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Chapter 1Introduction
Using the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 User’s Guide.............................................1-5
Related Manuals ..............................................................................................................1-7
Adding a New Connection........................................................................................7-4
Deleting a Connection ............................................. ...... ...... .....................................7-4
Chapter 8HSIM-W87 Configuration
The T3 Configuration Window........................................................................................8-1
The T1 Configuration Window........................................................................................8-3
Configuring IP Priority....................................................................................................8-6
Chapter 1
About the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 families; how to use this guide; related guides; getting
Welcome to the Element Manager for the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 Modules User’s Guide. This guide is a reference for using NetSight Element Manager for the
SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 products. The SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7
products encompass the 6C105 chassis (for the 6000) and 6C107 chassis (for the Matrix
E7), as well as the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 series modules.
The 6C105 SmartSwitch chassis is a stand-alone chassis. It offers five slots for interface
modules; it also has two slots for dual redundant power supplies (installed vertically to the
right of the module slots), and a removable fan tray (installed horizontally across the
bottom the chassis).
The 6C107 Matrix E7 chassis is also a stand-alone chassis. It offers seven slots for
interface modules; it has a removable fan tray (installed underneath the module slots); it
also has two slots for dual redundant power supplies (installed across the bottom of the
For Matrix E7 users: Modules for the Matr ix E7 (6C107) chassis are third generation
(6x3xx) boards. Third generation boards are fully supported in any of the 6C107 chassis’
seven slots. Second generation boards (6x2xx SmartSwitch modules) are fully supported
in slots 1-5 in the 6C107 chassis. A second generation board in slot 6 or 7 of the 6C107
will act as a standalone module.
The SmartSwitch 6000 Frame Transfer Matrix (FTM) backplane and Matrix E7 nTERA
backplane provide distributed processing po wer. The backplane’s passive design provides
a separate independent backplane connection from each module in the chassis to every
other module installed in the chassis; each module contains its own active switching
components (so switching horsepower increases with module density), and each module
can be managed independently (via its Module Manager management component) or —
for devices which support distributed management — as part of the chassis unit.
The SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 modules include:
•The 6E122-26 and 6E123-26 SmartSwitch modules each provide 24 fixed 10Base-T
switch ports (via RJ45 connect ors on the 6 E122; RJ21 T elco connectors on t he 6E123)
and two slots for optional FE-100xx Fast Ethernet Port Interface Modules (FEPIMs).
Several Fast Ethernet port modules are available:
-the FE-100FX, which provides one multi-mode fiber port via an SC connector;
-the FE-100TX, with one Category 5 UTP RJ45 connector;
-the FE-100F3, with one single-mode fiber port via an SC connector;
-and the FE-100S1, S3, and S5, which prov ide one mult i-mode fib er , singl e-mode
fiber, or long reach single-mode fiber SONET/SDH port, all via SC connectors.
•The 6E132-25 and 6E133-25 SmartSwitch modules each provide 24 fixed 10Base-T
switch ports (also via R J45 fo r the 6E 132 and RJ2 1 for t he 6E133 ) and one s lot for an
optional High Speed Interface Module (HSIM) that can link the chassis to an FDDI,
ATM, WAN, or Gigabit Ethernet backbone. Each HSIM provides frame translation
between ATM, FDDI, WAN, Gigabit Ethernet, and Ethernet through an on-board Intel
i960 processor:
-The HSIM-F6 is an FDDI/Ethernet Translator , which can act as a Single Attached
Station (SAS) or Dual Attached Station (DAS) on an external FDDI ring.
Enterasys’ FDDI Port Interface Modules ( FPIMs) pro vide a wide rang e of med ia
connectivity to the ring. The HSIM-F6 also has full-duplex capability, allowing
for a 200 Mbps connection to another HSIM-F6.
-The HSIM-A6DP is an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) HSIM, which
provides an ATM uplink via two media-configurable ATM Port Interface
Modules (APIMs). The dual APIM design allows for a redundant connection to
the uplink, so that if the primary interface fails, the secondary interface will
automatically take over. The HSIM-A6DP acts as an ATM Forum LAN
Emulation Client (LEC) so that it can transfer data between devices on an 802.x
LAN supported by the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 and ATM-connected end
stations across a high speed ATM Link. The HSIM-A6DP adheres to the ATM
Forum-approved LAN Emulation (LANE) standard, which defines how end users
that rely on existing data communications technology and protocols can operate
over an ATM network without penalty.
-The HSIM-W6 and HSIM-W84 are Wide Area Networking (WAN) HSIMs,
which can provide uplinks to WAN backbones and allow you to perform seamless
LAN to WAN switching. The HSIM-W6 support s IP and IPX bridg ing or rout ing
services, including IP RIP. Multiple WAN connectivity options are supported,
including Sync, T1, E1, D&I, ISDN S/T , DDS, and HDSL interfaces, through the
use of two configurable WAN Physical Interface Modules (WPIMs).
Connectivity is available for Point to Point Protocol (PPP), as well as Frame Relay
and Leased Lines. Each WPIM can act independently, allowing simultaneous
communication, or configured to provide redundant channels if desired. The
HSIM-W84 provides a fixed configuration of four RJ45 ports for four active T1
The HSIM-W6 and HSIM-W84 are intelligent devices that are functionally identical to the
CSX400. These HSIMs require their own IP addresses, and are managed as individual
devices rather than as part of the device in which they ar e installed. R efer to the CSX200 and CSX400 User’s Guide for details on managing these devices using NetSight Element
-The HSIM-W87 is a Wide Area Network (WAN) HSIM that provides LAN to
WAN connectivity for any SmartSwitch that supports high-speed interface
modules (HSIMs). The HSIM-W87 has a DS3 interface (T3), providing up to 28
separate DS1 connections (T1). Refer to Chapter 8, HSIM-W87 Configuration,
for information on configuring an HSIM-W87.
-The HSIM-G01 and HSIM-G09 are Gigabit Ethernet HSIMs, each of which
provide a single Gigabit Ethernet connection that fully conforms to the IEEE
P802.3z (D3.1) Draft Standard. The HSIM-G01 provides a single 1000Base-SX
(short-wave) multimode fiber optic SC interface, allowing for link distances of up
to 500 meters. The HSIM-G09 provides a single 1000Base-LX (long-wave)
single mode/multimode fiber optic SC interface, allowing for link distances of up
to 3 kilometers.
-The HSIM-SSA710/20 are Wide Area Networking (WAN) HSIMs that support
up to two ISDN PRI interfaces with up to 24 V.90 56K modem connections.
The HSIM-SSA710/20 are intelligent devices that are managed as individual
devices rather than as part of the device in which they are installed. Before you
can access the device, you must add it to your central node database by inserting
it in an existing List, Tr ee, or Map View, or by doing a Discover p rocess (r efer to
your User’s Guide for more information). Once it has been added to your List,
Tree, or Map view, you can access and manage the HSIM according to the
information in Chapter 2, The Device View.
•The 6E128-26 and 6E129-26 SmartSwitch modules each provide 24 fixed Ethernet
fiber ports (multi-mode fiber on the 6E128; single-mode fiber on the 6E129) via ST
connectors, plus two slots for FEPIMs.
•The 6E138-25 and 6E139-25 SmartSwitch modules each provide 24 fixed Ethernet
fiber ports (multi-mode fiber on the 6E138; single-mode fiber for the 6E139) via ST
connectors, plus a single slot for an HSIM.
•The 6E123-50 and 6E133-49 SmartSwitch modules are 48 port MicroLAN Ethernet
modules (4 MicroLANs of 12 ports each, via four RJ21 Telco connectors). The
6E123-50 provides tw o FEPIM slots, wh ile the 6E133-4 9 provides a s ingle HSIM slot.
•The 6E233-49 SmartSwitch module provides 48 Ethernet ports via four RJ21
interfaces and one HSIM slot which can accept an y of the p revio usly detailed HSIMs.
•The 6G306-06 is a third-generation Matrix E7 and SmartSwitch 6000 module which
provides six Gigabit Ethernet ports via flexible GPIM uplin k m odules.
•The 6H123-50 SmartSwitch module is a 48 port MicroLAN 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
module (4 separately repeated MicroLANs of 12 ports each, via four RJ21 Telco
connectors). The 6H123-50 also provides two FEPIM slots for uplinks.
•The 6H133-37 SmartSwitch module is a 36 port MicroLAN 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
module (3 separately repeated MicroLANs of 12 ports each, via RJ21 Telco
connectors). A single HSIM slot is also provided.
•The 6H122-08, 6H128-08, and 6H129-08 SmartSwitch modules each provide six
fixed Fast Ethernet ports (via RJ45 on the 6H122, multi-mode fiber on the 6H128, and
single-mode fiber on the 6H129), plus two slots for FEPIMs.
•The 6H122-16 SmartSwitch module provides 16 fixed Fast Ethernet ports via RJ45
connectors, with no additional slots.
•The 6H202-24 and 6H252-17 SmartSwitch modules are 10/100 Fast Ethernet
modules. The 6H202-24 provides 24 ports via RJ45 connections. The 6H252-17
provides 16 ports via RJ45 connections as well as a VHSIM slot, which can accept any
of the previously detailed HSIMs or the VHSIM-G6 Gigabit Ethernet High Speed
Interface Module:
-The VHSIM-G6 is a Gigabit Ethernet module which provides two slots for
GPIMs of various media to offer integrated Gigabit Ethernet uplink capability.
The VHSIM-G6 can accept the GPIM-01, which offers one SC connector for
MMF 1000Base SX Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, the GPIM-09, which offers
one SC connector for MMF or SMF 1000Base LX connectivity , or the GPIM-04,
which offers one ANSI Fibrechannel style-2 connector for 150 Ohm STP
1000Base CX connectivity.
•The 6H203-24 and 6H253-13 SmartSwitch modules are 10/100 Fast Ethernet
modules. The 6H203-24 provides 24 ports via dual RJ21 connectors. The 6H253-13
provides 12 10/100 Fast Ethernet ports via a single RJ21 connector and also features a
VHSIM slot.
•The 6H258-17 and 6H259-17 SmartSwitch modules are 16-port 100BaseFX (via
MT-RJ connectors) modules, each with a single VHSIM slot. The 6H258-17 features
16 MMF ports, while the 6H259-17 features 16 SMF ports.
connectors) plus two GPIM slots for Gigabit Ethernet connectivity.
•The 6H302-48 and 6H303-48 are third-generation 10/100 Fast Ethernet modules for
the SmartSwitch 60 00 and Mat rix E7 chass is, pr oviding 4 8 10/100 Fast Ether net ports
via RJ45 (6H302-48) and RJ21 (6H303-48) interfaces.
•The 6H308-24 and 6H308-48 high-density switching modules are Enterasys'
third-generation 100Base-FX switching solutions for the SmartSwitch 6000 and
Matrix E7. The addition of 100Base-FX technology allows cu stomers the ability to
securely depl oy fiber solutions to the de sktop.
•The 6H352-25 is a third generation 10/ 100 Gigabit Ether net switching so lution for t he
SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7which delivers pinpoint control to critical network
entry areas, without the expense and com plexity of routed solutions.
•The 6M146-04 SmartSwitch carrier modul e provides t wo FEPIM slots an d two HSIM
Each of these SmartSwitch modules provide key mission-critical features such as
redundant links for load sharing, alarm thresholding, broadcast storm control, port
redirecting for traffic analysis, traffic priority configuration, and full error breakdown.
Per-port RMON support is also provided. By default, these modules perform traditional
switching (or bridging); each can also be configured to perform prestandard IEEE 8 02.1 Q
VLAN switching (a.k.a “port-based VL AN” switching) or Enterasys’ SecureFast
switching (activated via Local Management).
The 6C105 SmartSwitch 6000 and 6C107 Matrix E7 chassis themselves offer the
following features:
•Slots for up to 5 (for the 6C105) and 7 (for the 6C107) double-wide 2.4" interface
modules. Each interface module is individually driven and managed by on-board
processors, including an onboard SmartSwitch ASIC processor fo r switching, and Intel
i960 Host microprocessors for dedicated module management.
•A Frame Transfer Matrix (FTM) backplane design, that provides a separate
independent backplane connection from each module in the chassis to every other
module installed in the chassis. This allows a backplane bandwidth capacity of up to
3.2 Gbps.
•Support for redundant, load-sharing power supplies to provide fault tolerance.
•Enterasys’ LANVIEW Diagnostic LEDs for quick visual diagnosis of interface and
device performance; a single removable fan tray; a 19" footprint for ease of installation
in rack mounts; and front panel accessibility to all chassis components for easy
Using the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 User’s
Each chapter in this guide describes one major functio nality or a collection of several
smaller functionalities of the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 modules and the chassis in
which they are installed. This guide contains information about software functions which
are accessed directly from the device icon; additional management information about
tools and features common to many devices can also be found in the Element Manager
User’s Guide, the Element Manager Tools Gu ide, the Remote Administration Tools
User’s Guide, the Alarm and Event Handling User’s Guide, and the RMON User’s
Because the aforementioned modules share much of their functionality, they will be
collectively referred to as the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 modules. Where there are
differences, however , each device will be named separately , as necessary. The information
displayed in many of the wi ndows will differ slightly depending upon which type of
device is being managed; however, only a single window will be shown unless significant
differences in functionality exist.
Using the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 User’s Guide1-5
Chapter 1, Introduction, provides a list of related documentation and shows you how to
contact the Enterasys Global Call Center. It also briefly describes the SmartSwitch 6000
and Matrix E7 modules and 6C105/6C107 chassis.
Chapter 2, The Device View, describes the visual display of the SmartSwitch 6000 and
Matrix E7 chassis as a whole and explains how to use the mouse within the Device View.
It also details all chassis-level management functions, including Find Source Address,
Port Redirect, Advanced Priority Configuration, and pre-standard 802.1Q port-based
VLAN configuration at the chassis level. It also documents chassis-specific information,
including MIB-II System Group information, chassis IP and MAC addresses, chassis
clock information and uptime, power supply configuration and status, fan operational
status, and backplane configuration.
The chapter also details how each module is displayed in the chassis, and explains how to
access management menus from the module display and ch ange port status information. It
also explains how to manage the individual module by monitoring the module’s system
resources, finding a source address on the module, establishing module-level port
priorities, setting up broadcast supp res sion on the device, and configuring the module’s
front panel COM port and any attached Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS).
Chapter 3, Statistics, describes the two statistics views available at the interface level:
MIB-II Interface statistics and RMON Ethernet statistics.
Chapter 4, Alarm Configuration , provides instructions for using both the Basic and
Advanced alarm applications to configure both alarms and the events that notify you that
an alarm condition has occurred. The ability to automatically initiate a SET or a series of
SETs in response to an alarm — functionality provided by Enterasys’ proprietary Actions
MIB — is also described.
Chapter 5, Managing Ethernet MicroLAN Modules, describes Ethernet
repeater-specific functionality which you can use to monitor and manage Ethe rnet
MicroLAN Modules (e.g., the 6E123-50 and 6E133-49 SmartSwitch modules).
Chapter 6, FDDI Management, describes the Configuration, Connection Policy, Station
List, Performance, FDDI Statistics, and Frame Translation selections available when an
HSIM-F6 module is installed.
Chapter 7, ATM Configuration, discusses the ATM Connections wind ow which will
appear if you have an HSIM-A6DP module installed in your device.
Chapter 8, HSIM-W87 Configuration, describes the T3, T1, and IP Priority
configuration windows which will be available when an HSIM-W87 is installed.
We assume that you have a general working knowledge of Ethernet IEEE 802.3, Fast
Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, FDDI, ATM, and WAN type data communication networks
and their physical layer components, and that you are familiar with general bridging and
switching concepts.
1-6Using the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 User’s Guide
The Element Manager Chassis User’s Guide discusses how to initially config ure the
SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 chassis using the Chassis Setup window. It gives an
overview of SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 management views and general module
information, and discusses changing the current view as well as the default view.
Related Manuals
The SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 User’s Guide is only part of a complete document
set designed to provide comprehensive information about the features available to you
through NetSight Element Manager. Other guides which include important information
related to managing the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 include:
Element Manager Chassis User’s Guide
Element Manager User’s Guide
Element Manager Tools Guide
Element Manager Remote Admini stration Tools User’s Guide
Element Manager Remote Monitoring (RMON) U ser’s Guide
Element Manager Alarm and Event Handling User’s Guide
Network Troubleshooting Guide
Microsoft Corporation’s Microsoft Windows User’s Guide
For more information about the capabilities of the SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7,
consult the appropriate hardware documentation.
Getting Help
This section descri bes dif ferent metho ds of get ting help f or quest ions or con cerns you may
have while using NetSight Element Manager.
Using On-line Help
You can use the Help buttons to obtain information specific to a particular window. When
you click on a Help button, a window will appear which contains context-sensitive
on-screen documentation that will assist you in the use of the windows and their
associated command and menu options. Note that if a Help button is grayed out, on-line
help has not yet been implemented for the associated window.
Related Manuals1-7
From the Help menu accessed from the Device View window menu bar, you can access
on-line Help specific to the Device View window, as well as bring up the Chassis
Manager window for reference. Refer to Chapter 2, The Device View, for information on
the Device View and Chassis Manager windows.
All of the online help windows use the standard Microsoft Windows help facility. If you
are unfamiliar with this feature of Windows, you can select Help from the Windows Start
menu, or Help —>How to Use Help from the primary NetSight Element Manager
window, or consult your Microsoft Windows product User’s Guide.
Accessing On-line Documentation
The complete suite of documents available for NetSight Element Manager
can be accessed via a menu option from the primary window menu bar:
Help —> Online Documents. If you chose to install the documentation when you
installed NetSight Element Manager, selecting this option will launch Adobe’s Acrobat
Reader and a menu file which provides links to all other available documents.
If you have not yet installed the documentation, the Online Documents option will not be
Documentation Feedback
able to access the menu file. In order to activate this option, you must run the setup.exe
again to install the documentation component. See your Installation Guide for details.
Information displayed in the Device View; the logical Device View; the Chassis Manager window;
chassis management functions
The Device View displays the current configuration of your SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix
E7 module via a graphical representation of the module’s front panel. The Device View
serves as a single point of access to all other SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 windows
and screens, which are discussed at length in the following chapters.
To access the Device View, use one of the following options:
On the 6C105, the instructions below bring you to the Chassis Setup, instead of the
Management Selection window. There, you will create a .dmf file for the chassis, which
enable you to access the 6C105’s Device View. Refer to the Element Manager Chassis
User’s Guide for information on performin g chassis setup.
1. In any map, list, or tree view, double-click on the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix
E7 you wish to manage. The Management Selection window , Figure2-1, will
1. In any map, list, or tree view, click the left mouse button once to select the
device you wish to manage.
2. Select Manage —> Node from the primary window menu bar, or select the
Manage Node toolbar button. The Management Selection window, Figure 2-1,
will appear.
1. In any map, list, or tree view, click the right mouse button once to select the
device you wish to manage.
2. Select Manage from the resulting menu. The Management Selection window,
Figure 2-1, will appear.
The Device View
Figure 2-1. The Management Selection Window
In the Management Selection window, click to select Device View, and click
the OK button. The Device View window, Figure 2-2, will appear.
Viewing Device Information
The Device V iew (Figure 2-2) provides a graphic representation of the SmartSwitch 6000
and Matrix E7 chassis and the curr ently mode led SmartSwitch 6000 or Matr ix E7 mo dule,
including a color-coded port display which immediately informs you of the current
configuration and status of all the port interfaces on the module. Note that the module will
appear in its corresponding physical slot in the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7. Slots are
numbered from 1–5 (for the SmartSwitch 6000) or 1-7 (for the Matrix E7), from left to
right in the chassis.
The Device V iew for HSIMs that have their own IP address and are managed individually
(the HSIM-W6, HSIM-W84, and HSIM-SSA710/20), does not show a representation of a
five-slot SmartSwitch 6000 or seven-slot Matrix E7 chassis; it shows only a single-slot
The Device View also will provide you with environmental status information about the
fan tray and power supplies installed in the chassis.
2-2Viewing Device Information
The Device View
General device
Figure 2-2. The Device View Window
By clicking in designated areas of the chassis graphical d isp lay (as detailed later in this
chapter), or by using the menu bar at the top of the Device View window, you can access
all of the menus that lead to more detailed windows.
When you move the mouse cursor over a management “hot spot,” the cursor icon will
change into a hand symbol to indicate that clicking in the current location will bring up a
management option.
Note that up to 22 ports can be displayed simultaneously on a module. If a module has a
higher port density than 22 ports, arrows will appear at the top and bottom of the port
stack so that you can scroll through the remaining ports.
Viewing Device Information2-3
The Device View
General Device Information
In addition to the main interface display, the Device View window provides the following
device information:
The Device View window title displays the device’s IP (Internet Protocol) Address; this
will be the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module IP address used to d e fine the device
icon. The IP address is assigned to the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module via the
Device Configuration portion of Local Management; it cannot be changed via NetSight
Element Manager. Note that although each interface in the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix
E7 module has its own MAC, or physical, address, only a single IP address is assigned to
the device.
Connection Status
This color-coded area indicates the current state of communication between NetSight
Element Manager and the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module. If you click this icon,
you can restart the device.
•Green indicates the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module is responding to device
polls (valid connection).
•Magenta indicates that the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module is in a temporary
stand-by mode while it responds to a physical change in the hub (such as when a
module is inserted ). Note that mo dule and por t menus are i nactive during this stand-by
•Blue indicates an unkno wn contact status; polling has not yet been established with t he
SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module.
•Red indicates the SmartSwit ch 6000 or Matrix E7 module is not res ponding to dev ice
polls (device is off line, or device pol ling has failed across the network for some other
Chassis Type
The model of the chassis — 6C105 or 6C107 —þin which the monitored SmartSwitch
6000 or Matrix E7 module is installed.
A descriptive field you can use to id entify where the chassis is physically located. You can
edit this field through the device’s System Group window; refer to the Generic SNMP
User’s Guide for further details.
The amount of time, in a days hh/mm/ss format, that the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7
module has been running since the last start-up. Note that when distributed chassis
management is available, this field will indicate the time that the longest active module
has been running since start-up.
2-4Viewing Device Information
The Device View
Port Status
Indicates the port status display selection currently in effect. The default port status view
is bridge status; if you have not changed the port status selection since launching the
Device View, this field will display Default. For more information about changing the
port status display, see Port Status Displays, on page 2-14.
Displays the manufacturer-set MAC, or physical, address associated with the IP address
used to define the device icon. This will be the MAC address assigned to the first interface
detected on the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module (although each interface in the
SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module has its own MAC address). MAC addresses are
factory-set and cannot be altered.
Boot Prom
The revision of BOOT PROM installed in the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module.
The revision of device firmware stored in the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module’s
The current time, in a 24-hour hh:mm:ss format, set in the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7
module’s internal clock.
The current date, in an mm/dd/yyyy format, set in the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7
module’s internal clock.
In accordance with Year 2000 compliance requirements, NetSight Element Manager now
displays and allows you to set all dates with four-digit year values.
You can set the da te an d tim e by us ing the Edit Device Date and Edit Device T ime opti ons
on the Device menu; see Setting the Device Date and Time, on page 2-103, for details.
6C105/6C107 Chassis-specific Information
The Device V iew provi des the followi ng informat ion about t he 6C105 o r 6C107 chas sis in
which the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module is installed. There are four color-coded
fields which provide status information for the operation of the power supplies and fan
tray installed in the 6C105/6C107 chassis.
Power Redundancy
The 6C105 and 6C107 support two power supply modules. Each supports a separate AC
input connector, so that two separate power sources can be used for the chassis.
Additionally, with two power supplies installed, the total load presented by the
Viewing Device Information2-5
The Device View
6C105/6C107 and its installed modules is split 50/50 between the supplies (+/- 5%). The
Power Redundancy field displays whether or not the chassis is currently configured for
load sharing and power redundancy. Poss ible values are:
•A v ailable (Green) — Two 6C205-01 or 6C207-01 power su pply modul es are ins talled
in the 6C105/6C107 chassis.
•Not A vailabl e (Y ell ow) — Only a single 6C205-01 or 6C20 7-01 power supply module
is installed in the 6C105/6C107 chassis. Note that when only a single power supply
module is installed, it must always be in power slot 1 (PS1).
PS #1/#2 Status
Indicates the state of any power supplies installed in the 6C105/6C107 Chassis. Possible
states returned are:
•Not Available (Yellow) — No response has been returned from the device regarding
the power supplies.
•Normal (Green) — A power supply is installed and operating in the associated power
•Fault (Red) — The power supply in the associated power slot is not operational.
•Not Installed (Blue) — The indicated power slot is not occupied by a power supply.
Fan Tray Status
The 6C105/6C107 supports a single, removable fan tray that has four fans. T he tray is hot
swappable, so it can be removed without powering down the chassis. This field indicates
the status of the 6C105/6C107 Fan Tray:
•Not Available (Yellow) — No response has been returned regarding the fan tray.
•Normal (Green) — A fan tray is installed and operational.
•Fault (Red) — One or more fans in the tray have failed.
•Not Installed (Blue) — The fan tray slot is not occupied. The chassis is in danger of
overheating if it continues to run without the fan tray installed.
2-6Viewing Device Information
Menu Structure
By clicking on various areas of the Device View display, you can access menus with
device-, module-, and port-level options, as well as utility applications which apply to the
device. The following illustration displays the menu structure and indicates how to use the
mouse to access the various menus.
By default, the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module performs traditional switching (or
bridging). Depending on the version of firmware you have installed, the module can also
be configured to perform pre-standard 802.1Q VLAN switching or Enterasys SecureFast
Switching. (Check your firmware release notes to see if your version of firmware supports
these features).
For SmartSwitch 60 00 an d Matr ix E7 module s tha t suppo rt 802.1Q VLA Ns or S ecureFast
Switching, the toggle from traditional bridging to 802.1Q or SecureFast Switching is
performed via Local Management. Refer to your Local Management documentation for
When using NetSight Element Manager to manage a device configured for SecureFast
Switching, no bridging-related windows o r port status display options will be available.
All other management options will be a v ailable.
The Device View
Viewing Device Information2-7
The Device View
For the Device menu:
• The FDDI Statistics option will
appear if you have an
HSIM-F6 module installed.
• The ATMConnections option
will appear if you have an
HSIM-A6DP module installed.
• The VLAN option will appear if
your device has been
configured to operate in
802.1Q mode.
• The PriorityConfiguration
option will appear if your
device supports 802.1P
Dynamic Multicast
Filtering/Priority Queuing.
• The UPS option will only
appear if your COM port has
been configured for use with
an Uninterruptable Power
No bridge-related options appear
in any menus if the device is
running in SecureFast Switching
Figure 2-3. Device View Menu Structure
2-8Viewing Device Information
The Device View
The Device Menu
From the Device menu at the Device View menu bar, you can access the following
•Device T ype displa ys a window containing a description of the d evice being modeled.
See Device Type, on page 2-26, for details.
•Device Find Source Address enables you to determine which interface a specified
MAC address is communicating through by searching the 802.1d bridge Filtering
database. Ethernet MicroLAN modules (e.g., the 6E123-50 or 6E1 44-49) will also
search the repeater Source Address Table (SAT). If the specified MAC address is
located, a list of interface(s) through which the given address is communicating will
be displayed.
•Edit Device Time and Edit Device Date allow you to set the SmartSwitch 6000 or
Matrix E7 module’s internal clock; see Setting the Device Date and Time, on
page 2-103
•System Group allows you to manage the Sm art Switc h 6 000 or Matrix E7 via SNMP
MIB II. Refer to the Generic SNMP User’s Guide for further information.
•I/F Summary lets you view statistics (displayed both graphically and numerically) for
the traffic processed by each network interface on your device. See Viewing I/F
Summary Information, on page 2-27, for details.
•802.1Q VLAN appears in the Device menu if your module is configured to operate in
802.1Q mode. The windows launched via the VLAN option allow you to configure
and operate port-based VLANs on the module. See 80 2.1Q VLANs, on page 2-70, for
•ATM Connections appears in the Device menu if you have an HSIM-A6DP installed
in your module. This launches a win dow whi ch let s you configure Permanent V i r tu al
Circuits (PVCs) for the module. See Chapter 7, ATM Configuration, for more
•Port Redirect launches a window that allows you to mirror — or redirect — traffic
received or transmitte d at one p ort o n yo ur mo dul e t o one o r more other ports, so that
you can unobtrusively a ttach network analyzers to ascertain probl ems or trends in your
data flow. For more information about using the Port Redirect window, see
Redirecting Traffic, on page 2-54.
•System Resources displays information about the processor used on the mon itored
SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module, as well as the amount of installed and
currently available FLASH memory, DRAM, and NVRAM. See The System
Resources Window, on page 2-66.
•Priority Configuration allows you to establish priority packet forwarding for the
SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module. For more information, see Priority
Configuration, on page 2-56.
Viewing Device Information2-9
The Device View
The Priority Configuration menu option will only appear in the Device menu for modules
that respond to any of NetSight Element Manager’s queries to the following OIDs:
ctPriorityExtPortStatus, ctPriorityExtMaxNumMACEntries, or
ctPriorityExtNumPktTypeEntries. If your module’s firmware does not respond to these
queries, contact the Enterasys Global Call Center for firmware upgrade information.
•Com Port Configuration allows you to configure the settings of the COM ports on
the SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module; see Configuring the COM Port, on
page 2-36, for details.
•Broadcast Suppression allows you to set a threshold on the number of broadcast
packets issued from each port on the SmartSwitch 60 00 or Matrix E7 mod ule whe n it
is operating in traditional switch (bridge) mode. See Broadcast Suppression, on
page 2-64.
•FDDI Statistics option will appear in the Device menu if you have an HSIM-F6
installed in your module. This launches a window which displays traffic-related
statistics for each Station Management (SMT) en tity present on an installed HSIM-F6.
See Chapter 6, FDDI Management, for more information.
•UPS brings up a window that allows you to configure an Uninterruptable Power
Supply attached to your SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 Module’s COM port. See
Using an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), on page 2-51, for details.
•Exit closes the Device View window.
The View Menu
The View menu lets you switch the front panel display between three graphical
representations of the device:
•The Logical view p rovi des the logical front panel d isplay of the SmartS witch 60 00 or
Matrix E7 module and its interfaces.
•The BackPlane Config view displays the backplane connections between the
SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module and other modules installed in the
6C105/6C107 chassis.
•Refresh updates the display.
The Port Status Menu
The Port Status menu allows you to select the status information that will be displayed in
the port text boxes in the Device View:
•Status allows you to select one of four status type disp l ays : B ri dg e , Brid ge Mappi n g,
Admin, or Operator.
•Load will display the portion of network load processed per polling interval by each
interface, expressed as a percentage of its theoretical maximum load (10, 100, 155.5,
800, or 1000 Mbps).
2-10Viewing Device Information
The Device View
•Errors allows you to display the number of errors detected by each interface, since the
last reset, expressed as a percentage of the total number of valid packets processed by
the interface.
•I/F Mapping will display the interface ifIndex associated with each port on your
SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module.
•I/F Speed will display the port’s bandwidth: 10M (megabits) for Ethernet; 100M for
Fast Ethernet; 155.5M for ATM; and 800M for the backplane interfaces.
•I/F Type will display the port type of each port on your SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix
E7 module, e.g., Eth (ethernet-csmacd), ATM, or FDDI.
•VLAN Mapping will appear if your device has been configured to operate in 802.1Q
mode. It displays the VLAN ID number associated with each port on your
SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 module.
For SmartSwitch 6000 and Matrix E7 Et her net Mi croLAN mo dul es, t he Port Status menu
will contain the following option s:
•Load will display the portion of network load pr ocessed by each port as a percentage
of the theoretical maximum load of the connected network segment (10, 100, 155.5,
800, or 1000 Mbps).
•Port Assignment will display each port’s repeater channel assignment (A-H).
•Status allows you to select one of three status type displays: Admin/Link, Admin, or
•Errors, and Frame Size allow you to display the percentage per port of the specific
Error or Frame Size you select.
For more information on the port display options avail able via this menu, see Selecting a
Port Status View, on page 2-14.
The Repeater Menu
If you are modeling a SmartSwitch 6000 or Matrix E7 Ethernet MicroLAN module, the
Repeater menu will appear, offering the following options for each repeater segment
(A-H) on the device:
•Timer Statistics
•Performance Graph
•Source Address Type
•Lock/Unlock Ports
•Alarm Limits
•Trap Selection
Refer to Chapter 5, Managing Ethernet MicroLAN Modules, for information on these
menu selections.
Viewing Device Information2-11
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