ERNITEC PIR-150 Installation Instruction

2824-00002 Page
The PIR-150 is a highly sensitive Passive Infrared Detector designed for long range detection outdoors with a narrow, curtain-shaped differential field of view. It incorporates adaptive threshold discrimination by feedback of environmental effects and rejection of disturbance signals, temperature compensation, flat frequency response and a computer designed optical system for uniform curtain coverage.
The gain can be adjusted with a potentiometer to adapt t he sensitivity of each individual unit in f unction of the required detection range and according to the specific needs of an installation. Depending on the type of installation, emphasis can be put on maximum detection or lowest nuisance alarm pr obabilit y .
2. Mounting and Installa t i on
The mounting structure should be stiff enough to resist significant deflection in windy conditions. Movement of the PIR-150 caused by vibrat ions or ot her m oveme nts w ill res ult in large s wings of t he f ield of view covered by the PIR-150 and could cause strong disturbance signals. These unwanted signals may lead to an increase of the alarm threshold level thus reducing the responsiveness or in certain cases producing unwanted alarms.
It is very important that the back cover of the PIR- 150 is securely tightened. It is not sufficient to close the cover only to the point where the O - ring starts to rub against the inside of the cover. It must be tightened to the point where it cannot be closed further with reasonable force. There will then be hardly any gap between the cover and the housing (considerably less than 0.5 mm) .
The cable entry assembly should not be changed without authorisation by the manufacturer . It is specifically designed to allow air entry and exit so that the inside of the PIR-150 is alw ays at atmospheric pr essure. This prevents moisture being sucked into the PIR-150 by drop of internal pressure likely to happen when rainfall rapidly cools down a unit warmed up in the sun.
The nut on the cable entry assembly should be tightened to clamp the cable in place with the nylon grip. If the cable diameter is too small to be held by the grip, insulation tape should be wound ar ound the cable to increase the outside diameter to a suitable size.
3. Connecting the PIR-150
For the definition of the connector board and terminal block see Annex 1.
Alarm Signalling
There are two types of alarm signalling from the PIR- 150:
one set of SPDT potential-free relay contacts
an open collector transistor to negative supply rail
The relay contact changes state and the transistor switches to low resistance on alarm.
Tamper Switch
To detect attempts to open the PIR-150, a tamper switch is fitt ed for the rear cap. Its contact opens when the cap is unscrewed and can be connected in series with the normally closed r elay contact if no separa te tamper line is used.
Electronics Supply
Ensure that polarity is correct when connecting power to the electronic circuit. Built-in circuitry will withstand a short period of re v e r s ed polar ity, but damage will result if this is not corrected quickly .
4. Field of View
The PIR-150 has a curtain-shaped field of view formed by differential detector zones for long to short range detection. Their relative sensitivity is balanced in function of their respective range for the recommended mounting height of 2.5 to 4.0 m. The vertical opening angle is app. 25° resulting in an uninterrupted curtain starting at app. 8 m with the PIR-150 mounted at 4.0 m height and aligned f or a det ection range of 100 m (Fig. 1).
The mounting should be done in a way to allow easy horizontal and vertical alignment while giving the required long term stability .
5. Alignment
The detection range of a PIR detector is not limited but a function of size, speed and temperature contrast of a target against its background. The PIR-150 should be aligned so that the field of view is t erminated by a natural or artificial background at the end of the range.
Where a terminating screen is used its surface should not be glossy to avoid reflected images from outside the field of view. Also the material may be transparent for visible light but it has to block thermal radiation; wood, poly-carbonate and acrylic are suitable materials.
Effectiveness of a screen has to be checked by walk testing around the screen. Signals from walk tests in front of the screen should still be st rong while movements behind the screen should result in signals well below the threshold level. If walk tests or vehicles passing behind the screen ar e strong enough to trigger an alarm the PIR-150 should be tilted slightly downward. The Installation Tester IT 44 gives accurate information about signal strengths during a test .
Coarse alignment can be done visually by looking along the grove on top of the detector. Accurate fine alignment is easily achieved with the help of the Universal Telescopic Sight ZA P 03 which can be placed on top of the PIR-150 for this purpose.
The graticule of the ZA P 03 corresponds to the axis of the detector. The detection curtain extends f rom +
1.2° to - 25° in the vertical plane from the axis of the detector. Table 1 show s the elevation (Z) of the upper edge of the field of view from the axis and the total width ( Y) of t he f ield of view as a function of t he actual distance from the PIR-150.
Table 1
Note: The dimensions „Y“ and „Z“ are calculated figures verified by experiments. Actual dimensions
will vary with contras t conditions.
Distance X Total width Y Elevation Z
25 m 0.6 m 0.5 m 50 m 1.3 m 1.0 m 75 m 1.9 m 1.5 m 100 m 2.5 m 2.0 m 125 m 3.1 m 2.5 m 150 m 3.7 m 3.0 m
2824-00002 Page
Typical vertical alignment for a required detection range of 100 m
The PIR-150 should be aligned vertically so that at least the lower half of a person st anding upright at the maximum required range will be within t he f ield of v iew ( s ee F ig. 1 below).
Side view
Fig. 1
Typical horizontal alignment
Horizontal alignment should be done in a way to avoid unwanted signals being generated by targets (branches, bushes, fences) likely to be moved by wind (see Fig. 2 below). Movement within the field of view will reduce the sensitivity of t he PIR-150 by increasing the alarm threshold level or may lead t o unwanted alarms.
Top view
Fig. 2
The ZA P 03 alignment telescope is a convenient alignment aid giving a high degree of accuracy for initial installation. It is nevertheless important to verify correct alignment by monitored walk tests across the field of view.
When walk testing the unit the threshold level will increase as a result of the signal generat ed by the target. To make sure that original sensitivity is reached, wait at least for 1 minute between each crossing or disable the Adaptive Threshold Discriminator (ATD) by closing the swit ch on the connector board.
If the Installation Tester IT 44 is used for monitored walk tests, the instantaneous threshold level will be displayed.
6. Sensitivity Adjustment for Range
The sensitivity of the PIR-150 is adjusted by means of a potentiometer w ith an adjustment range from 20 t o 140 % of nominal sensitivity. It is normally not recommended to set the gain adjustment higher than 100 % even for the full range unless an increased number of nuisance alarms can be tolerated in exchange for a maximum detection probability .
The PIR-150 is designed to detect human targets to distances up to 150 m under most environmental conditions. For an optimum detection to nuisance alarm ratio it is recommended to limit the detection range to 100 m and set the gain to app. 80% of nominal (factory set t ing).
Recommended settings of the sensitivity gain control as a funct ion of required detection range ar e shown in Table 2 and are as follows:
Table 2
The PIR-150 is designed for mounting at heights between 2.5 and 4.0 m above ground. Lower or higher mounting will lead to s ub-optimal balance of the detect ion curtain and lead to detection gaps or excessive nuisance alarms.
Vertical alignment is optimal when the upper edge of the f ield of view is at 1. 5 to 2.5 m above ground at the end of the required detection range provided that the f ield of view is properly t erminated. Setting the detection range as specified above does not limit the range but reduces the sensit ivity of the w hole curtain. Targets moving at the lower limit of the specified speed at the end of the range will pr oduce relat ively w eak signals.
7. Alarm Time
The alarm time depends on the shape and amplitude of the alarm signal and can be as short as app. 0.2 s. If a signal is very strong the PIR-150 may generate a longer or sever al alar m pulses f or t he same event .
If required by the application the alarm time can be extended by up to 10 seconds per event with a potentiometer on the connector board.
8. Internal Temperature Compensation
The PIR-150 is detecting radiation differences of a target against its backgr ound. In the course of the day and year the contrast of a person will vary c onsiderably and affect the signal strength. To com pensate for this contrast variation, the PIR-150 has an internal temperature compensation w ith maximum sensitivity at app. 30°C (where the contrast of a human target is weakest) and gradual reduction at higher and lower temperatures.
When installing a unit the internal temperature may take up to 30 minutes or more to stabilise to the actual external temperature. Sufficient time should be given to the PIR-150 to reach the correct internal temperature and sensitivity before walk t est s ar e done.
During the initial period of operation it is strongly recommended that walk tests are repeated and signals monitored under various weather conditions such as high and low temperatures, wind fog, snow, rain, etc. to obtain comparative data and information on the effects of environmental conditions on detect ion and nuisance alarm probabilities for t his particular site.
Potentiometer Setting Detection Range
70 - 140 % 100 to 150 m 50 - 100 % 80 to 100 m
40 - 80 % 60 to 80 m 30 - 60 % 40 to 60 m 20 - 40 % 30 to 40 m
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