Entone Amulet 300 User Manual

Universal Remote Control
User’s Guide (North America Edition)
v2.56 for URC 4
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v2.56 for URC 4
Table of Contents
Declaration of Conformity ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Loading Batteries .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Controlling STB using RF URC .................................................................................................................................. 5
RAP Installation (in remote room).................................................................................................................................... 6
Connecting STB to the TV coax network ........................................................................................................................ 7
RF URC Registration ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Controlling STB using IR URC .................................................................................................................................... 9
IR Reception Range ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Controlling Your Television and other A/V Devices................................................................................................. 11
To Program a TV or AUX device ................................................................................................................................... 12
Toggle Power Key Punch-through Functionality .......................................................................................................... 12
Toggle Volume Key Punch-through Functionality ........................................................................................................ 12
Toggle Channel Up/Down Keys for TV/AUX ................................................................................................................ 13
Auto Search Procedures ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Appendix A – Device Code ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Appendix B – Other Features ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Showing URC 4 Firmware Version................................................................................................................................ 25
Showing Programmed Device Code ............................................................................................................................. 25
Copyright 
Entone, Inc. All rights reserved
v2.5 for URC 4
URC 4 User’s Guide
Declaration of
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Copyright  2012 Entone, Inc. All rights reserved
v2.5 for URC 4
URC 4 User’s Guide
1.1 Introduction
The Entone Universal Remote Control v4.x (URC 4) is designed to work either on Radio Signals (RF) or InfraRed (IR). It can control Janus Media Hub using RF from another room where is not at direct sight distance from the Janus. Or, it can use IR to control Amulet High Definition IP Television Receiver at direct sight distance. The URC 4 can also be used to control other A/V devices such as TV, DVD player and audio equipment using IR. There are two types of Entone URC 4: IR only (IR URC) and IR+RF (RF URC). IR URC is included in the package of Janus/Amulet while RF URC is included in Entone Second Stream Kit.
Loading Batteries
The URC 4 comes with AA-size batteries, which need to be installed when you first receive your system. When you replace old batteries, you should replace all of the batteries. Use batteries of the same kind, for example alkaline or carbon zinc, and do not mix batteries of different kinds. Alkaline batteries last longer than carbon zinc.
Warning: Mixing old and new batteries or different types of batteries poses a fire hazard.
To load batteries to URC 4:
1. Press down on the battery cover’s top latch and slide the cover off.
2. If you are changing out batteries, take out all of the old batteries.
3. Put the new batteries in. Make sure you match the plus ( “+” ) ends with the plus markings on the battery case.
4. Slide the cover back into place.
Figure 1-1 Loading Batteries to URC 4
Copyright  2012 Entone, Inc. All rights reserved
v2.5 for URC 4
URC 4 User’s Guide
2.1 Controlling STB using RF URC
Janus is a multi-television media hub. It can support multiple outputs in multiple rooms viewing different channels or TV programs. Amulet is a single output video receiver. You can connect Amulet to a primary output only.
You can use RF URC 4 to control Janus/Amulet using radio signals (RF). These radio signals travel over long distances and go though walls and other solid objects. You must connect the Remote Antenna Package (RAP) to the rear panel of the Janus/Amulet.
Your Janus/Amulet comes with one IR URC 4 to be used for output 1 (primary). (Additional RF URC 4 can be purchased separately.) Your RF URC 4 must be registered to one of the 2 outputs (primary or secondary) before it can be used. One RF URC 4 can only be registered to one output. However, you can register at most 3 RF URC 4 to an output. After registration, you need to use the corresponding RF URC 4 to control the outputs.
Figure 2-1 Controlling STB using RF URC 4
Copyright  2012 Entone, Inc. All rights reserved
v2.5 for URC 4
URC 4 User’s Guide
Here are some principles of the remote registration method:
Each output allows a maximum of 3 RF URC 4 to be registered and a registration list is maintained. If
the user has registered 3 RF URC 4 and tries to register another RF URC 4, the first registered RF URC 4 will be removed from the registration list. This works as a first-in-first-out fashion.
Each RF URC 4 can only be registered for one output. If user tries to register a RF URC 4 which is
already registered to another output, that remote registration will be removed from the original registration list.
The registration list is maintained in order. If the secondly registered RF URC 4 is removed from the list,
the third entry will move forth to the second and the third will be blank for a new RF URC 4 to be registered.
You must install the Remote Antenna Package (RAP) comes with Entone Second Stream Kit before doing the registration. Please refer to the following sections for installing the RAP.
RAP Installation (in remote room)
Please follow the following diagram to install the RAP. The RAP is used to enhance the URC radio frequency transmission using the TV coax cable network in your home.
1 Plug the RAP into the TV. 2 Connect the TV coax cable to the RAP and the TV coax network wall outlet.
Figure 2-2 Attaching Remote Antenna Package
NOTE: Don’t let the antenna touch anything.
ATTENTION: If your URC 4 isn’t working very well from far away, you may be experiencing interference
from objects near your receiver. To improve your URC 4’s reception range, try to adjust the antenna orientation using screwdriver as shown. You may need to try different antenna orientation to achieve the best reception.
Figure 2-3 Adjusting Antenna Orientation
Copyright  2012 Entone, Inc. All rights reserved
v2.5 for URC 4
URC 4 User’s Guide
Connecting STB to the TV coax network
Connect the Entone STB to the TV coax network wall outlet according to whether you are using an Entone Janus or Amulet STB. The rear panel of actual product may vary.
1. Janus without Tuner Connection: Connect the Janus “MATV” or “TV OUT” output to the TV coax
network as shown.
Figure 2-4 Connecting Janus without Tuner
2. Janus with Tuner Connection: Connect the Janus “MATV” or “TV OUT” and “RF IN” or “CABLE/ANT
IN” output to the TV coax network as shown using a 3-way splitter (which is not provided).
Figure 2-5 Connecting Janus with Tuner
3. Amulet F1 Connection: Connect the Amulet “REMOTE CONTROL” and “COAX” or ”TV OUT” output to
the TV coax network as shown using a 3-way splitter (which is not provided).
Figure 2-6 Connecting Amulet
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v2.5 for URC 4
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