Envision NDZ 042 A11AC, NDZ 022 A11AC, NDZ 030 A11AC, NDZ 036 A11AC, NDZ 048 A11AC Installation Manual

• R-410A Refrigerant
• 2 - 6 Ton Single Speed
• 2 - 6 Ton Dual Capacity
Installation Information
Water Piping Connections
Desuperheater Connections
Startup Procedures
Preventive Maintenance
Envision Split Installation Manual
IM1592 06/07
N D Z 049 A 1 1 A C
Coax Options
Model Type C= Copper
N= Envision N= Cupronickel
Compressor Type Open Option
D= Dual Capacity A= Standard S= Single Speed
Hot Water Option
Cabinet Configuration 0= None
Z= Indoor Split 1= Hot Water Gerneration with
factory installed pump
Unit Capacity
Vintage 1= 208-230/60/1
A= Current
Model 022 030 036 042 048 060 070 026 038 049 064 072
Compressor (1 each)
Factory Charge R410a, oz [kg]
Coax and Water Piping
Water Connections Size - Swivel- in [mm]
1 [25.4]
HWG Connection Size - Swivel - in [mm]
1 [25.4]
Coax & Piping Water Volume - gal [l]
Weight - Operating, lb [kg]
164 [74]
174 [79]
212 [96]
213 [97]
Weight - Packaged, lb [kg]
184 [83]
194 [88]
209 [95]
All units have TXV expansion devices, and 1/2" [12.2mm] & 3/4" [19.1mm] electrical knockouts.
1 [25.4]
Single Speed Scroll Dual Capacity Scroll
1 [25.4]
Model Nomenclature
Physical Characteristics
Table of Contents
Model Nomenclature 2
Physical Characteristics 2
General Installation Information 4-8
Air Handler Coil Data 9
Line Set Sizes 9
Open Loop Well Water Systems 10-11
Closed Loop Ground Source Systems 12
Desuperheater 13-14
Electical Data 14
Thermostat Wiring 15
Wiring Schematics 16-17
Microprocessor Control Features and Operation 18-19
Operation Logic Data 20
DIP Switch Settings 21
Refrigeration 22-25
Unit Operating Parameters 26-27
Unit Startup 28-30
Pressure Drop & Recommended Flow Rates 31
Troubleshooting 32
Preventive Maintenance 33
Replacement Procedures 33
Physical Dimensions 34
General Installation Information
Safety Considerations
WARNING: Before performing service or maintenance operations on a system, turn off main power switches
to the indoor unit. If applicable, turn off the accessory heater power switch. Electrical shock could cause
personal injury.
Installing and servicing heating and air conditioning equipment can be hazardous due to system pressure and electri-
cal components. Only trained and qualied service personnel should install, repair or service heating and air conditioning
equipment. Untrained personnel can perform the basic maintenance functions of cleaning coils and cleaning and replacing
lters. All other operations should be performed by trained service personnel. When working on heating and air conditioning equipment, observe precautions in the literature, tags and labels attached to the unit and other safety precautions that may apply, such as the following safety measures:
Follow all safety codes.
Wear safety glasses and work gloves.
• Use a quenching cloth for brazing operations.
Have a re extinguisher available for all brazing operations.
Moving and Storage
Move units in the normal “up” orientation. Units may be moved and stored per the information on the packaging. Do not stack more than three units in total height. Do not attempt to move units while stacked. When the equipment is received, all items should be carefully checked against the bill of lading to be sure all crates and cartons have been received. Examine units for shipping damage, removing the units from the packaging if necessary. Units in question should also be internally inspected. If any damage is noted, the carrier should make the proper notation on the delivery receipt, acknowledging the
Unit Location
Locate the unit in an indoor area that allows for easy removal of the access panels. Location should have enough space for service personnel to perform maintenance or repair. Provide sufcient room to make water, electrical and refrigerant line connections. Any access panel screws that would be difcult to remove after the unit is installed should be removed prior to setting the unit. Care should be taken when units are located in unconditioned spaces to prevent damage from frozen water lines and excessive heat that could damage electrical components.
Air Coil Location
Refer to the air handler manufacturer’s instructions for the blower coil unit for details on installing the air handling portion
of the system.
Condensate Drain
Follow the blower coil manufacturer’s instructions.
Duct System
All blower coil units/air coils must be installed as specied by the manufacturer’s installation instructions; however, the following recommendations should considered to minimize noise and service problems. An air lter must always be installed upstream of the air coil on the return air side of the air handler or furnace. If there is limited access to the lter rack for normal maintenance, it is suggested that a return air lter grill be installed. Be sure that the return duct is properly installed and free of leaks to prevent dirt and debris from bypassing the lter and plugging the air
In applications using galvanized metal ductwork, a exible duct connector is recommended on both the supply and return air plenums to minimize vibration from the blower. To maximize sound attenuation of the unit blower, the supply and return plenums should include an internal duct liner of 1-inch thick glass ber or be constructed of ductboard. Insulation is usually not installed in the supply branch ducts. Ducts in unconditioned areas should be wrapped with a minimum of 1-inch duct insulation. Application of the unit to uninsulated ductwork in an unconditioned space is not recommended as the unit’s performance will be adversely affected. If the air handler is connected to existing ductwork, a previous check should have
been made to assure that the duct system has the capacity to handle the air required for the unit application. If ducting is too
General Installation Information (continued)
small, as in replacement of heating only systems, larger ductwork should be installed. All existing ductwork should be
checked for leaks and repairs made accordingly. The duct systems and diffusers should be sized to handle the design
airow quietly. If air noise or excessive airow is a problem, the blower speed can be changed to a lower speed to
reduce airow. This will reduce the performance of the unit slightly in heating; however, it will increase the temperature
rise across the air coil. Airow must still meet minimum requirements.
Equipment Selection
The following guidelines should be used when mating an Envision Split to an air handler/coil.
Select R-410A components only.
• Select 12 SEER or higher air handler/coil.
• Match the air handler to the air handler coil data table on page 9.
Indoor matching adjustable TXV should be used with any air handler/coil. Fixed orice or cap tube systems
• should not be used.
Utilizing Existing Coil or Air Handler
It is recommended that a new R-410A air handler be installed with an Envision Split considering the long term ben­ets of reliability, warranty, etc. versus the short term installation cost savings. However, the existing air handler may be retained provided the following:
Coil currently is R-410A rated
Coil uses a TXV. No capillary or xed orice systems should be used
A life expectancy of more than 7 years remaining for the air handler and components
Thermostat Wire From Air Handler
Vibration Absorbing Pad or Air Pad
P/T Plugs
Water Out
Water In
Lineset To Air Handler
Insulated Suction Line
Wire To
Condensate Drain
(must be trapped)
To Drain
Remote Air Handler
(Maximum Recommended Distance is
50' Between Units)
Connection to Air Coil
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate typical Envision Split installations. The table on page 9 shows typical lineset diameters and maximum length. Linesets over 60 feet are not recommended. If the lineset is kinked or deformed and cannot be reformed, the bad section of pipe should be replaced. A restricted lineset will affect unit performance. As in all R-410A equipment, a reversible liquid line lter drier is required to insure all moisture is removed from the system. This drier should be replaced whenever “breaking into” the system for service. All linesets should be insulated with a minimum of 1/2” closed cell insula­tion. All exterior insulation should be painted with UV resistant paint or covering to insure long insulation life.
Air Handler Installation
Air handlers used with dual capacity units must be capable of operating with a minimum of 2 blower speeds. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the blower coil unit for details on installing the air handling portion of the system. All blower coil units/air coils must be installed as specied by the manufacturer’s installations instructions. However, the following rec-
ommendations should be considered to minimize noise and service problems.
An air lter must always be installed upstream of the air coil on the return air side of the air handler of furnace. If there is limited access to the lter rack for normal maintenance, it is suggested that a return air lter grille be installed. Be sure that the return duct is properly installed and free of leaks to prevent dirt and debris from bypassing the lter and plugging the air
Ensure that the line set size is appropriate to the capacity of the unit (refer to page 9). Line sets should be routed as di-
rectly as possible, avoiding unnecessary bends or turns. All wall penetrations should be sealed properly. Line set should not come into direct contact with water pipes, oor joists, wall studs, duct work, oors, walls and brick. Line set should not be suspended from joists or studs with a rigid wire or strap which comes into direct contact with the tubing. Wide hanger strips which conform to the shape of the tubing are recommended. Isolate hanger straps from line set insulation by using metal sleeves bent to conform to the shape of insulation. Line set insulation should be pliable, and should completely surround the
refrigerant line.
Notes: Improper installation of equipment may result in undesirable noise levels in the living areas.
Figure 1: Typical Split System Application with Remote Blower Coil
Wire From Furnace
Vibration Absorbing Pad or Air Pad
P/T Plugs
Wire To
Fossil Fuel
(must be trapped)
"A" or
Slab Coil
Supply Duct
Air Temperature Limit Switch ­to prevent compressor operation when entering air is greater than 90°F.
Water Out
Water In
Lineset To Air Handler
Suction Line
Dual Fuel Systems
Envision units can be connected to fossil fuel furnaces that include an A-coil or slab coil. Dual fuel installations utilize the
Envision heat pump for heating until the point that auxiliary heat is called for on the thermostat. At that point, the furnace will be enabled and the heat pump will be disabled. The Envision heat pump provides air conditioning through the furnace’s
refrigerant coils.
Refer to the furnace manufacturer’s installation manual for the furnace installation, wiring and coil insertion. A
WaterFurnace Dual Fuel thermostat, a eld-installed DPST relay or dual capacity auxiliary heat relay is required. See Figure
2 for typical Dual Fuel application.
In add-on Envision Split applications, the coil should be located in the supply side of the furnace to avoid condensation damage to the furnace heat exchanger. A high temperature limit should be installed upstream of the coil to de-energize the compressor whenever the furnace is operating. Without this switch, the Envision Split will trip out on high pressure. A dual fuel thermostat can remove the Y1 and Y2 calls when a W call is energized to allow gas furnace backup on an Envision Split application. Refer to thermostat wiring on page 15 for details.
Figure 2: Typical Split System Heat Pump Coil Add-On Fossil Fuel Furnace
Locking Ring
Stainless Steel Snap Ring
Gasket Support Sleeve
Gasket Material
Water Piping
The proper water ow must be provided to each unit whenever the unit
Figure 3: Swivel Connections (Residential Units)
operates. To assure proper ow, use pressure/temperature ports to deter­mine the ow rate. These ports should be located at the supply and return water connections on the unit. The proper ow rate cannot be accurately set without measuring the water pressure drop through the refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger. All source water connections on residential units are swivel piping ttings (see Figure 3) that accept 1-inch male pipe threads (MPT) . The swivel con­nector has a rubber gasket seal similar to a rubber hose gasket, which when mated to the ush end of any 1-inch threaded pipe provides a leak-free seal without the need for thread sealing tape or compound. Check to ensure that the rubber seal is in the swivel connector prior to attempting any connection. The rubber seals are shipped attached to the waterline. To make the connec­tion to a ground loop system, mate the brass connector (supplied in CK4L connector kit) against the rubber gasket in the swivel connector and thread the female locking ring onto the pipe threads, while maintaining the brass connector in the desired direction. Tighten the connectors by hand, then gen­tly snug the tting with pliers to provide a leak-proof joint. When connecting to an open loop (ground water) system, thread the 1-inch MPT tting (SCH80 PVC or copper) into the swivel connector and tighten in the same manner as
noted above. The open and closed loop piping system should include pres­sure/temperature taps for serviceability.
Never use exible hoses smaller than 1-inch inside diameter on the unit. Limit hose length to 10 feet per connection. Check carefully for water leaks.
Air Handler Coil Data
Split Model
Matching Air
Coil Surface
Area (sq ft.)
FPI Rows
022 - 038
042 - 072
NAH060 5.83 12 3 3/8"
NAH036 5.83 12 2 3/8"
Unit Air Factory Size Handler
Suction Liquid Suction Liquid Suction Liquid
Charge (oz.)
NZ022 NAH036 5/8" OD 3/8" OD 5/8" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 56
NZ030 NAH036 5/8" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 56
NZ036 NAH036 5/8" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 1/2" OD 56
NZ042 NAH060 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 74
NZ048 NAH060 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 7/8" OD 3/8" OD 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 90
NZ060 NAH060 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 1-1/8" OD 1/2" OD 92
NZ070 NAH060 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 1-1/8" OD 1/2" OD 108
NZ026 NAH036 5/8" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 1/2" OD 52
NZ038 NAH036 5/8" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 3/4" OD 1/2" OD 56
NZ049 NAH060 3/4" OD 3/8" OD 7/8" OD 3/8" OD 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 90
NZ064 NAH060 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 1-1/8" OD 1/2" OD 92
NZ072 NAH060 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 7/8" OD 1/2" OD 1-1/8" OD 1/2" OD 104
Notes: Lineset charge for R410A is 0.50 oz. per ft. for 3/8" and 1.0 oz. per ft. for 1/2" tube.
Rev.: 6/8/07
Initial Total System Charge = Factory Envision Split charge + lineset charge + 20 oz, then adjust charge by subcooling and superheat measurements.
20 feet 40 feet 60 feet
Notes: * Variable speed air handler required for all dual capacity units.
Line Set Sizes
Thermostat Wire From Air Handler
Vibration Absorbing Pad or Air Pad
P/T Plugs
Boiler Drains for
System Flushing
Water Solenoid
Control Valve
Rubber Bladder Pressure Tank
Lineset To Air Handler
Shut-Off Valves
Water Out Water In From W ell
Acc Com
Acc NC
Acc NO
Logic Board
VM valve
Open Loop - Well Water Systems
Typical open loop piping is shown below. Always maintain water pressure in the heat exchanger by placing water con­trol valves at the outlet of the unit to prevent mineral precipitation. Use a closed bladder type expansion tank to minimize mineral formation due to air exposure. Ensure proper water ow through the unit by checking pressure drop across the heat exchanger and comparing it to the gures in the unit capacity data tables in the specication catalog. Usually 1.5-2 GPM of ow per ton of cooling capacity is recommended in open loop applications. In dual capacity units, stage 1 is 70% of the total tonnage. Therefore, due to only minor differences in ow rate from low to high, only one solenoid valve should be used. The valve should be sized for full ow. Discharge water from the unit is not contaminated in any manner and can be disposed of in various ways depending
on local building codes (i.e.
recharge well, storm sewer, drain eld, adjacent stream or pond, etc.). Most local codes forbid the use of sanitary sewer
for disposal. Consult your local building and zoning depart­ments to ensure compliance in your area.
Notes: For open loop/ground-
water systems or sytems that
do not contain an antifreeze
solution, set SW2-Switch #2
to the “WELL” position (Refer
to the table on page 21.) Slow
opening/closing solenoid valves (type VM) are recommended to
eliminate water hammer.
Figure 4: Typical Split System Application Open Loop - Well Water
Figure 5: Open Loop Solenoid Valve Connection Option
Typical quick operating external 24V water solenoid valve (type PPV100 or BPV100) wiring.
Figure 9b: Open Loop Solenoid Valve Connection Option
Typical slow operating external 24V water solenoid valve (type VM) wiring.
Open Loop - Well Water Systems (continued)
Solenoid Wiring
Water control valves draw their power directly from a unit’s 24V transformer and can overload and possibly burn out the transformer. Check total VA draw of the water valve and ensure that it is under 15 VA.
Water Quality
In ground water situations where scaling could be heavy or where biological growth such as iron bacteria will be pres­ent, a closed loop system is recommended. The heat exchanger coils in ground water systems may, over a period of time, lose heat exchange capabilities due to a buildup of mineral deposits inside. These can be cleaned, but only by a qualied service mechanic, as special solutions and pumping equipment are required. Desuperheater coils can likewise become scaled and possibly plugged. In areas with extremely hard water, the owner should be informed that the heat exchanger may require occasional ushing.
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