Understand all instructions before using
ESCO Tool Guarantee
Factory: Agent:
ESCO Tool Company, a Unit of ESCO Technologies, Inc.
75 October Hill Road, Holliston, MA 01746
Tel 508-429-4441, Fax 508-429-2811
e-mail: Web site
Operating Instructions
Millhog Series – Contour “Wart” Millhog
Guarantee: The manufacturer guarantees its products to be free from defects in material
or workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment from its factory. Said
guarantee will not apply if equipment is used in conditions of service for which it is not
recommended. The manufacturer is not responsible for damage to its products through
improper use, physical damage, poor operating practice, or normal wear.
If any device is found unsatisfactory under the guarantee, the buyer must notify ESCO
Tool in writing and after receipt of shipping instructions, buyer must return it directly to
ESCO Tool, 75 October Hill Rd. Holliston, Massachusetts 01746, USA, shipping charges
prepaid. Such equipment will be replaced or put in satisfactory operating condition, free of
all charges except transportation. The correction of any factory defect by repair or
replacement by the manufacturer shall constitute fulfillment of all obligations to the
purchaser. Manufacturer's guarantee is void if unauthorized repairs are made to its
Manufacturer shall not be liable for consequential damage in case of failure to meet the
conditions of any Guarantee or Shipping Schedule, nor will claims for labor, loss of profit,
repairs, or other expenses incidental to replacement be allowed.
No other representations, guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, are made by the
manufacturer in connection with the manufacture and sale of its equipment.
Hold Harmless Agreement
Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold ESCO Tool, its owners, agents, officers, and/or
employees free and harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs and
out of pocket expenses (including attorneys fees) arising out of, or in connection with the ESCO
Tool equipment, its use or transportation, or out of operations conducted by customer, its agents,
employees, contractors, representatives, guests or invitees, including, but not limited to, active
and/or passive negligence.
Table of Contents
1. Instruction for putting into use
Factory: Agent:
ESCO Tool Company, a Unit of ESCO Technologies, Inc.
75 October Hill Road, Holliston, MA 01746
Tel 508-429-4441, Fax 508-429-2811
e-mail: Web site
Operating Instructions
Millhog Series – Contour “Wart” Millhog
a. Unpacking
b. Air supply
c. Illustrated description of function
d. Limitation on ambient conditions
e. List of contents
2. Safety precautions
a. Precautions and use of personal protective equipment, eye protection
b. Special safety precautions, pinch points
c. Explanation of symbols
d. Disclaimer
e. Operating ergonomics
3. Operating instructions
a. Identification of operating controls and their use b. Selection of proper tooling
c. Installation of proper tooling
d. Mounting the tool to the work
e. Air connection
f. Operation of tool
g. Tool limits
4. Maintenance & servicing
a. Regular cleaning and lubrication
b. User service
c. Servicing by manufacturer or agent, address
5. Clamp rib and pad selector chart
6. Parts list and drawings
a. Gear assembly
b. Air motor assembly
c. 1" mandrel kit assembly
d. Cutting blades
e. Air hose
7. MSDS for Marvel Air Tool Oil
a. Marvel Air Tool Oil
b. Tool steel cutting blades
1. Instruction for putting into use.
a. Unpacking.
1. Use caution when handling the tool, cutting blades are sharp. Typically they are protected, however, exposed blades can cause injury.
Factory: Agent:
ESCO Tool Company, a Unit of ESCO Technologies, Inc.
75 October Hill Road, Holliston, MA 01746
Tel 508-429-4441, Fax 508-429-2811
e-mail: Web site
Operating Instructions
Millhog Series – Contour “Wart” Millhog
2. Clean any excess oil, grease or rust preventive from the surface of the
tool. b. Air supply.
1. Recommended air pressure, 90 psi (6.2 bar).
2. Recommended air volume, 40 cfm (1133 lt/min.).
3. Clean, moisture free air is essential for trouble free operation.
4. Oil laden operating air should be used. Use a light weight air tool
motor oil (s.a.e.10).
5. A hose whip with filter and lubricator is provided with each tool. Be
sure air filter is clean and lubricator is full before use. For lubricator
adjustment instructions see 4a.
c. Illustrated description of function.
1. Instruction for putting into use, continued.
d. Limitation on ambient conditions.
1. In damp, moist or humid air, extra precaution must be taken in order to
provide the tool with moisture free, oil laden air.
Factory: Agent:
ESCO Tool Company, a Unit of ESCO Technologies, Inc.
75 October Hill Road, Holliston, MA 01746
Tel 508-429-4441, Fax 508-429-2811
e-mail: Web site
Operating Instructions
Millhog Series – Contour “Wart” Millhog
2. In temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 Celsius) a lubricant with antifreeze, such as Marvel Air-Tool Oil , must be used. e. List of contents.
1. Kit contains:
Motor and gear drive
Feed mechanism
Draw rod and wrench assembly
One or more clamp rib sets
One or more clamp pad set
One or more cutterheads
Hose, 1/2” with filter, lubricator and quick connect couplersAllen wrench set
Carrying case
2. Safety precautions.
a. Precautions and use of personal protective equipment, eye protection.
1. Power tools are not insulated for coming into contact with electric power sources.
2. Tool must not be used in an explosive atmosphere.
3. Do not use tool in a manner other than stated. Use other than stated in
the instructions is forbidden.
4. Use valved, quick connect couplers to avoid whipping compressed air hose.
5. Use care regarding the drawing in or trapping long hair, loose
clothing, etc.
6. Cover all exposed skin before operating. Cutting blades are sharp and produce
hot chips. Both can cause injury.
7. Do not connect air until tool is securely fastened to the inside diameter
of a pipe or tube.
8. Use caution when handling, disconnect air before removing from work,
changing blades, performing maintenance or breaking down.
9. Personal protective garments should include but not be limited to.
Safety glasses
Work gloves
Work boots, or shoes
Protective clothing
Ear protection when operator is exposed to long periods of use.
2. Safety precautions, continued.
a. Precautions and use of personal protective equipment, eye protection.
10. Have all nearby persons wear safety glasses with side shields.
b. Special safety precautions, pinch points, cont.
1. Chips can be hot and sharp. Be careful when clearing from tool.
Factory: Agent:
ESCO Tool Company, a Unit of ESCO Technologies, Inc.
75 October Hill Road, Holliston, MA 01746
Tel 508-429-4441, Fax 508-429-2811
e-mail: Web site
Operating Instructions
Millhog Series – Contour “Wart” Millhog
2. Moving and stationary parts can pinch or cause serious injury. Pay extra
attention to rotating cutting blades as they can not be adequately guarded.
3. During use, machinery may separate, lurch or fall.
c. Explanation of symbols.
Caution (refer to accompanying documents).
Safety glasses must be worn.
Protective gloves, cutting blades and chips can be hot and sharp.
Work boots, or shoes.
Protective clothing.
Ear protection.
Pinch points.
2. Safety precautions, continued.
d. Disclaimer.
1. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by ESCO Tool, the
protection provided by the equipment may be impaired. e. Operating ergonomics.
1. Tool must be mounted at a reasonable working height.
Factory: Agent:
ESCO Tool Company, a Unit of ESCO Technologies, Inc.
75 October Hill Road, Holliston, MA 01746
Tel 508-429-4441, Fax 508-429-2811
e-mail: Web site
Operating Instructions
Millhog Series – Contour “Wart” Millhog
2. Tool may be used in any orientation.
3. Operator must be in a position not to be injured as the machinery may separate, lurch or fall. Operator must have both feet on a stable platform. Reaching or leaning is not acceptable operating ergonomics.
3. Operating instructions.
a. Identification of operating controls and their use.
1. Feed wrench.
a. Axially moves gear assembly on mandrel.
2. Draw rod nut.
a. Activates draw rod and actuator.
3. Draw rod.
a. Connects the actuator and draw rod nut.
b. Turning draw rod nut clockwise pulls actuator towards mandrel and expands clamp ribs and pads.
c. Turning draw rod nut counter-clockwise pushes actuator away
from mandrel and relaxes clamp ribs and pads.
4. Draw rod stop collar.
a. Prevents draw rod, actuator and clamp rib and pads from becoming separated from mandrel.
5. Draw rod nut and finger knob.
a. Turning draw rod nut and finger knob clockwise pulls actuator towards
mandrel and expands clamp ribs and pads.
6. Contour housing.
a. Contains the cutterhead
7. Cutterhead.
a. Rotates and holds the tool post.
8. Tool post.
a. Locates cutting blade.
9. Cutting blade.
a. Purpose: to machine end preparations on tube or pipe. b. Consumable item, available in many sizes and configurations.
10. Blade lock.
a. Secures the cutting blade to tool post.
11. Actuator.
a. Holds and aligns the clamp ribs and pads with mandrel.
3. Operating instructions, continued
a. Identification of operating controls and their use.
12. Clamp rib
a. Secures tool to tube or pipe inside diameter.
b. Come in sets of three.
c. Available in many sizes, see accompanying clamp rib chart.
13. Mandrel.
Factory: Agent:
ESCO Tool Company, a Unit of ESCO Technologies, Inc.
75 October Hill Road, Holliston, MA 01746
Tel 508-429-4441, Fax 508-429-2811
e-mail: Web site
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