ESI 50L Administrator's Manual

ESI-50L Communications Server
Administrator’s Manual
Rev. A
Copyright © 2008 ESI (Estech Systems, Inc.). Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, and Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Panasonic and DBS are registered trademarks of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Certain features described herein may not be available at initial release. ESI products are protected by various U.S. Patents, granted and pending. Visit ESI on the Web at
Administrator programming: An introduction...............A.1
System programming: An introduction...........................B.1
System programming overview..............................................B.3
Remote setting of day, night, holiday and auto modes...........B.4
Function 1: System parameters.........................................C.1
Function 13: Administrator password.....................................C.1
Function 14: System clock.....................................................C.1
Function 16: System feature parameters...............................C.3
Function 17: System speed-dial.............................................C.3
Function 3: Extension programming................................D.1
Function 30: Station move.....................................................D.1
Function 32 : Extension feature authorization.........................D.2
Function 37: RFID programming............................................D.6
Function 5: Voice mail programming...............................E.1
Function 53: Guest/info mailboxes......................................... E.1
Function 54: Group mailboxes and the broadcast mailbox.....E.2
Function 55: Message notification..........................................E.3
Function 56: Cascade notification mailboxes......................... E.4
Function 57 : Q & A mailboxes................................................E.5
Function 6: Recording..........................................................F.1
Function 61: Re-record main greeting....................................F.1
Function 62 : Record directory names.....................................F.2
Function 63: Message-on-hol d (MOH) programming..............F.3
Function 7: Reports..............................................................G.1
Report printing.......................................................................G.1
Reporting functions............................................................... G.1
Feature description: SMDR ................................................H.1
Tabular SMDR format............................................................H.1
CSV SMDR format.................................................................H.2
Extended SMDR format.........................................................H.3
Reporting conventions and rules............................................H.4
SMDR format when using ac count codes...............................H.5
Note: Remember to tell your users about — ESI’s User’s Guide on the Web.
ESI-50L Programming Manual Remote maintenance with Esi-Access
Adminis tra t or programmin g: An introducti o n
You can program an ESI- 50L Communicat ions Ser ver local ly or r emotely fr om a 48-Key or 24- Key Feat ure Phone while the syst em is oper ating. Y ou also can pr ogr am using ESI System Administr ator , a Windows-based sof twar e application your ESI Resell er can provi de.
Read the User’s Guide first. Th e programming of f eatures requires a clear understanding of user interface and application.
Administrat or’s duties
The System Admi nistrator can perform the following t asks:
• Administering station assignments
• Managi ng station feature authorizat ion
• Maintaining t he employee dir ectory ( if it’s used)
• Re-recor di ng s yst em pr om pts
• Administering manual change of day/night mode (if required)
User assistance
The ESI-50L’s Verbal User Guid e includes all of the information printed in the User’s Guide (except for special features). Additio nally , the ESI system users’ Web site,, includes all the information in the User’s Guide, and more.
Important: References throughout this manual to separate PROGRAM and HELP keys are valid for only the 48-Key
Digital Feature Phone. On either the 24- or 12-Key Digital Feature Phone, the two keys are combined into one PROG/HELP key, which is to be used in place of the separate keys.
Telephone system features
The ESI-50L has a four-line, eight-station, two-analog-port configuration.
Impressive expansion capaci t y — Handle s up to 16 CO line s and up to 32 stations.
ESI Feature Phon es — Compa ct and st ylish, yet rugg ed, the 48-Key Digital Feature Phone and the 24 -Key Digit al Featur e Phone each incl ude a high-quality speakerphone, a n inform ative mul ti-functional display , and a specially de signed key layout with several dedicat ed keys to minimize or eliminate the need to memorize codes. An Expansion Co nsole i s available for the 48- K ey Digital Feature Phone; and each 48-K ey Feature Phone model includes a n integrated headset j ack. ESI also offers the 12-Key Digital Feature Phone with similar design and basic functions. At least one 24- or 48-Key Digital Feature Phone must be purcha sed with each syst em. Also available: ESI’s Digital Cordless Handsets. For more details about ESI phone models, see the ESI Communications Servers Hardware Installation Manual (ESI document #0450-1049).
Extensive help — Easi ly accessible wi th one press of the HELP key, ESI’s Verbal User’s Guide spoke n and displayed help pro m pts to help everyone from the I nstaller throu gh the Administrator down to the least experienced end user. You may also go to for online help.
Intelligent Caller ID — Allows on e- to u ch aut om at ic m ess a ge ret ur n.
Live call recording — Can record an y co nversati on or per so n al me mo alo ng wi th mo vi ng or copying of an y recording to another user’s voice mailbox.
Call waiting — Includes helpful dis play, showing both call s’ Call er ID information, and e asy one-key toggling betwe en cal ls.
Conference calling — Includes 16 dynamic conference ports; a sing le conference may contain up to 16 members. Conf erence bridges are dynamic, so possible conference sizes include: f ive three-member; four
This and all other references to Caller ID service within this manual assume the end-user organization subscribes to Caller ID service fro m it s
telephone service pro vider .
Not available on 12-Key Feature Phone.
ESI-50L Programming Manual Remote maintenance with Esi-Access
four-member; t wo six-member; and various combinations in-between. Anal og phones on the system also may origi nat e co nfe r en c es.
Esi-Dex Caller ID information or direct keypad entries.
speed-dialing — Calls any number using t hree separate lists (personal, stati on, and syst em ); uses
Dedicated over head paging interface — Allows for external pagi ng through overhead speakers or multi - zone pagi ng uni t s ( ampl i fi c ation requir e d).
911 alert — Provides immediate line ac cess if a ny station with line access dials 9 1 1 to report an emerge ncy; s en ds a mes sag e vi a the ser i al port indicatin g t he star t date, time, st ation number and en d­time of the 911; also sounds a warning tone at t he operator station and displays, for example: 911 CALL FROM X102 JOHN JAMES
Status indicator lamp — In dicates three conditions of the 48 and 24-Key Digital Featur e Phone: off-hook, ringi ng, and new voice mail message.
NSP (Network Services Processor) — Allows system pro gr am min g vi a TCP/IP.
Support for these options:
and VIP Professi onal — Each provi des a value-added inter face to an ESI system. Del ivers call
control a nd unif i e d mes sa gin g to Microsoft
Outlook® 2000/2002/2003/2007. For detai l s, see t h e VIP
Product Overview (ESI document # 0450-0608).
VIP PC Attendant Console
— Gi v es the us er all th e f ea ture s of VIP Professional plus an expanded Call Display and 200 virtual programmable feature keys to suppor t the busy attendant. F or detai ls, see the VIP PC Attendant Console Product Overview (ESI document # 0450-0914).
ESI Presence Management — Pro vid e s int e grated building entr y cont ro l , acc e ss c ontrol, stat us
indication, personal call routin g, and (optional ly) time and attendance management. For details, see the ESI Presence Management Product Overview (ESI document # 0450- 0794).
Voice mail features
Up to six built-in voice mail ports — These are in addition to the 56 po ssible call-proces sing port s; thus, you may build the system to its maximu m for call-handling without having to balan ce voice mail nee ds versus call-handling needs.
Highest-grade voice quality (64-kilobit/second sampling) for voice mail and other storage of voice messages.
Quick Groups
Quick Move
Virtual Mailbox Key
— Makes it easy to leave voice mail messages for several users.2
— Records a co nv ers at i on int o a not her us er’ s m ail bo x.
allows easy monitor ing of a second mailbo x.
Different mail box types, including cascade, guest, broadcast, group, information al, and Q & A.
Message-on-hold recordings — Up to five recordings: three prerecorded, one customized, and one live-entry.
Messag e Recycle Bin (undelete) — Rememb ers, and can res tore, ea ch mailbox’s 10 most recently deleted messages.
Auto attendant features
Six levels, 100 branches — Allow you and your customer to set up a more caller-fr iendl y answering environment, including a company directory.
Virtually unlimited call routing — Includes pager or cell phone notification.
Previously known as ESI PC Attendant Console.
Not available on 12-Key Fea ture Phone.
ESI-50L Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
System programming: An introduction
You can program an ESI-50L either (a.) from a 24 or 48-Key Digital Feature Phone in the system (while the system is operating) or (b.) with the Windows
-based ESI System Administ rator. Both methods follow the same programming steps. This manual focuses on pro grammi ng from a Digital Feature Phone; the respective documentation for ESI System Programmer details the differences in progra m m ing fr om that en vironm ent.
Read the User’s Guide first. Programming features requi r e a clear underst andi ng of user interf ace and appl icat ion. Once you’ve accessed programming mode on a 24-Key or 48-Key Digital Feature Phone, the system will prompt
for — and confi r m — each k ey str o ke act i on vi a voi c e com ma nds an d t h e dis pl ay. You progr am bot h configuration data and recor dings in the same manner.
Important: During programming, the 24-Key Feature Phone’s two-line display shares the same content as the top two
If installing ESI Presence Management on this system, refer to the ESI Presence Management Installation
lines of the 48-Key Feature Phone’s three-line display. As a result, to save space, the sample displays shown herein will show only two lines.
Manual (ESI # 0450-0792) for important information before you program the system.
Programming keys
During programming, the first line of the display will show the current item being programmed, an d the se co nd line will be the entry line. You can enter val ues as directed by the combination of the voice prompts and display . To enter multiple values, such as a list of extension numbers, separat e each value by # (to exit the list, enter # #).
To... Press ... What this does
Enter # Confirms new or existing entry and advances to next programming step. Back up (i.e.,
reverse direction) Delete HOLD Deletes data or recording. Exit [Hang up] Exits programming mode and removes extension from DND. Help HELP Provides more detailed instructions during programming. Select/scroll
(left-side scroll key)
(right-side scroll key)
Backs up to previous prompt without changing its value.
• During entry of a value, backs up.
• If a list is present (“>” is displayed), scrolls to left.
• Selects from options presented.
• If a list is present (“>” is displayed), scrolls to right.
• Inserts a space during entry of a name.
Notes: Either < or > in the display indicates that additional choices or values are available by pressing a
corresponding scroll key (or ).
Only one person at a time can be performing Installer or Administrator programming.
ESI-50L Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
Entering alphanumeric characters
You ent er names for ext en sio ns, dep ar tm ent s, br an c h IDs, CO lin es, an d guest mai lb ox es by pr es sing the dial pad ke y that cor respon ds to th e ch ara ct er t o be ent er e d. The ke y’s possi bl e ent r ie s wil l chang e ea ch ti me the key is pressed, and the display will show this. When the desired character appears on the display, press # to confirm; the cursor will move to the next character position. You may move the cursor left (to correct an entry) by pressing the left scroll key (
Key Options Key Options
0 0, - (hyphen), _ (underline) 7 P, R, S, 7 1 Q, Z, 1, “_” (space) 8 T, U, V, 8 2 A, B, C, 2 9 W, X,Y, 9 3 D, E, F, 3 4 G, H, I, 4  (right scroll key) Adds a space 5 J, K, L, 5 # [Enter] 6 M, N, O, 6 # # Ends the name
) or move right (to add a space) by pr essing t he right scroll key ().
(left scroll key) Backs up and erases
Example: To enter a B, press 2 twice (the possible options to scroll through are A, B, C and 2). When B is displayed,
press # to confi rm ; the cursor wil l move to th e ne xt cha racter to be ente red . To comp le te the name , pre ss # #.
Selectable numbering plan
The ESI-5 0L’ s selecta ble num b er in g pla n off ers t hre e pr e conf i gured thre e-digit pla ns. Wh en an ext e nsi o n rang e is selected, department numbers and g uest mail box num bers are also changed. However, regardle ss of whi ch extension range is selected, feature key codes, and CO line group access numbers will stay the same. The dial plan range is s elected through Installer programming.
Note: The ESI Presence Management RFID Reader1 uses one digital extension, regardless of dial plan..
Extension num beri ng
Port card
1 (main board) 100 through 107 108 and 109
2 110 through 117 118 and 119 3 120 through 127 128 and 129 4 130 through 137 138 and 139
Digital stations Analog stations
Numbering plan selections
Selection 100 (default) Selection 200 Selection 300
From To Used for From To Used for From To Used for
100 139 Extensions 200 239 Extensions 300 339 Extensions 280 289 Departments 380 389 Departments 470 479 Departments 300 489 Guest/info mboxes 100 199 Guest/info mboxes 100 289 Guest/info mboxes
400 489 Guest/info mboxes
Common to all ESI-50L numbering plan selections
From To Used for From To Used for
0 — Operator 71 76 CO line grps. 490 499 Q & A mailboxes 8 — CO line grp. 500 — Broadcast mailbox 9 — CO line grp./ARS
For more information, see the ESI Presence Management Installation Manual (ESI # 0450-0792).
501 516 Group mboxes 533 542 Cascade notif. mboxes # — Paging 600 699 System speed -dial
— Call pickup
ESI-50L Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
System programming overview
1 Syst em parame te rs
13 Administrator password 14 System clock
141 Set time /date 142 Automatic time setting 143 Clock adjustment
16 System feature parameters
162 Connect tone 163 Station feature set activation
17 System speed-dial
3 Extension pro gram m in g
32 Extension feature authorization 37 RFID programming
371 Access schedules 372 RFID tag programming 373 View RFID tag numbers 374 ESI Presence Management parameters 375 ESI Presence Management Reader parameters
30 Station move
5 Voice mail programming
53 Guest/info mailboxes 54 Group mailboxes 55 Message notification options
551 Station delivery options
552 Delivery/paging parameters 56 Cascade n o tification mailboxes 57 Q & A mailboxes
6 Recording
61 Record system prompts 62 Record directory names 63 MOH programming
631 MOH source
632 Record MOH
633 MOH volume
7 Reports
72 ESI Presence Management access door report 74 Voice mail statistics report
75 System speed-dial list
Entering programming mode
You may program from any 24-Key or 48- Key Di gital Feature Phone2 in the system:
1. Press PROGRAM
2. Press HOLD. The “enter password” prompt will play.
3. Enter the Administrator password (default is 4 5 6). wait two seconds. You are now in programming mode. The extension will be automatically placed in DND, and its di spl a y will show:
at any digital station. The normal station programming menu prompts will begin to play.
Then, to conf ir m t he pas swor d, ei th er pr es s # or
4. The system will play the system pro gramming menu. Fol low it to program as you wish.
5. When finished, hang up.
Warning: Always FINISH programming in ANY function BEF ORE exiting programming mode (as needed,
Note: The system will automatically exit programming mode after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Example: If your Administrator password is 864, enter programming mode by pressing PROGRAM HOLD 8 6 4 #. (To
Shown in the same order as it appears in the programming menu on an ESI desktop Feature Phone.
Although a 12-Key Feature Phone allows you to enter Installer and Admini strator prog rammi ng, we don’t recom mend tha t you use a 12-Key
Feature Phone for programming because of its one-line display and small number of programmable feature keys.
Or, if using the 24-Key Feature Phone, press PROG/HELP.
If you prefer to enter Administrator programming mode, use the Administrator password, instead (the default is 4 5 6).
press # to accept current entries for function parameters you’re not changing).
exit programming mode, hang up.)
ESI-50L Programming Manual System programming: An introducti on
 
Remote setting of day, night, holiday and auto modes
Normally, the system’s day/night mode operation will be manually controlled at an ESI Feature Phone and/or set to follow the day/nig ht mode tables (programmed by the Installer) automatically. In addition, the Admini strator can rem otely change th e mode an d/or re- recor d the holiday gr eeting t o handle unexpected closings such as for inclem ent weat h er.
Remotely loggi ng into the system with either the Inst aller password or the Adm inistrator pas sword lets the caller do the following for branch IDs 1–8:
• Re-record the greetings (day, night, day2 and night2).
• Re-recor d the hol i d ay gre e ting.
• Change the mode to day/night/holiday/day2/night2 (or auto).
1. At the main greeting, enter
2. You’ll hear prompt s that will allow you to c hange the answer mode (day, night, day2, night2, holiday or auto) and/or to re-record the holiday greeting and the main greeting (ID 1). Follow the prompts to perform the desired operation.
4 5 6 # — or the new p assw ord — to enter rem ote programming mode.
Note: To access these options for branch IDs 1–8, you must call in on the phone number of the tenant that
3. Exit by pres sin g  and hanging up.
uses those branches.
Prompts for re m ote setti ngs: an outline
1 Set answer mode
1 Day mode 2 Night m ode 3 Holiday mode 4 Use day/night table* 5 Day2 mode 6 Night 2 mode
2 Record holiday main greeting 3 Record daytime main greeting 4 Record nighttime main greeting 5 Record day2 main greeting 6 Record night2 main greeting
Note: If the system is answered live and call is then routed to a mailbox, the Administrator can press 8 to return
* This is used if the Installer has programmed an automatic calendar.
to the main greeting and then follow the steps for making remote settings.
ESI-50L Programming Manual Function 2: CO lines
Function 1: System parameters
Function 13: Administrator password
This function will display the existing password and prompt for entry of a new password. The password can be 2–8 digits long, followed by #. Only those funct ions listed in this Administrator’s Manual can be program me d via t he Admi ni str at or pas sw ord. The default Administrator password is 4 5 6.
Note: Be sure to write down the new password and store it in a safe place.
Accessing user station programming
Should a user f orget hi s password or if an employee leaves the organization, this feature allows the Administrator to ent er a user's station programming and oper ate within it as if he were the user. From the user’s station, enter the Administrator password when the system prompts for the user password.
Example: From station 105, entering 7 8 9 # or 4 5 6 # instead of the user password (1 0 5 #) will enter the station’s
user programming. (Default passwords shown for this example).
Function 14: System clock
Function 141: Set time/date
1. Enter a new t ime in a twelve-hour format.
Example: Enter 1 2 3 3 for 12:33, or 3 1 5 for 3:15 (note that you need no leading zero for the time).
2. Select AM or PM by pressing a scroll key (either  or ).
3. Enter a new date in an eight-digit format, including leading zeroes.
Example: Enter 0 7 0 4 2 0 0 8 for July 4, 2008 (note that lea din g zeroe s are required here, unlike in Step 1).
4. Press # to finish the entry.
Note: A built-in battery maintains the correct time and date, even in the event of a power loss.
ESI-50L Programming Manual Function 2: CO lines
Function 142: A utoma tic time setting
1: Synchronize w ith CID
This function, when enabled, synchronizes the real-time clock with Caller ID (CID) messaging: call processing compares t he time of a CID message to t he sy stem real-time clock and, if the difference is more than two minutes, resets t he real-time clock to match the time (hours and minutes) of the CID message. The system will analyze each such message (or — if it receives more than four calls with CID information w ithin a one-mi nute period — as is needed) . Select ENABLE or DISABLE by pressing a scroll key (either
Default: Enabled.
2: Adjust for Daylight Saving Time
This function, when enabled, causes the real -time clock to adjust itself automatically for Daylight Saving Time (DST). Select AUTO or DISABLE for DST by pressing a scroll key (eit her DISABLE is best for thos e areas t hat don’t observe DST.
Default: Disabled.
or ). Choosing ENABLE will allow the CID data to update the time and date.
or ). Choosing
Note: If this function is enabled and it causes an automatic time change, the system won’t update the real-
time clock from Caller ID messages (Function 1421, above) for 25 hours before and 25 hours after the time change is due to be effective (i.e., 2:00 AM Sunday).
Function 143: Clock adjustm ent
This function lets the Instal ler or Administrator have the system automatically compensate for a clock that’s runnin g to o fast or to o slow. The clock adjust m ent spe ed s up or slows do wn t he cl oc k ov er a 30 - d ay per i od b y the amo unt selected. If the s ystem clock is running slow, select a positive value. If the clock is running fast, select a negative value.
Range: - 2 t o +5.5 minutes. Default: 0.
Example: If the clock is running two minutes fast over a month, select -2 (minus two minutes)..
ESI-50L Programming Manual Function 2: CO lines
Function 16: System feature parameters
Function 162: Connect tone
This sets w het h er t he s ystem pl ay s a sy st em co nn ect t on e (t wo s hor t beeps a u ser h ears w he n a st ati o n answ er s) . Default: Enabled ( the beep plays).
Function 163: Station featur e set activation
Field 1: Group lis t e n
With this feature disabled: if a st ation user pre s se s SPEAKER while on a call, the Feature Phone immedi at el y tur ns off the handset a nd switches to ha nds - f r ee mod e.
If enabled, the group l isten feature is avail able system-wide. If disabled, it is no longer available.
Default: Disabled.
Field 2: Privacy release
With this feature enabled: if a station user presses a CO line key that is in use (lit red), the user will be immediately conferenced with t he call in progress on that line. With this feature disabled, pressing an i n- us e CO lin e key has no effect.
Default: Disabled.
Warning: Adjusting this parameter while calls are in progress may result in temporary loss of audio.
Field 4: VIP text-messaging enable/disable
With this feature enabled, VIP Professional an d VIP PC Attendant Co nsole user s ca n use VIP to text-message.
Default: Enabled.
Function 17: System speed-dial
Up to 100 syst em sp ee d- di al nam es and a ss oci ated number s c an be stored, in lo cation nu mb ers 600–69 9, f or acc e ss by a ny station. A user ca n init i at e a system speed-di al b y di ali ng t he sp e ed- di al l o cation number or by accessing the name through t he Esi-Dex feature. In Function 32, access to system speed-dial c an be denied to in dividual stations (see page D. 3).
Note: System speed-dialing overrides toll restrictions (Function 32, page D.3).
1. Enter the three-digit location number to program,
2. Enter a ten-character name (see “Ent ering alphanumeric characters, ” page B.2).
Note: You must enter a name to continue.
3. Enter the number t o be dial ed (including th e line gr oup 9, 8, or 71–76). Press the left scroll ke y () to delete any character or digit entered in error. Here’s an example:
Speed-dial #
601 AUTO RENTL 915552221212
The number dialed in Step 3 can be up to 30 digits long including special characters:
Code What it produces
# # DTMF tone
ESI-50L Programming Manual Function 2: CO lines
F Flash hook
P 2-second pause
DTMF tone
Use the scroll key to enter special characters; use the  scroll key to backspace. Pr ess # to confirm the inserted character and continue. Press # # to complete the entry.
Once t he number is saved you can use the scroll keys to move back and fort h to view the numb er. T o edit the number, you mu st delet e it and e n ter the correct number.
Example: To create a System Speed-dial number that dials 9, then 972-555-5644, then pauses for four seconds and
9 9 7 2 5 5 5 5 6 4 4 (then scroll to) P # (then scroll to) P # (then scroll to) # # 1 0 4 #
finally dials #104, enter:
Deleting a speed -dial number
T o delete an enti r e spe ed - di al n umb er and n ame, de lete the locati on n umb er (6 X X) by pr e s sin g HOLD or the left scroll key (
) duri ng Step 1 in the speed-dialing procedure descr ibed above.
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