Envision WebCam, V-CAM User Manual

User Manual
FCC Compliance and Advisory Statement. This hardware device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
©2007 Envision Peripherals, Inc. All rights reserved. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Some pictures are simulations and are not actual screen shots. The Envisio n logo and V-Cam are t rademarks of Envis ion Peripherals, Inc. All other br ands are the trademarks of their respective holders.
Thank you for purchasing the Envision V-Cam, a high-performance web c amera (webcam). The V-Cam produces high-quality images with smooth frame rates thanks to its 1.3-Megapixel CMOS image sensor and High-Speed USB 2.0 compatibility.
1.3-Megapixel CMOS image sensor
Maximum video resolution: 1280 x 1024
Maximum still image resolution: 2304 x 1728 (so ftware enhanced)
Video modes: RGB24, I420
Frame rates: 30fps at 640 x 480, 15fps at 1280 x 1024
Interface: High-Speed USB 2.0, backwards compatible with USB 1.1
Signal to noise ratio: >48dB
Dynamic range: >72dB
Image focus: 20cm to infinity
AWB (Automatic Whiteness Balance)
AE (Automatic Exposure)
5-glass element (5G) lens
Automatic face tracking
Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista
Minimum: Intel Pentium 4 1.4GHz or AMD Athlon 1GHz
Recommended: Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or faster
128MB RAM minimum, at least 256MB recommended
200MB free hard drive space
CD-ROM drive
16-bit color display adapter
Available USB 1.1 or High-Speed USB 2.0 port
NOTE: Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 with DirectX 9.0 installed or
Windows XP Service Pack 2, and High-Speed USB 2.0 are required for
1.3-Megapizel video and snapshot.
Do not plug in V-Cam into USB port before installing driver.
If V-Cam is already plugged in, please unplug it and follow the steps below.
Full-size CD can be loaded in all CD-ROM drives. Mini-CD can only be used with typical tray-loading driv es.
If you have a mini-CD, do not insert it into slot-loading CD-ROM drives; inste ad, please visit www.ENVISIONdisplay.com
to download the driver.
1. Insert the Driver/Application CD into CD-ROM. The splash screen will appear. Alternatively, open the drive directly and double-click autorun.exe to load the splash screen. From the splash screen select INSTALL DRIVER then select V-CAM.
2. At the installation wizard, click Install and follow the onscreen instructions to install driver and software applications.
NOTE: If a Digital Signature Not Found or Not Passed Windows Logo Testing dialog box appears, please choose the option to continue with
3. When the installation wizard has completed, click Finish to exit the wizard.
DRIVER INSTALLATION – Windows 2000/XP – Continued
4. Plug V-Cam into USB port. The system will detect the device and complete the installation automatically. When installation has completed successfully, the Camera Icon in the Taskbar will show “Web Camera is plugged in”.
NOTE: If the Found New Hardware Wi zard dialog box appears when V- Cam is plugged into USB port for the first time, first s elect No, not this time when asked whether to connect to Windows Update to search for s oftware. Next, select Install the software automatically (Recommended).
Follow the onscreen inst ructions. If a Digital Signature Not Found or Not Passed Windows Logo Testing dialog box appears, please choose the option to co ntinue with installation. When the wizard has completed, click Finish to exit .
When installation has completed successfully, the Camera Icon in the Taskbar will show “Web Camera is plugged in”.
Do not plug in V-Cam into USB port before installing driver.
If V-Cam is already plugged in, please unplug it and follow the steps below.
Full-size CD can be loaded in all CD-ROM drives. Mini-CD can only be used with typical tray-loading driv es.
If you have a mini-CD, do not insert it into slot-loading CD-ROM drives; inste ad, please visit www.ENVISIONdisplay.com
to download the driver.
1. Insert the Driver/Application CD into CD-ROM. The splash screen will appear. Alternatively, open the drive directly and double-click autorun.exe to load the splash screen. From the splash screen select INSTALL DRIVER then select V-CAM. NOTE: If An unidentified program wants access to you computer dialog box appears, choose Allow.
2. At the installation wizard, click Install and follow the onscreen instructions to install driver and software applications.
3. When the installation wizard has completed, click Finish to exit the wizard.
DRIVER INSTALLATION – Windows Vista – Continued
NOTE: If a dialog box appears asking Would you like to install this device software?, choose Install.
4. Plug V-Cam into USB port. The system will detect the device and complete the installation automatically. When installation has completed successfully, the Camera Icon in the Taskbar will show “Web Camera is plugged in”.
NOTE: If a dialog box appears informing you Windows needs to install driver software for you ENVISION V-VAM, choose Locate and install driver software (recommended ). If a Windows needs your permission to continue
dialog box appears, choose Continue. When d river in stall ation is comp leted, the I nstal lation Ic on in the Taskb ar
will show, “ENVISION V-CAM, Devise driver software installed successfully.”
The Camera Icon in the Taskbar will also show “Web Camera is plugged in”.
Windows 2000 / XP
1. Plug in V-Cam into USB port. The Camera Icon in the Taskbar should show “Web Camera is plugged in”.
2. Right-click on the My C omp ut e r icon in the desktop or Windows Start menu. From the menu that appears, select Properties.
3. In the System Properties dialog box, click on the Hardware tab, then click on Device Manager.
4. Click on the (+) sign next to Imaging devices icon, and make sure there is an entry for “ENVISION V-CAM”
Windows Vista
1. Plug in V-Cam into USB port. The Camera Icon in the Taskbar should show “Web Camera is plugged in”.
2. Right-click on the Computer icon in the desktop or Windows Start menu. From the menu that appears, select Properties.
3. In windo w that appears, loo k in the left pan e under Tasks and click on Device Manager.
4. Click on the (+) sign next to Imaging devices icon, and make sure there is an entry for “ENVISION V-CAM”
1. Left-double-click on the Camera Icon in the Taskbar to launch the video playback application. Alternatively:
Windows 2000/XP: click Start Programs ENVISION V-CAM AMCap Windows Vista: click Start All Pro grams or Programs ENVISION V- CAM AMCap
2. If no video appears, make sure Options Preview is checked to enable live video playback.
NOTE: If you wish to use V-Cam with internet chat programs such as Yahoo!® Messenger, Windows Live
or M SN® Messe nger, or SkypeTM, please close the AMCap video playback application by selecting File Exit. Follow the instructions of your chat application for enabling webcam functions.
The focus of the camera lens can be manually adjusted by turning the silver focus ring clockwise or counter-clockwise. The lens can focus from 8” (20cm) to infinity .
To chang e the li ve video resoluti on, select Options Video Capture Pin. In the Properties dialog box, select the desired resoluti on from the Output Size drop-
down box
NOTE: Windows 2000 Service P ack 4 with DirectX 9.0 installed or Windo ws XP Service Pack 2, and High-Speed USB 2.0 are required for resolutions above 640 x 480.
1. With the video playback application running, ri ght -cli ck on the Cam era I con
in the Taskbar, select Snapshot, then select the desired snapshot resolution.
NOTE: The available snapshot resolution depends on the currently selected video resolution. You can always take a snapshot at the same resolution as the current video resolution. Furthermore, higher snapshot resolutions via software enhancement may be available for certain video resolutions.
2. Still Image application opens when a snap shot is taken. To save the
image, from the top menu, select File Save As.
1. Make sure the live video playback application is running. Next, set the file
to which the video will be saved. From the top menu, select File Set Capture File.
2. In the Set Capture File dialog box enter a filename with the extension AVI,
for example “samplevideo.avi”, then click Open. In the Set File Si ze dialog box, enter the amount of disk space to set asid e for the video capture and then click OK.
3. To start recording, select Capture Start Capture. If a file was not set in
Steps 1 and 2 above, enter a file name and se t the amount of disk space as described above. Clic k OK in the Ready to Capture dia log box to start recording.
4. Recording will stop when the file has reached the size limit that was set in
Step 2.
5. To stop the recording early before the file size limit has been reached,
select Capture Stop Capture.
6. The recorded video can be viewed using Windows Media Player .
7. To record another video, follow Steps 1 and 2 above to set another file name.
Otherwise, the new re cor din g will o verw rite th e previou sly saved vide o.
NOTE: Recording a video can take up a significant percentage of system resources, including the CPU, memory, and hard disk usage. Select ing a lower resolution will help reduce resource usage and result in a smoother recorded video.
To access the advanced featur es, sele ct Options Video Fil ter Pin
Settings Tab
djust the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness, etc. to suit your personal preferences
Set the Flicker to 60Hz if in North Americ a and 50Hz if in Europe.
ADVANCED FEATURES – Settings Tab – Continued
Image Mirror – Changes into mirror image.
Image Flip – Turns the image upside down.
Low Light – Optimizes the image in low-light situations
In/Out Door – Optimizes the image for indoor or outdoor lighting.
USB Bandwidth – Decreasing the value will leave more bandwidth for
other USB devices, but will slow down frame rate. Leaving the Auto box checked is recommended.
Exposure – Adjusts the ex posure time o f the image s ensor. Increasing
exposure will slow down frame rate. Leaving the Auto box checked is recommended.
White Balance – Increase/decrease the amount of Red color and
increase/decrease the am ount o f Blue color in the image for manual white balance adjustment. Leaving the Auto box checked is recommended.
Flicker – Helps to reduce image flicker when V-Cam is used under
fluorescent lighting. Select the value that most closely matches you r local electrical AC frequency. For North America, choose 60Hz.
Backlight Comp. – Check this bo x to enable backlight compensation in
situations where there is strong light in the background, such as when there is a sun-lit window behind you.
B/W Mode – Check this box to set the image in black and white mode.
Auto LED Mode – Changing these settings will have no effect since this
particular webcam model does not have LED functions.
Default – Click on this button to restore all values in the Settings tab to
default factory settings.
Save – Saves the current settings to the camera. Previously saved settings
will be overwritten.
Load – Loads the most recently saved settings.
ADVANCED FEATURES –Effects Tab – Continued
Effects Tab
Customized Frame – Use a custom g raphic overlay on the video image.
Select the Frame File radio button, clic k on () to brows e for your graphic file, and then click on the Load File button. The graphic file should be a bitmap (BMP) and VGA (640 x 480) or lower in resolution.
Auto C ha nge – Automatically cycle through each of the Effect and Frame
selections every few seconds.
No effect & frame – turns off any selected Effect or Frame.
Select special effects and picture dis tortions.
Selec t frames and graphic overlay s to add to the video image.
ADVANCED FEATURES –Zoom Tab – Continued
Zoom T ab
NOTE: Certain advanced features are not available at higher video resolutions.
Effect, Frame, Zoom Control, and Fac e Tracking are enabled only in re solutions 640x480 and below. Furthermore, Effect and Frame settings are not available if Zoom Control or Face Tracking is enabled.
Enables digital z oom. Use the arrow buttons to pan around the image, and the slider bar to zoom in and out.
Enables face tracking. The camera w ill detect your face and digitally zoom in and automatically pans the image to keep y ou face within view.
The advanced settings can also be accomplished simply by right -clicking on the Camera Icon in the Taskbar.
If V-Cam becomes hot after being on for a long period of time, please stop the camera for a short while.
Avoid touching the len s with your hands or with sha rp or coarse objects. Use a clean soft cloth for cleaning.
Do not use V-Cam in extremely hot, cold, dusty, or humid environments.
Avoid dropping V-Cam as much as possible. Severe drops may damage
the lens, cause camera malfunction, or scratch the surface.
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