Class A Type I, II, III Z308.1-2015
First Aid Kit
ANSI/ISEA Classification: Meet requirements of ANSI
Warning Markings: No
Personalization: No
Kit Dimensions: Plastic Box- 8.5” L x 5.25” W x 3” D
Metal Box- 8.5” L x 5” W x 2.63” D
Suggested Use: Work environments
Sell Pack: Each
Material: Plastic- 28888
Description: • Class A First Aid Kits are intended
Metal- 28889
to provide a basic range of products
todeal with most common types of
injuries encountered in the work place.
• Wall mountable
Plastic- 28888 Metal- 28889
16 Adhesive Bandages 1” x 3”
1 Adhesive Tape 2.5 yd (total)
10 Antibiotic Applications 1/57 oz
10 Antiseptic 1/57 oz
1 Breathing Barrier
1 Burn Dressing (gel soaked) 4” x 4”
10 Burn Treatments 1/32 oz
1 Cold Pack 4” x 5”
2 Eye covers with means of
attachment (2.9 sq in)
1 Eye/Skin Wash 1 fl oz total
1 First Aid Guide - English and Spanish
6 Hand Sanitizers 1/32 oz
2 Pair Medical Exam Gloves
1 Roller Bandage 2” x 4 yd
1 Scissors
2 Sterile Gauze Pads 3” x 3”
2 Trauma Pads 5” x 9”
1 Triangle Bandage 40” x 40” x 56”
16 Adhesive Bandages 1” x 3”
1 Adhesive Tape 2.5 yd (total)
10 Antibiotic Applications 1/57 oz
10 Antiseptic 1/57 oz
1 Breathing Barrier
1 Burn Dressing (gel soaked) 4” x 4”
10 Burn Treatments 1/32 oz
1 Cold Pack 4” x 5”
2 Eye covers with means of
attachment (2.9 sq in)
1 Eye/Skin Wash 1 fl oz total
1 First Aid Guide - English and Spanish
6 Hand Sanitizers 1/32 oz
2 Pair Medical Exam Gloves
1 Roller Bandage 2” x 4 yd
1 Scissors
2 Sterile Gauze Pads 3” x 3”
2 Trauma Pads 5” x 9”
1 Triangle Bandage 40” x 40” x 56”
Customization Capabilities: N/A
www.e-erb.com | 1 Safety Way, Woodstock, GA 30188 | 800-800-6522 | customerservice@e-erb.com