Material Safety Data Sheet
SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
1.1. Product identifier: EPSON Ink Cartridge T596C
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against:
Identified uses; Ink for Inkjet Printing
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet:
Distributor: EPSON EUROPE B.V.
Address: Azie building, Atlas ArenA, Hoogoorddreef
5,1101 BA Amsterdam
Zuidoost The Netherlands
TEL: +31-20-314-5000 FAX: +31-20-314-5100
e-mail: chemicals@epson-europe.com
Date Prepared: 30 May 2012
Revision: A
1.4. Emergency telephone number: Giftnotruf Berlin +49 030 19240
SECTION 2: Hazards identification
2.1. Classification of the mixture:
Classification (1999/45/EC); Not Classified
2.2. Label elements:Label in Accordance with 1999/45/EC
Symbol(s); None
Indication(s) of danger; None
Risk phrase; None
Safety advice; None
2.3. Other hazards:
Classification (PBT,vPvB(EC)No1907/2006); No data available
SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients
Substance / Mixture: Mixture (Ink Composition)
Ink Composition CAS No. EEC No. EU registration
Water 7732-18-5 231-791-2 Exemption < 80 None None None None
Proprietary organic
MSDS T596C Version 7.0
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for the moment
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SECTION 4: First aid measures
4.1. Description of first aid measures:
4.1.1. Eyes : Immediately flush with room temperature, low pressure and clean water for at least 15 minutes.
Seek medical attention if eye irritation continues.
4.1.2. Skin : Wash surface areas with soap and water. Wash soiled clothing before wearing again.
Consult a physician if irritation continues.
4.1.3. Inhalation : Remove subject to ventilated fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration right away.
If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek immediate medical attention.
4.1.4. Ingestion : Seek medical advice; and attention if stomach continues to be upset.
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed:
Skin:Ink contact with skin may cause irritation, swelling or redness.
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: Not necessary
SECTION 5: Fire-fighting measures
5.1. Extinguishing Media
5.1.1.Suitable extinguishing media: Dry chemical , carbon dioxide or water.
5.1.2.Unsuitable extinguishing media: None
5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture: None
5.3. Advice for firefighters: No special fire fighting procedures are required other than breathing apparatus.
No special explosion hazards are known.
SECTION 6: Accidental release measures
6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
For non-emergency personnel: Eye or Skin protection required during clean-up.Use proper ventilation.
6.1.2. For emergency responders: None
6.2. Environmental precautions: Do not release to sewer, surface- or ground-water.
6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up
6.3.1. Advice on how to contain a spill:
6.3.2. Advice how to clean-up a spill: Rinse area with damp cloth.Place waste in closed container for disposal.
6.3.3. Any other information: Do not dispose of waste to the sewer.
Reference to other sections: None
SECTION 7: Handling and storage
7.1. Precautions for safe handling
7.1.1. Recommendations:
Advice on general occupational hygiene:
Keep out of reach of children and do not drink ink.Do not dismantle cartridge.
Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. In the case of skin contact, wash with soap and water.
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
Do not store the cartridge in high or freezing temperatures. Keep cartridge out of direct sunlight. Do not store
cartridges with oxidizing agents or explosives. Make sure cartridge is dry before insertion into printer housing.
7.3. Specific end use(s): Not specified
SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection
Control parameters: Not established
8.2. Exposure Controls
8.2.1. Appropriate engineering controls: Proper ventilation, in prevention
8.2.2. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Use of personal protective equipment:
Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer. Detailed specification on equipment to provide adequate and suitable protection
(a) eye/face protection: Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer.
(b) skin protection: hand protection & others:
Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer.
(c) respiratory protection: Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer.
(d) thermal hazards: Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer.
8.2.3. Environmental exposure controls: Not established
Use sponges to wipe-up ink.
Wash hands with soap and water.
MSDS T596C Version 7.0
Page 2 of 5 Release Date 30 May 2012