ESET File Security
Copyright ©2011 by ESET, spol. s r. o.
ESET File Security was developed by ESET, spol. s r. o.
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REV. 2011-02 -08
1. Introduction
Mai n functionali ty1.1
Key features of the sys tem1.2
2. Terminology and abbreviations
3. Installation
4. Architecture Overview
5. Integration with File System services
On-demand scanner5.1
On-access scanner powered by Dazuko5.2
................................................................................10Opera tion principle5.2.1
................................................................................11Installa tion and configuration5.2.2
On-access scanner us ing prel oad LIBC l ibra ry5.3
................................................................................12Opera tion principle5.3.1
................................................................................12Installa tion and configuration5.3.2
6. Important ESET File Security mechanisms
Handle Object Pol i cy6.1
User Speci fi c Configura tion6.2
Sampl es Submis sion Sys tem6.3
Web Interface6.4
................................................................................15Licens e ma nagement6.4.1
................................................................................16On-Access scanner (DAC) configuration example6.4.2
................................................................................16On-Dema nd scanner6.4.3
................................................................................17Statis tic s6.4.4
Remote Admini s tration6.5
................................................................................18Remote Admini stration us age example6.5.1
7. ESET Security system update
ESETS update utility7.1
ESETS update process description7.2
ESETS mirror http daemon7.3
8. Let us know
9. Appendix A. PHP License