6 x 6
ver 5/16/05 HM
1 Sandbox Cover
1 Bag of 12 Snaps
1 Instructions
(on reverse)
ChildLife Inc.
Escalade Sports®
P.O. Box 889
Evansville, IN 47706
Toll Free (800) GO-SWING
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E-mail childlifecs@escaladesports.com
Home Page childlife.com
For All ChildLife
6 x 6 Sandboxes
Item # 52653

6x6 Sandbox Cover Installation Instructions
Unfold Sandbox Cover and note snap backs that have been fastened along
the edges. You will be screwing 12 snap studs (provided) into the Sandbox
with a Phillips head screwdriver. The result will be a Sandbox Cover that can
easily be fastened and unfastened.
See illustration below. Center and place the Sandbox Cover over the Sandbox.
Mark the location of each snap stud to be installed by tapping the head of the
snap backs very gently with a hammer, leaving a small identifying mark. Make
pilot holes at the marked locations and screw the snap studs in until the base
is flush with the wood. There are 3 snap-studs on each end and side.
Always install the snap studs so that the Sandbox Cover will be straight and
taut when it is in place. This will result in a neat and trim appearance, and the
fabric will wear better if it is tight.
AL WAYS put enough sand in your Sandbox so that the Sandbox Cover is resting on the sand when it is in place. If you do not, children will walk or crawl on
the Sandbox Cover and tear the snap backs out of the fabric. Your Sandbox
Cover is NOT designed to bear the weight of a child; damage to your Sandbox
Cover as a result of installing it on a sandbox that does not have enough sand
in it is NOT covered under warranty.
Sandbox Cover rolls up for easy storage with tie-up straps at one end.