Epson 9840 User Manual

Advanced Force Measurement
Model 9840
Digital Process Monitor
Interface, Inc. 7401 E. Butherus Dr. Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 USA
Tel: (480) 948-5555, Fax: (480) 948-1924
CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 4
QUICK START ............................................................................................................................................ 6
RUN MODE..................................................................................................................................................9
ITEM BUTTON................................................................................................................................................10
TARE BUTTON ...............................................................................................................................................10
RESET BUTTON..............................................................................................................................................11
VIEW BUTTON ...............................................................................................................................................11
ESC BUTTON.................................................................................................................................................. 11
UNIT BUTTON................................................................................................................................................12
SETUP MODE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................13
SETUP MODE............................................................................................................................................ 14
ENTERING NUMERICAL DATA........................................................................................................................ 15
ENTERING ALPHANUMERIC DATA .................................................................................................................15
>USER DATA ENTRY .....................................................................................................................................15
>>Base Area Ch A/B ............................................................................................................................... 15
>>Base Length......................................................................................................................................... 15
>ANALOG OUTPUT ........................................................................................................................................ 15
>SENSOR SELECT........................................................................................................................................... 17
SENSOR DELETE ............................................................................................................................................18
>CALIBRATION.............................................................................................................................................. 18
>>Cal Check............................................................................................................................................19
>>Cal by mV/volt (2-Point or 6-Point)....................................................................................................19
>>Cal by Masses or Torque (2-Point or 5-Point)................................................................................... 19
>>Cal by Shunt Val .................................................................................................................................20
>>Counts per Inch...................................................................................................................................20
>SYSTEM OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................21
>>Printer Baud........................................................................................................................................ 21
>>Auto Identify........................................................................................................................................21
>>Auto Zero Ch A/B................................................................................................................................21
>>Com Address....................................................................................................................................... 22
>>Com Baudrate..................................................................................................................................... 22
>>Com Line Feed....................................................................................................................................22
>>Retain Tare.......................................................................................................................................... 22
>>RS232 EOT Char ................................................................................................................................22
>DISPLAY OPTIONS .......................................................................................................................................22
>>Filter Select.........................................................................................................................................22
>>Decimals Ch A/B.................................................................................................................................23
>>Count By Ch A/B.................................................................................................................................23
>>Second Line.........................................................................................................................................23
>>Filter Window ..................................................................................................................................... 23
REMOTE OPERATION ........................................................................................................................... 24
DIGITAL INPUTS............................................................................................................................................. 24
USB Driver...............................................................................................................................................24
MODEL 9840 PG 1 PUB. 2856-16
Communications Settings .........................................................................................................................25
Communications Format..........................................................................................................................25
RS232 RUN MODE COMMAND SUMMARY....................................................................................... 25
RS232 RUN MODE COMMANDS........................................................................................................... 26
HELLO COMMAND (H)................................................................................................................................... 26
QUESTION MARK COMMAND (?) ................................................................................................................... 26
FRONT PANEL DISPLAY COMMAND (F) ......................................................................................................... 27
Front Panel View Command (FV)............................................................................................................ 27
Front Panel Set Command (FS)............................................................................................................... 27
Front Panel Alternate Command (FA).....................................................................................................27
Front Panel Pointer Control to Line 1 (F1).............................................................................................27
Front Panel Pointer Control to Line 2 (F2).............................................................................................28
VALUE COMMAND (V) FOR ONE OR BOTH CHANNELS....................................................................................28
PRINT COMMAND (P)..................................................................................................................................... 29
RESET TARE, PEAK, VALLEY OR POSITION COMMAND (R)............................................................................29
FREEZE DISPLAY COMMAND (X)...................................................................................................................30
TEXT DISPLAY COMMAND (T).......................................................................................................................30
RS232 SETUP MODE COMMAND SUMMARY...................................................................................31
RS232 SETUP MODE COMMANDS.......................................................................................................32
USER DATA ENTRY COMMAND (U)............................................................................................................... 32
User Data View Command (UV)..............................................................................................................32
User Data Area Command (UA).............................................................................................................. 32
User Data Length Command (UL)...........................................................................................................32
ANALOG OUTPUT COMMAND (A)..................................................................................................................33
Analog Output View Command (AV) ....................................................................................................... 33
Analog Output Set Command (AS)...........................................................................................................33
SENSOR COMMAND (S).................................................................................................................................. 33
Sensor View Channel A or B Command (SA or SB)................................................................................. 33
Sensor View Command (SV)..................................................................................................................... 34
Sensor Select Command (SS)....................................................................................................................34
Sensor Delete Command (SD).................................................................................................................. 34
CALIBRATION COMMAND (C)........................................................................................................................35
Calibration Check Command (CC).......................................................................................................... 35
Calibration Begin Command (CB)...........................................................................................................35
Calibration Escape Command (CE)......................................................................................................... 37
Calibrate by Millivolt-Per-Volt Command for One Point (CV)............................................................... 37
Calibrate by Millivolt-Per-Volt Command for Six Points (CMV6).......................................................... 37
Calibrate by mV/V Mass and Volt Commands (CMVM and CMVV).......................................................37
Calibrate by mV/V Torque and Volt Commands (CMVT and CMVV).....................................................38
Calibrate by Masses Command (CM)...................................................................................................... 39
Calibrate by Masses Point Command (CMP).......................................................................................... 40
Calibrate by Torque Command (CT) ....................................................................................................... 41
Calibrate by Torque Point Command (CTP) ........................................................................................... 41
Calibrate by Shunt Command (CS).......................................................................................................... 42
Calibrate Counts-Per-Inch Command (CI)..............................................................................................42
LIMITS COMMAND (L)................................................................................................................................... 43
Limit View Command (LiV)...................................................................................................................... 43
Limit Set Command (LiS) .........................................................................................................................43
Limit Setup Escape (LE)...........................................................................................................................44
Limit Reset Command (LiR)..................................................................................................................... 45
SYSTEM OPTIONS COMMAND (O).................................................................................................................. 45
MODEL 9840 PG 2 PUB. 2856-16
Option View Command (OV)....................................................................................................................45
Option Printer Baudrate Command (OP)................................................................................................ 45
Option Auto-Identify Command (OI)........................................................................................................46
Option Auto-Zeroing Command (OZ)...................................................................................................... 46
Option Com Address Command (OA)...................................................................................................... 46
Option Com Baudrate Command (OB).................................................................................................... 47
Option Linefeed Command (OL)..............................................................................................................47
Option Tare Retain Command (OT)......................................................................................................... 47
Option End of Transmission Character (OE)...........................................................................................47
DISPLAY OPTIONS COMMAND (D)................................................................................................................. 48
Display View Command (DV).................................................................................................................. 48
Display Filter Command (DF)................................................................................................................. 48
Display Decimal Command (DD)............................................................................................................ 48
Display Count By Command (DC)........................................................................................................... 49
Display Second Line Command (D2).......................................................................................................49
Display Second Line Text (DT) ................................................................................................................49
Display Filter Window Commands (DW)................................................................................................. 49
SYSTEM CALIBRATION MODE...........................................................................................................51
APPENDIX A -- MODEL 9840 SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................52
APPENDIX B -- CABLES AND CONNECTORS................................................................................... 55
LOAD CELL CONNECTORS .............................................................................................................................55
SERIAL PORT CONNECTOR............................................................................................................................. 55
DIGITAL I/O CONNECTOR.............................................................................................................................. 56
CHART REC. CONNECTOR..............................................................................................................................56
USB CONNECTOR..........................................................................................................................................57
PRECISION SHUNT CALIBRATION RESISTORS.................................................................................................58
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or part, without the prior consent of Interface, Inc. Copyright January 8, 2008 all rights reserved.
MODEL 9840 PG 3 PUB. 2856-16


The Model 9840 is a CE compliant and versatile precision instrument intended for the digital readout of strain gage sensors such as load cells and torque cells. Optical encoders are also supported.
Here is a quick listing of its features:
Full bi-polar 6 digit display (±999,999) using two line, 20 character, vacuum fluorescent display for clear, precise indication of measured quantities and limit status.
No knobs or dials. No internal jumpers. All adjustment and calibration is done using user-friendly front panel menus. Keylock option to prevent accidental or unauthorized changes to the unit’s setup.
Measure load and gross weight in pounds, kilograms, Newtons, PSI, MegaPascals, kilo-pounds, kilo-Newtons, metric tons, mV/V, or grams. User defined base area for PSI and MPa. Tare at any time. The sum of the loads on both channels is also availabe.
Measure torque and gross torque in Pound-Inches, Newton-Meters, Ounce-Inches, or mV/V. Tare at any time. The sum of the torques on both channels is also availabe.
Capture the load peak and valley, display in pounds, kilograms, Newtons, PSI, MegaPascals, kilo-pounds, kilo-Newtons, metric tons, mV/V, or grams. Reset at any time.
Capture the torque peak and valley, display in in Pound-Inches, Newton-Meters, Ounce-Inches, or mV/V. Reset at any time.
Measure position and velocity with optional encoder input. Display in English units, metric units, or in percent of a user defined base length. Reset at any time.
Four contact closure Limit switches. You can set which signal drives the limit (load, torque, peak, valley, position, or velocity), normally open / normally closed, set point, and manual reset (latched) or automatic reset (not latched).
Print current readings of load, torque, peak, valley, position, and velocity using the currently selected units at the touch of one button (optional).
Automatic identification of calibrated cells with auto-id option.
Calibration for cells using manufacturer’s milli-volt per volt calibration factor, 6 point
mass and milli-volt per volt, 2 or 5 point known mass, 6 point torque and milli-volt per volt, 2 or 5 point known torque, or internal precision shunt calibration. A back panel switch allows you to choose between two values used for the shunt calibration so there is no need to open the unit.
Analog output of any signal (load, torque, peak, valley, position, velocity) with user defined scale factor and offset. Large, buffered ± 10.00 volt output.
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Remote operation using standard RS232 ASCII command set.
Each unit is set up to interact with the InterView software that can save tests, export
data to a spreadsheet, and much more.
Back panel digital inputs for tare, peak and valley reset, position reset, and print. Other functions available as custom programmed options.
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This section will help you get your Model 9840 set up and operating in just a couple of minutes.
The back panel is shown below. You will need to make at least two connections here. First be sure that the power switch is off (the lower part of the rocker should be pressed in). Connect the AC power line and plug it in.
Next connect a load or torque cell to the 9 pin female connector labeled “Load A”. You should use the cabling supplied with your Model 9840 and Interface load or torque cell. If you do not have a factory supplied cable see Appendix B for the recommended cell connection.
You are now ready to turn on the power. Each time power is applied to the Model 9840 you will see a sequence of 6 messages appear on the front display. For example,
MODEL 9840 PG 6 PUB. 2856-16
# Message Meaning 1 Interface X.Y.Z This is the version number. 2 Serial # 12345
Option # 114236
3 Last ID A LD90437
Last ID B TQ12030
4 Ch A Max 4.00Lb
Ch B Max 4.00LbI
5 Ch A Cal 4.00000 mVv
Ch B Cal 4.00000 mVv
This is the serial number. This is the option number. The serial number of the load cell on Ch A. The serial number of the torque cell on Ch B Maximum rated load of the sensor on channel A. Maximum rated torque of the sensor on channel B. The mV/V constant used with the load cell on channel A. The mV/V constant used with the torque cell on channel
Note: If either of these sensors was calibrated by 5 –Point Mass, then 4 mV/V constants will be displayed here.
6 Ch A Exc 5.00 Volt
Ch B Exc 10.00 Volt
Excitation voltage used with the load cell on channel A. Excitation voltage used with the torque cell on channel B.
Each of these messages will be displayed for about 3 seconds. After that the front display will start showing the current readings from the sensor.
The example above shows that Load A is 0.0000 Lb. The second line of the display shows text.
To change what item is being displayed press the leftmost button. This will cycle through the list of items (load A, peak A, valley A, gross A, load B, peak B, valley B, gross B, channel A+B, pos, velocity, lim). If a torque cell is loaded on either channel, the display will show torq rather than load for the appropriate channel. Channel A+B will only appear when both channels are attached to sensors of the same type: load or torque.
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The rightmost button will change the units that are being used. Repeated presses of this button will cycle through the list of units available for the currently displayed item. For example, with Load A showing you would see Lb, kg, N, PSI, MPa, Klb, kN, t, mV/V, grams, and then back to Lb. With Torq A, you will see LbI, NM, OzI, and mV/V.
Switching from a load to a torque cell and back will automatically reset Analog, Limit, and Filter Window settings to zero and/or disabled for that particular channel. See information under each of these options for details on how they work.
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The Model 9840 has three modes of operation, Run mode, Setup mode, and System Calibration mode. At power-on it will be in Run mode.
The first line of the display show an item label (Load A), a value (0.0000), and a unit label (Lb).
The second line of the display can show the status of the 4 contact closure limit switches, show another display, show text, or be blank. The above example shows text (“INTERFACE MODEL 9840”).
To change what item is being displayed press the leftmost button. This will cycle through the list of items (Load A, Peak A, Vall A, Grs A, Load B, Peak B, Vall B, Grs B, Ch A+B, Pos, Vel, and Limits). If a torque cell is attached rather than a Load Cell, Torq A or B will replace Load A or B. Channel A+B will only appear when both channels are attached to sensors of the same type: load or torque.
The rightmost button will change the units that are being used. Repeated presses of this button will cycle through the list of units available for the currently displayed item. For example, with Load showing you would see Lb, kg, N, PSI, MPa, Klb, kN, t, mV/V, grams, and then back to Lb. Torq will show LbI, NM, OzI and mV/V.
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The table below summarizes the options. Whether the user sees torque or load for each channel depends upon the cell type that was calibrated or selected for that channel.
Load A/B Pounds, Kilograms, Newtons, PSI, MegaPascals, Kilo-Pounds,
Kilo-Newtons, Metric Tons, mV/V, grams. Peak A/B (Load) Valley A/B (Load) Gross A/B (Load) Channel A+B (Ld) Torq A/B Pound-Inches, Newton-Meters, Ounce-Inches, mV/V. Peak A/B (Torque) Valley A/B (Torque) Gross A/B (Torque) Channel A+B (Tq) Position Inches, Centimeters, Percent of Base Length. Velocity Inches per Minute, Centimeters per Minute. Limits
All of these measurements are acquired by the Model 9840 at all times with torque measurements acquired when a torque cell is attached to a channel and load measurements acquired when a load cell is attached. The display just selects which particular item you wish to see and what units are used to display or print this data.
The buttons have the functions indicated by the upper set of labels (Item, Tare, Reset, View, Esc, Print, Unit). Each of these is described below.
Pounds, Kilograms, Newtons, PSI, MegaPascals, Kilo-Pounds,
Kilo-Newtons, Metric Tons, mV/V, grams.
Pounds, Kilograms, Newtons, PSI, MegaPascals, Kilo-Pounds,
Kilo-Newtons, Metric Tons, mV/V, grams.
Pounds, Kilograms, Newtons, PSI, MegaPascals, Kilo-Pounds,
Kilo-Newtons, Metric Tons, mV/V, grams.
Pounds, Kilograms, Newtons, PSI, MegaPascals, Kilo-Pounds,
Kilo-Newtons, Metric Tons, mV/V, grams.
Pound-Inches, Newton-Meters, Ounce-Inches, mV/V.
Pound-Inches, Newton-Meters, Ounce-Inches, mV/V.
Pound-Inches, Newton-Meters, Ounce-Inches, mV/V.
Pound-Inches, Newton-Meters, Ounce-Inches, mV/V.
Shows state of each switch, 1 for on, 0 for off, dash for
disabled, asterisk for source error.

Item Button

The Item button cycles through the list of different items that can be displayed (Load A, Peak A, Vall A, Grs A, Load B, Peak B, Vall B, Grs B, Ch A+B, Pos, Vel, Limits). Torq A or B substitutes for Load A or B when appropriate. Use the Unit button to change the units that are used for the currently displayed item. Ch A+B is only available when the cells on both channels are of the same type (load or torque).

Tare Button

The Tare button sets the current load or torque to zero for channel A, channel B, or channels A and B. A submenu will allow you to select what channel you want to tare. It does not matter what is being displayed when you press this button.
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The load or torque is always reset to zero. A single channel unit will automatically set Load A or Torque A to zero.

Reset Button

The Reset button brings up a list of things that you might want to set to zero:
If this is a 2-channel unit, the following menu will appear:
> Reset Ch A + Ch B will reset the peak and valley for channels A and B. > Reset Ch A Only will reset the peak and valley for channel A. > Reset Ch B Only will reset the peak and valley for channel B.
> Reset Position will reset the position to zero.
> Reset Limits will reset any limits that require manual resetting. For a single channel unit, the following menu will appear:
> Reset Peak+Vall will reset the peak and valley measurements. > Reset Peak Only will reset the peak measurement.
> Reset Vall Only will reset the valley measurement. > Reset Position will reset the position to zero. > Reset Limits will reset any limits that require manual resetting.
Pressing either the “+” button or the “>“ button will scroll forward through this list.
Pressing either the “-” button or the “<“ button will scroll backward through the list.
Pressing “Enter” will reset the currently displayed item. Pressing “Esc” will return
to Run Mode without resetting anything. Note that all menu lists on the Model
9840 start with the “>“ symbol and that the Esc button will always back out of a
menu without making any changes.

View Button

The View button switches between two virtual displays stored in the memory.
Each of these displays will remember the units you have selected for each item,
and which item is currently being shown. This may save you from scrolling
through the list of items if there are two particular results that you often use. For
instance you might set the display to show Load in Lb, press View, and then set
the display for Peak in PSI. Repeated presses of the View button will now switch
back and forth between Load in Lb and Peak in PSI with a single button push. If
you choose to have the second line show a display, then the View button toggles
between the display currently being activated. The activated display will have a
“>” symbol to the left of it.

Esc Button

In Run Mode, the Esc button will freeze and unfreeze the run mode numerical
display. Press once to freeze the display at the current value. Press again to
return display to actual reading from sensor. See Setup Mode information for the
use of the Esc button during setup.
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Print Button

If the Print option is purchased, the Print Button can be used to either print data or
to freeze the display. If the Hold option is purchased, the functionality of the
button is set using the System Setup options. Otherwise, the button can only
control the ability to print data.
In Run Mode, if the System Setup Options Print/Hold button is set to Hold, the
Print button will freeze and unfreeze the run mode numerical display. Press once
to freeze the display at the current value. Press again to return display to actual
reading from sensor. See Setup Mode information for the use of the Esc button
during setup.
If the Print button is set to Print, it will send a set of data to the printer. This will
contain the current readings of load, peak, valley, position, velocity, and limit
status. The units used for printing will be the units last selected on the numerical
The printer must be a serial printer that supports ESC/P protocol. Many Epson
printers with serial ports are known to be compatible.
Appendix B gives the pin assignments on the serial connector.

Unit Button

The Unit button cycles through the list of units that are available for the item that is
currently being displayed.
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The table below summarizes the setup mode menus. Detailed information about each individual item is presented in the following sections.
Setup mode ╠══════
╠════════ ╚════════ ╠══════
╚════════ ╠══════ ╚════════ ╠══════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╚════════ ╠══════ ╚════════ ╠══════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠══════ ╚════════ ╚══════
>User Data Entry
>>Base Area Ch A/B >>Base Length
>Analog Output
Source Units Full Zero.
>Sensor Select
Channel Serial Number List Cal Info.
>System Options
>Display Options
╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╠════════ ╚════════
(password access and cell type) >>Cal Check >>Cal by mV / volt >>Cal by Masses or Torque >>Cal by Shunt >>Counts / Inch
Select NO/NC Enable Source Units Set Trip Latch Reset Done.
>>Printer Baud >>Auto Identify >>Auto Zero Ch A/B >>Com Address >>Com Baudrate >>Com Line Feed >>Retain Tare >>RS232 EOT Char
>>Filter Select >>Decimals Ch A/B >>Count By Ch A/B >>Second Line >>Filter Window
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Setup mode is used to change the setup of the Model 9840. To enter setup mode press the two end buttons at the same time ( “<“ and “>“ ). The row of four buttons will now function as indicated by the lower set of labels (Plus, Minus, Enter, and Escape).
If the optional keylock is in the locked position you will see “>Setup is Locked” when you try to enter setup mode. This prevents accidental or unauthorized changes to the setup of the unit.
To exit from setup mode and return to run mode press the escape button (Esc). When you are entering numerical data or selecting options from a sub-menu the escape button will back you out without making any changes.
The main menu in setup mode contains the following 6 entries which will be described in detail in the following sections. Note that all main menu items begin with the “>“ symbol and that all submenu items begin with the “>>“ symbol.
> User Data Entry -- allows you to set any common math options such as the base
area used to display load in PSI or the base length used to display position in percent.
> Analog Output -- is used to select the source and scaling for the standard analog
output channel.
> Sensor Select -- lets you manually set which load or torque cell calibration data is
used. If you use auto-id cells you will never need this menu.
> Calibration -- provides access to calibration for cells or optical encoders.
> Limits -- allows you to set the source and options for the 4 contact closure switches.
> System Options -- contains entries to set the printer baud rate, enable or disable
automatic sensor identification, enable or disable automatic load or torque zeroing, set the serial communications address, baud rate, line feed, and RS232 options, and choose whether or not to retain the most recent tare value through power down.
> Display Options -- lets you choose the filtering that is applied to the load or torque
measurements, an optional window of data incrementation on which to turn the filter off, the number of decimal digits that are shown on the display and on the print, the count by values for channels A and B (1, 2, 5, 10, or 20), and whether the second line of the display shows the limit switch status, a blank line, another display, or text.
The Plus or Right button ( “+” or “>“ ) will scroll forward through this menu. The Minus or Left button ( “-” or “<“ ) will scroll backward through this menu. The Enter button selects the currently displayed menu item. The Esc button will return you to Run Mode.
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Entering Numerical Data

At times you will need to enter numerical data into the Model 9840. The method is consistent in all cases. A number is presented on the left side of the display with an underline cursor.
Left ( “<“ ) moves the cursor left one position. If you are on the leftmost digit a new
zero will be added. Thus 1 from the tens place to the hundreds place.
Right ( “>“ ) moves the cursor right one position. If you are at the far right a new
decimal will be added if there is room. Thus 12.34 cursor has moved from the tenths to the hundredths place.
Plus ( “+” ) increments the digit above the cursor. Thus 12
that 9 will “wrap around” to 0.
Minus ( “-” ) decrements the digit above the cursor. Thus 12
Note that 0 will “wrap around” to 9.
Plus and Minus (both “+” and “-” at the same time). This will change the sign of the
number. Thus 12 you change the sign.
Enter accepts the currently displayed number.
Esc escapes from numerical entry and discards any changes that have been made.
.34 becomes -12.34. Note that cursor position does not matter when
0.000 will become 010.00 where the cursor has moved
will become 12.340 where the
.34 becomes 13.34. Note
.34 becomes 11.34.

Entering Alphanumeric Data

When entering cell serial numbers, the option of using numbers and/or letters from A to Z is available. This works in the same way as entering numerical data with the exception that no decimal point exists in the display.

>User Data Entry

This menu is used to enter numerical constants used by the math options. These constants are listed in a submenu that works exactly like the main setup mode menu. Typical items in this submenu are:

>>Base Area Ch A/B

This is the area in square inches that is used to calculate load in pounds per square inch (PSI) or Mega Pascals (MPa).

>>Base Length

This is the length in inches that is used to calculate position in percent.

>Analog Output

This menu is used to set up the standard analog output. Instead of a submenu there is a series of selections. Pressing escape at any time will leave the analog output unchanged and return you to the setup mode main menu. Note that when you change a cell type (from load to torque or back again) these settings must be reset for the new cell. If the unit is a 2-channel unit and the Analog Output B option has been enabled, the first option asks the user for the Analog Output channel. Select A or B. Then begin selecting the following settings.
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1. Source: -- This entry allows you to scroll through a list (using the left/right or
plus/minus buttons) to select the source of the data that will drive the analog output. The standard list will include load or torque, peak, valley, gross, position, and velocity. Channel A+B is an option which, if chosen, will appear only if the cells on both channels are of the same type. Press enter to select the displayed item.
2. Units: -- This entry allows you to scroll through the list of available units for the data
source you have chosen in the previous step.
3. Full -- This entry specifies the value of source data (in the selected units) that will
cause the Model 9840 to output positive full scale analog voltage (+10.0 volts).
4. Zero -- This entry specifies the value of source data (in the selected units) that will
cause the Model 9840 to output zero analog voltage (0.0 volts).
Once you have entered these 4 selections the analog output is setup.

4-20MA Output Option

This option allows the user to output with current (milliamps) rather than voltage. It operates similarly to Analog Output using the same submenus, but, in this case, the Full and Zero data entered control the distribution of output in milliamps from the unit given certain inputs to the cell. Particularly, the number entered for Zero will set the corresponding input in Lbs to output 12 milliamps (the mid-point between four and twenty milliamps) and the unit will extrapolate other output values between 4 and 20 milliamps.
If this option is enabled, the following steps will set up the unit: follow the instructions for Analog Output until "Source:" is displayed. Toggle through until the "Load A" is on the display. Press the enter button to bring up the "Lb" menu. Press the enter button again and the "4.0000 Lb Full" menu will be displayed. This is where the maximum Lbs for the cell should be entered. Press enter and the "0.0000 Lb Zero" menu will be displayed. This is where the offset from zero (the value in lbs that will give a 12 milliamp) should be entered. Press the enter button to return to the Analog Output menu and then press the escape button to return to the normal display.
Example outputs with varying Full and Zero Values (assuming a 4.00 Lb calibrated cell with 10 V excitation):
1. Full = 4.0000 Lb Zero = 0.0000 Lb
(Input) Mv/V (Output) Volt (Output) MA
4 10v 20mA
3 7.5v 18mA
2 5.0v 16mA
1 2.5v 14mA
0 0v 12mA
-1 -2.5v 10mA
-2 -5.0v 8mA
-3 -7.5v 6mA
-4 -10.0v 4mA
MODEL 9840 PG 16 PUB. 2856-16
2. Full = 4.0000 Lb Zero = 4.0000 Lb
(Input) Mv/V (Output)Volt (Output) MA
4 0v 12mA
3 -2.5v 10mA
2 -5.0v 8mA
1 -7.5v 6mA
0 -10.0v 4mA
-1 -10.0v 4mA
-2 -10.0v 4mA
-3 -10.0v 4mA
-4 -10.0v 4mA
3. Full = 2.0000 Lb Zero = 0.0000 Lb
(Input) Mv/V (Output) Volt (Output) MA
4 10.0v 20mA
3 10.0v 20mA
2 10.0v 20mA
1 5.00v 16mA
0 0v 12mA
-1 -5.0v 8mA
-2 -10.0v 4mA
-3 -10.0v 4mA
-4 -10.0v 4mA
4. Full = 2.0000 Lb Zero = 2.0000 Lb
(Input) Mv/V (Output) Volt (Output) MA
4 10.0v 20mA
3 5.0v 16mA
2 0v 12mA
1 -5.00v 8mA
0 -10.00v 4mA
-1 -10.0v 4mA
-2 -10.0v 4mA
-3 -10.0v 4mA
-4 -10.0v 4mA

>Sensor Select

This menu is used to manually select load or torque cell calibration data from a list stored in the Model 9840. When you select this menu on a 2 channel unit, you are asked to select Channel A or B. The cell serial number of the selected channel is displayed. Use either the left/right or plus/minus buttons to page through the list. The escape button will
MODEL 9840 PG 17 PUB. 2856-16
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