Grid Installation Instructions
Rev 0812
Grid Installation Instructions
V5 – 8/23/12
Frames and Mini Frames
Cartons contain ONE of Three Types of Frames/ Mini Frames:
a. End of Run (power/data opening in one end)
b. Mid Frame (power/data openings in both ends)
c. Freestanding Frame (no openings, single frame only)
Supports that attach to Grid Frames will be one of four styles (Packed separately):
A. Straight Legs - either with or without power infeed hole. Note: Grid legs are available in 2
heights – the shorter height puts power/data below the wksf while the taller height places
power/data above the top.
B. T-Legs - either with or without power infeed hole.
C. End Panels – don’t attach to Grid Frames but rather attach to worksurfaces with L” Brackets. In
this application a Grid Frame straight or T-leg is NOT NEEDED in the end of Grid Frame runs. The
Grid Frame is held up by a tether bracket that attaches the worksurface to the Frame (tether
brackets are described later in this manual).
D. O-Legs - don’t attach to Grid Frames but rather attach to worksurfaces. In this application a Grid
Frame straight or T-leg is NOT NEEDED in the end of Grid Frame runs. The Grid Frame is held up
by a tether bracket that attaches the worksurface to the Frame (tether brackets are described
later in this manual).
Note: Prior to setting up Grid Frames, note where power and data will be fed up through leg(s),
whether at the end or in the middle of a run. Make sure to install legs with power infeed holes
into Grid Frames at appropriate locations.
1) Identify from the labeled cartons the End of Run Frames and unpack these frames first. Turn
the Frames upside down to attach the legs. Take care that legs are inset 6” from Finished End
(end with no holes) as shown below, using a Phillips Head drive to assemble the 2” screws (P/N
UZBOLTU) and 10-24 weld nuts (UZWNUTA). The Legs are mounted 6” inboard at the end of a
run and when starting a 90 or 120 run of Frames. See pictures below of assembly process and
final product.
2) When two or more frames are used in a row, legs are shared (as shown below). This will occur
whenever the frame ends have cut-outs for electrical pass-thru. When only 2 frames form the
Spine wall, only 1 End of Run frame should have the shared leg mounted prior flipping the frame
over for final leg assembly.
3) When Spine walls of 3 Grid Frames are used the Mid Frames will not have any legs attached to
them. They will use the Shared leg from the End of Run Frames.
4) Spine wall runs of 4 Grid Frames or more will have 1 shared leg attached to each Mid Frame.
(This will be for the 4th, 5th, etc Mid Frames).
5) Flip over Frames and connect the shared legs of the Spine Wall (main run) with 10-24x2” screws
(UZBOLTU) and 10-24 weld nuts (UZWNUTA). Note: if using “T” legs Grid Frames will stand up
on their own. If using straight legs, a helper, chairs or walls must be used to hold up the table
during this step.
6) Top Caps must be removed by taking out the 4 - #8-32x3/4” Flat head screws(UZSCREWAL) on
the top of each Grid Frame using a #15 Torque head drive. (Leave Top Caps off until step #24).
7) Attach in-line panel to panel connections using 10-24 screw (UZSCREWW) and 10-24 lock nut
(UZWNUTB) through aligned holes at the top of the End Caps.
8) If the Spine wall does not have any 90 Degree or 120 Degree Grid Fin walls, go to Line#16.
9) If you are beginning a 90 or 120 Degree Fin Wall connection, refer to lines 1 & 2 above to subassemble Frames First.
10) For 120 Degree connections go to line #14.
11) The 90 Degree Fin wall will be attached to the Spine Wall using the UC90 Connector kit (UPP90
kit if power runs down Fin wall) in the orientation below: