Envision Xenics Gobi-640-17mm, Xenics Gobi-384-25mm User Manual

User Manual
Gobi-640-17µm and Gobi-384-25µm-GigE, CL, CXP Camera
User Manual
Gobi-640-17µm GigE/CL/CXP Camera and
Gobi-384-25µm GigE/CL Camera
www.envision.co.kr • Supporting your Vision
(주)앤비젼 서울시 금천구 가산동 550-1 IT캐슬 1동 603호 (153-768) Tel. 02. 2624. 5503 Fax. 02. 2082. 6427 e-mail. sales@envision.co.kr
User Manual
Gobi-640-17µm and Gobi-384-25µm-GigE, CL, CXP Camera
All products manufactured by Xenics nv are warranted as laid down in the sales conditions. Xenics nv has no other obligation or liability for defects than those set forth therein. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Xenics nv specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and
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© Xenics nv 2014. All rights reserved worldwide. This document must not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or transmitted to any electronic
medium or machine readable form without written permission from Xenics nv. Names and marks appearing on the products herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Xenics nv. All other
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Quality Assurance
The Quality Management System under which these products are developed and manufactured has been certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.
Xenics nv is committed to a policy of continuous development for which we reserve the right to make changes and improvements on any of the products described in this manual without prior notice.
www.envision.co.kr • Supporting your Vision
(주)앤비젼 서울시 금천구 가산동 550-1 IT캐슬 1동 603호 (153-768) Tel. 02. 2624. 5503 Fax. 02. 2082. 6427 e-mail. sales@envision.co.kr
User Manual
input and review
Camera functionality for GigE and CL moved to separate ICD.
Title chap. 2.2 added, chap. 1.2, 6.4 and chap. 7 small updates, table 2.1: weight added GigE camera
Firmware update Gobi-640-GigE (version 2013/05/31) & Gobi­New mechanical drawings
revision of Appendix D: Bolometer Control & Operation
Gobi-384 added / new revision of Appendix D: Bolometer added, info about Gobi-384-25µm added
New issue Appendix Bolometer Control & Operation, CL
Second released issue
Lens table updated
Gobi-640-17µm and Gobi-384-25µm-GigE, CL, CXP Camera
Revision History
Issue Issue date Changes Modified by
001 21/03/2012 First issue CDU
001.01 04/04/2012 Table 2.1 updated CDU
001.02 18/04/2012 Additional review CDU
001.03 30/10/2012
001.04 31/10/2012 Figs updated: are without IO expander CDU
001.05 29/11/2012 Camera feature and functions updated JDS
001.06 30/11/2012 Power cable diagram added CDU
001.07 11/02/2013 Link to table corrected CDU
001.09 19/04/2013 Chap. 1.2, 1.3, 4.2, 5.1, 6.3, 7 updated CDU
11/02/2013 22/02/2013
New sections added and other sections updated according to
New AutoGain algorithm Gobi-640-CL info added
001.10 05/06/2013
001.11 25/09/2013 02/10/2013
001.12 09/10/2013
001.13 13/11/2013 Review manual JDS
002 25/11/2013
002.01 06/01/2014 Trigger warning added CDU
002.02 19/01/2014 Updated mechanical drawing (rev D) JDH
002.03 20/01/2014 Updated Ref 7 Xeneth Installation Manual CDU
002.04 31/01/2014 Trigger-in delay and trigger-in jitter added CDU
002.05 26/02/2014 New issue Appendix F: Fr ame rate calcul ator CDU
002.06 28/03/2014 Gobi-640-CXP added JDS
002.07 31/03/2014 Appendix mechanical drawing updated (EASM file removed) CDU
002.08 25/04/2014 Table 1.1 updated JDS
002.09 02/05/2014
640-CL (version 2.1.1043) New revisions of mechanical drawings in Appendix B, new
Control & Operation Appendix D: Bolometer Control & Operation: new revision
interface: note about timing diagram added, Appendix F: frame rate calculator added,
Onboard algorithms updated XEN-numbers updated
002.10 13/05/2014 New revision of Appendix Bolometer Control & Operation CDU
003 13/06/2014 3rd release JDS
www.envision.co.kr • Supporting your Vision
(주)앤비젼 서울시 금천구 가산동 550-1 IT캐슬 1동 603호 (153-768) Tel. 02. 2624. 5503 Fax. 02. 2082. 6427 e-mail. sales@envision.co.kr
User Manual
Appendix B: New mechanical drawing
Reference document Xeneth Installation Manual updated for Xeneth 2.5
Table 2.4
Trigger, trigger-in delay and trigger-in jitter added
Table 1.1, Table
2.2, Table 4.1
Gobi-640-17µm and Gobi-384-25µm-GigE, CL, CXP Camera

Change Details

This table lists all changes of this issue compared to the previous released one. Chapter/Section Changes Modified by
Table 4.1 Trigger comment added CDU
4.3 Trigger warning added CDU
Table 2.2 Trigger, trigger-in delay and trigger-in jitter added CDU
CXP added JDS
Table 1.1 Updated (updated camera description) JDS Section 2.5 Onboard functionality updated JDS Table 3.1 Lens table updated JDS
www.envision.co.kr • Supporting your Vision
(주)앤비젼 서울시 금천구 가산동 550-1 IT캐슬 1동 603호 (153-768) Tel. 02. 2624. 5503 Fax. 02. 2082. 6427 e-mail. sales@envision.co.kr
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