EPIGY QX1000 Extension User Manual

QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide
SW Release 5.3.30 and higher
Edition 1, October 2013
QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide
Manual I: see Installation Guide
This guide describes step-by-step instruction to install and con f ig u re QX1000.
Manual II: see Administrator's Guide
This guide describes deta ile d th e men us a v ai lab l e f or administrators only and inclu d e s f urth e r all sy ste m d e f a ult v a lue s at a glance.
Manual III: Extension User's Guide
About this Extensi on User's Guide ............................................................................................................ 4
Extensio n Users Welcome P age ................................................................................................................ 5
QX1000’s Feature Codes ......................................................................................................................... 6
Establishing a call ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Using QX1000’s PBX Serv ices ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Outgoing Call Blocki ng ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Forwarding Management .......................................................................................................................................... 8
No Answer Call Forwa rd i ng M an agement .................................................................................................................... 9
Voice Mail Service s ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Voice Mailbox ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Personal Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Change Pa sswo rd ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Services for Incoming Cal ls ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Recording Box ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Conference Services ................................................................................................................................................... 12
QX1000’s Auto Attendant Services ............................................................................................................... 14
Call Codes Available in Auto Attendant ................................................................................................................................ 17
QX1000’s Graphical Interface ................................................................................................................ 18
Extension User’s Main Page ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Recurrent Buttons ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Recurrent Functional Buttons ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Entering SIP Add resse s Correctly ................................................................................................................................. 19
Extension User's Menus ........................................................................................................................... 20
Voice Mail Menu ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Voice Mailbox ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Voice Mail Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 22
Group List ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
Your Extension Menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Call Statistics ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
PBX Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Speed Calling........................................................................................................................................................... 27
Account Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
Supplementary S ervic es M e nu ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Caller ID Based Services ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Hiding Caller Information .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Incoming Call Blocking ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Outgoing Call Blocking ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Distinctive Ringing.................................................................................................................................................. 34
Call Hunting ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Many Extensions Ringing ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Call Forwarding ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
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QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide
Find Me / Follow Me ............................................................................................................................................... 39
Intercom.............................................................................................................................................................. 40
Emergency Interrupt ............................................................................................................................................... 42
Voicemail Profile ................................................................................................................................................. 43
Basic Services .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
General Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 43
Hold Music ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
Do Not Disturb ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Logout ...................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Appendix: Glo ssary .............................................................................................................................. 46
QX1000 (SW Version 5.3.x) 3
QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide About this Extension User’s Guide
About th is Extension User ' s Guide
The QX1000 Manual is divided into three parts:
Manual-I: Installation Guide gives step-by-step instructions to pr ovision the QX1000 and configure the phone extensions with the Epygi SIP Server. After successfully configu ring the QX1000 a us er will be able to mak e S IP ph on e c alls to remot e QX1000 devices, make local calls from extension to extension and access the Internet from devices connected to the WAN.
Manual-II : Admin istr ator 's Guid e that exp lains all QX1000 manag ement m enus avail able f or admi nistr at ors onl y. It incl udes a list of all Syst em Default Values.
Manual-II I: Ext en sio n User' s Gui de expl ains all QX1000 managem ent menus avail ab le for extens ion us ers . A list of al l cal l co des can be fou nd here in Extension User’s Guide.
This gui de c ontains man y exam pl e scr een illus tr ati ons. Sinc e QX1000 offer a wide vari ety of features and function alit y, the exampl e screens show n may not ap p ear exac t l y the same f or your particular QX1000 as they app e ar in t his m anual. Th e exam p l e sc reens are for illus trati ve and exp l anator y purposes, and should not be construed to represent your own unique environment.
QX1000’s Feature Codes expl ains all c all c odes av ailable for extens i on users. QX1000 ’s Auto At tendan t Servic es exp lains th e oper ating mod e of QX1000's aut o atten dant and l ists the call c odes that m ay be us ed to enter
the auto attendant .
QX1000’s Graphical Interface explains describes the QX1000's graphical user interface and explains all recurrent buttons. Extensi on U ser’s M ain Page explai ns the input opti ons avai l able for ext ension users and ad mi nis t r ators. Th e i nput opt i ons m a y b e select ed from
the extension user's main page Extension Settings.
Appendix: Glossary explains vari ous t echnical t er ms .
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QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide Extension Users Welcome P a ge
made by Epygi Technologies, Ltd. This product
Voice™ Digital Signal Processing technology to send crystal clear voice
, operates in
much the same way as systems with which you are already familiar: a telephone, a PBX,
, The Global Phone Network
Extensi on Users Welcome Page
Your Sys tem Ad minis tr ator m ay have s ent you suc h a welc om e page wher e you can fin d all ne eded in divi du al inf ormat i on to us e with QX1000 as an extension user. If not, we suggest that you print this page and enter the needed information manually to use it as a m em or y ai d.
You are using a QX1000 IP PBX incorporates SIP around the globe without associated fees for long distance. But, you will soon lea rn, i t does much more. Your QX1000 IP PB X, The Global Phone Network in a Box
voice mail , a phone book, etc. Beyond that, the QX1000 IP PBX provi des c apabilit ies you never believed were accessible in a customer premise telephony product. Soon you will experience the freedom and power of the QX1000 IP PBX
in a Box. To get started the following information is helpful.
Your extension nu mb e r is <extension number> and your password is <password> (optional). Remember to type the Auto Atten dant number when yo u pick up your phone receiver to find THE WELCOME
SPOT. *0 will take y o u d ire ctly t o v oice mail f or y ou r extension. *4 will confir m y ou r e x te n sion nu mb e r.
To reach your QX1000 IP PBX from a network con n e ction inside your office, home or place of utilization, connect a Web browser to IP address: <IP address> ( is t h e default IP ad d ress).
The email address of your QX1000 System A dministrator is <email address> The phone number of your QX1000 System A d ministra tor is <phone numbers>
Your SIP number (an Internet phone number) is <SIP number>@sip.epygi.com. This is a number you can giv e ot he rs in ord e r f o r the m to reach you. The SIP number to reach the Auto Attendant of your local QX1000 is <SIP number>@sip.epygi.com. Your SIP group link wh ich p rovides you a phone d ire ctory of numbers to call is:
http://www.epygi.com/sip/grp_view.php?viewgrp=<groupname> <groupname>
The email address of your SIP System Administrator is <em ail address> The phone number of your SIP System Ad ministrator is <phone numbers>
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QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide QX1000’s Feature Codes
(see further key codes below)
r beep
multiple attempts to reach the called destination).
If ca lling back is not possible, you will h ear t h e m essage “Th e dialed number d oes n’ t exist”.
, where you may
QX1000’s Feature Codes
This c h apt er d es c r ib es h ow QX1000’s f eat ur e codes al l ow t he user t o n a vigate t hr ough QX1000’s services with the help of a phone handset. These servi ces ar e Establishing a Call, PBX Services and Voice Mail Services.
Establishing a call
To make a cal l, di al the Routing Num ber. Routing Numbers and avai lable rou tes t o, from an d throu gh QX1000 ar e l is t ed in t he Call Routin g Table. T he Cal l Routing T able is c onfigur ed
and man ag ed b y QX1000’s Administrator. To receive information about dialing rules, please contact the administrator.
Please Note: You m ay acceler ate es tablishi ng a c onnection by enter ing a pound (#) sign dialed at the end of the routing number.
Using QX1000’s PBX Services
PBX Services accessible at the dial tone, characterized by beginning with the key : Entering the Voice Mail Services
Rediali ng automati cally
If you hang up afterwards, your phone will start ringing as soon as the last called destination is reached. If you keep th e handset lifted, the c on n ection will b e est ablished as s oon as the called p ar t y ans w ers . A specific beep sound will be heard during the entire aut o-redialing period (specified on the B as ic S er vic es page). Anothe
sound will be heard if no auto redialing is possible. To stop the auto redialing process, simply lift the h andset and hu ng up again.
Please Note: This service is functional for SIP and PBX calls only. For PSTN calls, this feature works as a single redial (with no
Calling back the last caller
Forwarding Management is configured according to the Unconditional Call Forwarding settings for An y Addr e s s or Other Addresses entries in the Caller ID Based Services table. If no unconditional forwarding is configured for Al l Address/Oth e r Addresses entries, the system will not activate the forwarding service and a voice message will ask to configure the forwarding settings first. (See further key codes below.)
Alternative Call Park
Th e ser vic e acts as an alt ern ative Call Park ded icated main ly to IP line us ers. T o park the c all usi ng the Altern ative Call P ark feature, the c all sh ould be hel d first us ing the ap propri ate Hold but ton on t h e IP P hon es (f or IP line us ers). W hen the call is held,
should be dialed to park the call.
Further actions are the same as for the Call Park service shown below.
Alternative Directed Call Par k
Th e s er vice acts as an alt ernati ve Directed Cal l Park dedic ated m ainly to IP l ine us ers , bu t c an als o be us ed b y loc al F XS us ers . To park the call using the Alternative Directed Call P ark f eat ur e, the c all s houl d be h eld firs t usin g th e appr opr iat e Hold b utton on the IP Phones (for IP line us ers). W hen t he c all is h eld, th e Cal l Park extens ion n umber should be dialed within the five second timeout.
Attention: If the five second timeout is exceeded, then the QX1000 will consider it as an attempt for retrieving the parked call.
Further actions are the same as for the Call Park service shown below. Enabling/d is abl ing the Do Not Dist ur b serv i ce turns off/on your phone bell for the time period indicated on the QX1000
management page Do Not Disturb Settings. Incoming calls will be routed to voice mail.
Blocking the last caller
The last c aller par ty will be b locked an d added to th e table on t he manag ement page Incoming C all Block ing unblock it later. This service is available for 10 seconds after the call has been terminated.
Attention: Bl ockin g the call er with anon ymous caller ID (f or examp le, anon ymous@ anon ymous or similar ) will lead to block ing all
callers wit h an un k n ow n c all er ad dress.
Getting the line information You will h ear you r li n e, ext ens i on an d S IP number .
Speed Cal ling is used t o add a new entry to th e Speed Call ing t able. A two digit speed calli ng c ode is r equir ed foll owed by th e destination number. In the Speed Calling table, th e r egis t ered dest in a tion will hav e an Auto call type.
Hot De skin g used t o login/log out to the pub lic phone wit h the virtu al extensi on. To login, th e extensi on and the pass word of the
preconf igur ed virtu al extens i on ar e req uir ed. Af t er log in, the phon e bec omes a f ull f eat ur ed QX1000 phon e with all su pplem entar y PBX feat ures avail able. When log g ed out, t h e pu blic phon e becomes avail ab l e f or oth er users t o log in and the extens ion whic h has been last us ed on th at ph on e b ec om es again virtu al .
Hold+ Call Park
 
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Number +
Number +
This feature code is on ly availab l e wh en the extensi on you dial is in t he call.
is used to hold the active c onnection, in order to place or rec eive a second call. When holding the first call, the user is
where t he call should be transferred to. Talk to the called party and then hang up. The call partner on hold will be c onnected
initiating the a conference call.
Outgoing Ca ll Blocki ng us ed to en able/ dis able t he ou tgoi ng c all f orward ing f or c ertain c all ed nu mber. A n y status ch anges will b e refl ect e d in th e Outgoing Call Bloc king table for the c orr es p on ding ext ension. If you en able the out g oin g call bloc ki ng servic e f or th e called number that does not exist in the Outgoing Call Blocking table, the corresponding entry will be automatically created. However , t h e entry will not b e deleted wh en you disable it. (See further key codes b elow.)
Mark the La st C all a s Ba d This will mark the last call in the system logs in the specific way and is u sed for diagno stics purposes only.
Logs Collecting
This will generate a special user's failure log with the details of the last call for administrator's revision. Use this code in the cases your admi nis trator h as ad vised you. You will get th e dialton e aft er thi s f eatur e c ode is dialed.
Easy Login/Logout Used by ACD agent to easy login or logout to all groups where it is subscribed to.
No Answer Call Forwarding Management is configured according to the No Answer Call Forwarding settings for An y Addr e s s
entries in the Caller ID Based Services table. If no No Answer Call Forwarding is configured for Any Addr e ss entries, th e system will not activate the forwarding service and a voice message will ask to configure the forwarding settings first. (See further key codes below.)
Access to the Shared Mailboxes used to access other extension’s mailboxes on th e QX1000. If the mailbox is configured as shared, no password will be prompted to enter it. Otherwise, the corresponding extension’s password will be prompted to enter its mailbox. The mailbox can be configured as shared either by administrator from Extension’s Management –Voice Mailbox Settings page or b y the ext ension’s user from Many Extensions Ringing page. Onc e ent er ed the other ext ens i on's m ail box, you wi ll get all the same menu options and functionalit y as you have in your o w n m ail box.
Listen in to the third party’s c all . Y ou wil l n ot be able to speak in t h e call.
 +
Whisper to the thir d p arty’s call. Y ou wi ll be abl e to l is t en t o th e c all a nd s peak only to extensi on you ha ve dialed.
+ Extension
Barge in to the third party’s call. You will be able to listen to the call and speak to all participants.
+ Extension
If you have problems using , , and  feature codes, turn to your system administrator for the corresponding configuration.
Intercept allows you to p ic k u p a ri ng in g c all on an ot h er sp ec ified extens ion after this feature code is dialed.
+ Extension
PBX services accessible during the call (for phones connected to the FXS lines), characterized by starting with the key Keeping a call on hold
able t o plac e a c all to a t hir d p art y, in part icul ar c ases f or c onfer enc ing ( 3 w ay c alli ng) or c all tr ans f erring purp oses . T o be able t o receive a second c all while curr ently bein g on a call, th e call wait ing servic e should be en abled on th e manag ement page Basic
Services. When a second call comes in, the beep sound indication is heard in the active call.
Transferring a call witho ut con su ltat ion
destination phone where th e call sh ould b e transf erred t o. Hang u p on the rin g tones . The c all on hold will be tr ansf erred t o the
specified destination.
Transferring a call with cons ulta t ion
to the called party. Joining active lines to start a conference call
Hold t he fir st call ( the conferenc e c all. To ter mi n ate the c onferenc e call with the firs t or s ec ond p ar t y, use c orr es p ond ingly
Attention: Pressing and w aiting for 5 seconds w il l ini t i at e a c all s w itch and wi ll connect you b ac k t o th e h eld p arty instead of
to hold a call partner and to get a dial tone (within approximately 1 second). Enter the phone number of the
to hold a call an d to get the dial t one ( with in ap pr oxim atel y 1 s econd ). E nt er the phon e numb er of t he destination
), make th e s ec ond call ( or receive a n ew on e) an d pr ess
to join b ot h active lin es together for
QX1000 (SW Version 5.3.x) 7
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enabled, the s ystem will ask for
d, the
(available on the dial tone)
Insert th e ext ension’s p assword and press
is alread y getting toggled)
and press 
To terminate the call Call Par k
Dial to the r em ot e l oc at i on an d call the extens i on that ini ti ated th e call pa rk t o pick up the par k ed call. If
the password authentication. If successfully entered, the parked call will be resumed. To use the C a ll Park feature, at least one Call Park extension should be created on the QX1000.
Attention: Th e Call P arking is v alid within the timeout defined by QX1000’s adminis trat or, durin g which hold mus ic (if conf igured )
will be played to the parked p arty. Con t act your system adm inistr at or if you need the call p arking ti m eou t t o b e modified. When the Call Park t imeout expires, a sh ort ring notif icati on will be s ent to t he p hone i nitiat ing t he call par king, and if n o on e pic ks up t he parke d call or if the phone is off the hook, the parked call will be automatically disconnected.
Directed Call Park
Hold the current call (
Attention: If the five second timeout is exceeded, then the QX1000 will c onsi d er it as an at t empt for retri e vi ng t h e p arked call.
Go to th e remote l ocati on and call t he call p ark extensi on that init iated the c all park to pick up the p arked call . If enable system wi ll as k f or the p assword aut h entication. If successfull y entered, the parked call wil l b e r esu m ed.
To use the C a ll Park feature, at least one Call Park extension should be created on the QX1000.
Attention: Th e Call P arking is v alid wit hin the tim eout d efined b y QX1000 ’s admi nistr ator, dur ing whic h hold m usic (if c onfigur ed)
will be played to the parked p arty. Con tact your syst em administrator if you need the c all parki ng ti m eout to b e m odified. When t he Call Park t imeout exp ires, a shor t ring notif icati on will be s ent t o the p hone i niti ating t he call par king, and if no on e pic ks up t he parked call or if the phone is off the hook, the parked call will be automatically disconnected.
For PBX services on IP phones accessible during the call, ref er to the “ QX1000 Feature s on Epygi Supported IP phones” an d “QX1000 Features on Epygi Tested IP phones” documents on the Epygi’s Web portal.
t o park a c all (s yst em wi ll pl ay th e SIP us er nam e of th e f irst av ailab le ext ens i on c onfigur ed f or th e call p arking) . Go
) and dial the call park exten s ion number within the five second timeout.
Park Extension
+ Call
Outgoing Call Blocking
Outgoing Call Blocking
Enable Outgoing Call Blocking
Di al a Cal led Number
to be block ed and press
Disable Outgoing Call Blocking
Di al a Cal led Number
to be unbloc k ed and press
Forwarding Management
(when this menu is accessed, the Unconditional Call Forwarding service
Toggle (enable or disable) th e U nconditi on al
Forwarding service again*
Forwarding Management
Please Not e: Using the Change the Forwarding Number option will change the first entry in the Unconditional Call Forwarding t ab l e w ith Auto
call type to the inserted Forwarding Number. Any oth er entries wit h Auto call typ e, as w el l as wit h oth er c all typ es w il l n ot be m odif ied. * Besi des An y Addr ess/Ot h er Addr ess es entry of t h e Uncondit ional C all Forwardi n g t ab le this t og gli n g also affects all those en t ri es t hat have Toggle
from Handset option selected. The states of th os e entr i es will be set equal to the state of Any A ddr es s / Ot h er A dd resses entry after toggling.
Change the Forwarding Number
Dial a new Forwarding Number
Confirm the new Forwarding Number with
or press to dial a new Forwar di ng Nu mb er.
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is alread y getting toggled)
and press 
reset factory default or Voice Mail Configuration Wizard activation
Dial the ext ension us er’s n ew Password and press
Confirm the extension user’s new Password and press
Recor d a Voice Mail Greeting and press
and move forward to the next step
Recor d a User’s name and press
Enter Voice Mail Services
Enter Voice Mail Services
Voice Mailbox Menu
Leave a Reminder
Play Previous Message*
Play Current Message
Play Next Message*
No Answer Cal l Forwarding Management
(when this m en u is accessed, t h e No Answer Call Forwarding service
Toggle (enable or disable) the No Answer Call
Forwarding service again*
No Answer Call Forwarding Management
Please Note: Using the Change the Forwar din g Numb er option will change the first entry in the No Answer Call Forwar din g table wit h Auto call
type to the inserted Forw ardi ng Num ber. Any ot her entries with Auto call type, as well as with other call types will not be modified.
Change the Forwarding Number
Dial a new Forwarding Number
Confirm the new Forwarding Number with
or press to dial a new Forwar di ng Nu mb er.
Voice Mail Services
The Voi ce Mai l Service s are di vided int o three p arts: Voice Mailbox, Personal Se ttin gs and Passwor d C h ang e. Each of
these parts has a hierarchy that is described below.
Voice Mailbox
* After the first boot-up of t h e QX1000 or if th e Voic e Mail C onf igur ati on W izar d is
manual ly enabl ed b y QX1000’s adm inis tr ator, ent eri ng t he V oic e Mail S ervic es for the first t im e wi ll ac t i vat e the V oic e M ai l Config ur at i on Wizard wh ich will prom pt th e essent ial user’s personal s ettings . Below are instr uctions on how to proceed w ith the Voice Mail Configuration Wizard from the handset.
Apply recorded Voice Mail Greeting
Apply rec or d ed User’s n am e and exit
Enter Voice Mail Services
Personal Settings
Change Password
Enter Voice Mail Services
for the first time after QX1000’s first boot-up,
Record Voice Mail Greeting again
Record Us er’s n am e ag ai n
The following key combinations are available to navigate through Voice Mail Services menus.
Voice Mailbox
After en tering th e voice m ail servic es (using t he keys press the key followi ng key com bin ati ons are av ailab le to navi gat e with in the
ne w mes sa ges.
* Durin g the m essage p l ayb ac k and keys change their
to enter the Voice Mailbox menu. The
Voice Mail Services
Send a Message or
Go to the top of the
Voice Mail Services Tree
 
Play First Message
Go one level up in the
Voice Mail Services Tree
Get Date/Time Info
QX1000 (SW Version 5.3.x) 9
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functi onalit y and s er ve to r ewin d and f or ward th e mes s age for
on the FAX m ach in e)
Reply or Forward a Message
assign the Normal priority.
Recor d a M essage
to assign the Normal priority.
Send a Message or Leave a Reminder
the Normal priority.
Normal priority.
the timeou t (by def au lt 3 seconds ) configured by t h e ext ens i on user from
The Voic e Mailbox menu h as the f ollow ing su b-hierarchy in the Reply or Fo rward a Mes sage an d the S end a Messag e or Leave a Remi nder menus:
Voice Mail Settings.
Print th e attached FA X
(and press START button
Play Last Message  Delete Current Message
Reply or F orw ard a
Call Back
as Urgent, or press pound to
Reply by Voice Mail
to mark the m essage
Recor d a M essage
(any FAX attached to the messa ge will b e also f orwarded)
Recor d a M essage
to mark the m essage as Ur g ent, or press p oun d
Forward a M essage
Destination Nu mb er
Dial additional
Destination Nu mb er
Destination Nu mb er
Recor d a M essage
to mark the m essage as Ur g ent, or press p oun d t o ass ign the
Please Note: This service is restricted regarding sending a message to PSTN destinations. A message will be successfully received by the
destination if all of the followi ng criteria are m et:
- The connection to the destination is successful;
- The voic e m ail s ervice is enab l ed on the destination;
- There is en ough spac e in the voice mail b ox of t h e des ti nation;
- The durat i on of th e forward ed/ replied m essage is less th an t h e m axi mu m v oice mail dur ation set up at the d est ination .
Dial additional Destination Number
Recor d a M essage
Urgent, or pr ess p oun d t o ass i g n
Leave a reminder
to mark the m essage as
Personal Set t i n g s
Use the di git  to enter the ar ea where the pers onal system m essages c an be modified. A voic e notific ation will pl ay the list of availa ble system messag es t h at m ay b e modified so the user can select the desired system message by the corresponding buttons:
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Change Pa ssword
(authentication required)
Enter Voice Mail Services
Review System Messages
Out of Office
Me/Foll ow M e
Greeting Message
Listen to Current
Recor d a New
Restore Default
Listen to Current
Recor d a New
Restore Default
Listen to
Recor d a New
Restore Default
Your Name
Listen to
Recor d a New
Listen to
Out of Office
Recor d a New
Out of Office
Out of Office
Listen to
Current FMFM
Recor d a New
Default FMFM
Stop Recording
or Playback
Stop Recording
or Playback
Stop Recording
or Playback
Recording or
Recording or
Out of Office
Recording or
Change Password
Use the digit  to enter th e area wher e the extens ion’s us er may chang e its pass word. This password is used to acc ess pers onal config uratio n settings (also voice mailbox) through the QX1000 Web Management and the voice mailbox through the handset.
Dial Old Password and press pound
Dial New Password and press pound
Confirm New Pa s sw or d an d pr ess p ound
Services for Incoming Calls
Calling to the extension
Skip the greeting message
extension’s Voice Mailbox
and enter the called
(during the greeting message)
Calling to the extension’s Voice Mailbox
Calling to the Zero Out
Skip the greeting message
and record a Voice Mail
In call queue
Leave the call queue and
recor d a Voice Mai l
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Call the extension to enter its Recording Box
Recording Box extension password may be required
if security is configured
Play First Recording
Get Date/Time Info
Play Last Recording
Delete Current Recording
Next Phon e with Vid eo Cap ab ility
Shows th e ne xt ph one with vid eo c ap ability. Also switch es f r om aut omatic m od e t o man u al on e.
Previous Phon e with V ideo Capability
Shows th e pr evious phon e w ith video capab il ity. Als o switches fr om a ut om at ic m od e to m anu al on e.
Start or Resume Conference Recording
Servic e is avai lable for Mod erators onl y.
Pause Conference Recording
Servic e is avai lable for Mod erators onl y.
Recording B ox
To reach the extension’s Recording Box from the phone handset, you should si mply call that extension by dialing its PBX number, SIP address or calling from PSTN.
* During t h e r ec or d in g playbac k functi on ality and serve to rewi nd and forward t h e recording f or the certain timeout (by default 3 seconds).
and keys c h ange th eir
Play Previous Recording*
 
Play Current Recording
 
Play Next Recording*
Conference Services
The f ollowing feature c odes can be us ed by conf erenc e partic ipants during a conferenc e call. (Applicabl e if the Conferenc e Server and Video Conferencing feature is activated on the system.)
Invite Participant
To invite a p art ic ip an t , di al * 1 + R out in g N um b er ). S ervice is av ail ab le for Moder ators only.
Get the number of participants in the conference Plays information about the total number of participants in the conference at the certain moment.
Get the state of recording Plays the state of conference recording (started, stopped or paused).
Lock the conference
Locks th e conferenc e. W hen c onf erenc e is l ock ed, n obod y can d ial i n any mor e. S ervic e is avail abl e for Mod erat ors only.
Unlock the conference
Unlocks th e c onference. Now participan t s are allowed to di al i n to the conferenc e. Service is avai lable f or M od erators only.
Dial out to all users with dial out set t in gs enabl ed
Initiat es th e dial-out to all p art icip ants cur rentl y inac ti ve in th e c onfer enc e but c onfigur ed t o be di aled out ( als o thos e added m anu al l y fr om th e h andset by mod erator). Service is avai l ab le for Moder ators onl y.
Dial out to all users partic ip ant to th e conference
Initiat es th e dial-ou t to al l partic ipant s curr entl y inacti ve in t he conf er ence. Ser vic e is avai lable f or Mod erator s onl y.
Automatic Video Switching Mode
With this k ey c om bi nation, th e lou dest speak i ng partici p ant is dis played on all vi d eo-capable phones. If that participant has no video capability, a black screen will be displayed.
Stop Conference Recording
Servic e is avai lable for Mod erators onl y.
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QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide QX1000’s Feature Codes
Request to Speak
With this k ey c ombin ati on, l ist ener requ ests t o sp eak and a notif ic ation hand-up ic on is disp lay ed in th e Conference Progress table. The moderator can then switch the particular listener either to speaker or lecture mode. With a speaker permission gr anted, listener can speak to the conference along with other participants. With a lecturer permiss ion grant ed, list ener c an sp eak t o the c onf erenc e h aving all oth er part ic ipan ts m uted i n th e conf er enc e. This service is available for listener participants only.
Cancel the Request to Speak
With this key c omb inat ion, lis ten er canc els h is r equ est t o speak and a not ific ation han d-u p ic on dis app ears f rom t he Conference Progress table. This ser vice is avail able for list en er p art icipants on l y.
With this key combination, any participants in the conference may mute and unmute themselves during the conference.
To access a conference from Auto Attendant, dial the Conference ID w h en in the Connection Menu.
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QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide QX1000’s Auto Attenda nt S e rv ices
g your password (if any). To navigate within your voice mails use the
QX1000’ s Auto Atten da nt Se rvices
QX1000’s Auto Attendant pr ovides remote access to the QX1000 voice connectivity services. Specifically, it supports remote connection to
QX1000 extens i ons alon g with th eir mailb oxes and mak ing pass-thro ug h calls t o other dest i n ations. R em ot e ac cess t o the QX1000 auto at tend ant is possible through IP and PSTN calls.
QX1000’s Auto Attendant c an be acc essed l ocally, r emotel y from the IP network (by diali ng Auto A ttendant ’s SIP ad dress) and from th e PSTN network (by dialing QX1000’s PSTN number) if the calls addressed to the QX1000’s PSTN number are routed to the Auto Attendant.
Attention: If the Auto Attendant authentication attempts fail consecutively five times, QX1000’s Auto Attendant will become unavailable for the next 5
minutes. The Auto A ttendant s ervices ar e divided sev eral featur e groups, but only Connectio n Service and Ext ensions Direct ory are supported by the
voice mess ages which helps the caller to navi gate within the area using the teleph one hands et buttons . Ot her ser vic es are available us ing the appropriate call code, but are not supported by voice messages. Thus, they are hidden for external callers.
Connection Service provides access to all extensions of the QX1000 device without restrictions. All QX1000 extensions may call each other dialing th e extens i on numb er . All external callers (us i ng PSTN or I P c all i ng ) can reach each QX1000 extension dialing QX1000’s phone number and using the Auto Attendant’s voice menu to be connected to the desired extension by entering the extension number.
Remote Enqu iry allows access to the mailb oxes of QX1000’s extensi ons (both, act ive or inacti ve) in order f or exampl e to check the voic e messages lef t f or an abs ent us er. The mai lbox ma y be prot ected b y a user pas sword (optional, set by the system administrator or user).
You may remotely access your mailbox dialing QX1000’s phone number and using th e Auto Atten dant ’s voice men u (key enterin
Voice Mailbox service call codes (for example dial 8 to hear the last message in your mailbox).
f or Voice Mail) and
Call Relay The QX1000 Auto Attend an t is regist er ed at Epygi’s SIP server by default.
It may b e used si mi l ar to a pri vat e switc hin g center if the A ut o A tt endant is routed to a particular ISDN trunk a “default user”. It then allows, for example, establishing cost-saving long-distance calls via PSTN to the QX1000 A uto Attend ant at the Unit ed States he adquarters , via IP to th e remote QX1000 Aut o Atten dant in the Off ice Asi a or via PST N to the othe r desired destinations (see
Access to Call Relay needs auth or i z ati on.
Remote Configuration Menu This menu all ows extens ion own ers to remot ely enabl e/dis able the Uncondit ional C all For warding s er vic e for Any Addres s or Oth er Addre sses
entries of the Unconditional Call Forwarding table. This menu requires extension authorization. For more details about the access key combinations, see
Forward ing Manag em ent.
Call Back
With the QX1000's Call Back servic e callers c an save th e call cha rge when calling to/through the QX1000 to the third party SIP or PSTN destinations. The QX1000 allow s you t o c onfigur e a lis t of trus ted callers that ar e all owed to make f ree of charg e calls. Two t ypes of Call B ack configu rati ons are avai lable on th e QX1000: Pre-co nfigur ed C all Bac k and Remote Call Back Configuration.
Caller ID Based Services table on the corresponding extension, as well as to change the certain forwarding number in the
QX1000’s Feature Codes).
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QX1000 Manual III: Extension User's Guide QX1000’s Auto Attenda nt S e rv ices
Pre-configured Call Back
For Pre-configur ed Call Back , a lis t of trus ted c all ers mus t b e c onfigu r ed in t he QX1000's Aut hor ized Phon es D at abas e usi ng Web Man agem ent. The Call B ack s ervice shoul d b e enab led and a valid c al lb ac k d est in ation should be spec ified for eac h c all er .
To use Pre-configured Call Back, the caller registered in the Authorized Phones Database should simply call to the QX1000’s Auto Attendant through SIP or PS TN, let the c all t o ring twic e and th en h ang up. Call B ack wil l be i nstant ly acti vated, and QX1000 will call back to the defined Call Back destination. By answering the incoming call caller will be connected to the Auto Attendant menu.
Remote Call Bac k Config ur at ion
The R emote Call Back Configuratio n servic e is used by authorized callers to configure or rec onfigure existing call back c onfiguration on the QX1000. Remote Call Back Configuration is divided into two modes accessible from the QX1000's Auto Attendant:
Permanent Call Back
Non-Permanent (Instant) Call Back
Please N ote: Rem ote C all B ack C onfi gur ati on servic es are only ava ilable when t he Automatica lly Enter C all Relay M enu checkb ox is dis abl ed in
the Call Back settings for the trusted user.
Permanent Call Back
Perman ent Call B ack ser vice allows c allers r egistered in the Au thoriz ed Phon es Databas e to creat e a new trusted caller with Call Back enabl ed. They c an also modif y the Call Bac k destinati on of existi ng callers i n the Authori zed Phones Database. B y calling QX1000's Auto A ttendant an d entering th e Auto A ttend ant m enu, t he call er c an us e the
modify the Call Back destination for the already registered callers in the Authorized Phones Database. By enteri ng Perman ent Call B ack r econfig uration menu, s ystem as ks caller to login by diali ng the number and an ap propriate password for the
QX1000's ext ensi on th at is us ed as logi n extens ion in th e C all B ack sett ings . Af t er pass ing t h e logi n, c aller s sh ou ld f ollow the voic e ins tr ucti ons for configu ring a new entry or reconf ig ur i ng exis ting entr i es in Authori z ed Ph on e dat abase.
When s yst em accepts the insert ed settings , the c orres ponding en try will b e logged t o the Aut horized Ph ones Datab ase. The c aller will then be disconnected from the QX1000's Auto Attendant and the defined Call Back destination will receive a call from the QX1000 within the next 45 seconds. Answering the incoming call, the caller will be reconnected to the QX1000's Auto Attendant.
Please N ote: The detected caller number must c orresp on d to th e one app lied b y t he c aller. I n c ase of PST N c all bac k at l east on e PST N lin e must
be avail abl e on th e QX1000. There must be network connectivity and the destination must be reachable.
Non-Permanent Call Back
Non-Per manent C all B ack c onfigur ation s ervice allows tr ust ed call er to org anize on e-time C all Bac k to th e defin ed desti nati on. In this sit uation, no entry w ill b e log ged t o th e Aut h orized Ph ones Datab as e. B y c alling QX1000's Auto Attend ant and ent ering th e Auto Att endant m enu, the caller can use
Database. The syst em will ask to login by dialin g the number and an app ropri ate pass word f or the QX1000's extens ion t hat is us ed as l ogin ext ensi on in the
Call Bac k settings . After log in , caller should fol l ow t h e v oice instruc tions f or r ec onfiguri ng t he existin g entry in A uthoriz ed Phon e d at ab ase. T he c all er will then be disconnected from the QX1000's Auto Attendant and the defined Call Back destination will receive a call from the QX1000 within the next 45 seconds. Answering the incoming call, the caller will be reconnected to the QX1000's Auto Attendant.
Please Not e: For both P er man ent C all B ack and N on-P erm anent Call B ack, the det ected c aller num ber must corresp ond to the on e configur ed for
trusted c aller. I n case of PSTN c all back at least one PST N line m ust be av ailable on the QX1000. Ther e must be network c onnecti vity and the destination must be reachable.
Call Routing Management Menu
This m enu is us ed to m anage t he rout ing entr ies i n the C all Rout ing table, i.e. to enable/disable certain dialing rules by dialing key combinations pre-configured on eac h r outi n g ent r y.
Dialing for an enabler/disabler key used to enable or disable the routing
rule(s) correspondingly. Since multiple routing rules may have the same enabl er/dis abler k ey combinat ions (the same key may b e used as enabler for one routing rule, and as disabler for another one), dialing the c er t ain k ey w il l affect all pr e-configured routing rules.
If the routing record has an authorization enabled on the enabl er/disab ler k ey, ad ministr ator’s pass word will b e req uired t o be inserted after the key. Once the administrator’s p assword is dialed , system plays a confir mati on about the acc ept ed conf igur ati on and the state of the certain routing rule(s) is getting modified.
If adminis trat or’s pass word h as been i nsert ed inc or rec tl y for 3 t im es , no status changes will be applied to any of the routing record(s), even to those wh ic h h av e no au thoriz ati on en abled.
menu (see QX1000’s Feature Codes) to modify the Call Back destination for already registered callers in the Authorized Phones
at the Auto Attendant welcome message, will ask
code (s ee QX1000’s F eature C odes) to c reate a new trust ed c aller as well as to
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