PowerLite® D6000 Series
PowerLite D6150 PowerLite D6155W PowerLite D6250
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3840 Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806 185 Renfrew Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 6G3 www.epson.ca
1 Data sou rce: Pro jector Centra l.com, Jan. 2011. Ave rage of 1038 s hippin g model s for whic h the manu factur ers prov ided lu mens and total power data, all r esolu tions an d bright ness levels.
2 Color and white l ight output wil l vary de pendi ng on mod e selec ted. White l ight output mea sured us ing ISO 21118 standa rd.
3 Lamp li fe will va ry dep endin g upon mode selected, envi ronme ntal con dition s and usa ge. Lamp b rightn ess de crease s over tim e.
4 Re comme ndatio n based on normal room con dition s. Clean ing requ ireme nts may var y depe nding o n use, envi ronme nt and othe r condi tions. Cl eanin g inter vals may be adjuste d to accommodate the environ ment in w hich the p rojector is used.
5 Tested with JIS Z 8 901 Type 8 Dust ( size: 6.6-8.6 mic rometer s, dens ity: 2.9- 3.1g/cm3) with w ind spe ed = 0.25m/ sec.
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Copyright 2011 Epson Ame rica, Inc. CPD-3 4201 3/11
Robust Performance Cutting-edge Technology Low Cost of Ownership

PowerLite D6000 series projectors
Dust-resistant design meets cutting-edge technology.
Engineered with a robust, dust-resistant design, featuring advanced technology and networking
capabilities, the Epson D6000 series is the perfect solution for higher education lecture halls and
corporate conference rooms alike. With its unprecedented exhaust vent shutter, cable locks and
long filter/lamp life, the D6000 series gives you added peace of mind. Cutting-edge technology
such as the split-screen function, HDMI input and advanced networking features make your
investment a future-proof one.
The best-selling projectors in the world.
Epson understands business and education and has a solution no matter what your situation.
Built with image quality and reliability in mind, Epson projectors enhance communication and
inspire collaboration, while offering a low total cost of ownership. From long-throw projectors
to ultra-short-throw and all-in-one solutions, Epson has the model made for you.
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Brilliant image quality
3LCD technology — for quality and color
that’s beyond amazing
• 3 chips for full-time, vibrant color
• 25% less electricity required per lumen of brightness
when compared to 1-chip DLP projectors
• Over 20 years of road-tested reliability built into every projector
3LCD technology
3LCD chips
Dichroic mirror
Dichroic mirror
Amazing color and white light output
The PowerLite D6150/6155W delivers 3500 lumens of color
light output and 3500 lumens of white light output
PowerLite D6250 delivers 4000 lumens of color light output
and 4000 lumens of white light output
for true-to-life, vibrant,
colorful images. For today’s color-rich, multimedia content,
users want a projector that delivers both optimum white and
color imagery. That’s why the industry has developed a new
metric called Color Light Output.
; the
Award-winning Faroudja DCDi® Cinema
for advanced video quality
Faroudja DCDi Cinema is a video enhancement
technology, used primarily for film viewing, that
produces exceptional image quality without
introducing artifacts. Faroudja developed DCDi (Directional Correlational
Deinterlacing) to eliminate jaggy images by using a unique algorithm. This
algorithm, in combination with the technology’s decoding, deinterlacing and
enhancement features, won an Emmy Award from the National Academy
of Television Arts and Sciences in 2001.
Color light output
Always look for Color Light Output when choosing a projector.
•For optimum image quality and performance, the projector you choose
should offer equal levels of color and white light output
•When the two measurements are not identical, images do not look
balanced. Whites may be brighter, making the colored areas look
dull and flat
•The combination of color richness (Color Light Output) and brightness
(White Light Output) is as critical as the combination of bass and treble
would be when purchasing audio equipment
When color and white light output
are equal or balanced, colors are
authentic and vibrant.
When white light output is greater
than color light output, images may
appear duller.
How is CLO measured?
The Color Light Output spec measures Red, Green and Blue, each on a
9-point grid, applying the same method used in the ISO 21118 standard for
measuring White Light Output.
Brightness (or White Light Output)
measures the total amount of
white light projected in lumens
on a 9-point grid. It does not
measure color.
Color Light Output
uses 3 sets of a 9-point grid
to measure the primary colors
— red, green and blue, using
the same approach used to
measure White Light Output,
in lumens.
Quality and Reliability6
Brilliant image quality 5Brilliant image quality4
Quality and Reliability