Erco & Gener genloc 31e Command List

L’esprit Modem
Command List
An application example for the
Reference : EG_GenLoc31e_988_CL_002_UK Revision : 002
: 27/06/2006
S.A. ERCO & GENER – ZI de St. Lambert-des-Levées – BP 30163 – F-49412 SAUMUR Cedex
Tél. : +33 (0)2 41 83 13 00 – Fax : +33 (0)2 41 67 19 20 – –
SA CAPITAL 183244 – R.C. SAUMUR B 332 174 820 – SIRET 332 174 820 00032 – NAF 322A – TVA Intra : FR 16 332 174 820
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Document History
Revision Modifications Author Date
000 CREATION MRE 18/05/2006 001 Added descriptions for all commands used in the application MRE 20/06/2006
002 Corrected chapter numbering MRE 27/06/2006
The main modifications in this document compared to its previous version, are easily identifiable on a monitor by means of the blue text.
Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only.
ERCO&GENER reserves the right to make any modifications.
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1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 References .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2 COMMANDS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 General commands ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.1 ATI8 – Display application version and build information............................................................ 6
2.1.2 AT+HELP – Display list of available general commands............................................................. 6
2.1.3 AT+WGPSNMEA – GPS NMEA unsolicited................................................................................ 7
2.1.4 AT+WGPSRAW – Send raw data to the GPS module................................................................ 7
2.1.5 AT+WGPSPOS – Get position information ................................................................................. 8
2.1.6 AT+WGPSM – GPS module management.................................................................................. 9
2.1.7 AT+WIOR – Read GPIO value.................................................................................................. 10
2.1.8 AT+WIOW – Write GPIO value.................................................................................................. 10
2.1.9 AT+WGPSANT – GPS antenna configuration........................................................................... 11
2.1.10 AT+SHOWPOS – Automatic display of GPS coordinates......................................................... 12
2.1.11 AT+ERRORSTAT – Display NMEA and UBX frame status...................................................... 13
2.1.12 AT+WGPSCONF – GPS configuration...................................................................................... 13
2.2 UBX commands.................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 AT+HELPUBX – Display list of UBX commands....................................................................... 14
2.2.2 AT+UBXMONVER – Display HW / SW version of the GPS module......................................... 14
2.2.3 AT+UBXMONHW – Display GPS module hardware status...................................................... 14
2.2.4 AT+UBXCFGDAT – Display / Set GPS DATUM....................................................................... 15
2.2.5 AT+UBXCFGDPM – Display / Set GPS module Dynamic Platform Model............................... 15
2.2.6 AT+UBXSHOW – Display UBX frames ..................................................................................... 15
2.3 Serial Flash commands ....................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.1 AT+SFHELP – Display serial flash commands ......................................................................... 18
2.3.2 AT+SFTYPE – Display serial flash type .................................................................................... 18
2.3.3 AT+SFSR – Display status register contents ............................................................................ 19
2.3.4 AT+SFWEL – Display / modify Write Enable Latch bit.............................................................. 19
2.3.5 AT+SFBP – Display / modify Block Protection bits.................................................................... 20
2.3.6 AT+SFWRTEXT – Write ascii text string to memory................................................................. 20
2.3.7 AT+SFRD – Display the contents of the memory...................................................................... 21
2.3.8 AT+SFEB – Erase block............................................................................................................ 22
2.3.9 AT+SFECHIP – Erase chip........................................................................................................ 22
Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only.
ERCO&GENER reserves the right to make any modifications.
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This document describes AT commands specific to the GenLoc31e. For a complete list of available Wavecom commands and their descriptions, please refer to [R1].
For a complete technical description of the GenLoc31e, please refer to [R3].

1.1 References

[R1] – AT Command Interface Guide For X51 Software (ref: WM_ASW_OAT_UGD_00016 revision 6) [R2] – Open AT ADL User Guide for Open AT 3.03 (ref: WM_ASW_OAT_UGD_00053 revision 1) [R3] – GenLoc31e Technical Document (EG_GenLoc31e_988_UG_xxx_UK revision 0).
Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only.
ERCO&GENER reserves the right to make any modifications.
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2.1 General commands

2.1.1 ATI8 – Display application version and build information

This command will display the version and build information of the application.
Syntax: ATI8
Example :
Command Possible Responses Notes ATI8

2.1.2 AT+HELP – Display list of available general commands

This command will display a list of the available general commands. The list includes certain Wavecom commands which have been recreated by the application in order to be compatible with the GenLoc31e hardware and the original Wavecom commands (example: AT+WGPSPOS).
Syntax: AT+HELP
Example :
Command Possible Responses AT+HELP
GenLoc31e V0.73 Jun 19 2006 14:32:38
Display application version and build information
ATI8......................Display product software version and build information
AT+WGPSNMEA=(0-1),(0-5),..Activate display of unsolicited GPS NMEA frames
AT+WGPSPOS................Display current GPS coordinate information
AT+SHOWPOS=(0-240)........Display GPS information every n seconds. (0=disable)
AT+ERRORSTAT=(0-1)........Display frame errors and total frames received (0=NMEA,
AT+WIOR=(0-3).............Display logic level at input 0-2 or motion detector (3)
AT+WIOW=0,(0-1)...........Set logic level on open-collecter output. 0=low, 1=high
AT+WIOW=1,(0-1)...........RS232 interface: 0=enabled, 1=disabled
AT+WIOW=n,(0-1)...........UART2 mode: n=7/8. 0=normal(DSR/DTR), 1=RxD/TxD diverted
AT+WGPSM=0,(0-1)..........GPS module power: 0=off, 1=on
AT+WGPSM=1,(0-1)..........GPS module reset: 0=reset, 1=normal
AT+WGPSM=3................GPS module Software and Hardware versions
AT+WGPSRAW................Send a raw UBX data stream to the GPS module
AT+WGPSANT=(0-2)(,[mode][mon])..GPS antenna configuration
AT+HELPUBX................Display list of UBX commands
Note: Display general command list
Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only.
ERCO&GENER reserves the right to make any modifications.

2.1.3 AT+WGPSNMEA – GPS NMEA unsolicited

This command allows the host to activate the GPS NMEA frames provided as unsolicited messages on GSM main serial link as follows :
$GPGGA,092003.00,4716.80272,N,00003.51569,W,1,08,1.01,28.7,M,47.9,M,,*7F $GPGSA,A,3,20,11,23,17,24,01,04,13,,,,,2.05,1.01,1.79*0E $GPGSV,3,1,09,20,75,044,48,11,39,138,47,23,61,168,49,17,47,261,50*7C $GPGSV,3,2,09,24,54,302,45,01,25,045,47,33,34,201,44,04,22,303,43*75 $GPGSV,3,3,09,13,31,196,51*4A $GPGLL,4716.80272,N,00003.51569,W,092003.00,A,A*75 $GPRMC,092004.00,A,4716.80273,N,00003.51572,W,0.004,,080606,,,A*6C $GPVTG,,T,,M,0.004,N,0.008,K,A*2F
Syntax: AT+WGPSNMEA=<mode >[, <NMEA1>,<NMEA2>…]
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0 Deactivate NMEA unsolicited mode (default). 1 Activate NMEA unsolicited mode
<NMEAx>: selected NMEA frame list chosen from the following list :
0 GGA GPS fix data (default) 1 GSA GPS DOP and Active satellites 2 GSV GPS satellites in view 3 RMC Recommended minimum data 4 VTG Course over ground and ground speed 5 GLL Latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status.
If the <NMEAx> parameters are omitted, the last configuration remains active. This configuration is stored in EEPROM.
Examples :
Command Possible Responses Notes AT+ WGPSNMEA
AT+WGPSNMEA=(0-1),(0-5),... OK
OK +WGPSNMEA: 1,0,2,3
Display syntax
These three frames will be provided as unsolicited messages Display current frame selection (GGA, GSV, RMC)
Turn off the unsolicited mode
Turn on the unsolicited mode (previous selection is used)

2.1.4 AT+WGPSRAW – Send raw data to the GPS module

This command will write a raw data stream to the GPS module. The data is not interpreted inside the GSM module.
Syntax: AT+WGPSRAW=<pdu>
Examples :
Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only.
ERCO&GENER reserves the right to make any modifications.
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