1. Hosted PBX Voice Mail Set-Up
2. Hosted PBX 3-Way Conferencing Set-Up
3. Hosted PBX Attended Call Transfer Set-Up
4. Hosted PBX Call Forwarding Set-Up
5. Hosted PBX Call Hold Use
6. Hosted PBX Find Me Follow Me Set-Up
7. Hosted PBX Last Number Redial Use
8. Hosted PBX Speed Dial Set-Up
9. Hosted PBX Unattended Call Transfer Set-Up
1) Hosted PBX Voice Mail Setup
a) Press the button on your Cisco phone.
b) Enter PIN, then the # key.(PIN provided by Enventis)
c) Listen to voice prompts – to set greeting press 3.
d) To add a personal greeting, such as “Hello you have reached Ben with XYZ Company, please leave your name and
telephone number and I will return your call as soon as possible,” press the 1 key. Follow prompts and record your
greeting, then press the # key to play back the message.
e) To access your Voice Mail from another phone, dial 701-551-6245. The system will ask you for your 10-digit telephone
number and then your PIN. Follow voice prompts to retrieve mail.
2) Hosted PBX 3-Way Conferencing Set-Up
a) First open up your CommPortal (either through https://portal.ideaone.net or with CommPortal Assistant). You will only
use CommPortal if you plan on using a Speed Dial number. If not a Speed Dial number, go to the next step.
b) If on an incomi ng call and you want to conference in a 3rd party, follow these next steps.
c) Tell the customer that you will put them on “Hold” while you conference the 3rd party in – First press the soft key on your
display labeled Conf.
d) After you hear the dial tone, dial the number you wish to conference in, (remember to press 9 first if your system is
requiring this for an outside line).
e) You should hear the 3rd party answer the line, press the Conf soft key again and all three of you will be in conference.
Note: You will be the originator of the three-way call so if you hang up the headset you will terminate the other two
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3) Hosted PBX Attended Call Transfer Set-Up
a) First open up your CommPortal (either through https://portal.ideaone.net enter your 10-digit phone number and
password or use CommPortal Assistant).
b) When a customer calls in, answer the call and then press the “xfer” button.
c) After hearing dial tone, dial the third party number, wait until the party has answered the call and then press the “xfer”
button again.
d) If you hang up, the customer will be con nected to the third party.
4) Hosted PBX Call Forwarding Set-Up
a) First open up your CommPortal (either through https://portal.ideaone.net enter your 10-digit phone number and
password or use CommPortal Assistant).
b) Then click on the Call Manager tab up on the top of the box.
c) Next open up the Forwarding tab.
d) Then click on the Forward Calls Immediately check box.
e) Enter the number you want to call forward to and finally click the Apply button.
f) To reverse, return to the Call Manager tab, click on Forwarding and just uncheck the Forward Calls Immediately
5) Hosted PBX Call Hold Use
a) When on a call and you need to place the caller on hold, press the Hold button shown belo w (hand).
b) To reconnect the call, press the flashing line button on the right hand side of the display.
6) Hosted PBX Find Me Follow Me Set-Up
a) First open up your CommPortal (either through https://portal.ideaone.net enter your 10-digit phone number and
password or use CommPortal Assistant).
b) Then click on the Call Manager tab up on the top of the box, or on your Dashboard page in the lower right hand box
it will say Follow Me.
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