Wrist Digital Blood Pressure Monitor
Operation Guide
for mo d el: MW-300
Important Warning/Medical Disclaimer
Before using your blood press ure mo nitor, you sho uld read a nd
understand all i ns t ruction and follow all warning.
Information in this manual is provided for informational purposes only.
This manual and pr oduct are not mea nt t o be a subs t i t ute f or the
advice provided by your own physician or oth er medical profes sional.
You should not use the inf ormation containe d he rein o r t his product
for diagnosing o r t reati ng a health problem, di s eas e, or p rescribing
any medicat ion. If you have or suspect that you have a me dic al
problem, prom ptl y c ontac t your healt hcare provi de r.
Healthy Living
This blood pressure monitor is the first step to living a healthier life.
But monitori ng your blo od pr es sure at home is just the beginning, it’s
also important to:
EXERCISE REGULARLY ---- Start out by taking a quick walk each
day. Before you k now it, you’ll feel ene rgize. That’s because
along with being an easy way to shed a fe w po unds, walk i ng al s o
helps your bones and heart become stronger.
EAT RIGHT ---- Rem embe r, you are what you ea t! So when you
reach for a snack, try grabbing a piece of fruit or a vegetable. When
cooking meals at home try to us e f ats and oils sparingly.
Sometimes a healthy diet is t he best m edic i ne of all ! It’s also a
good idea to monitor your sodium i ntake because about on e-t hi rd of
individuals who have high blo od p ressure are also sodi um s ens i t i ve.
Consult your doc t or re ga rdi n g over-the-counter supplem ents and
herbs s uch as onion and garlic . Both of these plants have been
historic all y link ed to pr oducing mild anti -hypertens ion effec t s.
BE HAP PY! - -- a positive attitude is a big part of a healthy body.
Try not to get too stressed out over things. Daily relaxation
techniqu es s uch as gentle yoga or even quiet t ime by yourself c an
do a lot of good for the mind a nd bo dy. Stay focused on the good
things in life. Begin by congratulating yourself for that short walk
you just took or t he smart f ood choice you made. It’s your first step
to a healthier life!
KEE P AN E YE ON YOU R WEIGHT! --- Su rp risin gl y, losing e v en a
small amount of weight can oft en ti mes help control high bloo d
pressure. Talk with your doctor to find a “healthy” weight for you
and strive to c om e within a ra nge of it.
Remembe r t o cons ul t your physician prio r t o begin ning an exercise
program, vit am in/ mi neral, diet ar y c han ges or p rograms and blo od
pressure monit oring.
Commonly Asked Questions
Why Should I Monitor My Blood Pressure At Home?
By monitori ng at hom e, you ma y manage your health i n between
doctor vis i t s. Home monitoring also p rovides you with a rec or d of
blood pressure measurements over t ime to give to your doctor-a
valuable tool in monitoring hypertension.
Home monitoring may also help alleviate White Coat Hypertensi on.
This term refers to the medical phenomena which causes many
individual ’s blood p res s ure to be higher whe n tak en in a medical
office sett i ng. That ’s becaus e many times t he s t ress of being in the
doctor ’s office m a y caus e blood press ure to rise as m uc h as 20-50
points higher than no rm al. W hen monitoring at home, you may g et
truer indic ati on of yo ur bl ood p ressure in a normal, rela xe d s t at e.
What Is Blood Pressure?
The com monl y us ed term “b lood pre ssure” refe rs to th e f orce or
pressure t hat i s exe rt ed on the bod y’s arte ries as bl oo d f lows
through them. Each time the heart beats or contracts, it produc es
pressure in t he arteries. This blood pressur e i s what mov es blood
through the body, supply oxygen and n utrients to every organ.
When the heart contracts it sends blood out i nto the body. Thi s
pressure is referred to as systolic.
The press ure that i s created as the heart pull s bl oo d bac k t hrou gh is
called diastolic.
Blood press ure is recorded as sys t oli c over diastolic, as shown here.
What Is Considered Normal Blood Pressure?
The well-respected World Health Organization (WHO) has set forth
the followin g guidelines re ga rdin g high (commonl y referred to as
hypertensi on), low and borderli ne blood pressure.
Reference: Journal of Hypertensi on. 2003 Nov., WHO/ISH
statement on management of Hypert ens ion.
Why Does My Blood Pressure Fluctuate?
Because blood pres sure changes with ev ery beat of the heart it is in
constant fl uc t uat ion through out any given day. I n addit ion to t hes e
natural c hang es t here a re other factors that may affect blood
pressure such as:
• Temperature
Food and beve rage consumption
• Lack of sleep
Indivi dual ph ys i cal c ondit i ons
Ph y s ic al exe r cise
• Stress
How Do I Know I Have High Blood Pressure?
It’s nearly impos sible to know if your bloo d pressure is elev at ed
without havin g it checked. People have t he c omm on
misc onception that one can “f eel” their blood press ure rise. It i s
because of this mystery that hype rtens i on has been named “the
silent killer”. Don’t let it sneak up on you! Start monitoring your
blood pressure every day with y ou r new monitor.
Why Is It Important To Control My Blood Pressure?
Left uncontrolled, hyperte ns i on can plac e a n i ncredible amount of
stress on your heart and arteries, both of which become forced to
work hard er to keep blood flowing in a healt hy manner throughout
the body. Over time, this stress can result in health problems
including ove r- enlargement of t he he art, l oss of elast icity of t he
arteries, heart disease, st roke and even death. Making some
simple l if estyle changes now can hel p you to stay healthy in the
Intended Use
wrist digit al s phygm omanomete rs are c onvenient for hom e us e.
They are nonin vasiv e , mea n ing n o pa r t of the m o nito r ent e r s your
body, and provide sys t oli c, diastoli c and pulse measureme nt s.
This wrist digital sphygmomanometers are recommended for use by
people over the a ge of 18 a nd a re not s ui t able for cl i nic al us e.
Measurement Method
THIS wrist digi t al sphygmomanomet ers measure blood pres sure
and pulse by using what’s call ed and oscillometric method,
meaning the y meas ur e t he fluc t uations in pres s ure. This is done
by first wrapping a f i tt ed c uff around the wrist. The monitor then
automatically fills the cuff with air creating pressure around the
arteries inside the wrist. Mounted inside of the cuff is a special
gauge that is capable of sensing the small oscillations (fluctuations )
in pressure. These f luctuations are produced as a result of the
pressure t he c uff has placed around the wris t and are, i n a basi c
sense, t he arteries contrac ti ng (gett ing larger and sm all er) with
each heart beat. The monitor then meas ur es how high and how
quickly these contractions occur and converts that information into a
digital value. A special v al v e, c al led an elect rod e, defl ates t he
monitor automatically when the measurement is complete.