Epygi Quadro Quadro 2x, Quadro 4x, Quadro 6x, Quadro E1/T1, QuadroCS Brochure

‘All in One Box’ Solutions
How do Us ers B enefit From the Quad ro?
A proven, centralised telecoms system that
unies all the company’s branches.
All the functions of a traditional PBX, plus a
host of additional features.
Easy to install and easy to use.
Compact stand-alone equipment that is com-
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) with tradi­tional telephone sound quality.
Built-in rewall and back-up landlines for security and peace of mind.
Makes a business appear more professional while reducing the cost of calls.
Who uses Epygi ’s Quadros?
Businesses with branch ofces. Businesses with overseas ofces. Small and medium sized businesses. Teleworkers and home ofce workers. VoIP service providers.
A New Era in Telecoms For Businesses, Brought to You by Epygi’s Quadros
Conference Server
Functions with the Quadro IP PBXs and most other SIP servers
Handles up to 25
simultaneous calls Huge reduction in call costs
E1/ T1 Vo IP Gateway/PRI Inte rface
For internet service providers:
E1/T1 interface Supports CAS ‘T1’ and PRI ‘E1’ signals 30 digital channels
Supports Radius Automatic operator Billing and charging
Epygi Tec hnologie s, Ltd. 6900 Dallas Parkway, Su ite 850 • Plano , Texas 750 24 Tel/Fax : 972. 692.1166 • Web: www.epy gi.com • E-mail : sales @epygi.c om
Integrating 5 technologies in one box:
Router + rewall
DSL modem (Ethernet) PBX (telephone switchboard)
Voice mail and auto­matic operator
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