Antivirus System
For Use on Dell™ PowerVault™ NAS Systems
User Guide
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 2004 Eset Software. All rights reserved.
Trademarks used in this text: Eset, the Eset logo, NOD32, AMON are trademarks of Eset.
Dell and PowerVault are trademarks of Dell Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names of their products. Eset disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other th an its own.
February 2004 P/N U3445 Rev. A00
Notes and Notices
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important supplemental information that helps you make better use of your antivirus program.
NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates potential damage due to loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
This document uses the following typographic conventions:
Used for key names, screen elements, and for option you are told to select.
Used for file and program names and screen messages.
Used for text that must be typed exactly as shown.
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... [1-1]
1.1 System Overview ............................................................................................................. [1-1]
1.2 System Requirements..................................................................................................... [1-1]
1.3 Update Requirements .................................................................................................... [1-2]
1.4 Software Version ............................................................................................................. [1-2]
1.5 The Latest Version of This User Guide On-Line .................................................... [1-2]
2 Product Registration.................................................................................................. [2-1]
2.1 How to receive the Username and Password........................................................ [2-1]
3 Installation Overview .............................................................................................. [3-1]
3.1 Installing NOD32 via Terminal Services/Remote Desktop................................ [3-1]
3.2 UnInstalling NOD32 via Terminal Services/Remote Desktop .......................... [3-2]
3.3 Installation via the NAS Manager webUI using .CAB files ............................... [3-2]
4 Configuring the NOD32 Antivirus System........................................ [4-1]
4.1 Performing Setup............................................................................................................. [4-1]
4.2 Configuring the Automatic Update .......................................................................... [4-2]
4.2.1 NAS system with direct Internet access ......................................................... [4-2]
4.2.2 NAS system without direct access to Internet............................................. [4-3]
4.3 Scheduling the Tasks ..................................................................................................... [4-3]
5 Profiles in the NOD32 System......................................................................... [5-1]
5.1 Creating a new scanning profile................................................................................. [5-1]
5.2 Creating a new update profile .................................................................................... [5-1]
6 Testing Your Antivirus Protection............................................................... [6-1]
6.1 Performing the test ......................................................................................................... [6-1]
7 Other Documents Available.............................................................................. [7-1]
8 Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................. [8-1]
9 Getting Help ........................................................................................................................ [9-1]
9.1 Registration Support ...................................................................................................... [9-1]
9.2 Technical Support Centers............................................................................................. [9-1]
9.3 Virus Detected!................................................................................................................... [9-4]
A Creating the network update directory (Update Mirror)...................................... [A-1]
B NOD32 Remote Administration Console (RAC) ...................................................... [B-1]
NOD32 Antivirus System User’s Guide [1-1]
1.1 System Overview
NOD32™ for NAS systems is an award winning antivirus system providing state-of-the-art protection that has been customized specifically for the use on Dell™ PowerVault ™ NAS systems. Key performance characteristics of the NOD32 Antivirus System are:
• High detection rate
• High scanning rate
• Small system footprint
The NOD32 Antivirus System provided with your NAS system consists of the following modules and/or functions:
• On-demand antivirus scanner
• On-access antivirus resident monitor (AMON)
• Internet automatic update module
• Centralized log management system
• Task scheduler
• Support of Update and Scanning Profiles
• NAS Manager-enabled web interface
• Easy online help system
• Support for NOD32’s Remote Administration Console (optional)
1.2 System Requirements
The following are the minimum system requirements to run NOD32 for Dell PowerVault NAS systems:
• Dell PowerVault NAS system
• Minimum of 384 Mbytes of main memory
• Network access from the NAS system to a client system with a CDROM drive
• Windows®Powered or Windows®Storage Server 2003 operating system
[1-2] User’s Guide NOD32 Antivirus System
1.3 Update Requirements
For an automatic Internet update of this antivirus system, you must enter a Username and Password (U/P) to access the Update Server. To receive the U/P, you must register the product. To learn more about registration, see the Product Registration section in this document.
NOTE: Only a current and updated antivirus system provides maximum protection.
1.4 Software Version
This booklet supports the NOD32 for Dell PowerVault NAS system, version 2.0 or higher.
1.5 The Latest Version of This User Guide On-Line
The User Guide is occasionally updated. To download the most current version go to
NOD32 Antivirus System User’s Guide [2-1]
Product Registration
Purchase of the Dell PowerVault NAS system entitles you to use a 90-day, fully functional version of the NOD32 system. This includes all virus signature database updates and system upgrades that are downloaded onto your computer digitally signed to meet the highest security standards.
To take advantage of the 90-day offer, you must have a valid Username and Password (U/P), which will grant your copy of the NOD32 Control Center access to the Internet update server.
2.1 How to receive the Username and Password
To complete registration, you will need the supplied serial number, which is available on the sticker of the Installation CD sleeve.
Go to and select the registration option. Complete the form, and within a few minutes, you will receive your unique Username and Password (U/P) by e-mail.
NOTICE: Without a valid Username and Password, your antivirus system cannot be updated! An updated system is needed to provide maximum protection.
NOD32 Antivirus System User’s Guide [3-1]
Installation Overview
NOD32 Antivirus System is provided on the Installation CD enclosed with your NAS system. The CD contains a minimum of five language versions (English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish). Each version is available in the corresponding EXE Installation File as follows:
Language Installation file Installation CAB file
English ndntensk.exe French ndntfrsk.exe German ndntdesk.exe Japanese ndntjpsk.exe Spanish ndntspsk.exe
To install the system NOD32 on a server NAS system without a CD drive, the server NAS system needs to be connected to a network with access to a client computer equipped with a CD drive. The client system latter has to be accessible from your NAS system. Microsoft(r) Server Appliance Kit has to be installed on the server to carry out a standard installation process.
3.1 Installing NOD32 via Terminal Services/Remote Desktop
1 Insert the NOD32 Installation CD into the NAS system or the network client
system with a CDROM drive.
2 If the CD has been placed on a remote client system, share the CDROM
drive. See the client system’s online help for more information on how to
share the contents of the CDROM. 3 From a web browser, log in to the NAS Manager webUI. 4 Click Maintenance. Select ‘Terminal Services’ or ‘Remote Desktop’ from the
maintenance tab menu. 5 Log in to the NAS system. 6 If the NOD32 installation CD is on a remote client, map a network drive to
the CD share created during step 2. 7 Click
Start Button.
8 Click
[3-2] User’s Guide NOD32 Antivirus System
Installation Overview
9 Use the Browse button to locate the proper installation EXE for correct
language (see above table for details). All installation files are located on
the Installation CD. 10 Click OK to run the selected file. 11 NOD32 Installation Wizard will lead you through the installation process.
NOTE: The NAS system will be unavailable during the final stages of the installation. Completion of the installation will require restart of the
3-2 UnInstalling NOD32 via Terminal Services/Remote Desktop
1 From a web browser, log in to the NAS Manager webUI. 2 Click Maintenance. 3 Select ‘Terminal Services’ or ‘Remote Desktop’ from the maintenance tab menu. 4 Log on to the server. 5 Click Start. 6 Click Control Panel. 7 Double Click Add/Remove Programs. 8 Select NOD32 Antivirus System. 9 Click Change/Remove. 10 Click Yes. 11 Click Finish.
The NAS system will re-boot and will not be available during the final stages of the uninstallation.
3.3 Installation via the NAS Manager webUI using .CAB files
NOTE: This installation process is only applicable on Windows Powered
NAS systems. Installation of NOD32 on Windows Storage Server 2003 is described in section 3.1 above.
1 Insert the NOD32 Installation CD into the server and/or network CD drive. 2 Run a web browser. 3 Enter the NAS system address into the browser address line. 4 Log on to the NAS system. 5 Click Maintenance. 6 Select Software Update from the maintenance tab menu. 7 Click Next. 8 Select Install a new software update. 9 Click Next.
NOD32 Antivirus System User’s Guide [3-3]
Installation Overview
10 Use the Browse utility to locate the required .cab installation file. The name
(not extension) of a particular language version is identical with that listed in the table above. All installation files are located on the Installation CD.
11 Click the desired .cab file.
NOTE: After clicking the file, Software Update Wizard window is opened with the name of the selected (.cab) file listed in the line preceding the Browse button. If the filename is correct, proceed with the next step (12), otherwise return to step (10) above.
12 Click Verify. 13 Click Next after “The selected file is a valid software
update” message is displayed.
14 Click Finish.
NOD32 Antivirus System User’s Guide [4-1]
Configuring the NOD32 Antivirus system
You can configure the NOD 32 system mostly through the NAS Manager. For more advanced features, you must use Terminal Services to configure the system. Administration of NOD32 Antivirus in network environment is provided by the optional NOD32 Remote Management Console (RAC).
You need a valid Username and Password to continue with Configuration. See section 2-1: “How to receive the Username and Password” for more information.
NOTICE: To ensure your antivirus software is properly set up and configured, read through and follow sections 4-1 and 4-2 first. Improper configuration may result in data loss or damage.
4.1 Performing Setup
Setting up the NOD 32 system is necessary to receive feedback about virus detection, performed/available updates and other relevant information of the anitivirus system.
Use the Setup page to enter basic communication parameters between installed antivirus system and the administrator and/or the authorized recipients of the warning and notification/event messages. The page also displays the location of the Quarantine folder, which is used to store the infected and/or potentially infected files.
To set the communication parameters:
1 Click Antivirus in the primary navigation bar of the NAS Manager. 2 Click Setup to display the Parameters of warning system and quarantine page.
[4-2] User’s Guide NOD32 Antivirus System
Configuring NOD32 Antivirus System
The messages from the anitivirus system can be sent using SMTP server and/ or Windows Messenger system (LAN). Do one of the following, depending on which option you choose:
a Select the Send messages via the SMTP checkbox. b Enter the name of the SMTP server. c Enter the Sender address (e.g. d Enter the e-mail address of the recipient of the virus warning messages. e Enter the e-mail address of the recipient of other notification messages. f Click OK.
Windows® Messenger system:
Click the LAN button and fill out the desired parameters.
NOTE: More than one recipient of the virus warning and other notification messages can be specified in the addressee field. Use a semicolon (;) as the address separator.
To modify the format of the virus warning and/or other notification messages, click the Syntax button. Modification of the message syntax is not recommended, unless you have created a special system for automatic processing of the warning/notification messages.
To modify the destination folder of the infected and/or potentially infected files (Quarantine directory), click the Other button.
4.2 Configuring the Automatic Update
NOTICE: You must set up the automatic update to continue protection
of your data.
Enter a valid U/P into the NOD32 Control Center to activate the automatic Internet update as described in the procedure below. The Update page initializes the automatic Internet update feature.
4.2.1 NAS system with direct Internet access
To activate the automatic update feature for NAS systems with direct access to the Internet, follow these steps:
NOD32 Antivirus System User’s Guide [4-3]
Configuring NOD32 Antivirus System
1 Click Antivirus in the primary navigation bar of your NAS Manager. 2 Click Update in the secondary navigation bar to open the NOD32 Update page. 3 Click Profiles to open the Update profiles window. 4 Click Edit to open to display the Edit Update Profile window and edit the
default update profile. 5 Enter the Username and Password acquired during product registration. 6 Select desired remaining radio button options. 7 Click OK.
NOTE: The default update profile provides an automatic update (if the update is available) every hour. To create a different update profile, use the Antivirus Update page. To learn more about profiles, see Profiles in
NOD32 system.
4.2.2 NAS system without direct access to Internet
On a system that has the NOD32 system installed with the administrator module, but does not have direct Internet access, download the current update files and place them in a special directory on the NAS system. Use the update module on the system not connected to the Internet, and download the update files from the NAS system to which they were copied.
The directory containing the update files is the new update server for the NOD32 system installed on the NAS system. Specify the path to this new update server on the Update page of the Antivirus secondary navigation bar.
To learn more about creating a new directory with the update files (Update Mirror), see Appendix A: Creating network update directory (Update
4.3 Scheduling the Tasks
The most frequently scheduled tasks are:
• On-demand scanning and/or
• Update of the system
Each scheduled task is executed using a corresponding profile, which defines how a particular task is performed and which parameters are associated with the task. For more details on the profiles, see “Profiles in the NOD32 system.”
[4-4] User’s Guide NOD32 Antivirus System
Configuring NOD32 Antivirus System
NOD32 system comes with two pre-defined profiles:
• Default scanning profile
• Default update profile
The most important features of the Default scanning profile are the scanning targets (fixed drives) and the default scanning parameters such as: heuristics sensitivity, diagnostic methods, action applied if virus is found, etc.
The basic characteristic of the Default update profile is the definition of the Internet update server and the frequency of the update attempts (every hour).
To create a new scheduled task, to edit or delete an existing task, or to learn more details about an existing task, select Scheduler in the secondary Antivirus navigation bar.
NOTE: To schedule a new task with a new Profile you need to define the Profile properties first. For details on creation of a new Profile, see
“Profiles in the NOD32 System.”
NOD32 Antivirus System User’s Guide [5-1]
Profiles in the NOD32 System
Creating a profile defines the parameters of a task. You can create profiles for scanning and updates.
5.1 Creating a new scanning profile
1 Click Maintenance in the NAS Manager. 2 Click Terminal Services or Remote Desktop. 3 Log on to the server 4 Double-click the NOD32 icon located on Terminal Services Client desktop
window to open the main NOD32 on-demand user interface. 5 Click through the available tabs, including, Scanning targets, Scanning log,
Actions, and Setup to select the profile parameters. 6 To complete creation of the new profile, click the Profile tab. 7 Click Profile. 8 Click New and enter the profile name. 9 Click OK and then click Save. 10 Click OK to return to the Profile tab and finish the procedure.
The scanning profile is ready to use. Use the Antivirus Scheduler secondary navigation bar option to schedule a new scanning task that runs in the mode of the new profile.
5.2 Creating a new update profile
1 Click Maintenance in the NAS Manager. 2 Click Terminal Services or Remote Desktop. 3 Log on to the server 4 Click the NOD32 ‘eye’ icon located in the main system task bar to display the
NOD32 Control Center.
[5-2] User’s Guide NOD32 Antivirus System
Profiles in NOD32 System
5 Click the Update button (next to the globe icon) in the main NOD32 Control
Center window. 6 Click Settings to display the Setup of Automatic Update window. 7 Select desired options from available options (Location, Servers, Type of
update, Schedule, Proxy server settings, etc). 8 Click Profiles. 9 Enter the new profile name. 10 Click OK to save selected option into the new profile.
The new profile is now available for use via NAS Manager (Antivirus, Scheduler) and a new scheduled task using this profile can be defined.
NOD32 Antivirus System User’s Guide [6-1]
Testing Your Antivirus Protection
It is highly recommended that you test the setup of the NOD32 for NAS antivirus system to ensure it is correct. This system consists of two basic detection modules:
• Resident antivirus monitor, sometime also referred to as the real time scanner and
• NOD32 On-demand scanner
To perform the test copy a test file onto the server. The test file is a harmless file that the antivirus system treats it as if it were a virus. Its sole purpose is to test the functionality of an antivirus system.
6.1 Performing the test
1 Run Terminal Services on the NAS system. 2 Open Internet Explorer on the NAS system. 3 Enter . 4 Click 5 Click Close.
If AMON is set correctly on your NAS system, an alert window displays. This concludes the test.
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