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ESET Mobile Antivirus
Americas & Global Distribution
610 West Ash Street
Suite 1900
San Diego, CA 92101
Toll Free: +1 (866) 343-3738
Tel. +1 (619) 876-5400
Fax. +1 (619) 876-5845
Heuristics Detection
Proactive protection against known and emerging mobile threats
On-Demand Scanning
Scan memory and running processes, onboard fi les and removable media for malware; search deeply into nested folders to
uncover malicious software
Advanced On-Access Scanning
Scans all accessed fi les for viruses, including email attachments and fi les accessed via wireless means such as Bluetooth®, WiFi®,
infrared, GPRS and EDGE
Safely insolates infected fi les and gives the experienced user the option to review, restore or delete them as appropriate
SMS Spam Filter
Block text messages from unknown senders or use black and white lists to fi lter your SMS messages
Provides an at-a-glance summary of On-Access scanning, SMS fi ltering and quarantine activities
Activity Log
Scan statistics are stored in a user-friendly format. Up to 50 logs can be stored onboard
Variable In-Depth Scanning of CAB Files
Control the scan depth of compressed cabinet fi les that may contain other nested folders or other compressed fi les
Automatic/On-Demand Updates
Download signature updates on-demand or automatically at pre-set intervals: daily, weekly, or monthly
Intuitive User Interface
Simple and elegant user experience
Device Requirements
Operating Systems: Microsoft® Windows Mobile® 5.0, 6.0 and 6.1
Memory: 1 MB of free memory (about 500 KB installed)
Smartphones and PocketPCs are used for communication, entertainment and
services. Not only are these mobile devices indispensable, they also contain an
increasing amount of private information.
This trend is attracting the attention of fi nancially motivated cybercriminals.
Analysts agree that mobile devices will become increasingly targeted for attack,
putting hundreds of millions of devices at risk to these emerging and unknown threats.
ESET Mobile Antivirus delivers proactive and comprehensive protection from
viruses, spyware, adware, trojans, worms, rootkits, and other potentially
unwanted software. As mobile threats evolve, ESET Mobile Antivirus will keep
your smartphones and Pocket PCs safe — even between signature updates. Its
fast engine keeps your inbox uncluttered by fi ltering SMS spam from unknown
and unwanted senders.
ESET Mobile Antivirus has low CPU, memory requirements and compact updates
that minimize data bandwidth usage. It protects email attachments and other
fi les as they are transferred or accessed, without impacting performance.