NOD32 for Windows Administrator
NOD32 Remote Administrator
User’s guide
w e p r o t e c t d i g i t a l w o r l d s
chapter 1.
Basic network features of NOD32 for Windows ................5
chapter 2.
Centralized management –
NOD32 Remote Administrator .......................................13
chapter 3.
Remote installation .......................................................25
chapter 4.
Tasks, typical examples .................................................31
chapter 5.
Large hierarchical networks – replications ....................35
chapter 6.
Summary of information ...............................................39
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The NOD32 Antivirus system oers a wide range of tools, which make running and managing both smaller and larger company networks easier.
Even the multi-license NOD32 for Windows oers the basic network services. Especially a feature called Mi­rror, which serves to decrease trac across your Internet LAN connection. Client workstations, with NOD32 instal­led, will not download updates directly from the manu­facturer (Eset company), but from a local update server, which is located in the same LAN. Using a Mirror, you can congure all NOD32 system settings. Thus you can recon­gure NOD32 settings on all workstations “en bloc“.
In addition, NOD32 for Windows itself, or the control module NOD32 Control Center, can inform the ad­ministrator about virus or other problems on workstati­ons via electronic mail or Windows Messenger.
NOD32 Enterprise Edition oers much more. It in­cludes NOD32 for Windows and NOD32 Remote Adminis­trator.
NOD32 Remote Administrator serves to ma­nage the NOD32 antivirus system in large computer ne­tworks. Thanks to NOD32 Remote Administrator, you can get a global overview of the NOD32 antivirus sys­tem activity on network workstations together with in­formation about eventual inltration. The information
retrieved from the workstations (from the NOD32 for Win­dows, or the NOD32 Control Center module) are stored centrally on the server (NOD32 Remote Ad- ministrator – RAS), and the network administrator can access them at once using the user-friendly graphical interface of the console (NOD32 Remote Adminis- trator Console – RAC). The communication takes place also in the opposite direction and administrator can thus immediately react to newly-created situations, and assign tasks to the NOD32 Antivirus System on the client workstations.
Because a lot of information, which may be dicult to remember is to follow, at the end of the manual you can nd a summary of the most important issues.
Chapter 1:
Basic network features of NOD32 for Windows
1 Basic network features of NOD32 for Windows
Mirror server
Mirror is available in two versions:
mirror as a shared network folder
mirror as an HTTP server and its setup is available from NOD32 Control
When you create the Mirror as an HTTP server, one PC
serves for downloading updates from Eset`s servers, and as a NOD32 update server for the other workstations in the LAN at the same time. This version is easier to con­gure and is not limited by the number of licenses of the le server, which is required by the rst version for access to the shared folder.
HTTP Server is a direct part of NOD32 2.5 administra-
tor version and by default runs on port 8081.
If the Mirror is created as a shared folder, then its prin-
ciple lies in distribution of updates across the network, using a shared network folder. In contrast to the rst me­thod (HTTP server), a computer creating a Mirror does not have to be a server, to which the other workstations con­nect to download updates at the same time.
Figure 1 Principle of a Mirror: The company server downloads updates from the Internet, and workstati
­ons update from this local server. The Mirror thus decreases trac across your Internet connection, becau­se the workstations download update les from the local server, and not from the Internet. Update pro­cess is initialized by Mirror server (Update from the Internet) and workstations (update from Mirror Ser­ver) in regular intervals.
chapter 1 / Basic network features of NOD32 for Windows
Model installation of Mirror as an HTTP server
1. In the NOD32 Control Center choose Mirror and on the
right, click on the Setup button.
2. Check Create update and also Enable access to les
to perform program component upgrade. In the up­per part, choose those versions of NOD32, for which updates will be downloaded from the Internet. All
versions that will be running on the workstati­ons should be checked. Into the dialog box Upda-
te mirror folder, enter a path to the folder, where the update les will be downloaded and later presen­ted by the HTTP server. For example the path can be C:\ OD32LAN.
3. Click OK to save your settings.
4. In order not to wait for the next automatic update (and
thus for the folder C:\NOD32LAN to be lled in), click on the Update now button in the Update dialog window. Now server setup is completed. We will proceed to the
5. For NOD32 on workstations, just change the update
server URL. In most cases it means from Choose auto-
matically to http:// IP_address_of_my_server:8081. This is done in NOD32 Control Center: click on the Update button, and then choose Setup.
6. When there, click on the Servers button and add a new server, namely http:/ /IP_address_of_my_ser- ver:8081. Save the changes by clicking OK and set this server in the previous dialog window. Now the conguration of workstations is comple-
ted too.
Now click on the Update now button in the Update tab
to check whether it is set up correctly.
Model installation of Mirror as a shared folder
The whole process of installation is similar to the pre-
vious case. Some dierences can be found in the steps 2, 5, and 6, the others are identical.
• Step 2:
Check the Create update mirror checkbox. In the up-
per part choose those versions of NOD32, for which upda­tes will be downloaded from the Internet. All versions
that will be running on the workstations should be
checked. Into the Update mirror folder enter a path to the directory, where updates will be downloaded – i.e. a path to the shared network folder – Mirror – and en
­ter username and password of user with a right to read, write and browse.
When entering a path, please use the UNC path. Let’s assume that the shared folder is named NOD32NET and is located on the MAIN server. Then enter the path in this form: \\MAIN\NOD32NET.
WARNING! Please, pay attention when entering “username” and “password”. See below chapter for details.
• Step 5:
Just change the URL of update server on NOD32 on the workstations. Again, please be careful when entering username with Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003. Open the NOD32 Control Center, then choose Update, click on the Setup button, and enter the username.
Click on the Servers button to add a new update ser­ver. According to the previous example, enter \\MAIN\NO- D32NET. Save the changes and return to the Update setup window and choose it from the roll down menu.
WARNING! Please, pay attention when entering “username” and “password”. See below chapter for details.
Click OK in the bottom section to save the settings. To make sure that it is set up correctly, click on the Update  Now button in the Update dialog window.
If it is set up correctly, you should not be asked for username and password, and, naturally, no error messa­ges should be displayed.
Now click on Update now in the Update tab to check whether it is set up correctly.
How to transfer conguration via Mirror.
Using a local update server – Mirror – you can also dis­tribute a conguration for NOD32, by which the worksta­tions will be congured at the next attempt to update.
In order to automatically distribute a conguration,
set update server on the workstations to http://IP_
address_of_your_server:8081 (if it is the version wi­th an HTTP server) or to \\MAIN\NOD32NET (if it is the version with a shared folder)
place the conguration XML le on the server. The conguration itself is created on the same PC
where the mirror is created. Click on the Mirror button in the Update section in the NOD32 Control Center, and then click on the Setup button. In the Mirror Setup dia­log window, click on Setup in Conguration les. After clic- king on the Setup button, select Add, then New and cre­ate a new conguration le. Save the new conguration le anywhere on the local disk, EXCEPT for the folder with the Mirror. After this is done, the application NOD32 Con- guration Editor is launched (see below).
After required changes are made, save them by clic-
king on the diskette in the upper part of the window. Then just close the window and click OK to return to the NOD32 Control Center. Now, by clicking on the Update button in the Mirror for local updates section the congu­ration le will be generated in the folder with the Mirror.
The presence of the conguration le in the upda­te folder / mirror will ensure, that the workstations will, besides downloading updates, apply this con­rmation also.
Access usernames and passwords
Please pay attention when lling in the username
and password dialog boxes in the Update  setup dialog window before updating from the mirror (or before cre­ating the mirror).
The NOD32 update process runs at the service level,
and a currently logged in user cannot aect this situation (even if he/she has access to the folder with the Mirror).
So in case of MS Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 opera-
ting system ll in the “name” dialog box this way:
under Novell system, just put USER. Of course we must not forget the password. LOGIN 
NAME is a name of the user with read-only rights to the folder with the mirror (if the user creates the mirror, then also to write).
We recommend creating a new special account for this purpose (e. g. noduser) and using it for downloading updates (company\noduser etc.)
NOD32 Program component upgrades
Besides the virus signatures database update, a licen­se also includes program updates – program component upgrades, which require a restart of the operating sys­tem and bring a lot of new features and improvements to NOD32 (it is an upgrade to a completely new version, e. g. from 2.0 to 2.5). Choose “Require permission to perform  program component upgrade” in the Mirror Setup window to ensure that the program component upgrade will not be applied to a local update server immediately it is avai­lable on the servers of the Eset company. NOD32 on the workstations will remain in the current version, and the workstations will only accept virus signatures updates from the mirror.This feature is suitable if the administra­tor tests new program updates before applying them to all workstations in the network.
If “Require permission to perform program compo­nent upgrade” is active and there is a newer program update available than the one saved in the Mirror direc­tory, the “Components Update” in NOD32 Control Center > Mirror will be active. By clicking on this button the ad­ministrator agrees that the program update will be avai­lable to the workstations via Mirror.
Installation of NOD32 for Windows on workstations
The above-mentioned conguration le can serve also for a new installation of NOD32 according to the re­quested setup. Place the conguration le into the folder with the installation of NOD32, i.e. where SETUP.EXE is lo- cated and name the conguration le NOD32.XML.
It may be useful to remember the parameter /SILENT-
MODE connected with SETUP.EXE (i.e. SETUP.EXE /SILENT- MODE), which installs NOD32 in silent mode – no dialog
window will be displayed during installation.
chapter 1 / Basic network features of NOD32 for Windows
Now there follows a list of all useful parameters that can be used during installation of NOD32: /SILENTMODE – a mode without dialog windows – si­lent installation.
/UNINSTALL – uninstall of existing installation. /FORCEOLD – will also install over newer version. /CFG= – switch with a conguration name (if this para-
meter is not present, NOD32.XML is used by default). /SETTINGS= – name with obligatory SETUP.XML le (en­tered only if SETUP.XML is not present in the installation folder, or has a dierent name). /TEST – if the installation is launched with this parame­ter, NSETUP.LOG is created, where the installation progress is described in details. Here you can exact reasons of even­tual problem when installing. /REBOOT – after a silent installation is complete, the PC is not restarted by default, even though it may be re­quired. Using this parameter will switch the restart op­tion on. /SHOWRESTART – if this parameter is combined with the previous one, conrmation for restart will be required. /PWD= – entering password for uninstall. This is impor­tant in case a current version of NOD32 is protected by a password, and the administrator intends to reinstall in silent mode. /NUP= – if the value of this parameter is set (name of the le with component), the installation does not re­quire SETUP.XML for the whole installation, but you can install only one component. /INSTMFC – this parameter turns on installation of MFC libraries – if it is necessary – without asking. The MFC li­brary must be located in the same directory as SETUP.EXE. The installation program will check whether there are newer libraries in the system (or none) and will proceed according to the verdict (e. g. install).
The switches with “=” require entering of a thread. It can be put into quote marks, but does not have to. Quote marks are obligatory only if the thread contains spaces.
Should this version of the installation be applied, for example using logon scripts, then make sure that the in­stallation will not be repeated by every start of the logon script. SETUP.EXE can not decide by itself whether there is NOD32 already installed on the workstation.
Such control can be provided for example with this batch le (.BAT):
@echo o IF EXIST “c:\program les\eset\nod32.exe” GOTO end echo Installing NOD32... \\server\nod32\setup.exe /SILENTMODE /REBOOT  /cfg=\\ server\cfg\kong01.xml GOTO end2 :end echo NOD32 already installed... GOTO end3 :end2 echo Completed... :end3
Conguration editor
Using the Conguration editor, you can create a con­guration XML le, according to which, NOD32 on worksta­tions and servers will be set up, or scan the computers using its conguration. All of the features are arranged in a tree structure. The small icons in front of each feature are very important. At the moment when the congurati­on will be applied on the target PC, the setting marked by a “grey” symbol will be left unchanged on the target PC. However, all items marked by blue symbols: will be changed on the target PC.
Thus you can easily recongure chosen features on all computers at once and leave the other settings un­changed.
Some of the key settings of the NOD32 conguration
Now there follows a list of some key conguration op­tions (other important information can be found in the Proles chapter).
General / Settings / General / Silent Mode If the Silent mode is turned on, no messages about
successful updates and so on, will be displayed. This
setting will not aect behavior of NOD32 in case an
inltration was found.
General / Settings / General / Lock Settings and Password 
to unlock
These settings protect access to the NOD32 congura-
tion options by the workstation user.
General / Settings / Remote Administration Very important in case NOD32 Remote Administra-
tor is also installed. Then it is important to enter the
IP address (or DNS name) of the RA server, by which
the client workstations communicate (you can leave
default settings for Server port and Interval between
connecting to RA Server) and allow remote adminis-
AMON / Settings / Security / Start AMON automatically We recommend leaving the default setting. Change
it only if you are not sure, whether there is another
antivirus system installed. It is not recommended to
have two AV’s installed and running in real-time on
one PC (it can lead to conicts). These settings can be
changed also in the NOD32 Control Center > Threat-
Protection Modules > AMON > Setup > Security tab > Enable automatic startup of AMON.
AMON / Settings / Enabled  AMON – the resident shield will watch over the ma-
nipulation of les (YES), or will be running only in the background and will not watch over the manipulation (NO).
IMON / Settings / Register IMON to the system We recommend setting this option to YES, if it is
a workstation, and to NO, if NOD32 for Windows will be installed on a server, or a PC, where some other services are running.
These settings can be changed also in the menu
NOD32 Control Center > Threat Protection Modules > IMON > Quit.
IMON / Settings / Enabled IMON – the Internet monitor – will control commu-
nication (YES), or will be running only in the backg­round and will not watch over the communication (NO).
Update / Prole / Settings / Update server This option sets a path to the server, which will be ser-
ving as an update server. By default it is set to AUTO­SELECT - NOD32 automatically chooses one of the Eset company update servers.
Update / Prole / Settings / Username and Password Username and password are authorization data to the
above mentioned server. In case NOD32 is updated di­rectly from an Internet update server of the Eset Com­pany, then enter the username and password you re­ceived when you purchased the NOD32 license. If you use your own update server (see chapter about “Mir­ror”), enter the username and password for this upda­te server (also described in a separate chapter).
General /Settings / ThreatSense.Net This system allows sending of suspicious les (that
were identied by heuristic analysis as probably be­ing infected by an unknown virus) from client to our virus lab. We recommend considering this feature, especially the option that decides whether the suspi­cious les will be sent automatically, after user’s con­sent or not at all..
Proles – Scheduler/Planner
NOD32 for Windows allows dening “groups” of set­tings – proles – in certain parts of the program, espe­cially in update  proles  and scanning proles. You may, for example, want to have one prole p roviding updates from a local server and another one, providing updates di­rectly from the Internet. The same applies to the scanning proles – one prole would test local disks without scan­ning of archives, and another would scan network drives including archives.
The proles are interconnected with scheduled  tasks 
(NOD32  Control  Center / NOD32  System  Tools / Schedu­ler/Planner). For example, after standard installation of
NOD32 for Windows, a prole is created called My Pro­le, which as one of its tasks sets automatic update for
every hour.
Please pay attention when setting compatibility of the proles and the scheduled tasks, and please also be careful when dening your own proles – check whether the proles are really launched automatically.
If there’s no automatic update scheduled, it is shown in the Setup of Automatic Update tab, as can be seen in the screenshot.
chapter 1 / Basic network features of NOD32 for Windows
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