EPCOS B41890 User Manual

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors
Single-ended capacitors
Series/Type: B41890
Date: November 2008
© EPCOS AG 2008. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS' prior express consent is prohibited.
Single-ended capacitors B41890
Extended useful life 105 °C
Long-life grade capacitors for automotive electronics and lighting applications
High-reliability equipment in automotive, LED lighting and industrial electronics
High reliability and long useful life High ripple current capability Extra long useful life (10000 to 15000 h/105 °C) RoHS-compatible
Charge-discharge proof, polar Aluminum case with insulating sleeve Minus pole marking on the insulating sleeve Case with safety vent
Delivery mode
Terminal configurations and packing:
Bulk Taped, Ammo pack Cut Kinked PAPR (protection against polarity reversal): crimped leads, J leads, bent leads
Refer to chapter "Single-ended capacitors Taping, packing and lead configurations" for further details and ordering example.
Important notes at the end of this document.
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Specifications and characteristics in brief
Extended useful life 105 °C
Rated voltage V Surge voltage V
16 ... 50 V DC
1.15 V
Rated capacitance CR100 ... 6800 µF Capacitance tolerance ±20% M Dissipation factor tan δ
(20 °C, 120 Hz)
For capacitance higher than 1000 µF add 0.02 for every increase of 1000 µF.
VR(V DC) 16 ... 25 35 50 tan δ (max.) 0.17 0.12 0.10
Leakage current I
(20 °C, 5 min)
or 3 µA, whichever is greater
Self-inductance ESL Diameter (mm) 8 ... 12.5 16 18
ESL (nH) 20 26 34
Useful life 105 °C; VR; I
10000 h for ∅ ≤ 10 mm 15000 h for ∅ ≥ 12.5 mm
Requirements C/C ≤ ±35% of initial value
tan δ 3 times initial specified limit I
initial specified limit
Voltage endurance test 105 °C; V
10000 h for ∅ ≤ 10 mm 15000 h for ∅ ≥ 12.5 mm
Post test requirements C/C ≤ ±30% of initial value
tan δ 2 times initial specified limit I
initial specified limit
Vibration resistance test To IEC 60068-2-6, test Fc:
Displacement amplitude 1.5 mm, frequency range 10 … 2000 Hz, acceleration max. 20 g, duration 3 × 2 h. Capacitor rigidly clamped by the aluminum case.
IEC climatic category To IEC 60068-1:
55/105/56 (55 °C/+105 °C/56 days damp heat test)
Sectional specification IEC 60384-4
Important notes at the end of this document.
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Extended useful life 105 °C
Dimensional drawings
With stand-off rubber seal
Diameters (mm): 10, 12.5, 16, 18
Dimensions and weights
Dimensions (mm) Approx. weight d +0.5 l a ±0.5 b g 10 16 +1.0 5.0 0.60 ±0.05 1.9 10 20 +2.0 5.0 0.60 ±0.05 2.6
12.5 20 +2.0 5.0 0.60 ±0.05 3.6
12.5 25 +2.0 5.0 0.60 ±0.05 4.5
12.5 30 +2.0 5.0 0.80 ±0.05 5.3
12.5 40 +2.0 5.0 0.80 ±0.05 7.4 16 20 +2.0 7.5 0.80 ±0.05 5.5 16 25 +2.0 7.5 0.80 ±0.05 7.5 16 31.5 +2.0 7.5 0.80 ±0.05 7.8 18 20 +2.0 7.5 0.80 ±0.1 8.0 18 25 +2.0 7.5 0.80 ±0.1 9.0 18 31.5 +2.0 7.5 0.80 ±0.1 11.0 18 35 +2.0 7.5 0.80 ±0.1 13.0 18 40 +2.0 7.5 0.80 ±0.1 16.0
Important notes at the end of this document.
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Extended useful life 105 °C
Overview of available types
VR(V DC) 16 25 35 50
Case dimensions d × l (mm)
100 10 × 16 10 × 16 10 × 16 120 10 × 16 10 × 16 10 × 16 150 10 × 16 10 × 16 10 × 16 180 10 × 16 10 × 16 10 × 20 220 10 × 16 10 × 16 10 × 16 10 × 20 270 10 × 16 10 × 16 10 × 20 12.5 × 20 330 10 × 16 10 × 16 10 × 20 12.5 × 20 390 10 × 16 10 × 16 12.5 × 20 12.5 × 25 470 10 × 16 10 × 20 12.5 × 20 12.5 × 25
16 × 20 560 10 × 16 10 × 20 12.5 × 25 16 × 20 680 10 × 16 10 × 20 12.5 × 25 16 × 25
18 × 20 820 10 × 20 12.5 × 20 16 × 20 16 × 31.5
1000 12.5 × 20 12.5 × 25
16 × 20
12.5 × 40 16 × 25
16 × 31.5
18 × 20
1200 12.5 × 20 12.5 × 25 16 × 25
18 × 31.5
18 × 20 1500 12.5 × 25 16 × 20 16 × 31.5 18 × 35 1800 12.5 × 25 12.5 × 40
18 × 31.5 18 × 40
16 × 25 18 × 20
2200 12.5 × 30
16 × 20
2700 16 × 25
16 × 31.5
18 × 35
18 × 25 16 × 31.5 18 × 40
18 × 20 3300 16 × 31.5 18 × 31.5 3900 16 × 31.5 18 × 35 4700 18 × 31.5 18 × 40 5600 18 × 35 6800 18 × 40
Other voltage and capacitance ratings are available upon request.
Important notes at the end of this document.
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Extended useful life 105 °C
Technical data and ordering codes
C 120 Hz 20 °C µF
Case dimensions d × l mm
10 kHz
40 °C
120 Hz 20 °C
10 kHz 20 °C
100 kHz 20 °C
100 kHz 125 °C mA
100 kHz 105 °C mA
Ordering code (composition see below)
VR= 16 V DC
220 10 × 16 1.104 1.077 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A4227M*** 270 10 × 16 1.104 0.877 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A4277M*** 330 10 × 16 1.104 0.718 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A4337M*** 390 10 × 16 1.104 0.607 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A4397M*** 470 10 × 16 1.104 0.504 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A4477M*** 560 10 × 16 1.104 0.423 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A4567M*** 680 10 × 16 1.104 0.348 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A4687M***
820 10 × 20 0.595 0.289 0.074 0.062 1205 1567 B41890A4827M*** 1000 12.5 × 20 0.528 0.268 0.066 0.055 1820 2366 B41890A4108M*** 1200 12.5 × 20 0.528 0.224 0.066 0.055 1820 2366 B41890A4128M*** 1500 12.5 × 25 0.365 0.179 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890A4158M*** 1800 12.5 × 25 0.365 0.149 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890A4188M*** 2200 12.5 × 30 0.298 0.136 0.037 0.031 2860 3718 B41890A4228M*** 2200 16 × 20 0.365 0.136 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890B4228M*** 2700 16 × 25 0.288 0.111 0.036 0.030 2860 3718 B41890A4278M*** 2700 18 × 20 0.336 0.111 0.042 0.035 2490 3237 B41890B4278M*** 3300 16 × 31.5 0.240 0.100 0.030 0.025 3160 4108 B41890A4338M*** 3900 16 × 31.5 0.240 0.085 0.030 0.025 3160 4108 B41890A4398M*** 4700 18 × 31.5 0.230 0.077 0.029 0.024 3500 4550 B41890A4478M*** 5600 18 × 35 0.211 0.070 0.026 0.022 3840 4992 B41890A4568M*** 6800 18 × 40 0.173 0.063 0.022 0.018 4230 5499 B41890A4688M***
Composition of ordering code
*** = Version
000 = for standard leads, bulk 001 = for kinked leads, bulk (from d × l = 10 × 20 mm to 18 ×40 mm, excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 002 = for cut leads, bulk (excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 003 = for crimped leads, blister (from d × l = 16 × 20 mm to 18 × 40 mm) 004 = for J leads, blister (from d × l = 10 × 16 mm to 18 × 35 mm, excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 008 = for taped leads, Ammo pack, lead spacing F = 5.0 mm (from d × l = 10 × 16 mm to 12.5 × 25 mm) 009 = for taped leads, Ammo pack, lead spacing F = 7.5 mm (from d × l = 16 × 20 mm to 18 × 31.5 mm) 012 = for bent 90° leads, blister (for 16 and 18 mm)
Important notes at the end of this document.
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Extended useful life 105 °C
Technical data and ordering codes
C 120 Hz 20 °C µF
Case dimensions d × l mm
10 kHz
40 °C
120 Hz 20 °C
10 kHz 20 °C
100 kHz 20 °C
100 kHz 125 °C mA
100 kHz 105 °C mA
Ordering code (composition see below)
VR= 25 V DC
100 10 × 16 1.104 2.368 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A5107M***
120 10 × 16 1.104 1.974 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A5127M***
150 10 × 16 1.104 1.579 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A5157M***
180 10 × 16 1.104 1.316 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A5187M***
220 10 × 16 1.104 1.077 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A5227M***
270 10 × 16 1.104 0.877 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A5277M***
330 10 × 16 1.104 0.718 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A5337M***
390 10 × 16 1.104 0.607 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A5397M***
470 10 × 20 0.595 0.504 0.074 0.062 1205 1567 B41890A5477M***
560 10 × 20 0.595 0.423 0.074 0.062 1205 1567 B41890A5567M***
680 10 × 20 0.595 0.348 0.074 0.062 1205 1567 B41890A5687M***
820 12.5 × 20 0.528 0.289 0.066 0.055 1820 2366 B41890A5827M*** 1000 12.5 × 25 0.365 0.268 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890A5108M*** 1000 16 × 20 0.365 0.268 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890B5108M*** 1200 12.5 × 25 0.365 0.224 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890A5128M*** 1500 16 × 20 0.365 0.179 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890A5158M*** 1800 12.5 × 40 0.250 0.149 0.031 0.026 3340 4342 B41890A5188M*** 1800 16 × 25 0.288 0.149 0.036 0.030 2860 3718 B41890B5188M*** 1800 18 × 20 0.336 0.149 0.042 0.035 2490 3237 B41890C5188M*** 2200 16 × 31.5 0.240 0.136 0.030 0.025 3160 4108 B41890A5228M*** 2200 18 × 25 0.269 0.136 0.034 0.028 3010 3913 B41890B5228M*** 2700 16 × 31.5 0.240 0.111 0.030 0.025 3160 4108 B41890A5278M*** 3300 18 × 31.5 0.230 0.100 0.029 0.024 3500 4550 B41890A5338M*** 3900 18 × 35 0.211 0.085 0.026 0.022 3840 4992 B41890A5398M*** 4700 18 × 40 0.173 0.077 0.022 0.018 4230 5499 B41890A5478M***
Composition of ordering code
*** = Version
000 = for standard leads, bulk 001 = for kinked leads, bulk (from d × l = 10 × 20 mm to 18 × 40 mm, excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 002 = for cut leads, bulk (excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 003 = for crimped leads, blister (from d × l = 16 × 20 mm to 18 × 40 mm) 004 = for J leads, blister (from d × l = 10 × 16 mm to 18 × 35 mm, excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 008 = for taped leads, Ammo pack, lead spacing F = 5.0 mm (from d × l = 10 × 16 mm to 12.5 × 25 mm) 009 = for taped leads, Ammo pack, lead spacing F = 7.5 mm (from d × l = 16 × 20 mm to 18 × 31.5 mm) 012 = for bent 90° leads, blister (for 16 and 18 mm)
Important notes at the end of this document.
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Extended useful life 105 °C
Technical data and ordering codes
C 120 Hz 20 °C µF
Case dimensions d × l mm
10 kHz
40 °C
120 Hz 20 °C
10 kHz 20 °C
100 kHz 20 °C
100 kHz 125 °C mA
100 kHz 105 °C mA
Ordering code (composition see below)
VR= 35 V DC
100 10 × 16 1.104 1.579 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A7107M***
120 10 × 16 1.104 1.316 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A7127M***
150 10 × 16 1.104 1.053 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A7157M***
180 10 × 16 1.104 0.877 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A7187M***
220 10 × 16 1.104 0.718 0.138 0.115 965 1255 B41890A7227M***
270 10 × 20 0.595 0.585 0.074 0.062 1205 1567 B41890A7277M***
330 10 × 20 0.595 0.478 0.074 0.062 1205 1567 B41890A7337M***
390 12.5 × 20 0.528 0.405 0.066 0.055 1820 2366 B41890A7397M***
470 12.5 × 20 0.528 0.336 0.066 0.055 1820 2366 B41890A7477M***
560 12.5 × 25 0.365 0.282 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890A7567M***
680 12.5 × 25 0.365 0.232 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890A7687M***
820 16 × 20 0.365 0.193 0.046 0.038 2280 2964 B41890A7827M*** 1000 12.5 × 40 0.250 0.189 0.031 0.026 3340 4342 B41890A7108M*** 1000 16 × 25 0.288 0.189 0.036 0.030 2860 3718 B41890B7108M*** 1000 18 × 20 0.336 0.189 0.042 0.035 2490 3237 B41890C7108M*** 1200 16 × 25 0.288 0.158 0.036 0.030 2860 3718 B41890A7128M*** 1200 18 × 20 0.336 0.158 0.042 0.035 2490 3237 B41890B7128M*** 1500 16 × 31.5 0.240 0.126 0.030 0.025 3160 4108 B41890A7158M*** 1800 18 × 31.5 0.230 0.105 0.029 0.024 3500 4550 B41890A7188M*** 2200 18 × 35 0.211 0.100 0.026 0.022 3840 4992 B41890A7228M*** 2700 18 × 40 0.173 0.082 0.022 0.018 4230 5499 B41890A7278M***
Composition of ordering code
*** = Version
000 = for standard leads, bulk 001 = for kinked leads, bulk (from d × l = 10 × 20 mm to 18 × 40 mm, excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 002 = for cut leads, bulk (excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 003 = for crimped leads, blister (from d × l = 16 × 20 mm to 18 × 40 mm) 004 = for J leads, blister (from d × l = 10 × 16 mm to 18 × 35 mm, excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 008 = for taped leads, Ammo pack, lead spacing F = 5.0 mm (from d × l = 10 × 16 mm to 12.5 × 25 mm) 009 = for taped leads, Ammo pack, lead spacing F = 7.5 mm (from d × l = 16 × 20 mm to 18 × 31.5 mm) 012 = for bent 90° leads, blister (for 16 and 18 mm)
Important notes at the end of this document.
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Extended useful life 105 °C
Technical data and ordering codes
C 120 Hz 20 °C µF
Case dimensions d × l mm
10 kHz
40 °C
120 Hz 20 °C
10 kHz 20 °C
100 kHz 20 °C
100 kHz 125 °C mA
100 kHz 105 °C mA
Ordering code (composition see below)
VR= 50 V DC
100 10 × 16 1.248 1.263 0.156 0.130 965 1255 B41890A6107M***
120 10 × 16 1.248 1.053 0.156 0.130 965 1255 B41890A6127M***
150 10 × 16 1.248 0.842 0.156 0.130 965 1255 B41890A6157M***
180 10 × 20 0.672 0.702 0.084 0.070 1205 1567 B41890A6187M***
220 10 × 20 0.672 0.574 0.084 0.070 1205 1567 B41890A6227M***
270 12.5 × 20 0.576 0.468 0.072 0.060 1820 2366 B41890A6277M***
330 12.5 × 20 0.576 0.383 0.072 0.060 1820 2366 B41890A6337M***
390 12.5 × 25 0.413 0.324 0.052 0.043 2280 2964 B41890A6397M***
470 12.5 × 25 0.413 0.269 0.050 0.043 2280 2964 B41890A6477M***
470 16 × 20 0.403 0.269 0.052 0.042 2280 2964 B41890B6477M***
560 16 × 20 0.403 0.226 0.050 0.042 2280 2964 B41890A6567M***
680 16 × 25 0.326 0.186 0.041 0.034 2860 3718 B41890A6687M***
680 18 × 20 0.365 0.186 0.046 0.038 2490 3237 B41890B6687M***
820 16 × 31.5 0.269 0.154 0.034 0.028 3160 4108 B41890A6827M*** 1000 16 × 31.5 0.269 0.158 0.034 0.028 3160 4108 B41890A6108M*** 1200 18 × 31.5 0.259 0.132 0.032 0.027 3500 4550 B41890A6128M*** 1500 18 × 35 0.240 0.105 0.030 0.025 3840 4992 B41890A6158M*** 1800 18 × 40 0.192 0.088 0.024 0.020 4230 5499 B41890A6188M***
Composition of ordering code
*** = Version
000 = for standard leads, bulk 001 = for kinked leads, bulk (from d × l = 10 × 20 mm to 18 × 40 mm, excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 002 = for cut leads, bulk (excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 003 = for crimped leads, blister (from d × l = 16 × 20 mm to 18 × 40 mm) 004 = for J leads, blister (from d × l = 10 × 16 mm to 18 × 35 mm, excluding 12.5 × 30/40 mm) 008 = for taped leads, Ammo pack, lead spacing F = 5.0 mm (from d × l = 10 × 16 mm to 12.5 × 25 mm) 009 = for taped leads, Ammo pack, lead spacing F = 7.5 mm (from d × l = 16 × 20 mm to 18 × 31.5 mm) 012 = for bent 90° leads, blister (for 16 and 18 mm)
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