Rebar Cleaning Procedure (Preparation)
1. Rebar ends to be spliced must be dry and free of
excessive rust, loose mill scale, dirt, paint, concrete, etc.
Clean back from bar end at least one-half sleeve length.
2. Cleaning Procedure
2.1 Torch and Power Brushing (See notes)
2.1.1 Flame dry ends to remove moisture and/or
burn away any other foreign contaminants.
Flame should be soot free and not leave any
residue or deposits on bar ends. A “rosebud”
torch tip is recommended.
2.1.2 Remove excessive rust and all loose mill scale,
dirt, paint, concrete, etc. with a power wire
brush. Heavy duty, low speed (200-350 rpm),
reversible drill is recommended for
use with ERICO
brand of cleaning
brushes (Series RBW343). See catalog
for additional information. 1000 rpm or higher is recommended
for wire wheel and cup brushes
2.1.3 Repeat steps 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 on extremely bad
bar surfaces.
2.2 Torch and Sandblasting
2.2.1 Sandblast bar ends clean.
2.2.2 Flame dry ends to remove moisture.
Flame should be soot free and not leave any
residue or deposits on bar ends. A “rosebud”
torch tip is recommended.
2.3 Torch and Hand Wire Brushing
(See notes)
2.3.1 Flame dry ends to remove moisture and/or
burn away any other foreign contaminants.
Flame should be soot free and not leave any
residue or deposits on bar ends. A “rosebud”
torch tip is recommended.
2.3.2 Should lack of power or clearance restrictions
prevent the use of power-driven equipment,
remove excessive rust and all loose mill scale,
dirt, paint, concrete, etc. with a hand wire brush.
2.3.3 Repeat steps 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 on extremely bad
bar surfaces.
2.3.4 Wipe bar ends with a clean, dry rag to remove
any dust.
3. Badly deformed bar ends may require cutting to assure
easy fit of the sleeve. Bar end shear “drags” may be
flame cut or ground off. Oversize longitudinal ribs
should only be ground as flame cutting may damage the
bar, especially on higher strength steels. The longitudinal
ribs should not be ground below the height of the bar
4. Cleaned bar ends that must be left out overnight should
be protected (use empty plastic filler material bags) and
must be re-dried and re-cleaned if necessary.
1. Brushes must be kept free of grease, oil, and/or
other contaminants that could evolve gas and
cause porosity in filler material.
2. Eye protection should be worn when using
power-driven cleaning brushes.
3. Do not reverse the rebar cleaning brush
while it is engaged with the rebar.