● The unit is wid ely used together with centr al HVAC s ystem in hotel, h ospital, me dicine
factory, theater, commer cial building , office bu ilding, ent erprises, che mical industry, exhibit ion
room, resea rch institutes and so on.
● The install ation, commissioning and m aintenance of t hese machin es should be perf ormed by
qualified p ersonnel having a good knowl edge of standar ds and local regulations, as w ell as
experienc e of this type of equipment.
● Make sure tha t the rated voltage of the unit co rresponds to th at of the name plate before
commencin g wiring work according to the w iring diagram .
● The unit must b e GROUNDED to pre vent possib le hazard due to in sulation failure.
● Make sure tha t the unit has been switched OFF b efore install ing or servicing the unit.
● Keep the unit a way from any combustible or co rrosive envir onment.
● Disconnec t the power plug wh en the fan coil i s not going to be use d for a long time.
Otherwise d irt may gather and cause low efficiency .
● Make sure the a ir inlets and outlets of the uni t are not blocked .
2. Notice
Air inlet
Air outlet
Heat Exchan ger
Fan Coil
The fan c oil unit has no ene rgy by itse lf but provides heating or coo ling with hot or ch illed water from
central wat er supply syste m(heat pump o r chiller etc) .The fan of the unit blows throug h the heat
exchanger t o cool or heat the air in the room.
If inlet wate r is cool, set the unit to cooling m ode, the air outl et is cool air.
If inlet wate r is hot, set the unit to heating mo de, the air outle t is hot air.
The uni t is characteri zed with energy-saving, high efficiency, lo w noise, reliab le and
convenien t to select and install.
Central wat er
supply syst em
3. Working principle