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AthlonTM Processors
The AMD AthlonTM is a seventh-generation micro architecture with an integrated
L2 cache, which is powerful enough to support the bandwidth requirements of a
large range of applications, hardware, graphics, and memory technologies. These
processors implement advanced design techniques such as:
Socket A (PGA 462)
266/333/400MHz system interface based on the Alpha™ EV6 bus protocol.
Three out-of-order, superscalar, pipelined Multimedia Units.
Three out-of-order, superscaler, pipelined Integer Units.
Fixed-sized internal instruction formats (MacroOPs).
72-entry Instruction Control Units.
AMD enhanced 3DNow!™ technology
L1 and L2 caches.
Dynamic branch prediction.
Socket A is the name for AMD’s new socketed interface designed to support AMD
AthlonTM processors. This innovation is made possible by integrating the L2 cache
memory on chip with the processor. Socket A will help enable smaller enclosures,
and ultimately result in a wider variety of solutions in the market.
The AthlonTM processors in the Socket A format continue to deliver the ultimate
performance for cutting-edge applications. Both bring to desktop systems running
industry-standard x86 software superscalar RISC performance. Being provided in
the Socket A format they are the world’s most powerful x86 processors. They easily
deliver the highest integer, floating-point, and 3D multimedia performance for
applications running on x86 platforms around.
It features full-speed, on-chip cache memory, a 266/333/400MHz front side system
bus, and enhanced 3DNow!™ technology. The AMD AthlonTM processor is
targeted at the performance segment, and as such will have more cache memory and
higher clock speeds.