ERICO nVent ERIFLEX, IEC 61439 Series Brochure

nVent ERIFLEX and the New IEC 61439 Series
• Updates regarding low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies
• What is new for the Assembly Manufacturer/Panel Builder?
• How is nVent ERIFLEX helping Assembly Manufacturers/ Panel Builders comply with the new requirement?
In 2011, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) published the new IEC 61439 standard series. This standard governs the safety and performance of electrical panels. The purpose of the new IEC 61439 is to harmonize, as far as practical, all of the general rules and requirements that apply to switchgear and control gear assemblies. This new standard aims to align the requirements for assemblies, promote consistency in the verification of assemblies, and eliminate the need for designers and installers to verify their work to other standards.
Specific subjects of wide interest, such as temperature rises and dielectric properties, have been gathered in Part 1 of the IEC 61439 series as general rules. More specific assembly standards are included as Part 2. Each assembly must meet both parts to comply with the standard.
About nVent
nVent is a leading global provider of electrical connection and protection solutions. We believe our inventive electrical solutions enable safer systems and ensure a more secure world. We design, manufacture, market, install and service high performance products and solutions that connect and protect some of the world’s most sensitive equipment, buildings and critical processes. We offer a comprehensive range of enclosures, electrical connections and fastening and thermal management solutions across industry-leading brands that are recognized globally for quality, reliability and innovation. Our principal office is in London, United Kingdom and our management office in the United States is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our robust portfolio of leading electrical product brands dates back more than 100 years and includes nVent CADDY, ERICO, HOFFMAN, RAYCHEM, SCHROFF and TRACER.
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What is Changing?
The new IEC 61439 series is expected to have a similar structure to IEC 60439 with several new additions*:
IEC 60439
IEC 61439 Series
IEC 60439-1
Standard assemblies and assemblies derived from the standard
IEC 60439-2
Busbar trunking systems
IEC 60439-3
Distribution boards
IEC 60439-4
Assemblies for construction sites
IEC 60439-5
Assemblies for power distribution
*Othe r parts may be add ed *For the t ime being, IEC 614 39 will overl ap with IEC 60439. IEC 60439 shall b e completely ph ased out in 2014. Ass emblies can be ma nufactured in acc ordance with ei ther standard th ru the phase out p eriod.
IEC 61439 removes the terms “type tested assembly” and “partially type tested assembly.” The standard replaces them with the phrase “design verification”. The new standard also replaces the type test with a 13 point design verification characteristics test. IEC 61439 also covers common questions such as manufacturing at alternative premises and substitution of alternative functional components.
One of the most significant differences between IEC 61439 and the previous standard is the introduction of ‘alternative and equivalent’ methods of design verification. While the modification initially appears to reduce the requirements for actual testing, in fact the ability to use a reference design has been replaced by three alternative methods of verification (Testing, Comparison, Assessment). The verification tests described in IEC 61439 confirm the reference design against which subsequent configurations must be verified by the alternative methods described. The introduction of these methods within the standard enables more transparent and consistent designs to be offered for specific projects.
Despite these changes, the actual requirements of most of the verification tests are very similar. Some existing testing methods that conform to IEC 60439 may fulfill the requirements of IEC 61439.**
**Note: Where tests on the ASSEMBLY have been conducted in accordance with the IEC 60439 series, and the test results fulfill the requirements of the relevant par t of IEC 61439, the verification of these requirements need not be repeated.
[Extract IEC 61439.1: §10:1]
IEC 614 39 -1
General rules
IE C 61439-2
Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies
IE C 61439-6
Busbar trunking systems
IE C 61439-3
Distribution boards
IE C 61439-4
Assemblies for construction sites
IE C 61439-5
Assemblies for power distribution
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