The most eff ective antivirus protection
for your servers
Businesses of all sizes rely on Linux, BSD and Sun
Solaris fi le servers for reliability, performance and
scalability. As the volume of data served over networks
grows, so does the need to secure them from malware.
Increasing volumes of malicious software are launched
daily to steal passwords or sensitive corporate and
customer information. ESET File Security provides
Linux, BSD and Solaris fi le servers with on-demand
and on-access protection from known and emerging
viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, rootkits and other
Internet threats. It not only detects and cleans
malware that target Linux, BSD and Solaris operating
systems, it also recognizes and cleans Windows and
Mac OS malware. ESET’s ThreatSense® technology
proactively protects critical fi le servers from new
threats, before other products are able to detect them.
ESET File Security is also fast and light, with low false
positive rates, so IT managers can extend the life of
servers without sacrifi cing per formance or security.
ESET File Security for Linux/BSD/Solaris
Latest ThreatSense Technology Award-winning ESET ThreatSense registered technology delivers the most eff ective proactive protection against new and
emerging threats.
Enhanced Quarantine Individual quarantine is used to store suspicious or infected fi les for each user. Administrators can manage quarantined fi les
from the web interface.
On-demand Scanner Scan directories or drives for threats as needed. Administrators can create regular scanning tasks using standard operation
system schedulers to ensure the health of fi le servers.
On-access Scanner Real-time proactive protection for your entire fi le system.
Pre-defi ned Actions Defi ne a set of actions to be performed based on the outcome of a scan. These actions can be clean, delete, accept or reject.
User-specifi c Confi guration Defi ne specifi c scanner parameters for particular users.
Web-based Interface Enjoy the convenience of remotely managing ESET File Security over the web.
Remote Administration Compatibility with ESET Remote Administrator for Microsoft Windows, simplifi es management of a network of Linux, BSD or
Solaris servers running ESET File Security — all from a single console.
Multiprocessor Support ESET File Security is fully compatible with single processors as well as multicore/multiple processors.
Processors Supported
Intel or AMD x86 / x64
Operating Systems Linux Kernel – Version 2.2.x, 2.4.x or 2.6.x; glibc 2.2.5 or higher
FreeBSD – Version 4.x; Dazuko kernel module 2.0.0 or higher
NetBSD – Version 5.x, 6.x, or 7.x; Dazuko kernel module 2.0.0 or higher
Sun Solaris – Version 10
Memory 32 MB
Disk Space 24 MB (download) / 32 MB (installation)