Erco&Gener GenPro 325e User Manual

User Guide
GenPro 325e
Reference: EG_GenPro325e_1103A4_UG_005_UK.doc
Revision: 005
Date: 16/06/2017
ZI Chacé - Rue Docteur Weiss – F-49400 SAUMUR Tél. : +33 (0)2 41 83 13 00 SAS CAPITAL 500 000 € / R.C. ANGERS B 801 206 228 / SIRET 801 206 228 00018
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Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only. ERCOGENER SAS reserves the right to make any modifications. This document is the property of ERCOGENER SAS. It may not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the written consent of ERCOGENER SAS Dct_426_02
Document History
Rev. Modifications Author Date Validation Date
000 Creation YST 14/08/2015
Addition information about power range with and without battery. Modification power voltage to 7.2V instead of
7.5V. Output 3.8V renamed Output V
PBR 12/11/2015
002 Evolution MSU 28/12/2015
003 Pass to release PBR 24/02/2016 YST 24/02/2016
004 Add power cable 4 wires with fuse. YST 12/10/2016 MSU 18/10/2016
Battery characteristic evolution. Add precision on pinout of -Fit.
PBR 16/06/2017 MSU 16/06/2017
The main modifications of this document compared to the previous version are easily identifiable on a screen by the blue color of the text.
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Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only. ERCOGENER SAS reserves the right to make any modifications. This document is the property of ERCOGENER SAS. It may not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the written consent of ERCOGENER SAS Dct_426_02
PRESENTATION ............................................................................................................................................... 9
WARNING ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
COPYRIGHT ................................................................................................................................................... 11
SYMBOLS USED ............................................................................................................................................ 12
1 SECURITY RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................................... 13
1.1 GENERAL SECURITY ......................................................................................................................... 13
1.2 SECURITY IN A VEHICLE .................................................................................................................... 14
1.3 CARE AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................. 14
1.4 YOUR RESPONSIBILITY ...................................................................................................................... 14
2 PRESENTATION .................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 CONTENT ......................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2 MODEM PACKAGING ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................................... 16
2.3.1Fixing brackets ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.4 CHARACTERISTICS AND SERVICES .................................................................................................... 17
2.4.1Services .................................................................................................................................... 17
2.5 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................. 19
3 INTERFACES ......................................................................................................................................... 20
3.1 FRONT SIDE ...................................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 BACK SIDE ....................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3 FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................. 22
3.3.1General ...................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2Functional architecture of optional serial ports ................................................................... 22
3.4 POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................ 23
3.4.1Power supply cables ............................................................................................................... 23
3.4.2Power supply ............................................................................................................................ 23
3.4.3Internal battery option (S0531B) ............................................................................................ 24
3.4.4Consumptions of the GenPro 325e ........................................................................................ 25 Power supply dimensioning .......................................................................................... 26
3.5 SERIAL LINKS RS232C .................................................................................................................... 27
3.5.1Serial link RS232 by default .................................................................................................... 27
3.6 RS485 SERIAL LINK ......................................................................................................................... 29
3.6.1Connection recommendations ............................................................................................... 30 Connection with intermediate connector ..................................................................... 31 Direct connection ............................................................................................................ 32
3.7 BOOT ............................................................................................................................................. 32
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3.8 RESET ........................................................................................................................................... 33
3.9 OPTO-COUPLED INPUTS .................................................................................................................... 34
3.9.1Standard opto-coupled inputs ................................................................................................ 34 Inputs functioning ........................................................................................................... 35
3.9.2Analog input 0-10V by default ................................................................................................ 36
3.9.3Analog input 0-10V (option) .................................................................................................... 37
3.9.4Multi One Wire input (option) .................................................................................................. 38
3.10 DIGITAL OUTPUTS ............................................................................................................................. 39 functioning .......................................................................................................... 40
3.11 WATCHDOG...................................................................................................................................... 40
3.12 SIM CARD ........................................................................................................................................ 41
3.13 LEDS OF THE MODEM ........................................................................................................................ 42
3.13.1 GSM Led ............................................................................................................................... 42 Application ........................................................................................................ 42 EGM standard library ............................................................................................. 42 application ERCOGENER EasePro _Vx ................................................................. 42 application ........................................................................................................... 42
4 GSM EXTERNAL ANTENNA ................................................................................................................. 43
5 USE OF THE MODEM ............................................................................................................................ 44
5.1 SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE USE OF THE MODEM IN VEHICLES ............................................ 44
5.1.1Recommended connection on the battery of a truck ........................................................... 44
5.2 TURNING THE MODEM OFF ............................................................................................................... 45
5.3 STARTING WITH THE MODEM .............................................................................................................. 46
5.3.1Mounting the modem ............................................................................................................... 46
5.3.2SIM card installation ................................................................................................................ 46
5.4 USE OF THE MODEM .......................................................................................................................... 47
5.4.1Checking the communication with the modem .................................................................... 47 Without Application ........................................................................................................ 47 The GenPro 325e contains the application ERCOGENER EasePro _Vx ................... 48 The GenPro 325e contains the application ERCOGENER EaseIP _Vx ...................... 48 The GenPro 325e contains the application ERCOGENER « direct access » ............ 48 The owner application .................................................................................................... 49
5.5 CHECKING THE QUALITY OF THE GSM RECEPTION SIGNAL.................................................................. 49
5.6 VERIFICATION OF PIN CODE .............................................................................................................. 50
5.7 VERIFICATION OF MODEM REGISTRATION ON CELLULAR NETWORK ...................................................... 50
5.1 VERIFICATION OF MODEM REGISTRATION ON GPRS NETWORK ........................................................... 51
6 RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES ........................................................................................................ 52
7 CLIENT SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................. 52
ANNEX 1 – 4-PIN MICRO-FIT CABLE WITHOUT FUSE .............................................................................. 53
ANNEX 2 – 4-WIRE MICRO-FIT CABLE WITH FUSE .................................................................................. 54
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ANNEX 3 – 2-PIN MICRO-FIT CABLE ........................................................................................................... 55
ANNEX 4 - ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 56
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ............................................................................................................... 61
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Index of Tables
Table 1 : Mechanical characteristics ............................................................................................................... 16
Table 2 : Characteristics and services ............................................................................................................. 17
Table 3 : Environmental characteristics ........................................................................................................... 19
Tableau 4 : Front side connection ................................................................................................................... 20
Table 5 : Description of power supply pins ...................................................................................................... 23
Table 6 : Effects of power supply defect .......................................................................................................... 23
Table 7 : Characteristics of the polymer lithium battery .................................................................................. 24
Table 8 : Power supply range .......................................................................................................................... 25
Table 9 : Consumption with mode Power Off Mode @ 25 °C without battery charge .................................... 25
Table 10 : Consumption with attached mode @ 25 °C without battery charge ............................................... 25
Table 11 : Maximum consumption with data transfer mode @ 25 °C without battery charge ........................ 25
Tableau 12 : Consumption of battery charge @ 25 °C ................................................................................... 25
Table 13 : Electrical characteristics of RS232C signals .................................................................................. 27
Table 14 : Description of pins of serial link RS232C ....................................................................................... 27
Table 15 : Pins description of 2nd serial link .................................................................................................... 27
Table 16 : Pins description of serial link RS485 .............................................................................................. 29
Table 17 : Characteristics of RS485 serial link ................................................................................................ 29
Table 18 : Preparation of wire ......................................................................................................................... 31
Table 19 : Description of BOOT input .............................................................................................................. 32
Table 20 : Conditions of use of BOOT signal .................................................................................................. 32
Table 21 : Description of RESET input ............................................................................................................ 33
Table 22 : Conditions of use of RESET signal ................................................................................................ 33
Table 23 : Description of opto-coupled inputs ................................................................................................. 34
Table 24 : Characteristics of opto-coupled inputs ........................................................................................... 34
Table 25: Description of analog input 0-10V ................................................................................................... 36
Table 26: Characteristics of analog input 0-10V ............................................................................................. 36
Table 27 : Description of analog input 0-10V .................................................................................................. 37
Table 28 : Characteristics of analog input 0-10V ............................................................................................ 37
Table 29 : Description of Multi 1- Wire Bus ..................................................................................................... 38
Table 30 : Multi One Bus - Electrical characteristics ....................................................................................... 38
Table 31 : Description of digital outputs .......................................................................................................... 39
Table 32 : Characteristics of open collector output ......................................................................................... 39
Table 33 : Characteristics of the SIM card power voltage ............................................................................... 41
Table 34 : Status of GSM LED ........................................................................................................................ 42
Table 35 : Characteristics of GSM external antenna ....................................................................................... 43
Table 36 : RSSI value ...................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 37 : Verification of PIN code .................................................................................................................. 50
Table 38 : Verification of modem registration on cellular network ................................................................... 50
Table 39 : Verification of modem registration on GPRS network .................................................................... 51
Table 40 : Characteristics of power cable without fuse ................................................................................... 53
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Table 41 : Characteristics of power cable with fuse ........................................................................................ 54
Table 42 : Characteristics of 2-wire inputs cable ............................................................................................. 55
Table 43 : Wiring of 2-wire inputs cable .......................................................................................................... 55
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Index of Figures
Figure 1 : Content ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 2 : Dimensions ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3 : Back side ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4 : Front side ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 5 : Back side ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 6 : Functional architecture .................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7 : Architecture of optional serial ports ................................................................................................. 22
Figure 8 : Max consumption ............................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 9 : Block scheme of serial links ............................................................................................................ 28
Figure 10 : Cable length of RS485 serial link .................................................................................................. 30
Figure 11 : Standards signals of RS485 serial link .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 12 : Internal electrical scheme of BOOT .............................................................................................. 32
Figure 13 : Internal electrical scheme of RESET ............................................................................................ 33
Figure 14 : Chronogram of RESET signal ....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 15 : Internal electric scheme of opto-coupled inputs ............................................................................ 35
Figure 16 : Internal electric scheme of analog input 0-10V ............................................................................. 36
Figure 17 : Internal electric scheme of analog input 0-10V ............................................................................. 37
Figure 18 : Internal electrical scheme of Multi 1-Wire Bus .............................................................................. 38
Figure 19 : Internal electrical scheme of the output ........................................................................................ 39
Figure 20 : Example of relay control ................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 21 : Back side Led ................................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 22 : GSM external antenna .................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 23 : Recommended connection on the battery of a truck .................................................................... 44
Figure 24 : Mounting the modem ..................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 25 : Installation of the modem .............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 26 : 4-pin Micro-FIT cable without fuse ................................................................................................ 53
Figure 27 : 4-pin Micro-FIT cable with fuse ..................................................................................................... 54
Figure 28 : Fuse Mini Blade ............................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 29 : 2-pin Micro-FIT cable (Inputs) ....................................................................................................... 55
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Entirely dedicated to embedded data services, the modem GenPro 325e combines HSPA / GPRS/ GSM
functions in the same robust casing.
Dedicated to industrial markets, the GenPro 325e provides by default two serial links of communication
allowing the following configurations: either two RS232C, the second one having only RX/TX signals, or one
RS232C and one RS485A.
The modem is quad-Bands (850/900//1800/1900 in 2G GSM/GPRS Class 12/EDGE.
The modem is six-Bands (Band I (2100 MHz), Band II (1900 MHz), Band IV (1700 MHz), Band V (850 MHz),
Band VI (800 MHz), Band VIII (900 MHz)) in 3G UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA.
The GenPro 325e provides 3 operating modes depending on the embedded application:
External mode (standard) : The control is done by an external application. The modem is used with
the AT command set (see Commands List EG_EGM_CL_xxx_yy of ERCOGENER).
Autonomous mode: Once configured, the modem is autonomous; it cyclically registers the positions
and automatically transmits them to the client’s application via different services: SMS, GSM Data,
TCP socket GPRS/UMTS (see EG_EasePro_Vx_CL_yyy_UK of ERCOGENER).
Specific development mode: the EGM development tool allows the development of additional and
customized embedded applications. For more information about the tools and the training, please
contact our sales department.
Its protocols of IP connectivity integrated in the embedded application EasePro_Vx, are also available under
EGM libraries for a specific development, allowing a quick installation of embedded telematics solutions with
strong added-value..
This document describes the modem and provides the following information:
- General presentation,
- Functional description,
- Available basic services,
- Installation and use of the modem (first level),
- Recommended accessories for the use of the modem.
For more information about this document, ERCOGENER puts at your disposal the following elements:
- Commands List
External mode EG_EGM_CL_xxx_yy
Autonomous mode EG_EasePro_Vx_CL_yyy_UK
- Application Note EG_GenPro325e_1103A4_AN_xxx_yy
- Release Note EG_GenPro325e_1103A4_RL_xxx_yy
- Client support (Hot-Line)
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ERCOGENER recommends to read carefully all documents linked to the product GenPro 325e (User
Guide, Application Notes, Command List) that can be download on our website
ERCOGENER cannot be held responsible for:
- The problems due to an inappropriate use of the GenPro 325e.
- The problems due to a wrong configuration
- The problems due to a wrong use of an embedded software application developed or supplied by a
third party.
The dysfunctions due to the absence or a bad coverage of the GSM, GPRS, 3G networks.
- The dysfunctions if the product is used for the watching of physical persons where human life is
ERCOGENER reserves the right to modify the functions of its products "GenPro 325e" and
"EasePro" without previous notice.
- To avoid any risk of electrocution, do not open the casing.
- For any functioning, the casing must be closed.
- No internal part can be repaired by the user. The GenPro 325e must be returned to the factory for any
- The GenPro 325e must be placed in a normally ventilated area, out of sources of heat.
- In order to guarantee the electromagnetic compatibility, the length of the serial cable, the power supply
cable and the inputs/outputs cable must not exceed 3 meters.
- The GenPro 325e must not be connected directly to the mains supply; a voltage adapter must be used.
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Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only. ERCOGENER SAS reserves the right to make any modifications. This document is the property of ERCOGENER SAS. It may not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the written consent of ERCOGENER SAS Dct_426_02
The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or the totality of the contents of this document, in
any form, without the prior written authorization of ERCOGENER is strictly prohibited.
GenPro 325e is a trademark of ERCOGENER.
Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Product Inc. The names of products and
companies mentioned in this document may be names or trademarks of their respective holders.
The use of some products or services described in this document may require a paying subscription. The
availability of some products or services described in this document may change, depending on the
configurations and the materials.
In some countries, restrictions of use of the devices may be applied. For more information, thank you to
contact your nearest legally qualified local government representative.
ERCOGENER follows a method of continuous development. Consequently, ERCOGENER reserves the right
to change and improve any of its products described in this document, without notice.
The contents of this document are provided “as it is”. Except for the applicable obligatory laws, no guarantee
in any form, explicit or implicit, including but without being limited to it the implicit guarantees of aptitude to
marketing and of appropriateness to a particular use, is granted concerning the precision, the liability or the
contents of this document. ERCOGENER reserves the right to revise or withdraw this document at any time
and without notice.
ERCOGENER cannot be held responsible for any loss of data or income, as well as particular
damage, incidental, consecutive or indirect.
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Symbols used
The following symbols are used to highlight the important information of this document.
A symbol for the essential information linked to the module integration and performance.
A warning symbol indicates the actions that could harm or damage the module
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1 Security recommendations
1.1 General security
It is important to respect the specific regulations linked with the use of radio equipment, in particular with the
possible risks of interference due to radio frequency (RF). Please respect carefully the following security
Turn OFF your GSM modem:
On an aircraft. The non-observance of this instruction can lead to the suspension or the exclusion of
the cellular phone services, or even to a trial, or both,
At a refueling station,
In any area with a potential explosive atmosphere that could cause an explosion or a fire,
In hospitals and other places where medical equipment may be used.
Restrictions of use of radio equipment in:
Fuel warehouses,
Chemical factories,
Places where destruction operations are in the running,
Other places where signs indicate that the use of cellular phones is prohibited or dangerous.
Other places where you should normally turn OFF the engine of your vehicle.
There can be a danger associated with the use of your modem close to insufficiently protected medical
equipment such as audio devices and pacemakers.
Consult the manufacturers of medical equipment to know if it is adequately protected.
Using your modem close to other electronic equipment may also cause interferences if the equipment is
insufficiently protected.
Pay attention to the warnings and the recommendations of the manufacturers.
The modem is designed to be used with "fixed" and "mobile" applications:
“Fixed" application: The modem is physically linked to a site and it is not possible to move it easily to
another site.
"Mobile" application: The modem is designed to be used in various places (other than fixed) and is
intended to be used in portable applications.
The modem must be used at more than 20cm from the human body.
This equipment is powered at a Very Low Security Voltage and at non-dangerous energy level.
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1.2 Security in a vehicle
Do not use your modem whilst driving.
Respect the national regulations linked with the use of cellular telephones in vehicles. Road safety is always
a priority.
An incorrect installation of the modem in a vehicle could cause an incorrect functioning of the vehicle’s
electronics. To avoid such problems, make sure that the installation was made by a qualified person. During
the installation, a verification of the electronic protection system of the vehicle must be done.
The use of a warning equipment that activates the headlights or the horn of a vehicle on a public highway is
not authorized.
1.3 Care and maintenance
The following suggestions will help you to preserve this product for many years.
Do not expose the modem to the extreme environments, to high temperature or high humidity.
Do not use or store the modem in dusty or dirty places, it could be damaged.
Do not try to disassemble the modem, at the risk of cancelation of the guarantee.
Do not expose the modem to water, rain or spilled beverage, it is not impermeable.
Avoid dropping, striking, or shaking the modem violently. The lack of care can damage it.
Do not place the modem next to computer disks, credit or travel cards or other magnetic supports. The
information contained on disks or cards can be affected by the modem.
The use of other equipment or accessories not made or not authorized by ERCOGENER can cancel the
warranty of the modem.
The battery is not covered by the warranty when the option S0531B is installed
1.4 Your responsibility
This modem is under your responsibility. Treat it with care, it is not a toy. Keep it always in a secure place
and out of the reach of children.
Try to remember your PIN and PUK codes. Familiarize yourself with the modem and use the security
functions to lock it in case of non-authorized use or in case of theft.
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2 Presentation
2.1 Content
The GenPro 325e is supplied with:
- a GenPro 325e cardboard packaging,
- a modem GenPro 325e,
- 2 fixing brackets,
- a 4-wire power supply cable, input/output
(Red/Black /Orange/Green) stripped without fuse.
(Red/Black /Brown/Yellow) stripped with fuse.
- a 2-wire cable (Blue/ Yellow) stripped.
- a technical sheet (Instructions Sheet).
Figure 1 : Content
2.2 Modem packaging
The external dimensions of the modem packaging are:
- Width .................. : 109 mm,
- Height ................. : 58 mm,
- Depth ................. : 68 mm,
- Weight ................ : 185 to 205 g depending on options.
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2.3 Mechanical characteristics
Table 1 : Mechanical characteristics
73 x 54.5 x 25.5 mm (connectors excluded)
Complete dimensions
104 x 92 x 40 mm
87 grams (modem only) < 190 grams (modem + brackets + cables)
101.5 cm³
Aluminum profile
Waterproof level
The illustration below shows the dimensions of the modem including the clearances necessary for the
installation of the modem.
Figure 2 : Dimensions
2.3.1 Fixing brackets
2 brackets to fix the modem on a support.
Figure 3 : Back side
Fixing brackets
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2.4 Characteristics and Services
2.4.1 Services
The GenPro 325e is:
A UMTS/EDGE/GPRS/GSM modem dedicated to the transmission of binary data in asynchronous and
The modem characteristics and the available services are summarized in the table below.
Table 2 : Characteristics and services
Functions 3G UMTS / HSPA - 2G GSM / GPRS / EDGE
• UMTS/HSPA 800/850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz (Bands I, II, IV, V, VI, VIII) 3GPP Release 7 (HSPA+)
• GSM 4 band 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz (support GSM / E-GSM / DCS / PCS) 3GPP Release 7 PBCCH support
• GPRS Class 12, CS1-CS4 - up to 86.5 kb/s
• EDGE Class 12, MCS1-9 - up to 236.8 kb/s
• CS GSM up to 9.6 kb/s WCDMA up to 64 kb/s
• SMS MT/MO/CB PDU/Text mode SMS over PSD or CSD
• WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA Power Class 3 (24 dBm / Band VIII)
• GSM / GPRS Power Class 4 (33 dBm) for GSM/E-GSM bands Power Class 1 (30 dBm) for DCS/PCS bands
• EDGE Power Class E2 (27 dBm) for GSM/E-GSM bands Power Class E2 (26 dBm) for DCS/PCS bands
• Sensitivity GSM850/E-GSM900 @ 25 °C -110 dBm, Downlink RF level @ BER Class II < 2.4 % DCS1800/PCS1900 @ 25 °C -109 dBm, Downlink RF level @ BER Class II < 2.4 % UMTS 800 (band VI) -111 dBm, Downlink RF level for RMC @ BER < 0.1 % UMTS 850 (band V) -112 dBm, Downlink RF level for RMC @ BER < 0.1 % UMTS 900 (band VIII) -111 dBm, Downlink RF level for RMC @ BER < 0.1 % UMTS 1700 (band IV) -111 dBm, Downlink RF level for RMC @ BER < 0.1 % UMTS 1900 (band II) -111 dBm, Downlink RF level for RMC @ BER < 0.1 % UMTS 2100 (band I) -111 dBm, Downlink RF level for RMC @ BER < 0.1 % Packet Switched Data Rate HSUPA category 6, up to 5.76 Mb/s HSDPA category 8, up to 7.2 Mb/s WCDMA data up to 384 kb/s DL/UL Packet Switched Data Rate (GPRS/EDGE) GPRS multi-slot class 12, CS1-CS4 up to 85.6 kb/s DL/UL
EDGE multi-slot class 12, MCS1-MCS9 up to 236.8 kb/s DL, MCS1-MCS4 up to 70.4 kb/s UL
GPRS / EDGE multi-slot class determines the number of timeslots available for upload and download and thus the speed at which data can be transmitted and received, with higher classes typically allowing faster data transfer rates. GPRS / EDGE multi-slot class 12 implies a maximum of 4 slots in DL (reception) and 4 slots in UL (transmission) with 5 slots in total.
SIM Toolkit
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• GSM antenna: connector SMA-Female
• Power supply: +7.2 to +32 VDC (4-pin micro-FIT connector) (+8 to 32VDC with battery option)
• 1 serial port RS232 (300 to 115200bds) 15-pin Sub-D female
• 1 RS485 port with spring contact
• AT commands: 3GPP TS 27.007 / 27.005 / 27.010
• SIM reader (SIM 3V – 1,8V)
• 3 opto-coupled inputs
• 1 open collector output
• External device power supply via RI pin
Accessories supplied
• Fixing brackets (x2)
• Cable with 4-wire Micro FIT connector (Power supply, Input and output)
• Cable with 2-pin Micro FIT 2 connector (2 Inputs)
Options / Additional accessories *
• Analog inputs (0 – 10 Volts) S0534B
• Backup battery, RTC back up S0531B
• ONE WIRE Multi slaves S0535B
• DIN-rail kit K002
• EaseIP application S0519C
• NTRIP application S0445C
• Embedded software development kit SDK EGM
• Accessories: Antennas, cables, power supplies... (information available on our website)
* These options are in addition or replace some existing options, contact us (see § 3.3.2 Functional
architecture of optional serial ports )
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2.5 Environmental characteristics
To ensure a correct operation of the modem, the specific limits described in the table below must be
Table 3 : Environmental characteristics
If the battery option, specific S0531B, is installed, the environmental conditions are different. See table below.
Operating temperature range
Battery charging
0 °C to +45 °C
Battery discharging
-20 °C to +45 °C
Storage temperature range
1 year of storage with -20°C to + 35°C 3 months of storage with -20°C to + 45°C 1 month of storage with -20°C to + 60°C
Relative humidity
65 ±20%
Above 45 °C inside the box, the protection of the battery management triggers. The battery will not be charged.
Operating temperature range
-20 °C to +60 °C
Storage temperature range
-40 °C to +85 °C
Operating humidity without condensation
HR < 70% @ +55°C
Atmospheric pressure
700 hPa to 1060 hPa (-400 m to 3000 m)
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