Shenzhen EnZhuoTe Technology Co.,Ltd

Warning Specifications
The extruder and hotbed of 3D printer would work in high temperatur e condition.
Do not touch the parts by hand directly. Even after the printing finished, the
working parts will still be in a high temperature state for a while. Please be patient
to wait for the cooling of the working parts and printed mode.
3D printer contains high-speed working parts, so please be careful not be clamped.
Please use 3D printer in an open and well-ventilated environment.
Please keep 3D printer away from water.
The temperature for using 3D printer is recommended for 8℃~ 40℃,humidity
20%~50%,if exceed the scope,it may bring bad print results.
In case of emergency , please unplug to turn off the power of the 3D printer dir ectly .