages using anoth er user ’s ESI Feature P hone
1. Press VOICE MAIL and then .
2. Dial your extension num ber.
3. Follow the procedure s described in “Ret rieving voic e m ail messages from your ESI Feature P hone”
(page D.4).
A local call may not be dialed correctly depending on the limitations of the local dialing plan. You may need to dial some of these
calls manually.
Voice mail operation User’s Guide
Virtual Mailbox Ke y
(Not available on ESI Cordless Han dset or 12-Key Feature P hone.)
If you frequently pick up your messages from anot her user’s E SI Feature P hone or have others help pick up
your messages, you may want to program a programmable feature key on that phone as a Virtual Mailbo x
for your mailbox. When you have new messages, the key will blink, press it to automatically connect
to your mailbox. This feature does not affect your ability to pickup messages from your own phone.
Note: Assign to the progr am mable key the following — VOICE MAI L and then either your extension
number or your voice mai lbox number (see “Programmable feature keys,” page C.2).
Retrieving messages from an off-pr emises location
You can pick up mes sages when away from t he office or from an analog station. Since the display is not
available to you, message handling will operate slightly differently .
To retrieve your message from a remote location:
1. If the auto attendant’s main greetin g answers your call, press
and enter your mailbox number. If
the operator o r another user an swe rs your call, ha ve t he person transf er you (by pressing VOICE MAIL and
, then pressing your station key [or entering your mailbox number] and then hanging up).
2. If required, ente r your password.
3. The ESI phone system will anno unce the number of new and old messages, and will sta rt play back
of messages start ing with th e oldest new message an d continue until all m essages and recordings
have played or you press
to disconnect.
For more inf orm ation, see page C.6.
Additional functions available during off-premises voice mail message retrieval
Key Function Description
2 Hear time/date Pauses the mes sage, plays the time/date when t he message was left and resumes.
5 Access user
8 Main greeting Goes to the main greeting.
0 Operator Transf ers you to the operator.
# To other mailbox To leav e a messag e in another user ’s mail box.
Disconnect Disconnects you from the system. Always press before hanging up (if you press it
Acces s certain user-programmable fe atures.
Note: Fast forward is not available from a remote location.
during messag e playback, th e system will save the playing message and any other
currently unsaved messages in your mailbox).
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