Epson Stylus 800, Stylus 1000 Service Manual 4

Chapter 4
4.1 Over View.................................................................................................................1
4.1.1 Adjustment Required ................................................................................................................ 2
4.1.2 Adjustment Tools....................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Adjustment...............................................................................................................4
4.2.1 Platen Gap (PG) Adjustment .................................................................................................... 4
4.2.2 Input of Customer Data............................................................................................................. 7
4.2.4 Write to the Head Voltage Value............................................................................................. 10
4.2.5 Head Angular Adjustment....................................................................................................... 13
4.2.6 BK.-Linear Adjustment............................................................................................................ 16
4.2.7 Head GAP Timing Adjustment................................................................................................18
4.2.8 Bi-d adjustment ....................................................................................................................... 22

4.1 Overview

This section describes adjustment required when the printer is reassembled after repair. Read the instructions headed under “CAUTION” before starting adjustment.


Always perform adjustment using the program specified for each unit.
Ink cartridge used for this printer is one-time-cartridge. If the same c artridge is r einstalled, bubbles are formed in the printhead, which might cause dot missing. Therefore always install a new cartridge after removing the used one for repair.
The ink consumption counter is reset when the cartridge is replaced during the ink cartridge change sequence. Therefore be sure not to replace the ink cartridge without putting the printer in the ink cartridge change mode.
Use 720 dpi exclusive paper when printing the adjustment pattern.
Perform the each adjustment by using exclusive adjustment program.
Rev. A
EPSON Stylus

4.1.1 Adjustment Required

This section gives inf orm ation on the adjustm ent required af ter disass embling and r eassem bling. Be sure to perform the specif ied adjustment whenever you remove or replace the part for repair. Table 4- 1 lists the required adjustments for several units and corresponding adjust items, which must be accomplished in the order instructed in Table 4-1.
Table 4- 1. Required Adjustment
Replaced Unit/Part Adjustment Item and the Corresponding Menu
Printer Mechanism
C202 MAIN Board
After disassembling and reassembling the CR unit
Top frame
CR motor Ink drain pad 1. EEPROM reset (Refer Chapter 6)
Note) * The adjusting program doesn’t run without inputting the customer data.
1. Customer data writing operation * :Input of Customer data
2. Initial ink charge :Ink charge
3. Head VH voltage input :Write to the Head voltage value
4. Head gap adjustment :Head GAP timing adjustment
5. Bi-d adjustment :Bi-d adjustment
1. Customer data writing operation * :Input of Customer data
2. Head VH voltage input :Write to the Head voltage value
3. Head gap adjustment :Head GAP timing adjustment
4. Bi-d adjustment :Bi-d adjustment
5. Ink drain pad replacement (Refer to Chapter 6 Maintenance.)
Note) Whenever C202MAIN board is replaced with a new one, all stored
data of EEPROM is lost. This means that the ink consumption counter is lost. Therefore, whenever C202MAIN Board is replaced, the printer must be equipped with a new ink cartridge. Above listed adjustment items must be executed after replacing the ink cartridge with a new one.
1. Customer data writing operation * :Input of Customer data
2. Initial ink charge :Ink charge
3. Head VH voltage adjustment :Write to the Head voltage value
4. Head angular adjustment :Head angular adjustment
5. Black/color head vertical adjustment:BK.-M Linear adjustment
6. Head gap adjustment :Head GAP timing adjustment
7. Bi-d adjustment :Bi-d adjustment
1. Platen gap adjustment
2. Customer data writing operation * :Input of Customer data
3. Head angular adjustment :Head angular adjustment
4. Black/color head vertical adjustment:BK.-M Linear adjustment
5. Head gap adjustment :Head GAP timing adjustment
6. Bi-d adjustment :Bi-d adjustment
1. Platen gap adjustment
2. Customer data writing operation * :Input of Customer data
3. Bi-d adjustment :Bi-d adjustment
1. Customer data writing operation * :Input of Customer data
2. Bi-d adjustment :Bi-d adjustment
Rev. A

4.1.2 Adjustment Tools

Table 4-2 shows the tools necessary to adjust this printer and the menus to be adjusted.
Table 4- 2. Adjustment Tools
Tools for adjusting Item to be adjusted
Program disk for adjustment y DOS system y GWBASIC y Adjustment program (Version J70C00E)
Thickness gauge (1.1 mm)  Platen gap adjustment
The program disk for adjustment consis ts of the total of 40 files such as DOS system, GW BASIC.EXE, and adjusting programs. The adjusting menus in the program are as shown below:
Customer data writing operation Initial ink charge (Ink charge) Head voltage adjustment Head angular adjustment Black/color head vertical adjustment Head gap adjustment Bi-d adjustment
Main menu
Input of Customer data
Adjustment/Print inspection
Change of center value
Input of comment
Change of date
Change of time
Select Menu :?_
Sub menu
Ink charge
Write to the Head voltage value
All adjustment
Head angular adjustment
BK.-M Linear adjustment
Head GAP timing adjustment
Bi-d adjustment
Print inspection
Ink discharge
Customer data change/End
Select Menu :?_
Print inspection sub menu
Input M/C No. : ?_
Black voltage value :
Color voltage value :
GOS paper print test
S.F. paper print test
O.Q.A print test
Return to the MENU
Letter paper print test
Select Menu :?_
Figure 4-1. Adjustment Program Menu
Select the item in the light gray shaded box to perform necessary adjustment. You can proceed to the sub menu thorough the item in the dark gray shaded box in the bold line. Selecting “All adjustment” in the sub menu enables you to perform the following adjus tments consec utively; “ Head angular adjustment”, “BK.-M Linear adjustment” and “Head G AP adjustment/Bi-d adjustment” T his sec tion, however, only refers to the individual adjustment methods.
During adjustment, values such as Customer data, head voltage value, head gap adjustment
value, and Bi-d adjustment value are written into the EEPROM at the specified timing as follows;
Customer data : At performing “Print Inspection”.
Head voltage value : When the “Return” key is pressed after entering the
values during “Write to the Head voltage value” menu . The data is then transferred to the printer.
Bi-d/ Head gap adjustment value: At performing “Print Inspection”.
Rev. A
EPSON Stylus

4.2 Adjustment

This section provides detailed information on how to perform the adjustments listed below and the notice headed under “CAUTION”.
Platen gap adjustmentCustomer data writing operationInitial ink chargeHead voltage data writing operationHead angular adjustmentBK-M Liner adjustmentHead gap adjustmentBi-d adjustment

4.2.1 Platen Gap (PG) Adjustment

This adjustment is performed to obtain the appropriate gap between the head nozzle surface and the platen, and is necessary when the parallelism adjust bushing has been set off the position during disassembling and ass embling. which is adjusted by inserting the thickness gauge between the head nozzle surface and platen then turning the both left and right parallelism adjust bushings. This section describes how to adjust the PG gap in the correct order along with cautions.
The standard value for the platen gap w ith this printer is 1.1 mm
Never touch the thickness gauge with your bare hand.
Make sure there is no oil, foreign object, and rust on the thickness gauge.
Check if your thickness gauge is not warped by checking it with the flat surface or new gauge.
1. Set the PG lever to “+” (wide) position and shift the CR unit left. Then place the thickness gauge by sliding it from the rear (PF roller side) into the front. In this time, don’t contact the thickness gauge to the PF roller surface.
Be sure to level the thickness gauge when placing it onto the diamond cut rib on the platen plate.
2. Set the PG lever to “0” (narrow) position and shift the CR unit from left to right or vice versa by holding the upper side of the timing belt.
Printer Mechanism Viewed from the Left Side
Thickness Gauge
Black Head
Printer Mechanism Viewed from the Front
Color Head
Thickness Gauge
PF Roller
Diamond Rib
Figure 4-2. Thickness Gauge Setting
Diamond Rib
Rev. A
3. Turn the left parallelism adjust bushing to the rear (narrower) step by step toward the left parallelism adjust bushing set position, where the thickness gauge starts shif ting together with the CR unit. Then shift the lever one step back to the front (wider) from the adjusted position.
Left Parallelsm Adjust Bushing
Rear side (Close)
Push to the rear
Viewed from the Left Frame Side
Figure 4-3. Left Parallelism Bushin
4. Hold the upper side of the timing belt and slide it to move the CR unit from right to left or vise versa to confirm that the thickness gauge set on the platen does not move.
5. Return the PG lever toward “+” (wide) direction to remove the thick ness gauge, and slide the CR unit right. Then place the thickness gauge by sliding it from the rear (PF roller side) into the f ront. During this operation, don’t contact the PF roller surface with the thickness gauge.
6. Set the PG lever to the ”0” (narrower) position and shift the CR unit from left to right or vice vers a by holding the upper side of the timing belt.
7. Turn the right parallelism adjust bushing to the rear step by step to the right parallelism adjust bushing set position where the thickness gauge starts moving together with the CR unit. Then shift the lever one step back to the front (wider) from the adjusted position.
8. Hold the upper side of the timing belt and slide it to move the CR to conf irm that the thick nes s gauge set on the platen does not move.
Front side (Open)
Pull forward
Right Parallelism Adjust Bushing
Front side (Open)
Pull forward
Viewed from the Right Frame Side
Figure 4-4. Right Parallelism Bushing
9. Repeat the steps from 1 to 4 at the left end to confirm that the gap is correctly adjusted.
10. If the correct adjustment is confirmed, fix the left and right parallelism adjust bushings with the screws (CBS, 3X6).
Rear side (Close)
Push to the rear
When fastening the screws, be careful not to dislocate bushings from the adjusted position
The tightening torque for the screws (CBS, 3X6) is 4.5 kg ~ 5.5 kg-cm.
Rev. A
EPSON Stylus
After performing the PG gap adjustment, make sure that the “Cleaner Head” and head nose are in contact with each other by the proper portion by following the instruction below.
11. Set the “PG Lever” to the “+” (wide) position.
12. Release the “CR Lock Lever” by turning it forward using the tweezers, and shif t the CR unit f rom the CR home position to the right end of the “Front Paper Guide“. Then set the “Head Cleaner” to the wiping/rubbing position by turning the larger gear of the “Pump Motor Reduction Gear” in counter clock wise direction (forward).
Make sure that the “Change Cam” is set to the pump drive side during this operation. (Refer to
Figure 2-10 and 3-66 for the cam position.)
Stop turning the “Pump Reduction Gear” when you feel any resistance while turning the gear.
13. Slide the CR unit from left to right or vice versa by holding the upper side of the “Timing Belt” (or top edge of the CR unit). Then check if the “Head Cleaner” and color head nose (metallic fram e part of the head) come in contact with each other by 5 mm or more.
Head Nose
Head Cleaner
Figure 4-5. Contact Area of the Color Head and Head Cleaner
Contact Area :
0.5 mm or more
When sliding the “Head Cleaner” to the metallic frame part of the head, be careful not to slide into
the head surface beyond the metal frame.
Check the “Cleaner Head” from the front left of the printer whether the contac t portion of the color head and head cleaner is appropriate.
14. If you confirm the proper contact, return the large gear of the “Pum p Reduction Gears” in clock wise direction to position the cleaner head under the “Sub Cable Holder” securely. If the portion is not correct, check the positions for the “Head Cleaner” and “Pump Unit”, and replace the parts if necessary.
15. Return the “CR unit” to the home position manually and set the “PG Lever” bac k to the “0” (narrow) position.
Rev. A

4.2.2 Input of Customer Data

This operation is required when the C202 MAIN board is replaced. The program for this adjustment is used to write the Customer data (set for each destination) into the EEPROM on the ASP C202 MAIN board. If this program is not properly operated, it might caus e failure in reading CG data and installing various types of utility using Bi-directional interface. The procedure for this operation is described below.
Customer data writing is programmed to be performed ahead of other adjustments. Therefore you
cannot proceed to any other adjustments without executing this operation first.
1. Set this program to FFD on your PC and turn the PC on.
2. The program automatically sets up and the following menu appears on the screen.
Stylus COLOR 800 J70C00E Customer : Standard Customer DATA <
> 12-03-1996
3. Enter “1” for
4. Press
Input Customer data Adjustment/Print inspection Changing of center value Input of comment Change of date Change of time END
Select Menu ?_
“Select menu :?”
key, and the menu below appears.
Stylus COLOR 800 J70C00E Customer : Standard Customer DATA <
Input Customer data Adjustment/Print inspection Changing of center value Input of comment Change of date Change of time END
to select “
Figure 4-6. Main Menu
Input of Customer data
1 2 3 4 5 6 9
> 12-03-1996
1 2 3 4 5 6 9
” in the menu.
Select Menu : 1
Input the customer data
Memory-SW data (4col data) : ?
Figure 4-7. Input of Customer Data
5. Enter the 4-column code which corresponds to the destination for and press
6. After performing necessary adjustments , store the setting values in the EEPROM on the C202 MAIN board by selecting and performing
key. The customer codes for each destination is listed below:
0000 : EAI, EAI (Latin) 0101 : EDG (NLSP) EDG (NLSP) 0001 : Europe Standard (EDG, EFS, EIS, EIB, EUL)
“Print Inspection”
in the sub menu.
Rev. A
“Memory-SW data (4 col data)”
+ 18 hidden pages