ESET File Security
Installation Manual and User Guide
Linux, BSD and Solaris
ESET File Security
Copyright ©2011 by ESET, spol. s r. o.
Customer Care Worldwide : Customer Care North America: www.e se
REV. 2011-02 -08
1. Introduction
Mai n functionali ty1.1
Key features of the sys tem1.2
2. Terminology and abbreviations
3. Installation
4. Architecture Overview
5. Integration with File System services
On-demand scanner5.1
On-access scanner powered by Dazuko5.2
................................................................................10Opera tion principle5.2.1
................................................................................11Installa tion and configuration5.2.2
On-access scanner us ing prel oad LIBC l ibra ry5.3
................................................................................12Opera tion principle5.3.1
................................................................................12Installa tion and configuration5.3.2
6. Important ESET File Security mechanisms
Handle Object Pol i cy6.1
User Speci fi c Configura tion6.2
Sampl es Submis sion Sys tem6.3
Web Interface6.4
................................................................................15Licens e ma nagement6.4.1
................................................................................16On-Access scanner (DAC) configuration example6.4.2
................................................................................16On-Dema nd scanner6.4.3
................................................................................17Statis tic s6.4.4
Remote Admini s tration6.5
................................................................................18Remote Admini stration us age example6.5.1
7. ESET Security system update
ESETS update utility7.1
ESETS update process description7.2
ESETS mirror http daemon7.3
8. Let us know
9. Appendix A. PHP License
1. Introduction
Dear user, you have acqui red ESET File Security - the premier security sys tem runni ng under the Linux, BSD and Solaris OS. As you will soon find out, ESET's state-of-the-art scanning engine has unsurpas sed scanning speed and detection ra tes combined with a very s mal l footprint that makes i t the ideal choi ce for any Linux, BSD and Solaris OS server.
1.1 Main functionality
On-demand scanner
The On-demand sca nner can be invoked by a privileged user (usuall y a system admi ni strator) through either the command line interface or the web interface; or by the operating s ys tem's automatic schedul ing tool (e.g., cron). Thus, the term
O n -dem an d
refers to fil e system objects being scanned on user or s ys tem demand.
On-access scanner
The On-access s canner is i nvoked whenever a us er a nd/or operating s ys tem attempts to access fil e system objects . This a lso cl arifies the use of the term
O n -a ccess
; becaus e a s can i s tri ggered by any attempt to access fil e system objects .
1.2 Key features of the system
Advanced engine algorithms
The ESET antivirus scanni ng engine algori thms provi de the highest detection rate and the fas test scanni ng times.
ESET File Security is developed to run on s i ngle- as well as multi-process or units.
Advanced Heuristics
ESET File Security includes unique adva nced heuristics for Win32 worms, ba ckdoor i nfections and other forms of malware.
Built-In features
Built-in a rchivers unpack a rchived objects without the need for any external progra ms.
Speed and efficiency
To increase the speed and efficiency of the system, its archi tecture is ba sed on the runni ng da emon (resi dent program) where al l sca nni ng requests a re sent.
Enhanced security
All executive daemons (except esets_dac) run under non-pri vileged user account to enhance security.
Selective configuration
The system supports selective confi guration ba sed on the user or cl i ent/server.
Multiple logging levels
Multipl e logging levels can be confi gured to get information about system acti vi ty and infiltrations .
Web interface
Configura tion, admi ni strati on a nd l i cense management are offered through an i ntui tive and user-friendly Web interface.
Remote administration
The system supports ESET Remote Administrati on for mana gement in la rge computer networks.
No external libraries
The ESET Fil e Securi ty instal lation does not require external li braries or programs except for LIBC.
User-specified notification
The system can be configured to notify speci fi c users i n the event of a detected infiltration or other important events.
Low system requirements
To run effici ently, ESET Fil e Security requires j ust 16MB of hard-disk space and 32MB of RAM. It runs smoothly under the 2.2.x,
2.4.x a nd 2.6.x Linux OS kernel vers ions as well as under 5.x, 6.x FreeBSD OS kernel versions.
Performance and scalability
From lower-powered, smal l offi ce servers to enterprise-cla ss ISP servers wi th thousands of users, ESET Fil e Securi ty delivers the performance and s cal ability you expect from a UNIX based s ol ution, in addition to the unequaled security of ESET products.
2. Terminology and abbreviations
In this section we will review the terms a nd a bbreviations used i n thi s document. Note that a boldface font is reserved for product component names and al s o for newly defined terms and abbrevi ations. Terms a nd a bbreviations defined i n this chapter are expanded upon later in this document.
ES ET Security
is a standard acronym for all s ecurity products developed by ESET, spol. s r. o. for Linux, BSD and Sol ari s
operating s ystems. It is a lso the name (or i ts part) of the software package containing the products.
Abbreviation for ‘RedHat/Novell(SuSE) Ready’. Note that we also support RedHat Ready and Novell(SuSE) Ready varia tions of the product. The RSR package di ffers from the ‘standard’ Linux version in that it meets the FHS (File-system Hierarchy Standard defined a s a part of Linux Standa rd Bas e) criteri a required by the RedHat Ready and Novell(SuSE) Ready certi fi ca te. This means that the RSR package is installed as an add-on application - the primary i ns tal l ation directory i s ‘/opt/eset/esets’.
ESETS daemon
The mai n ESETS system control and s ca nni ng da emon:
esets_d a emo n
ESETS base directory
The directory where ESETS loada bl e modules contai ni ng the virus signature databa se are stored. The abbreviation
@ BA SE D IR @
wil l be used for future references to this directory. The
@ BA SE D IR @
value for the foll owing Opera ting Systems i s
lis ted below:
Linux: /var/lib/esets Linux RSR: /var/opt/eset/esets/lib FreeBSD: /var/lib/esets NetBSD: /var/lib/esets Solaris: /var/opt/esets/lib
ESETS configuration directory
The directory where al l files related to the ESET Fil e Security configuration are stored. The abbrevia tion
wil l be
used for future references to this di rectory. The
value for the foll owing Opera ting Systems i s listed below:
Linux: /etc/esets Linux RSR: /etc/opt/eset/esets FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/esets NetBSD: /usr/pkg/etc/esets Solaris: /etc/opt/esets
ESETS configuration file
Mai n ESET Fil e Security configura tion file. The abs olute path of the file is as foll ows:
ESETS binary files directory
The directory where the relevant ESET Fil e Securi ty bi na ry fil es are stored. The abbrevia tion
wil l be used for future
references to thi s directory. The
value for the foll owing Opera ting Systems i s listed below:
Linux: /usr/bin Linux RSR: /opt/eset/esets/bin FreeBSD: /usr/local/bin NetBSD: /usr/pkg/bin Solaris: /opt/esets/bin
ESETS system binary files directory
The directory where the relevant ESET Fil e Securi ty s ystem binary fi les are stored. The abbrevi ation
wil l be used
for future references to this directory. The
value for the foll owing Opera ting Systems i s listed below:
Linux: /usr/sbin Linux RSR: /opt/eset/esets/sbin FreeBSD: /usr/local/sbin NetBSD: /usr/pkg/sbin Solaris: /opt/esets/sbin
ESETS object files directory
The directory where the relevant ESET Fil e Securi ty obj ect files and l ibra ri es are stored. The abbrevia tion
wil l be
used for future references to this di rectory. The
value for the foll owing Opera ting Systems i s listed below:
Linux: /usr/lib/esets Linux RSR: /opt/eset/esets/lib FreeBSD: /usr/local/lib/esets NetBSD: /usr/pkg/lib/esets Solaris: /opt/esets/lib
3. Installation
After purchasing ESET Fil e Security, you wil l receive your a uthoriza tion data (us ername, pass word and l i cense key). This data is necessary for both identifyi ng you a s our cus tomer and al lowing you to downl oad upda tes for ESET File Security. The username/pas s word data is a lso required for downloading the ini tial i nstal lation package from our web si te. ESET Fil e Securi ty is dis tri buted as a bi nary fi l e:
In the binary fi l e shown above,
‘ex t’
is a Linux, BSD and Sol ari s OS di s tri bution dependent suffi x, i.e., ‘deb’ for Debian, ‘rpm’ for RedHat and SuSE, ‘tgz’ for other Linux OS distri butions , ‘fbs5.tgz’ for FreeBSD 5.x, ‘fbs6.tgz’ for FreeBSD 6.x, ‘nbs4.tgz’ for NetBSD 4. xx a nd ‘s ol10.pkg.gz‘ for Sol a ri s 10.
Note that the Linux RSR binary file format is:
To install or upgrade the product, use the following command:
sh ./esets.i386.ext.bin
For the Linux RSR vari ation of the product, use the command:
sh ./esets-rsr.i386.rpm.bin
to displa y the product’s User License Acceptance Agreement. Once you have confirmed the Acceptance Agreement, the installation packa ge is pl aced i nto the current working directory a nd relevant informati on regardi ng the package’s installati on, un-instal lati on or upgrade is displa yed ons creen.
Once the package is installed, you can verify that the main ESETS servi ce i s running by using the foll owing command:
Linux OS:
ps -C esets_daemon
ps -ax | grep esets_daemon
ps -A | grep esets_daemon
After pressing ENTER, you should see the foll owing (or si milar) message:
PID TTY TIME CMD 2226 ? 00:00:00 esets_daemon 2229 ? 00:00:00 esets_daemon
At least two ESETS daemon process es a re running in the background. The firs t PID represents the process and threads manager of the sys tem. The other represents the ESETS sca nni ng process.
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