Supplemental Information for CD-ROMs
This booklet provides supplemental information about the GT-7000 Scanner
Software CD -ROM and other application software CD-ROMs, and includes
the following sections:
1. About the PDF online manuals
2. Software Installation Instructions
The explanations of each application come with a paper manual or an online manual as PDF files. Please check before installing the software.
An explanation of how to read PDF files is in “1. About the PDF online
manuals”. Please note that some of the software manuals include
instructions for the retail version of the software. There may be some minor
differences between the software described and what is on the CD-ROMs.
Please read “2. Software Installation Instructions” for supplemental
information about the installation procedure.
Depending on location, not all the application software is available for every scanner
1. About the PDF online manuals
The following applications include on-line manuals:
Adobe® PageMill®
The following applications are included with selected models only.
Adobe Photoshop
Please follow the instructions below to access to the PDF online manuals
included in the CD-ROM.
1.1 How to install Acrobat Reader
To read PDF files, you need to install Acrobat Reader on your computer.
Follow the directions below to install Acrobat Reader:
1. Insert the GT-7000 Scanner Software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
Select your preferred language in the dialog shown by Autorun.
If the Autorun feature is not enabled, open the CD folder and
double-click “Cdsetup.exe”, then select your preferred language in
the dialog.

2. Click the
Reader Ver.3.01” is listed with a check mark in the application list.
All the software comes with a check mark in the application list by default. If
you want to read the PDF files before installing the other applications, you need
to disable all other software by clearing the check marks in the application list.
3. Click the “OK” button.
Add software
icon on the screen, then make sure that “Acrobat
1. Insert the GT-7000 Scanner Software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Double- click
folder on the CD-ROM.
When you finish installing, you can access the PDF files included in the CDROMs. To read the manuals in PDF format, double-click the file icons.
Reader 3.01 Installer
in the “Acrobat Reader\English”
1.2 Where to find the PDF files
Adobe PageMill
Insert the GT-7000 Scanner Software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
The Getting Started Guide for PageMill is a file named “Getstart.pdf” located
in the “PageMill\English\Userdocs” folder. Other PDF files in the
“PageMill” folder contain important information not included in the CD
Presto! PageManager
Insert the GT-7000 Scanner Software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
Double- click Setup.exe in "PageMgr" folder and install Presto!
PageManager. The user’s guide for PageManager , “PageManager User’s
Guide”, appears in the “Presto! PageManager for EPSON” folder.
TextBridge Classic
Insert the TextBridge Classic CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The user’s
guide for TextBridge is a file named “Userguide.pdf” located in the
“Tbcl98.95\Engl\TB_doc” folder.
Adobe Photoshop 5.0LE
Insert the Photoshop CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The user’s guide
for Photoshop is a file named “Userguide.pdf” in the “English” folder. Other
PDF files contain support information.
Adobe PhotoDeluxe
Insert the PhotoDeluxe CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The user’s guide
for PhotoDeluxe is a file named “GetStart.pdf” in the “English” folder.
Support information files can be found in the “Support” folder.