Administrator’s Main Page............................................................................................................................................ 5
System Menu ...............................................................................................................................................................7
System Configuration Wizard......................................................................................................................................... 7
Internet Configuration Wizard......................................................................................................................................... 9
Needed Bandwidth for IP Calls ..................................................................................................................................11
System Security Management.......................................................................................................................................11
General Information................................................................................................................................................13
Network Status .....................................................................................................................................................14
IP Lines Registration Status......................................................................................................................................21
License Status ......................................................................................................................................................22
IP Routing Configuration..............................................................................................................................................22
Mail Settings............................................................................................................................................................29
System Logs ........................................................................................................................................................36
Upload Language Pack...............................................................................................................................................38
Update Languages for IP Phones ...............................................................................................................................39
User Rights Management ............................................................................................................................................39
Users Menu ................................................................................................................................................................43
User Extension Settings...........................................................................................................................................45
Pickup Group Extension Settings................................................................................................................................50
Call Park Extension Settings .....................................................................................................................................52
Paging Group Extension Settings ...............................................................................................................................53
ACD Group Extension Settings ..................................................................................................................................55
Call Park Service...................................................................................................................................................68
Barge In Service....................................................................................................................................................68
Call Back Services .................................................................................................................................................75
Mail Default Settings ..................................................................................................................................................81
Host aliases for SIP................................................................................................................................................87
Generate And Install New CA Root Certificate ................................................................................................................87
Line Settings............................................................................................................................................................90
Onboard Line Settings.............................................................................................................................................91
IP Line Settings.....................................................................................................................................................92
IP Phones Templates ...........................................................................................................................................95
IP Phones Logo...................................................................................................................................................96
Hot Desking .........................................................................................................................................................98
Incoming Interdigit Service ................................................................................................................................108
Gain Control ..........................................................................................................................................................113
Local AAA Table..................................................................................................................................................121
Global Speed Dial Directory....................................................................................................................................122
Allowed Characters and Wildcards............................................................................................................................123
Best Matching Algorithm ........................................................................................................................................124
VoIP Carrier Wizard .................................................................................................................................................126
Voice Mail Common Settings ......................................................................................................................................129
Dial Plan Settings....................................................................................................................................................129
Internet Uplink Menu....................................................................................................................................................132
Dynamic DNS Settings..............................................................................................................................................139
Firewall and NAT.....................................................................................................................................................140
Service Pool.......................................................................................................................................................143
IP Pool .............................................................................................................................................................144
Network Menu ...........................................................................................................................................................147
DNS Settings .........................................................................................................................................................147
DNS Server Settings ................................................................................................................................................147
DHCP Settings for the LAN Interface.............................................................................................................................148
DHCP Settings for the VLAN Interface...........................................................................................................................149
Registration Form .......................................................................................................................................................150
Administrator’s Additional Features ..................................................................................................................................151
Incoming Call Blocking and Outgoing Call Blocking ...........................................................................................................151
Voice Mail Profiles...................................................................................................................................................151
Conference Moderator’s Main Page .................................................................................................................................168
Conference Menu .....................................................................................................................................................169
Send Notification Mail ...........................................................................................................................................171
Recorded Conferences...........................................................................................................................................171
General Settings...................................................................................................................................................172
New Participants Configuration ...........................................................................................................................176
Describes detailed the menus av ailable for extension users and includes further all call codes at a glance.
QuadroM 32x/8L/26x/12Li/26xi Manual II: Administrator's Guide About this Administrator's Guide
About this Administrator's Guide
The Quadro Manual is divided into three parts:
•Manual-I: Installation Guide gives step-by-step instructions to provision the QuadroM IP PBX and configure the phone extensions with the Epygi
SIP Server. After successfully configuring the QuadroM IP PBX, users will be able to make SIP phone calls to remote Quadro devices, make
local calls to the PSTN and access the Internet from devices connected to the LAN.
•Manual-II: Administrator's Guide explains all Quadro management menus available for administrators only. It includes a list of all System
Default Values.
•Manual-III: Extension User's Guide explains all Quadro management menus available for extension users. A list of all call codes can be found
there, too.
This guide contains many example screen illustrations. Since QuadroM IP PBXs offer a wide variety of features and functionality, the example
screens shown may not appear exactly the same for your particular QuadroM IP PBX as they appear in this manual. The example screens are for
illustrative and explanatory purposes, and should not be construed to represent your own unique environment.
Quadro’s Graphical Interface describes to the Quadro's graphical user interface and explains all recurrent buttons.
Administrator’s Menus
When the administrator logs in, the QuadroM Management page is displayed with a table of active calls (including information about call peers, call
duration and start time) at the startup. The number of total active calls is displayed above the table. The button Terminate next to each active call is
used to terminate the corresponding call. The Start Recording button next to each active call (except for calls to Auto Attendant) is used to manually
start the recording of the corresponding call. Once the call recording is started, the button changes to Stop now used to manually stop the call
recording. The call recording can be restarted again if needed.
Fig. II: 1: QuadroM Management
Here the administrator may access the following settings and perform the actions:
By clicking on System, Users, Telephony, Internet Uplink or Network the ad ministrator may access the following settings in each respective
category and perform actions specific to each category.
The Install Che cklist option in the Main Menu opens a page that lists the most useful actions and the corresponding hyperlinks for the Quadro’s
initial setup and configuration procedure. From this page you can be linked to the approp riate pages where the corresponding config uration can be
done. Here, you can also save your progress of Quadro’s setup by selecting the corresponding action’s checkbox and pressing Save.
System Menu
• System Configuration Wizard
• Internet Configuration Wizard
• System Security Management
• Status
• IP Routing Configuration
• Configuration Management
• Events
• Time/Date Settings
• Mail Settings
• SMS Settings
• Firmware Update
Users Menu
• Extensions Management
• Receptionist Management
• Extensions Directory
• Authorized Phones Database
• ACD Management
Conferences Menu
• Conferences Management
• Mail Default Settings
• Networking Tools
• SNMP Settings
• Diagnostics
• Features
• Upload Language Pack
• User Rights Management
• Redundancy Settings
The functional button Renew Wan IP Address appears on the administrator’s main Quadro Management page if the Quadro device acts as a
DHCP client. The Renew WAN IP Address button is used to obtain a new WAN IP address in case, e.g., the Quadro moves to another network.
The functional button Establish Your Internet Connecti on Now respectively Terminate Your Internet Connection Now occurs on the Quadro
Management page if PPPoE is used as WAN interface protocol.
The link Please Check Your Pending Events will be displayed on the administrator Main Me nu page if new system events exist. The link leads to
the Events page that can be also accessed from the System menu.
The list of Users currently logged into the system is seen in the lower right corner of the Administrator's Main Menu. Information about IP address
user accessed Quadro GUI from, the username user is logged in and the time until the next automatically logout is provided herein. The current
version of the Quadro's firmware and of its boot loader is also available here. The idle session timeout is set to 20 minutes. If no action is performed
during that time, user will be automatically moved to the Login page and will be requested to login again.
Recurrent Buttons
Throughout this guide, you will see a variety of recurrent buttons. Below is a description of these buttons.
Button Description Button Description
This button leads back to the previous
page of a fixed sequence of pages (used
mainly in wizards).
This button leads forward to the next page
of a fixed sequence of pages (used mainly
in wizards).
This button discards the latest not yet
confirmed entries.
This is the last button of a fixed sequence
of pages that completes and saves the
entries of an entire sequence.
This button opens the help page
belonging to the currently active Quadro
management page.
This button opens a window where the last
inserted IP addresses are listed. It allows
the user to make a quick selection of an IP
address that has been previously used.
This will avoid the user needing type it
again. The clipboard can hold up to 10 IP
addresses and a new IP address will
replace the oldest one from the list.
This button returns you to the page you were
previously on.
This button confirms an operation you started
This button confirms an operation you chose
This button discards an operation you chose
This button saves the settings modified on the
currently active management page.
This button opens a window where the last
inserted SIP addresses are listed. It allows the
user to make a quick selection of an IP address
that has been previously used. This will avoid
the user needing type it again. The clipboard
can hold up to 10 SIP addresses and a new
SIP address will replace the oldest one from the
Recurrent Functional Buttons
In connection with the tables, the following are the few buttons you will see:
Functional Button Description
Add Allows adding a new record to the displayed table. A new page will be displayed to enter any new settings.
Delete Deletes the selected entry(s) of a table. A warning message will ask for confirmation before deleting an existing entry.
Select All Selects all table entry(s) for example for further deletion.
Inverse Selection
Refresh in...
Most of the tables offer the option to sort the entries in ascending or descending order by clicking the headings of the columns. A small arrow next to
the column heading indicates the direction of sorting - upward or downward. The entries of the table can be selected by using t he corresponding
checkboxes in order to edit or delete them.
Allows modifying the settings of the record selected by a checkbox. Normally only one (1) record may be selected. A new
page will be displayed to enter the modified settings.
Inverses (opposites) an existing selection of table entry(s). If no entries are selected, clicking the button will select all
May be shown in the upper right corner of a page. It displays the number of seconds remaining until the next refresh of the
page will occur. It may be used to reload the page manually.
Entering SIP Addresses Correctly
Calls over IP are implemented based on Session Initiating Protocol (SIP) on the Quadro. When making a call to a destination that is somewhere on
the Internet, a SIP address must be provided.
SIP addresses needs to be specified in one of the following formats:
“display name” <username@ipaddress:port>
For your convenience, the following combinations can be used:
• *@ipaddress - any user from the specified SIP server
• username@* - a specified user from any SIP server
• *@* - any user from any SIP server
The display name and the port number are optional parameters in the
SIP address. If a port is not specified, 5060 will be set up as the default
one. The range of valid ports is between 1024 and 65536.
A flexible structure of wildcards is allowed. In comparison with a
wildcard, the “?” character stands for only one unknown digit and the “*”
character stands for any number of any digits.
Please Note: Wildcards are available for caller addresses only. No
wildcard characters are allowed for called party addresses. Exceptions
are addresses in the Supplementary Addresses table that are used by
Outgoing Call Blocking and Hiding Caller Information Settings
services. To use “*” and “?” alone (as non wildcard characters), use “\*”
and “\?” correspondingly.
The System Configuration Wizard allows the administrator to define the Quadro’s Local Area Network settings and to specify regional configuration
settings to make Quadro operational in its LAN. The System Configuration Wizard MUST be run upon Quadro's first startup to make sure that it
works properly in its network environment. The Wizard allows navigating through the following basic configuration parameters and settings:
• System Configuration (see below)
• DHCP Settings for the LAN Interface
• Regional Settings and Preferences (see below)
• Emergency Codes and PSTN Access Codes Settings (see below)
DHCP Settings for the LAN are described in the chapters
below. The LAN configuration and regional settings will be
described later in this chapter.
Please Note: It is strongly recommended to leave the
factory default settings if their meanings are not fully
clear to the administrator.
Fig. II-3: System Configuration Wizard - Start page
The System Configuration page contains the host name,
IP address and Subnet Mask information about the Quadro
LAN interface. These settings make Quadro available to the
internal network.
The System Configuration page offers the following input
Host Name requires a host name for the Quadro device.
Domain Name requires the LAN side domain name which
the Quadro belongs to.
IP Address requires the Quadro host address for the LAN
Subnet Mask requires the Quadro hosts’ Subnet Mask.
The Regional Settings and Preferences are used to select
settings specific to the location of the Quadro. This is
important for the functionality of the voice subsystem.
The Regional Settings and Preferences page has two
drop down lists to select the Location (country) and a
corresponding Timezone. Quadro will support Daylight
Savings (DST) correction if it is available for the selected
time zone.
This page also has a manipulation radio button group to
Fig. II-4: System Configuration Wizard - System Configuration page
•System Language – selection is available only when
the custom Language Pack has been uploaded and it
is used to enable custom language for system voice
messages or returning back to the default language
•GUI Theme - selection used to select the GUI theme
style of the web based configuration pages.
•The Choose Theme on Login checkbox indicates
whether the GUI theme selection radio buttons should
be displayed on the Quadro Login page. Selecting the
checkbox will allow users to choose the GUI theme
before logging into the Quadro. Leaving the checkbox
unselected will require the administrator to run the
System Configuration Wizard to change the theme.
The Emergency Codes and PSTN Access Codes Settings are used to configure the emergency dial plan.
The Emergency Codes text field requires the PSTN
numbers of the emergency or lifeline services. Multiple
emergency codes, separated by commas, can be inserted
in this field. For each emergency code, a routing pattern will
be generated in the Call Routing Table, which will allow
faster and easier calls to emergency destinations.
The PSTN Access Code drop down list allows you to select
the prefix code for accessing the PSTN line in the routing
mode. Dialing the digits inserted in this text field will provide
the PSTN dial tone when dialed from the handset.
Fig. II-5: System Configuration Wizard - Regional Settings page
Fig. II-6: System Configuration Wizard - Emergency Codes and PSTN Codes Settings page
The Internet Configuration Wizard allows the administrator to configure the WAN interface settings and to adjust Quadro’s connectivity with an
external network. The Internet Configuration Wizard MUST be run for Quadro to be connected to the Internet.
All the settings of the Internet Configuration Wizard are
described in the chapters below except those for the IP settings,
which will be described in this chapter.
Attention: It is strongly recommended not to change the
factory default settings if their meanings are not full y clear
to an administrator.
The Wizard allows navigating through the following basic configuration parameters and settings:
Fig. II-7: Internet Configuration Wizard - Start page
•Uplink configuration (see below)
For WAN Interface protocol PPPoE:
• PPP/ PPTP Settings
• WAN Interface Configuration (see below)
• DNS Settings
The Switch to Auto Provisioning link moves you to the Automatic Provisioning
The Upli nk Configuration page allows you to select the Quadro‘s
WAN interface connection type and its bandwidth settings. These
settings will make Quadro available to the external network.
Depending on the Uplink Interface Protocol selection, the page
following the Uplink Configuration page is different. Thus if
PPPoE is selected, the next page will be PPP Configuration, while
selecting Ethernet will bring up the WAN IP Configuration page.
The UplinkConfiguration page offers the following components:
The WAN Interface Protocol radio buttons are used to choose th e
protocol depending on the requirements of the ISP (Internet Service
PPPoE - turns on the PPP over an Ethernet connection.
PPTP – turns on the Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
interface used for the connection between Quadro and ADSL
modem. A fixed IP address configuration is needed in this
Ethernet - turns on the Ethernet connection.
The WAN Interface Bandwidth settings allow the specification of the upstream and do wnstream speeds in kbit/s, helping to assure the quality of IP
calls. An IP call looses the voice quality if there is no available bandwidth. When approaching the limits of bandwidth capacity, another IP call will be
The bandwidth provided by the ISP has to be specified in the text fields Upstream Speed and Downstream Speed. The default entry in both fields
is 100000, the maximum bandwidth of a 100 MB Ethernet. You may see the required bandwidth in the chapter Needed Bandwidth for IP Calls
The Min Data Rate text field requires the amount of upstream bandwidth that ought to remain for data applications even if voice applications use the
entire available upstream bandwidth. The value selected here needs to be smaller than the upstream bandwidth and is measured in kbit/s.
For WAN Interface protocol PPTP:
• WAN IP Configuration (see below)
• PPP/ PPTP Settings
• WAN Interface Configuration (see below)
• DNS Settings
page where Quadro can be configured automatically.
For WAN Interface protocol Ethernet:
• WAN IP Configuration
• WAN Interface Configuration (see below)
• DNS Settings
Fig. II-8: Internet Configuration Wizard - Uplink Configuration page
The WAN IP Configuration page is only displayed if Ethernet or
PPTP has been selected to be the uplink protocol. It offers the
following components:
The Assign automatically via DHCP radio-button selection
switches to automatic retrieval of the WAN IP address from a DHCP
server at the ISP/uplink.
Please Note: DHCP referred to here is the one that runs on the
provider’s side and not the Quadro’s personal DHCP server.
The Assign Manually radio-button switches to the manual
adjustment of IP settings. This selection requests the following
IP Address requires the IP address for the Quadro WAN interface.
Subnet Mask requires the subnet mask for the Quadro device WAN
Default Gateway requires the IP address of the router where all
packets are to be sent to, for example, to the router of the provider.
The W AN Interface Configuration page may be used to modify the
MAC address of the Quadro. This might be necessary if the ISP
(Internet Service Provider) requires a specified MAC address, for
example, for authentication. This page offers the following
MAC Address Assignment manipulation radio-buttons:
Fig. II-9: Internet Configuration Wizard - WAN IP Configuration page
• This Device turns to the default MAC address of the Quadro.
• User Defined requires user defined MAC Address.
The MTU drop down list allows you to select the maximum packet
size on the Ethernet (in bytes). MTU is used to fragment the packets
before transmitting them to the network. The MTU preferred value is
dependent on the Ethernet connection. The default MTU size is 1500
Bytes for Ethernet and 1400 Bytes for PPPoE.
Fig. II-10: Internet Configuration Wizard - WAN MAC Address Configuration page
Automatic Provisioning
Automatic Provisioning provides the possibility to automatically
configure the WAN network settings of Quadro. This is very useful
when the administrator is not actually aware about the Quadro’s
network settings. Automatic Provisioning automatically detects
the matching network configuration settings, applies them on the
Quadro, thus connecting the device to the internet through the
available ISP connection.
Please Note:Automatic Provisioning can only be run from the
LAN side of the Quadro, i.e. from the PC connected to the
Quadro’s LAN.
After the confirmation, the Automatic Provisioning automatically
detects and configures the following settings on the Quadro:
Needed bandwidth in kbit/s using the Codecs: Packet
Needed bandwidth in kbit/s using the Codecs: Packet
Needed bandwidth in kbit/s using the Codecs: Packet
G.722 G.722.1
G.722 G.722.1
G.722 G.722.1
System Security Management
The System Security Management offers a possibility of managing the global security levels, running the system security diagnostics program and
receiving complete reports on the QuadroM configuration security. It includes three pages- the System Security Settings page, System Security Diagnostics page and the SIP IDS Settings page.
The System Security Settings page includes the following
The Security Level table - allo ws selecting the Security Level
defining requirements to the IP Lines' password strength and
the Security Report granularity. The security levels are as
•Low - There are no specific restrictions on the
strength of the saved password. Only the critical
warnings on the Call Routing Rules to PSTN and IPPSTN, disabled Firewall and IDS will be generated in
Security Report.
•Medium - The minimum strength of the IP Line
passwords should be "good". The Security Report
will generate warnings on all unsecured Call Routing
rules, IP Line passwords, Firewall level (if it is set to
lower than "Medium") and disabled IDS.
•High - The minimum strength of the IP Line
passwords should be "strong". The Security Report
will generate warnings on the IP Line passwords,
disabled IDS, unsecured SIP, and unsecured
Routing Rules to SIP, PSTN and IP-PSTN and also
regarding the Firewall level if it is set to lower than
The System Security Diagnostics page allows running the security audit and getting the security reports. The Start Security Audit functional button
is used for running the security audit. The QuadroM Security Audit is a security reporting system, which generates the warnings regarding the
QuadroM's weaknesses relative to the selected Security Level. The warnings may vary depending on the selected global Security Level. The
Security Audit will detect the security related configuration issues in Firewall, IDS, IP Line passwords, Call Routing and extension settings.
The output of Security Audit may look as follows:
Start security audit...
Firewall ... done
IP Lines ... done
Call Routing ... done
Extensions ... done
Users ... done
Settings do not correspond to selected security
You can view the complete report by clicking the
'Show the latest security report' link below.
Fig. II-12: QuadroM System Security Management page
Fig. II-13: QuadroM System Security Diagnostics page
The Show the latest securit y report link allows to display the last security audit report. This page also contains the following useful links to adjust
the system security:
The SIP IDS Settings page includes the following
Enable SIP IDS checkbox allows to prevent the SIP attacks.
The Add the IP address into the Blocked IP list in Firew all
checkbox allows to block SIP attacker’s IP address. SIP
attacker’s IP address will be blocked by QuadroM Firewall and
will be added on the Firewall Blocked IP List table.
The Discard SI P messages from IP address for checkbox
allows to discard the accumulated SIP messages from the
QuadroM SIP cash after defined timeout (default timeout value
of “Discard SIP messages from IP address for” service is 32
Fig. II-14: QuadroM SIP IDS Settings page
The Exceptions link leads to the Exceptionsfor SIP IDS
page where user can require the trusted IP address(es) that
can't be blocked.
Add opens the page Exception IP- Add Entry, where a
trusted IP address can be established.
Delete removes the selected entries from the IP address table.
Select all selects all entries of the table.
Inverse Selection inverses the current selection (if no record
is selected, clicking on inverse selection will check all records).
Fig. II-15: Exceptions for SIP IDS Table
The system status window displays non-editable tables providing extensive system status information about Quadro: General Information, Network
Status, Lines Status, Memory Status, Hardware Status, SIP Registration Status, IP Lines Registration Status and License Status. The links on this
page lead to device Transfer Statistics, user mailboxes and supplementary services configuration pages.
The System Status page has several tables providing system information.
General Information
The General Information page includes the following information:
•Uptime duration - Period Quadro is on since last
• Device hostname - Quadro device host name.
• Quadro Operating System - Quadro operating
system version.
•Application Software - Software and file system
versions of the Quadro.
• Boot Loader - Quadro boot loader version.
DSP Software - Quadro DSP software version and
the date of build.
Language Pack – this field is present only when the
custom language pack is uploaded and it indicates the
Fig. II-16: QuadroM Status - General Information page
The Network Status page includes the following information
about Interfaces:
Interface Name lists the Network interfaces available on the
Quadro (LAN, WAN, IPSec and a number of PPPs, depending
on the number of active PPP connections).
IP Address lists the IP addresses corresponding to each
network interface.
Subnet Mask lists the subnet masks corresponding to each
network interface.
Properties will list either the MAC address corresponding to
each network interface on the Quadro or the PPTP, L2TP and
IPSec peer IP address if an active VPN (IPSec or PPP)
interface exists.
Monitor includes links to survey LAN, WAN, IPSec and PPP
traffic correspondingly. The VPN traffic link will be displayed
only if a VPN has been configured. The selection of these links
will open a new window with a table of network traffic statistics
on the following selected interfaces:
• Received Bytes
• Received Packets
• Received Errors
• Received Drop Errors
• Received Overrun Errors
• Received MultiCast
When opening the corresponding interface statistics window, no traffic values are displayed at first. After opening the window, the tables will serve as
a counter and traffic statistics will be updated every minute.
DNS Server, Alternative DNS Server and Default Gateway - these display the Quadro settings corresponding to what has been configured with
the System Configuration Wizard
Services (NTP Server and Client, DHCP Server and Client, DNS, Firewall, NAT, PPP, IDS) statuses: shows if they have stopped or if they are still
The View VPN Status link refers to the VPN Configuration
Transfer Statistics - link to the Transfer Statistics page.
• Transmitted Bytes
• Transmitted Packets
• Transmitted Errors
• Transmitted Drop Errors
• Transmitted Carrier Errors
• Transmitted Collisions
page where all VPN (IPSec, PPTP and L2TP) connections can be viewed and edited.
Fig. II-17: QuadroM Status Network Status page
The Transfer Statistics page shows a user-defined statistics
table with the transmit/receive value (criteria), interface type
and time period. It contains the following components:
Time range of statistic table - the drop do wn list includes the
period (in days) statistics data that is to be collected and the
corresponding diagram charts that are to be built.
Interface - the drop-down list offer the values:
• WAN - Wide Area Network (WAN) events only
• LAN - Local Area Network (LAN) events only
When Show also as readable values checkbox is selected,
an additional table with statistics values will be displayed on
the next page.
• Receive Packets - number of received Ethernet packets.
• Receive Errors - number of received packets containing
•Receive Drop Errors - number of received packets that
have been discarded.
•Receive Overrun Errors - number of received overrun
errors that occur when the receive buffer is not large
enough to hold all incoming packets. This error usually
appears due to a slow receiving system.
•Receive MultiCast Packets - number of received
broadcast packets.
The area Transmit Values provides the following:
• Transmit Bytes - number of transmitted bytes
• Transmit Packets - number of transmitted Ethernet
•Transmit Errors - number of transmitted packets
containing errors.
•Transmit Drop Errors - number of transmitted packets
that have been discarded.
•Transmit Carrier Errors - number of transmit carrier
errors that occur due to a defective or lost connection on
the Ethernet link.
•Transmit Collisions - number of transfer errors that
occurred during a simultaneous packet transmission from
both sides.
To see the Transfer Statistics Diagram Charts, select the desired criteria and click Save to generate the corresponding chart and the table
showing the transfer statistics values (if enabled). The letters M (millions) and K (thousands) used in the legend of the displayed diagrams show the
total number of specified criteria. The Reset Statistics button is used to reset the chart and the table (if enabled).
Fig. II-19: Transfer Statistics Diagram Chart
Lines Status
The Quadro Status - Lines Status page shows the current status of each of the FXS and IP lines or shared FXO/ISDN lines including details of the
attached extension. Since only one line of information can be displayed at a time, the Line, IP Line and FXO line, ISDN or E1/T1 Trunk functional
buttons are used to navigate through the information regarding other lines.
The Lines Status table displayed for FXS and IP lines includes a group of static and dynamic parameters. Static parameters are always displayed.
Dynamic parameters only appear when an event takes place on the extension.
Extension shows the extension number of the selected telephone line.
Display Name shows the corresponding name.
Phone State may have the value On Hook or Off Hook. For I P Line
Status, this field may additionally have Not Configured and Temporary
Offline values.
Number of Active Calls shows the number of calls that are currently
present on the phone.
Dynamic Parameters:
Call State shows the current state of the extension (in voice mail, in
call, waiting, busy, call out, ring in, etc.).
Caller Party appears when a call is received and indicates the caller
extension and the IP address or a phone number, depending on type of
Called Party appears when a call is placed and indicates the
destination extension and the IP address or a phone number,
depending on type of call.
Call Type shows whether the call is Internal or External and whether it
is a PSTN call, PBX call or IP call.
Call Start Time shows the call start date and time.
Call Duration shows the current call duration.
Fig. II-20: Lines Status - Lines Status page upon established call
RX Codec shows the codec used to encrypt the incoming packets. TX
Codec shows the codec used t o encrypt the outgoing packets. If RX
and TX codecs are the same, only one Codec field will be displayed.
For IP Line Status, the following dynamical parameters appear on this page:
Username shows the IP phone’s client name registered on the Quadro.
Last Registered shows the date and time, the corresponding IP phone has been last registered on the Quadro.
Expires In shows when the last registration of the IP phone will expire.
Binding IP Address shows the IP address of the IP phone within the Quadro’s LAN network.
The list of supplementary services provides the following additional status information for each telephone line: Enabled or Disabled.
For Incoming and Outgoing Call Blockin g, Speed Calling, Hiding Caller Info, Voice Mailbox and Group List services, the number of Entries
will be displayed in the corresponding service table. For Voice Mail Service, the voice mailbox configuration mode is displayed here.
This allows administrator to view the status and to be notified about services running on Quadro for every line. The services are designed as links
that guide the administrator to the corresponding service page of the selected user.
The Line Status for E1/T1 Trunk displays the list of available timeslots (in
E1 mode, 30 active timeslots both for CAS and CCS signaling types; in T1
mode, 24 timeslots for CAS signaling and 23 timeslots for CSS signaling
type) and their settings (Route Incoming Call to, Allowed Call Type and
Timeslot State). When Timeslot is in the call, information about call
direction (incoming or outgoing), Caller Party, Called Party and Call Duration is displayed.
The E1/T1 Channel Usage Statistics page consists of following
components used to define the chart parameters:
Trunk checkboxes are only present when there is more than one E1/T1
trunks present on the Quadro. These checkboxes are used to select the
E1/T1 trunk number(s) over which the E1/T1 traffic chart will be built. At
least one Trunk checkbox should be selected, otherwise error message
Time Range of Statistic Table drop down list includes the period (in days)
statistics data that is to be collected and the corresponding diagram chart
that is to be built.
Incoming Calls - number of incoming E1/T1 calls
Outgoing Calls - number of outgoing E1/T1 calls
Maximum Active Calls - number of maximum active E1/T1 calls
At least one of these checkboxes should be selected, otherwise error
message appears.
Fig. II-21: Line Status – Line Status page for E1/T1 trunk
The button Show generates a E1/T1 Channel Usage Statistics diagram
over the selected criteria. The letters M and K used in the legend of the
displayed diagrams show the total number of specified criteria: K means
thousands and M millions.
Fig. II-23: E1/T1 Channel Usage Statistics chart
The Lines Status table of any shared FX O Line on the Quadro provides
information about the Allowed Call Types, the extension number
(attendant or routing client), to whom the Incoming Call is Routed To and
the State of the line (Free or Busy).
The FXO Channel Usage Statistics link is only present for local FXO lines
(this option is not available for shared FXO lines) and leads to the page
where diagram chart of FXO lines usage can be viewed.
Fig. II-24: Line Status - FXO Status page
The FXO Channel Usage Statistics page consists of following components used to define the chart parameters:
Trunk checkboxes are used to select the FXO line number(s) over which
the FXO traffic chart will be built. At least one Trunk checkbox should be
selected, otherwise error message appears.
Time range of statistic table drop down list includes the period (in days)
statistics data that is to be collected and the corresponding diagram chart
that is to be built.
Incoming Calls and Outgoing Calls checkboxes are used to select
whether the FXO traffic statistics for only incoming or outgoing or for both
type of calls should be displayed in the diagram chart.
Maximum Active Calls checkbox is used to have the number of maximum
active calls displayed in the diagram chart.
At least one of these checkboxes should be selected, otherwise error
message appears.
Show button is used to generate an FXO channels usage diagram chart
over the parameters selected above.
When this button is pressed, FXO Channel Usage Statistics chart
appears. It represents dependency between the time frame and the number
of calls performed during that period. Additionally it may display the
maximum number of calls performed in the selected time frame.
The Line Status for any shared ISDN Trunks on the Quadro displays the
state of the B1 and B2 channels and the information about the active calls
on them. This page includes a group of static and dynamic parameters.
Static parameters are always displayed. Dynamic parameters appear only
when an event takes place on the channel.
Static Parameters:
Fig. II-26: FXO Channel Usage Statistics chart
• B channel - the state of the channel (enabled or disabled)
• State - the current state of the channel (free, busy or N/A)
Dynamic Parameters:
•Caller Party - this parameter appears when a call is received and
indicates the caller address
•Called Party - this parameter appears when a call is placed and
indicates the destination address
•Call Duration - current call duration (in seconds)
The ISDN Channel Usage Statistics link is only present for local ISDN
lines (this option is not available for shared ISDN lines) and leads to the
page where diagram chart of ISDN trunks usage can be viewed.
Fig. II-27: Lines Status page
The ISDN Channel Usage Statistics page consists of following
components used to define the chart parameters:
Trunk checkboxes are used to select the ISDN line number(s) over which
the ISDN traffic chart will be built. At least one Trunk checkbox should be
selected, otherwise error message appears.
Time range of statistic table drop down list includes the period (in days)
statistics data that is to be collected and the corresponding diagram chart
that is to be built.
Incoming Calls and Outgoing Calls checkboxes are used to select
whether the ISDN traffic statistics for only incoming or outgoing or for both
type of calls should be displayed in the diagram chart.
Maximum Active Calls checkbox is used to have the number of maximum
active calls displayed in the diagram chart.
At least one of these checkboxes should be selected, otherwise error
message appears.
Show button is used to generate an ISDN channels usage diagram chart
over the parameters selected above.
When this button is pressed, ISDN Channel Usage Statistics chart
appears. It represents dependency between the time frame and the number
of calls performed during that period. Additionally it may display the
maximum number of calls performed in the selected time frame.
Fig. II-29: ISDN Channel Usage Statistics chart
Memory Status
The Memory Status page includes tables with the available User
Space information for each extension. These tables display the space
used by the voice mailbox and uploaded/recorded system greetings.
It shows the free and total space (counted in minutes/seconds) for
every extension. This page includes the following information:
Memory Size shows total memory space (counted in
minutes/seconds) available on the Quadro and assigned to all
The table’s links lead the administrator to the extension settings page
where User Space may be altered.
The System Memory row indicates the space occupied by the
universal extension recordings. Link refers to the Upload Universal
Extension Recordings
messages may be uploaded.
Call Statistics shows the current number of calls with recorded
statistic entries.
page where universal extension system
Fig. II-30: Memory Status page
Hardware Status
The Hardware Status table displays a list of the hardware devices
and parts present and currently available on the Quadro board. The
hardware device version number and additional comments about its
state are indicated here.
The SIP Registration Status is a table displaying the SIP registration
information of the Quadro extensions.
The table contains a list of all the registered extensions of the Quadro,
SIP registration name for each extension, addresses of SIP servers
where they are registered (if applicable), whether or not it is registered
for each extension, and the registration date and time. By clicking on
the row heading, the table will be sorted by the selected column. When
sorting (ascending or descending), arrows will be displayed next to the
column heading.
The links inside the table will link you to the Extensions Management
page where the SIP registration settings may be altered.
The Detected Connection Type field displays the connection type
Quadro currently is acting in (direct connection or behind NAT). If
Quadro is acting behind NAT, the NAT machine IP address is also
The Registered IP Lines table lists the IP lines and remote exte nsions
registered on the Quadro. The table indicates the actual IP addresses of
the remote devices, the usernames by which the devices have been
registered on the Quadro, as well as the registration status information.
The SIP Tunnels to Slave Devices and SIP Tunnels to Master Devices tables list the SIP tunnels between local and the remote
Quadros (see SIP Tunnel Settings
). The SIP Tunnels to Slave Devices table lists those tunnels where local Quadro acts as a master.
The SIP Tunnels to Master Devices table lists those tunnels where
local Quadro acts as a slave.
Fig. II-32: SIP Registration Status page
IP Lines Registration Status
The IP Lines Registration Status displays a table with the IP Lines
registration information on the Quadro.
The table lists the IP lines and remote extensions registered on the
Quadro. The table indicates the actual IP addresses of the remote
devices, the usernames by which the devices have been registered on
the Quadro, as well as the registration status information.
Subscription Count field indicates used and allowed number of
subscriptions for all IP phones registered on the Quadro. Subscriptions
are events originated by IP phones when watching other extensions or
SLAs on the Quadro and when monitoring voice mailbox for new
received voice mails.
Fig. II-33: SIP Registration Status page
When the allowed number of subscriptions is reached, no new subscriptions are possible. Typically the number of subscription should be keep
reasonably below the maximum allowed number, to avoid losing subscriptions. Thus, in case the actual subscription number is close to the limit,
configuration of IP phones should be adjusted to decrease the number of total subscriptions on the Quadro.
Used Subscription Distribution field indicates IP phone's subscriptions distribution among BLF (Busy Lamp Field) subscriptions, which are used
for watching extensions and SLAs on IP phones, and MWI (Message Waiting Indication) subscriptions, which are used for voice mailbox status
indication on the phone.
The License Status page displays a table with all available licenses on
the Quadro and the corresponding settings for each license. (Currently
only QCM license status is displayed.)
This page includes the following information:
Type indicates the type of the license available on the Quadro.
Count indicates the number of the corresponding licenses available on
the Quadro.
In Use indicates the number of used licensed from the total available
Extension lists the extensions that are using the corresponding license.
Links in this column move to the corresponding service configuration
page for the extension.
Fig. II-34: License Status page
IP Routing Configuration
Routing is used to relay information across the Internet from a source to a destination. Along the way, at least one intermediate node is typically
encountered. Routing is different than bridging. The main difference between bridging and routing is that bridging operates at the OSI Data Link
Layer (Level Two Media Access Control Layer) and routing operates at OSI Network Layer (Level Three).
Quadro’s IP Routing se rvice allows you to route IP packets from one destination to another (or to a specified router) through Quadro or a Quadro
The IP Routing Configur ation page is used to make IP Static, IP Policy and VPN routes for IP packets routing. This page consists of thre e tables.
Entries in the tables are color coded according to the state of the route. For example, yellow indicates disabled routes, green indicates successful
routes and red indicates routes with an error.
IP Static Routes are used to forward IP packets from the
Network, where the Quadro is connected, to the specified
The IP Static Routes table displays all established IP static
routes with their parameters: Target State for the state of the
route (enabled or disabled), Actual State for the state of the route
connection (up, down or erroneous), Route To for the subnet
where the incoming packets should be routed to and Via IP Address for the router IP address where incoming packets should
be routed through.
Add opens the Add IP Static Route page where a new static
route can be established.
Enable/Disable is used to activate and deactivate a selected
route(s). At least one route should be selected in order to use
these functions, otherwise the following error message will
appear: “No record(s) selected.”
Fig. II-35: IP Static Routing table
The Add IP Static Route page offers the following components:
Route To requires the IP address and subnet mask for the
destination the IP packet should be forwarded to.
Via IP Address requires the IP address of the subsequent router
for IP packet forwarding to the specified destination.
Attention: The rule with the longest subnet (smallest IP range)
will take effect when having two or more IP Static routing rules
with the coinciding subnets.
IP Policy Routes allow IP packets forwarding to the specified router depending on the source IP address as well as defining the priority for the
current routing rule.
The IP Policy Routes table displays all specified IP policy routes
with their parameters: Target State for the state of the route
(enabled or disabled), Actual State for the state of the route
connection (up, down or erroneous), Priority for the route priority,
Route From is where the subnet, routed packets come from and
Via IP Address is where the router IP address incoming packets
should be routed through.
Add opens the Add IP Policy Route page to establish a new
policy route.
Enable and Disable are used to activate or to deactivate the
selected route(s).
RaisePriority and Lower Priority are used to increase or
decrease the priority of the selected policy route(s) by one. At
least one route should be selected to use these functions,
otherwise the error message “No record(s) selected” will appear.
Fig. II-37: IP Policy Routing table
The Add IP Policy Route page offers the following input options:
Priority requires a numeric value (from 1 to 252) to define the
priority of the routing rule. The lower the number, the sooner the
routing rule will take effect (higher priority).
From requires the packet source IP address and subnet mask of
the specified destination to match with the rule.
Via IP address requires the IP address of the subsequent router
for IP packet forwarding.
Fig. II-38: Add IP Policy Route page
The PPTP/ L2TP Routes allow IP packets forwarding through the
PPTP and L2TP tunnels of the Quadro. If PPTP/L2TP connections
do not exist on Quadro, VPN routes cannot be generated.
The PPTP/L2TP Routes table displays all generated VPN routes
with their parameters: Target State for the state of the route
(enabled or disabled), Actual State for the state of the route
connection (up, down or erroneous), Route To for the subnet
where the incoming packets should be routed, Via Tunnel for the
VPN tunnel incoming packets should be routed through and
Tunnel State for the actual state of the route tunnel (up or down).
The Add button opens the Add VPN Route page where a new
VPN route can be generated.
Fig. II-39: VPN Routing table
The Add VPN Route page offers the following components:
Route Via contains the available PPTP and L2TP connections on
the Quadro. A connection selected from this list will be used to
route the IP packet from the Quadro’s LAN to the peer behind the
PPTP/L2TP tunnel.
Route To requires the IP address range of the possible peers
behind the PPTP/L2TP tunnel whereto the IP packets should be
Fig. II-40: Add VPN Route page
The Enable and Disable functional buttons are used to activate or to deactivate the selected route(s). At least one route should be selected to use
these functions, otherwise the error message “No record(s) selected” will appear.
To Add an IP Static Route
1. Select the IP Static Routes link on the Routing Configuration page.
2. Press the Add button on the IP Static Routes page. The Add Entry page will appear in the browser window.
3. Enter the destination IP address and subnet mask in the Ro ute To text fields. Use the IP-Clip button to select a previously entered IP address.
4. Enter the router IP address into the Via IP Address text fields.
5. Press the Save button to make the static route with these settings.
1. Select the IP Policy Routes link on the Routing Configuration page.
2. Press the Add button on the IP Policy Routes page. The Add Entry page will appear in the browser window.
3. Specify the policy routing rule priority in the Priority text field.
4. Enter the packet source IP address and subnet mask in the From text fields. Use the IP-Clip button to select a previously entered IP address.
5. Enter the router IP address into the Via IP Address To text fields.
6. Press the Save button to make the policy route with these settings.
To Add a VPN Route
1. Select the VPN Routes link on the Routing Configuration page.
2. Press the Add button on the VPN Routes page. The Add Entry page will appear in the browser window.
3. Choose the VPN connection from the Route Via drop down list.
4. Enter the destination IP address and the subnet mask into the Route To text fields.
5. Press the Save button to make the VPN route with these settings.
Configuration Management
The Configurati on Management page assists the administrator with managing the system configuration settings and voice data. For example, the
administrator is able to backup and download the settings to a PC and then upload and restore them back to the Quadro. Additionally, this page
provides the possibility of restoring the factory default configuration settings.
The Back up & Automatically Download all config & voice
data link leads to the Automatically Backup Configuration
Settings page where the automatic backup of the system
configuration and the voice data can be configured. The
service allows you to setup Quadro so it will automatically
backup the system configuration and the voice data and store
it in the specified location.
The Automatically Backup Configuration Settings page
allows you to enable the automatic backup of the system
configuration and the voice data on the Quadro. With this
service, Quadro will automatically backup the system
configuration and the voice data and store it in the specified
This page contains the following components:
The Enable Automatically Backup checkbox enables
automatic backup mechanism on the Quadro.
The following group of manipulation radio buttons allows you
to select whether the backup files will be delivered by email or
stored in some location:
Fig. II-41: Configuration Management page
•The Send via Email radio button is used to send the
automatically backed up files via email. The selection
enables Email Address text field that requires the email
address of the administrating person to receive the
automatically backup files.
•The Send to Server radio button is used to store the
automatically backup files on a remote server. This
selection enables the following fields to be inserted:
The Server Name requires the IP address or the host name of the remote server.
The Server Port requires the port number of the remote server.
The Path on Server requires the path on the server to store the backup files in.
The Send Method manipulation radio buttons allow you to select the remote server type: TFTP or FTP. In case of FTP selection, the
authentication username and the password need to be inserted. In case these fields are left empty, anonymous authentication will be used.
The Backup Interval Selection drop down lists is used to select the frequency and the time when the automatic backup of the Quadro's system
configuration and the voice data will take place.
Backup Now button is used to perform a manually immediate backup of the system configuration and the voice data.
The Backup & Download all config & voice data link generates a backup file with all configuration settings and user uploaded greeting messages.
It opens a file chooser window for immediate download to the users PC.
The Upload & Restore all config & voice data link opens a page that has a Browse button, (which opens a file chooser to select a backed-up file)
and a Configuration to Upload field requiring the file path to upload and to restore it immediately. Pressing Save will restore the selected backup
file, and delete all current user defined greetings and replace configuration settings.
The Restore Default Confi guration functional button resets all configuration settings and restores the board’s factory default configuration. By
restoring the default configuration you will replace your current configuration, lose all voice mails and reboot the device. You will not be automatically
redirected to the GUI start page. After the successful reboot you will need to enter into the management page and login again to access the Quadro’s
configuration. A warning message will ask you to confirm your selection before restoring the default configuration.
Please Note: Unlike the factory default settings restore procedure initialized from the Reset button on the Quadro board, this link will keep the
following data:
• Call Statistics
• Transfer Statistics
• System Events
• Feature Keys
• Device Registration state
The Download current configuration in a legi ble format and Upload a legible configuration file links leads you to the Legible Configuration
page where legible configuration can be downloaded and uploaded back after the required edits.
Legible Configuration Management
The Legible Configurati on Management is used to manually manage the configuration on the Quadro. This will allow you to download a piece of
configuration from the Quadro in the way of legible file, to make necessary changes in that file and to upload it back to the sam e or different
Quadro(s). With this service, some pieces of configuration (like extension settings, NAT settings, etc.) of one Quadro can be used on another
Quadro. This also helps to apply the same group of settings to the several instances (for example, to apply the same SIP settings to multiple
extensions on the Quadro) on the same or different Quadros avoiding manual configuration of each of those instances (i.e. extension) from the web
management on each of the Quadros. The Quadro reseller, distributor, ISP or carrier usually uses this service.
The Download current configuration in a legible format link refers to the Configuration Summary page where a partial or complete
configuration can be defined and downloaded or viewed.
The Configurati on Summary page is used to generate a piece of legible configuration and to download it to a PC or to view it directly in the
browser. This page consists of the following components:
The manipulation radio buttons are used to select between particular CGI or a named group of CGIs for which the legible configuration file will be
• The SpecificCGI selection allows you to choose a certain CGI from the list of Quadro’s Web management pages for which the legible
configuration can be manually managed. For example, selecting "RTP Settings" will generate a legible configuration file with parameters
present on the RTP Settings page.
•The Named Group of CGIs selectionallows you to choose among the four predefined groups: Internet Connection Settings, LAN
Configuration Settings, Telephony General Settings and Extension Settings. Each of these groups refer to all CGIs characterized by the
selected criteria, e.g. Internet Connection Settings group contains all parameters on the CGIs related to the networking and WAN
The Extension drop down list allows you to limit the settings in
the generated legible configuration file to one specific extension.
For example, each of the extensions on the Quadro have own
SIP settings or Codecs. To download the settings for a particular
extension only, you need to choose the corresponding extension
from the list. The drop down may also have a blank selection. In
that case the legible configuration file will contain the parameter
of all available extensions on the Quadro (if the selected
parameter applies to the extension and not to the overall system,
like RTP settings).
The Start generate a legible configuration file button start
parsing the configuration structure of the device for the defined
parameters. The progress will be displayed in the area below.
The Cancel generation process button appears when the
configuration generation procedure starts and it is used to stop it.
The Download generated configuration button becomes
available when the legible configuration generation is finished. It
is used to download the generated file to the PC in a plain text
format. Necessary changes can be made in the downloaded
configuration file and then uploaded back to the system.
Attention: Make sure the changes you have done in the
downloaded legible configuration file are valid and will not
corrupt the system when being uploaded back to device.
The View generated configuration button becomes available
when the legible configuration generation is finished. It is used to
view the generated file directly in the browser.
The Restart generation! button becomes available when the
legible configuration generation is finished. It is used to cancel
the generated configuration file and to start over.
Fig. II-44: Configuration Summary Preview page
The Upload Legible Configuration page is used to upload a configuration file in a text forma t. The Browse button in the opened page is used to
browse certain legible configuration file to be uploaded and updated into the system. The configuration files to be uploaded should be in the *.txt
format, otherwise a system error occurs. Configuration file upload progress will be displayed in the area below. During legible configuration file
upload, Quadro's functionality failures may occur.
The Events page has two tables. All system events that have occurred will be displayed in one table and event settings will be displayed in the other.
The System Events page may be accessed through the Events
link from the main menu. It lists information about system events
that have occurred on Quadro. When a new event takes place, a
record is added to the System Event table. For failure events
(priority 2 and 3, see below), the warning “Please check your
pending events!” will appear at the bottom of all management
The system events and the warning message are visible only for
the administrator. The warning link, (which leads directly to the
System Events page) will disappear from the management
pages if the administrator has marked all new events as “read”.
The System Events table is the list of new and read system
events. System events have corresponding coloring depending
on the nature of the event: success (priority 1, color green), low
importance failure (priority 2, color yellow), critical failure (priority
3, color red).
The table shows the Status of the event (new or read) as well as
the name of the application the event refers to, event description,
and the date when the event was received. For example, if the
event was caused by the IDS service, the Check IDS link
appears in the reference row that will lead to the IDS Log
page, or
if the event has occurred due to incorrect mail sending or SIP
registration, the corresponding links will be seen in the Reference
column of the table. The administrator can view the detailed log
for each event that has occurred.
The System Events page offers the following components
Current System Time displays the local date and time on
Mark all as read marks newly occurred events as “read”.
Reset LED switches off the flashing LED (if applicable) on the
board. An LED notification may appear (depending on the
notification type given) in the page Events
Numerous circumstances may cause a certain application on
Quadro to flag an event.
The Event Settings pag e lists all possible events on the Quadro
and allows controlling notification (action) when an event takes
Each entry in the events’ table has a checkbox assigned to each
row. By selecting the corresponding checkboxes, operations such
as Edit may be done for one or more events.
Edit opens the Edit Event Settings page to modify the event
The Edit Event Settings page offers the following input options:
Application displays the application the event refers to. Multiple
is shown here if more than one event has been selected for the
action assignment.
Name displays the name of the event. Multiple is shown here if
more than one event has been selected for the action
Description displays additional information about the event.
Multiple is shown here if more than one event has been selected
for the action assignment.
Action offers radio buttons to choose one of the actions to notify
the Quadro administrator when an event(s) takes place. The
following actions can be available:
Fig. II-47: Event Configuration Settings page
Fig. II-48: Edit Event Settings page
•Display Notification - A notification link will be displayed on the bottom of all pages and a record is added into the Events table. The
notification is executed as a link “Please Check your pending events!”. The link leads to the System Events page. This action also will take place
if Flash LED or Send Mail has been selected, even if not specifically selected.
•Flash LED - The second LED (yellow) will blink every second and a notification will be displayed on the bottom of all pages. For some events
the LED will start flashing after a delay.
• Send Mail – an e-mail notification about the new event on the Quadro will be sent to the e-mail address specified in the Mail Settings page.
• Send SNMP Trap – an SNMP notification will be sent to the traphost(s) listed in the SNMP Trap Settings table (see SNMP Settings).
• Send SMS – an SMS notification about the new event on the Quadro will be sent to the mobile phone specified in the SMS Settings page.
Actions that are not allowed for the selected event (like mail notification if the PPP link is down or the mail server has been configured improperly)
are hidden. For multiple events editing, actions that are not appropriate for least one of the selected events will also be hidden.
Please Note:
In case of an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) intrusion alert, onl y the first possible intrusion in each 10 minute period will initiate an
event. This helps to avoid flooding the System Events table, and flooding the user with various intrusion alerts that result from each possible Denial
of Service attack. When these events are displayed in the System Events table, the user can receive detailed information about the intrusions
through a link to the IDS log list.
If Quadro cannot receive an IP address from the DHCP or PPP servers, or cannot register an extension on the SIP or Routing servers, or cannot
reach an NTP server, it raises only one event for the entire period the action has failed, but will continue to try. When the required action is
successful Quadro raises an appropriate message.
To Assign an Action to the Event
1. Select the checkbox of one or more events to assign an action to them.
2. Press the Edit button. The Edit Event Settings page appears.
3. Select an action type from the Action radio buttons to notify the administrator about the event.
4. Press the Save button to submit the changes or use Back to abort the selected action.
Time/Date Settings
The Time and Date Settings page provides information about the current system time and date. The settings may be updated through the
international time and date servers.
Time is used to set the local time (hour, minute).
Date is used to set the date (month, day, year).
Enable Simple Network Time Protocol Server enables the SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) server on Qua dro, thus Quadro becomes the
timeserver for its LAN.
Enable Simple Network Time Protocol Client enables the
SNTP client on the Quadro, thus Quadro becomes a client to an
external timeserver. A checkbox disables Date and Time drop
down lists and enables the following parameters:
The SNTP Servers table lists all defined NTP Servers.
The Add functional button opens an Add NTP Server page
where a new NTP server can be defined. This page offers the
NTP Server radio buttons that are used to choose between a
manual and a predefined NTP server.
Manual requires the NTP server’s FQDN (Full Qualified
Domain Name) or its IP address.
Predefined is used to select the NTP server’s host
address from the drop down list, where the most common
NTP servers are listed.
The Move Up and Move Down functional buttons are used to
sort NTP servers in the order they need to be accessed. If the
NTP server in the first position of the SNTP Servers table does
not answer, NTP server in the next position will try to be
Please Note: You can add another NTP server to the list if the
defined NTP servers are not functional (for example, Quadro's
date/time is not being updated automatically).
Polling Interval indicates the time interval for the periodical
synchronization between the timeserver and Quadro. It counts
in hours.
Attention: Time and Date Settings will be reset if Quadro has lost power.
Fig. II-49: Time and Date Settings page
Fig. II-50: Add NTP Server page
Mail Settings
The System Mail Settings page allows you to send warnings automatically about the board status or problems to the administrator.System events
that require email notification are selected on the Events
message transmission to the extension user’s mailing account.
Quadro may automatically generate emails to the administrator:
•If events specified in the Events
list occur,
•If voice mails are set from the Voice Mail Settings to be sent as e-mail.
QuadroM 32x/8L/26x/12Li/26xi; (SW Version 5.2.x)
page. System mail must be enabled and the SMTP server needs to be configured for voice
+ 151 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.