Ericsson EDACS 19D902120G1 Maintenance Manual

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Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.
Mountain View Road Lynchburg Virginia 245 02
Mobile Communications
Maintenance Manual
These receivers are doubl e conversi on, superhete rodyne, single frequency FM receivers for operation in trunked re­peater systems. The receiver utilizes monolithic crystal filters between the IF gain stages to provide the selectivity and intermodulation required to meet or exceed all EIA specifica­tions for trunked receivers.
The receiver consists of the receiver board and audio board, with audio and control functions as well as supply voltages applied through the system board.
The receiver board consists of the RF amplifier, mixer and 1st IF, 2nd IF and audio stages, and a synthesizer circuit. The receiver board uses a co mbination of crystal and ceramic bandpass filters for good intermodulation and desensitization characteristics. A Block Diagram of the receiver board is shown in Figure 1.
RF Front End
RF signal input from the antenna is applied to the receiver board through J1. The 896-901 MHz input is c ouple d thr ough broadband ceramic filter FL1 to RF amplifier, U1. Amplifier U1 provides a gain of approximately 23 dB.
The amplifier output is coupled through two broadband ceramic filters (FL2 and FL3) and applied to Mixer U2. The mixer is a high level passive switch with a loss of approxi­mately 6.5 dB.
First Mixer And IF
The local oscillator (LO) injection for the mixer is gener­ated by the receiver synt hesize r lo cated on the excit er bo ard. The 826-831 MHz LO signal from the exciter is applied to the receiver board at J4, where it is amplified to approximately
100 milliwatts by RF Amp U3, filtered by FL4, and applied to the 1st mixer.
The 70 MHZ mixer output is amplified by 1st IF Amplifier U4. Two 70 MHz crystal filters, FL5 and FL6, provide the 1st IF filtering. Adjustable coils L7 and L9 provide matching for proper response of IF filter FL6.
A synthesizer circ uit located on the re ceiver board pr ovides the 2nd LO frequency of 70.450 MHZ. The synthesizer con­sists of counter U9, phase detector U10, DC amp U11, VCO FET Q3, RF buffer amplifiers Q1, Q2 and Q4.
The high stability 17.6125 MHz reference frequency from the master oscillator is applied to the receiver board at J2. This reference frequency is buffered by Q1, and applied to phase detector U10.
VCO Q3 operates at 70.450 MHz. The circuit is tuned by L11. The output of the VCO is c oupled through b uffer amp Q4 and RF amp Q2, and applied to the div ide-by-four cou nter, U9. The counter output is applied to phase detector U10, whose output is applied to DC amplifier U11. Feedback for the loop control voltage is developed across R7.
The 70.450 MHz output is coupled through C40 from the collector of Q4 to pin 4 of audio IC , U6, , wh ere it is mixed with the 70 MHZ 1st IF input to derive the 455 kHz 2nd IF.
Second Mixer, IF & Audio
Integrated circuit (IC) U6 contains the 2nd mixer, 2nd IF amplifier and mixer stages, the audio detector and audio amplifiers.
The 70 MHz 1st IF output of FL6 is applied to U6-1. The
70.450 MHz 2nd LO signal is applied to t he 2nd mixer at U6 -4 to derive the 450 kHz 2nd IF signal. The 450 kHz IF is filtered by ceramic filters FL7 and FL8. The audio component of the 2nd IF is demodulated by the quadrature detector circuit in U6. Network Z1 provides the required 90° phase shift of the 450 kHz signal. The de-modulated audio from U6-8 is coupled through buffer Q5 and applied to audio output jack J3-3.
RSSI Voltage
The Received Signal Sensitivity Indication (RSSI) is a DC level that is proportional to the receiver RF input signal level to the receiver. This voltage can be measured at J3-4.
Copyright© December 1989, General Electric Company
SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CIRCUIT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Receiver Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Audio Board 19D902181G1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Audio Board 19D902093G1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Receiver Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Audio Board 19D902181G1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Audio Board 19D902093G1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
PARTS LISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
PRODUCTION CHANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Frequency Range 896.0125 — 900.9875 MHz Audio Output
AUDIO PA 2 Watts at 8 Ohms Vol/ Squelch Hi 1 Vrms @ 1.5 khz Deviation with 1 kHz modulation
Selectivity 75 dB adjacent channel Spurious Response
Image - 80 dB minimum All Other - 90 dB minimum
Adjacent Channel - 65 dB Alt. Channel and Beyond - 80 dB
12 dB SINAD - 120 dBm typical Rated Output
Audio Board 19D902181G1 2 Watts Audio Board 19D902093G1 5 Watts
Distortion Less than 5% Frequency Stability 0.05 PPM (high stability reference) AM Rejection - 26 dB minimum Hum and Noise - 40 dB
*These specifications are intended primarily for use by service personnel. Refer to the appropriate Specification Sheet for
complete specifications.
The trunked 900 MHz receivers may be equip pe d with either audio board 19D02181G1 or 19D902093G1, as the boards are di rectly inter­changeable. In earlier model receivers, audio board 19D902093G1 was used. In later model receivers, audio board 19D902181G1 is used. Service information for both audio boards is pro­vided in this Maintenance Manual.
Supply Voltage
The receiver is supplied by a regulated 10 volts from the system board. However, the more critical circuits are supplied by voltage regulators U5, U7 and U8 for stability and isolation.
Regulated 10 volts from the system board is used to supply RF amplifier U1, IF amp U4, VCO transistor Q3, and RF buffer Q4. Regulator U5 provides the 5-volt supply for audio IC, U6, and 5-volt regulator U7 supplies counter U9, Phase detector U10, and RF amps Q1 and Q2. The 8-volt regulator (U8) provides power for RF amp U3 and audio buffer Q5.
Audio board 19D902181G1 consists of a preamplifier cir ­cuit, squelch detector, audio IC and audio PA circuit. The audio board is connected to the system board through P904. The discriminator output is connected through J601-3 on the audio
board. Power is supplied from a regulated 10 volts from the system board. A Block Diagram Of the audio board is shown in Figure 2.
Audio Preamplifier
Discriminator audio from J602-3 is coupled through Audi o Level Adjust R608 to the preamplifier circuit. The preamp con­sists of Q601, Q602, Q605 and associated circuitry, and provides 26 dB of gain. The amplified output is connected to the squelch and audio hybrid ICs through the arm of the VOL and SQ controls on the exciter-receiver door assembly.
Receiver Audio
The audio circuitry consists of a three-stage, quad integrated circuit (U602-A, U602-C and U602-D). The th ree stages provide a standard EIA Channel Guard tone reject filter, a receiver de-emphasis circuit, and the low level audio driver circuitry.
Figure 1 - Receiver Board Block Diagram
Figure 2 - Block Diagram; Audio Board 19D902181G1
Audio from the pre-amplifier circuit is coupled through the VOLUME control to VOLUME arm (P904-13). The audio at P904-13 is applied to CG tone reject filter U602-C, U602-D and associated circuitry to remove any low frequency sig nal. The filter output is then applied to a 6-dB per octave de-empha­sis/audio driver circuit (U602-A). The audio driver output is AC-coupled to the Class AB audio PA integrated circuit, U604-1.
The PA output is coupled through C633 to provide rated power to the 8-ohm speaker. Feedback from U604-3 is coupled through R652 and C630 to determine the gain of the audio power amplifier. Capacitor C634 is connected across the output to protect U604 from a "no load" or open circuit condition.
Receiver Squelch
Audio Switches
U606 is a dual section, audio switching IC that acts as two form "C" (N.O.- N.C.) contacts. The switch states are controlled by the inputs at U606A-10 and U606B-11. Both of the inputs are activated by the receiver SQ DISABLE function.
When the receiver is squelched, pin 11 of U606-A is near A-. This turns off the entire audio circuit to eliminate noise. Pin 1 of U606-B is connected to the system board through P904-7 (RX MUTE). This allows the receiver audio to be disabled by the Channel Guard option when used.
Pin 2 of U606-10 is connected to the system board through P904-6 (SQ DISABLE) so that the receiver audio stages can b e activated for an alert tone output whenever the Carrier Controlled Timer or other options are used.
Squelch ICs
The receiver squelch circuit consists of noise amplifier U602B, active noise filter U601C and U601D, noise rectifier U601B, DC amp U601A, and level detector U603D. In addition, the squelch circuit contains the Receiver Unsquelched Sensor (RUS) switch U603B, Carrier Activity Sensor (CAS) switch U603A, and the RX MUTE switch U603C. The RX MUTE switch controls the audio path to audio IC U604 through U606.
Noise Amp, Filter & Level Detector
Noise from the limiter/detector at P904-10 is coupled to the noise amplifier U602B through the SQUELCH control, and then applied to the active noise filter (U601C and U601D). The active filter provides the gain and selectivity necessary to distinguish between noise and audio. The filter output at U601D-14 drives the level detector circuit to provide the squelch switching func­tions. Potentiometer R622 adjusts the noise level for the proper squelch operation.
Squelch Switches
Level detector U603D controls two of the switched squelch outputs. The first output controls the RX MUTE switch (U603C), and the second output controls the CAS switch (U603A). The RUS switch (U603B) is also controlled by the RX MUTE signal.
The squelch input to the level detector is at U603D-10. U603D-11 is referenced to 4 Volts from voltage divider R640 and R641. When the receiver is squelched, the input at U603D­10 is near 3 Volts, and the output at pin 13 is approximately 10 Volts. This keeps the output of receiver audio stages turned off, muting the audio. The level detector output is connected to its input through R639, providing a hysteresis loop in the squelch circuit to prevent squelch closing on weak signals.
When the receiver is quieted by an on-frequency signal (receiver unsquelches), the voltage at U603D-10 rises to ap­proximately 5 Volts DC, and the ou tput at pin 14 dro ps to near 0 volts. This turns on the audio stages and sound is heard at the speaker.
RUS Switch (Receiver Unsquelched Sensor)
When the receiver is unsquelched, the output of the level detector (U603D-13) goes low. The low turns off U603C, caus­ing U603B-1 to go high (approximately 10 Vdc), turning on RUS switch U603B. The RUS output at U603B-1 is also conne cted to the system board through P904-8 for use in special applica­tions.
CAS Switch (Carrier Activity Sensor)
Level detector U603D also drives CAS switch U603A. When the receiver unsquelches, the voltage at U603A-2 rises to ap­proximately 10 volts. This voltage is connected to the system board through P904-9 where it is used to activated such options as the Channel Busy light, Carrier Control Timer, and Carrier Operated Relay.
Audio board 19D902093G1 consists of a preamplifier cir ­cuit, squelch detector, audio IC and audio PA circuit. The audio board is connected to the system board through P904. The discriminator output is connected through J601-3 on the audio board. Power is supplied from a regulated 10 volts from the system board. A Block Diagram of the audio board is shown in Figure 3.
Audio Preamplifier
Discriminator audio from J602-3 is coupled through Audi o Level Adjust R608 to the preamplifier circuit. The preamp con­sists of Q601, Q602, Q605 and associated circuitry, and provides 26 dB of gain. The amplified output is connected to the squelch
and audio hybrid ICs through the arm of the VOL and SQ controls on the exciter-receiver door assembly.
Audio IC
Hybrid audio IC U604 contains a standard EIA Channel Guard tone reject filter, a receiver de-emphasis circuit, and the low level audio drivers.
Audio from the VOLUME control arm is coupled through P904-13 to pin 4 of the audio IC. The audio at U604-4 is applied to a Channel Guard tone reject filter to remove any low level signal. The filter output is then applied to a 6-dB per octave de-emphasis circ uit. Th e de -empha size d out put is cou­pled through C635 to the differential audio driver circuit.
The driver output is DC-coupled to the base of push-pull audio PA amplifiers Q603 and Q604. The P A output is coupled
through audio transformer T601 to provide rated power to the 8-ohm speaker. F eedback fr om windings T601 -3 and -4 dete r­mine the gain of the differential audio driver in U604. Resistor R619 and capacitor C637 in the trans former secondary protect the PA transistors from a "no load" or open circuit conditions.
When the receiver is squelched, U604-1 drops to near A-. This turns off the entire audio circuit to eliminate current drain. Pin 1 of U604 is also connected to the system board through P904-7 (RX MUTE). This disables the receiver audio when­ever the Channel Guard option is used.
Pin 2 of U604 is connected to the system board through P904-6 (SQ DISABLE) so that the receiver audio stages can be activated for an alert tone output whenever the Carrier Controlled Timer or oth er options are used.
Figure 3 - Block Diagram; Audio Board 19D902093G1
Squelch IC
Squelch hybrid U603 contains the noise amplifier, active noise filter, detector, slow and fast squelch circuits, the Re­ceiver Unsquelched Sensor (RUS), and the Carrier Activity Sensor (CAS) switch.
Noise from the quadrature detector is coupled through the audio preamp to the SQUELCH control,and then through P904-10 to pins 1 and 2 on Squelch IC U603. The input is then applied to the noise amplifier and active filter to provide the gain and selectivity necessary to distinguish between noise and audio. The filter output is applied to external noise amplifier U601 which provides the extra noise gain required for narrow band signals. The amplifier output at U601-1 drives the active detector circuits in U603 to provide the squelch switching functions.
Thermistor RT601 keeps the input to the active detector constant over wide variations in te m perature. R622 is used to set the noise level for proper squelch operation.
With a signal below the 20 dB quieting level, the slow squelch circuit provides a conventional (200 millisecond) slow squelch operation to prevent rapid squelch opening and closing in weak signal areas. Service Note: In station applica­tions,the fast squelch function is disabled by removing C360.
RX Mute
The squelch RX MUTE output at U603-7 is connected to pin 1 of audio IC, U604. When the receiver is squelche d, the output at U603-7 is near A-. This keeps the differential audio driver turned off, muting the receiver.
When the receiver is quieted by an on-frequency signal (receiver unsquelches), the voltage at U603-7 rises to approxi­mately 10 volts. This turns on the audio driver and audio PA so that sound is heard at the speaker.
RUS Switch (Receiver Unsquelched Sensor)
With the receiver unsquelched, the output of the squelch switch in U603 turns on the RUS switch. Th RUS switch output is connected to the noise amplifier stage, providing the hysteresis loop in the squelch circuit. The RUS output (when unsquelched) increases the gain of the noise amp, ppreventing squelch closing on weak signals. The RUS output at U603-8 is also connected to the system board through P904 -8 for use in special applications.
CAS Switch (Carrier Activity Sensor)
The squelch in U603 also drives the CAS switch in the IC. When the receiver unsquelches, the voltage at U603-6 rises to approximately 10 volts This voltage is connected to the system
board through P904-9 where it is used to activated such options as the Channel Busy light, Carrier Control Timer, a nd Carrier Operated Relay.
To gain access to the receiver for servicing, refer to the
following procedure (see Figure 4).
To service the receiver from the top:
1. Turn the two latching knobs "A" counterclockwise to unlatch the radio housing door as shown in Figure 4.
2. Swing the radio housing down as shown in Figure 5 and remove the top cover.
To service the receiver from the bottom:
1. Turn the two latching knobs "A" counterclockwise to unlatch the radio housing and swing the housing down as shown.
2. Remove the top cover. Then grasp the receiver handle "B" and swing the housing up for access to the bottom of the receiver.
There are only four controls that require adjustment during system adjustment. Refer to the system adjustment procedure contained in GETC Maintenance Manual, LBI-38164.
Both the Schematic and Outline diagrams contain trou­bleshooting information to assist in servicing the receiver. This service information includes voltage and gain readings, power levels and signal flow information. Refer to these diagrams when troubleshooting the receiver (see Table of Contents).
The receiver has no adjustments for "peaking" up receiv er performance. If some adjustment is required as a result of component replacement or other maintenance, refer to the Adjustment Procedure listed in the Table of Contents.
Remove the two RF cables connecting the re­ceiver and exciter before raising the receiver hous­ing as directed in Step 2.
Figure 3 - Access To Knobs Securing Door
Figure 4 - Access To Receiver (Top and Bottom)
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