w e p r o t e c t d i g i t a l w o r l d s
ESET NOD32 Antivirus
for IBM Lotus Domino
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REV.20 071205 -003
ESET NOD32 A ntiviru s for IB M Lotus Domino
1. Introduction
ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Lotus Domino (AMFE) is a
Lotus Domino server addin, built upon the state- of-theart NOD32 scanning engine. It was designed to protect email communication from virus inltrations propagating
by e-mail, and to lower the e-mail trac by ltering out
undesired e-mail attachments.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Lotus Domino utilizes the
same engine as NOD32 2.7, including archive scanning,
advanced heuristics, adware/spyware/riskware detection, etc.
2. Quick Installation
System requirements
• Windows NT 4.0 / 2000 / 2003 server
• NOD32 for Windows (v. 2.51.20 and higher)
• IBM Lotus Domino R5 (v. 5.0.9a and higher)
• IBM Lotus Domino R6
• IBM Lotus Domino R6.5
• IBM Lotus Domino R7
• IBM Lotus Domino R8
Before you install
Prior to installing ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Lotus Do mino, make sure that NOD32 2.7 is already installed on
the Lotus Domino server.
NOD32 2.7 as well as ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Lotus Domino is available for download from Eset’s website http://www.eset.com/download/ using your username and password. For more information about installing
(img. 1)
NOD32, read the quick installation guide available at
After NOD32 installation set in the AMON module in
Extension Editor the TMP les not to be checked.
Before you start the installation (uninstallation) of
ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Lotus Domino, quit the Lotus
Domino Server.
Installing ESET NOD32 Antivirus for
Lotus Domino
Installation process:
1. extract the installation package downloaded from
Eset’s website or shipped on a CD
2. navigate to the temporary folder, and run the appro-
priate setup le for your oper. system:
– setup2k .exe – for Windows 2000 / 2003 server
– setupnt.exe – for Windows NT server
3. the installer will search for the current Lotus Domino
notes.ini le and will oer to use the rst le found.
After the le has been found, conrm it by typing y
and pressing ENTER to go ahead with the installation
(img. 1)
4. if the found notes.ini le is not the right le, then type
n and press ENTER to continue
5. type the path to the correct notes.ini and press ENTER
(img. 2)
6. enter the name of a new subdirectory in the Lotus Do-
mino data folder where you want the le to be cre-
ated, and where the ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Lotus
Domino databases will be copied to, and press ENTER
(img. 3)
7. wait for the installation to complete
(img. 2)
(img. 3)
ESET NOD32 A ntiviru s for IB M Lotus Domino