ENSTROM 280FX Series, F28-F Series Pilot's Manual

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Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 1
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
FFoorr ttrraaiinniinngg ppuurrppoosseess oonnlly
Phone (906) 863-1200
22000088 EEddiittiioonn 22
Post Office Box 490
Table of Contents
Introduction 3 Aircraft Description & Construction Details 4 Aircraft servicing 18 Aircraft Systems 20
Electrical 20 Caution and Warning 24 Instruments 29 Fuel System 32 Power Train 34 Flight Controls 39 Power Plant 42
Operation Procedures 48 Airframe 48
Powerplant 55 Weight & Balance 61 Performance 63 Emergency 69
Prefight 78 Pilot Notes 84
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 2
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Enstrom 280FX and F28-F series Helicopter Pilot Training Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to prepare an experienced helicopter pilot for a smooth transition into the Enstrom Piston powered helicopters.
This course includes descriptions and theory of operation for the systems, and the location of the system components.
The course also includes the description of the pilot pre-flight procedures and the pilots are expected to perform these pre-flight Inspections.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 3
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
The Enstrom 280FX and F28-F helicopters are 3 bladed, single engine helicopters manufactured by the Enstrom Helicopter Corporation and certified by the FAA under part 6 of the Civil Air Regulations.
Turning Radius
The turning radius is about 23 feet when pivoted on the wheels about the mast.
Principal Dimensions
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 4
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Helicopter description
The Enstrom 280FX and F28 F helicopters are a single engine, piston powered helicopter certified for day and night VFR flight and that can be equipped for IFR flight training. The F28 F helicopter was originally certified in 1980 and the 280 FX in 1985 to the CAR 6 regulations.
Early F28 F and 280F helicopters were certified to 2350 lb maximum gross weight and can be changed to 2600 lb gross weight by incorporating the appropriate modifications.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 5
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Beginning in 1984, F28 F and 280FX helicopters were produced with the gross weight limitation of 2600 pounds.
Enstroms are relatively quiet helicopters due to the installation of the turbo­charger, and the slow turning main and tail rotors. They can be equipped with an optional secondary muffler that lowers the noise signature significantly.
All Enstrom helicopters feature a three bladed, fully articulated main rotor system which has over 4,000,000 flight hours and which has never had a catastrophic failure or thrown a blade. The tail rotor is two bladed and completely unblocked for exceptional effectiveness. Due to the high inertia rotor design, the helicopter possesses out-standing auto-rotational capabilities.
In addition to being a versatile and crashworthy helicopter, the 280FX and F28 F helicopters were designed to be procured and operated for minimum costs. The helicopter does not require hydraulic boost or stability augmentation systems.
The limited number of fatigue critical parts, the long overhaul intervals, and the low hour/flight ratio resulting from high reliability and easy maintenance combine to yield low operation and support costs.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 6
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
The fuselage is the forward section of the airframe extending from the nose to the forward end of the tailcone. The cabin shell is molded out of fiberglass and the aluminum seat and floor structure is fabricated and then bonded into the fiberglass shell.
The pylon structure is welded up out of high carbon molybdenum steel. The landing gear, cabin and tail cone are bolted on to the pylon structure. The engine and main rotor transmission are also attached to the pylon.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 7
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
The tail cone is bolted to the aft end of the pylon. It is a tapered semi­monocoque structure comprised of skins, bulkheads, longerons and stringers. The tailcone supports the tail rotor, tail-rotor transmission, horizontal and vertical stabilizers, and the tail-rotor guard. It houses the tail rotor drive shaft and can be used to mount some of the helicopter electrical equipment.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 8
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Landing Gear
Main Landing Gear: The main landing gear consists of two tubular aluminum skids attached to the airframe by means of the forward and aft cross tubes through four air-oil oleo struts. The struts cushion ground contact during landing.
Drag struts give the gear stability and strength and prevent fore and aft movement during ground contact maneuvers. Due to their design, the drag struts will sustain landings with significant forward movement of the helicopter; however, landing with rearward movement may overload the structure and cause its collapse.
Replaceable hardened steel skid shoes are installed on each skid to resist skid wear on hard surfaces.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 9
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Crew Compartment
The crew compartment consists of pilot and passenger/co-pilot seating, Instrument panel, radio console and pilot and co-pilot flight controls mounted to the aluminum floor structure and enclosed in the fiberglass cabin shell.
The co-pilot controls are removable and a seat cushion for the third passenger is inserted into the space vacated when the co-pilot collective is removed.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 10
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
The piston powered Enstrom helicopters are powered by a Lycoming built HIO­360-FIAD four cylinder, air cooled engine that produces 225 Shaft Horse Power. The maximum horsepower is achieved with the aid of a Kelley Aerospace turbocharger that incorporates an adjustable waste gate that is controlled by a breakaway control rod.
The engine is cooled by a large fan that is installed between the crankshaft and the lower belt pulley. Cooling air for the engine is drawn in from the overhead scoop mounted behind the main rotor mast, through the fan and then around the cylinders and through the oil coolers.
There are clean out traps mounted adjacent to the two oil coolers to facilitate cleaning out debris.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 11
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Power Train
The power train includes the main rotor transmission, an upper pulley assembly incorporating the overrunning clutch, jack strut, drive belt, lower pulley, drive shaft and tail rotor gearbox.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 12
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Flight Controls
The flight controls include three primary systems: the collective, cyclic, and anti­torque or directional controls. There is no hydraulic system installed on Enstrom Helicopters, cyclic forces are relieved using electric mechanical trim motor operated spring capsules. Collective forces are managed using a spring capsule assembly.
The helicopters also have fixed horizontal and vertical stabilizers that are mounted on the tail cone to help provide stability and attitude control during forward flight.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 13
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Main Rotor System
The main rotor system is a three bladed, high inertia, fully articulated rotor system. The main rotor hub assembly is composed of two opposing forged aluminum hub plates separated by an aluminum cylindrical spacer. Through bolts hold these items together along with steel spline adapters.
Three steel universal blocks are mounted on roller bearing units that permit flapping and lead-lag motions. Laminated phenolic pads are used to limit blade travel in both the lead-lag and flapping axes. A thrust nut on the bottom of each universal block transfers vertical blade forces to both hub plates through the universal block.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 14
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
The rotor blades are secured to each universal block on the hub through a forged aluminum grip which is in turn secured to a steel spindle assembly through an elastomeric feather bearing (Lamiflex Bearing) and a retention nut.
Closed circuit hydraulic dampers are incorporated between each flapping pin and the rotor hub to limit the lead-lag velocity of the blades. Because the hydraulic dampers have no centering spring, they are quite limber; this, coupled with the large heavy blades causes the ground rock that is often experienced while the helicopter rotor system is spooling up.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 15
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
The main rotor blades are of hollow construction consisting of an extruded leading edge spar, with a 7 degree twist, to which is bonded upper and lower aluminum skins. The blade root is composed of a bonded doubler assembly.
A single retention pin connects the blade root to the grip and a non-adjustable drag brace connects the trailing edge of the blade to the grip.
A cap is bonded to the tip of each blade in which there are provisions for spanwise and cordwise balance weights. Two tracking tabs are riveted to the trailing edge of each blade.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 16
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Tail Rotor Assembly
The tail rotor assembly is a two bladed, wide cord, teetering, delta hinged rotor assembly.
The fly-weights on the blade retention plates unload the tail rotor twisting forces in flight so that the pilot does not need to carry left pedal at cruse power settings. They are weighted so that when the aircraft is being flown at approximately 29 in mp, the pedals are neutralized and the slip ball centered.
For this reason, the aircraft requires very little left pedal in hover and in climb, and significant right pedal in low power situations.
Tail Rotor Guard: A tubular aluminum tail rotor guard is installed on the aft end of the tailcone. It aids in ground handling and protecting the tail rotor from damage while the helicopter is on the ground.
The tail rotor guard will not prevent damage to the tail rotor in the event
of a hard landing.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 17
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
100/130 Aviation Grade Mil-G-5572 100LL Aviation Grade
Engine Lubrication Oils
Oil, Ashless Dispersant MIL-L-22851
Flight Control Lubricants
Grease, MIL-G-81322 (Mobil 28, Shell 22)
Landing Gear Oleos
Oil, MIL-H-5606 Nitrogen
Main Rotor Dampers
Oil, L-45 Silicone Oil (GE Silicone L-45-20)
Main and Tail Transmissions
Oil, MIL-PRF-2105 (Mobil 1 Gear Oil (Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lubricant (75W-90)
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 18
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Overrunning Clutch
Oil, MIL-L-23699 (Mobil Jet II, Shell Turbine Oil 500 or equivalent)
Drive Cables
Grease, 2701-109 (S.S. White CO, LPS 2)
Landing gear oleos should be serviced with the weight of the helicopter off of the landing gear, and should be all serviced at the same time or at the very least, in pairs, front and back.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 19
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Most helicopters manufactured after the mid 1990’s have 24 volt electrical systems with the battery mounted under the baggage compartment. On earlier 12 volt helicopters, the battery is installed under the co-pilot seat.
Description – Starter / Generator Systems
The starter on current production Enstrom 280FX and F28-F helicopters consists of a Skytech manufactured high-speed starter mounted on the engine, behind the main oil cooler driving on a ring gear that is mounted on the outside of the engine flywheel.
A 24 volt battery is mounted just aft of the engine and below the baggage compartment on the right side of the aircraft. The starter solenoid is mounted on the battery tray, and the master switch solenoid is mounted on the firewall just inboard of the engine air cleaner. The aux power plug is mounted above the oil cooler, inside the right engine cowl door.
Master Solenoid
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 20
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
The master switch on the instrument panel energizes the master switch relay which powers up the helicopter systems. The alternator switch powers the voltage regulator which controls the alternator output. The start switch energizes the starter button on the pilot collective.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 21
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Starting systems
For aircraft starting the master switch, alternator switch, and the start switch are placed in the on position, and the magneto switch is placed in the both position.. If an APU unit is used, the alternator switch is left in the off position. When the starter switch on the collective is pressed, the starter solenoid energizes the starter and the starting vibrator.
The starting vibrator has an internal relay that switches off the right magneto for starting and that directs a hot steady spark through the left magneto and the retard points to the spark plugs. This is to facilitate the start and prevent the engine from kicking back. It’s important to note that the starting vibrator requires over 13 volts to operate (24 volt systems) so the engine generally will not start if it is cranked with a low battery. (9 volts is required to start 12 volt systems)
The engine magneto develops electrical power to fire the sparkplugs
internally and there is no connection between the magneto and the
Because the magneto is not connected to the helicopter electrical system, turning off the battery switch while flying will not affect the operation of the engine, except that the electric boost pump will not operate.
helicopter electrical system.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 22
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Alternator Systems
The electrical generating system in the 280 FX and the F28-F consists of the 24 volt battery, 60 amp alternator and a solid state voltage regulator. Power to the voltage regulator is controlled by the switch marked Alternator on the instrument consol switch panel. When the switch is turned on, the voltage regulator is energized which then controls the voltage produced by the alternator by varying the field voltage.
The battery is located behind the engine, just under the forward side of the baggage compartment, and the voltage regulator is located under the right side of the co-pilot seat. The alternator is located on the aft left side of the engine compartment and the alternator belt can be inspected through a removable panel just above the auxiliary oil cooler.
On the Enstrom helicopters, the ammeter measures the voltage that is going in and out of the battery; it is not a load meter. After the engine is first started, the ammeter will indicate a high rate-of-charge until the battery charge is replenished. As the battery becomes charged, the rate-of­charge indicated by the ammeter will drop off slowly until it reads only slightly above zero. If the alternator stops charging, the Alternator segment on the annunciator panel will light, and the ammeter will indicate negative amperage equal to the electrical load being used by the helicopter.
The voltage regulator is sensitive to both over-voltage and momentary charging interruptions. If the operator notices the alternator caution light is illuminated, the voltage regulator may be reset by turning off the alternator switch for a few seconds and then turning it back on.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 23
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Description- Caution and warning systems
The annunciator panel is located at the top of the instrument console and consists of 8 indicator lights with a press-to-test switch at the extreme left. Pressing this switch will illuminate all of the indicator lights.
The following warning and precautionary information is displayed on the annunciator panel.
Starter is operating
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 24
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
Main rotor RPM is below 334
Manifold pressure is approaching Red Line
Belt Clutch is disengaged
Tail rotor gearbox chip detector has detected ferrous metal fragments
Main rotor gearbox chip detector has detected ferrous metal fragments
Electric Boost pump is producing less than 15 PSI
Alternator is off-line
Warning Systems Descriptions
Starter Relay
The starter relay warning light is operated by a circuit connected to the starter relay. Its purpose is to alert the pilot that the starter is operating or is engaged.
There is a slight possibility that the starter might not disengage after the starter button is released. Continued operation of the helicopter with the starter engaged, will cause damage to the starter and the starter ring gear, and result in the helicopter not starting.
It is also possible that in the event of a starter solenoid failure, the starter might remain engaged and also the magneto might remain in the retard mode which would result in a sever reduction of power and rough running engine.
Low Rotor RPM
The Low Rotor RPM circuit consists of a magnetic sensor in the main rotor gearbox, a signal generator located behind the passenger’s seat back, a light located in the annunciator panel, and an audio warning horn.
The RPM sensor in the main rotor gearbox is a magnetic pick-up unit that is installed in the forward section of the gearbox and that senses the ring gear teeth passing and sends a signal to a relay and control box that are located on a bulkhead just behind the right passenger seat back.
The sensor reads the signal that comes from the gearbox magnetic pickup and routes it to the annunciator panel and the audio warning horn. The audio warning system consists of a horn located in the head liner and a connection with the helicopter intercom system that broadcasts the horn into the pilots head sets.
Because the low rotor warning system is armed by the clutch-engage switch, the Low Rotor RPM warning light will only illuminate if the clutch is engaged. There is also a switch on the collective system that disengages the Low Rotor RPM warning system when the collective is in the full down position.
After the engine is started, the following sequences will occur in the Low Rotor RPM warning system. The red Clutch Engage light will be on until the clutch is engaged. When the clutch handle snaps into position, the red Clutch Engage light will go out, and the red Low Rotor light will illuminate.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 25
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
The Low Rotor RPM warning light will remain on until the Rotor RPM exceeds 334, but the horn will not sound unless the collective is raised off the bottom stop and the RPM is less than 334 RPM.
The Low Rotor RPM warning light and horn will activate anytime the clutch is engaged, the rotor RPM is less than 334, and the collective is raised off of the down stop.
The RPM that the low rotor RPM system operates at can be adjusted by turning a potentiometer that is located on the sensor relay that is behind the passenger seat.
The overboost circuit consists of a pressure switch that is installed in the manifold pressure gauge line and an amber light in the annunciator panel. The switch is designed to illuminate the light at between 36 and 40 inches of manifold pressure. The switch and light may be activated by short pressure pulses that might not register on the manifold pressure gauge. The light is a warning to the pilot that maximum manifold pressure limits may be exceeded and that the manifold pressure gauge should be monitored.
The overboost light is intended to be a warning; the manifold pressure gauge should be used to determine actual manifold pressure.
Clutch Engage
The clutch engage light is activated by a switch that is located on the belt clutch capsule. It is a normally closed switch that is opened when the clutch over­center mechanism snaps into place as the belt clutch is engaged. A second circuit in the same switch is used for the low rotor warning system.
If the Clutch Engage light does not go out when the handle is stowed, or comes on in flight, a problem with the clutch over-center locking mechanism is indicated.
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 26
Post Office Box 490
Menominee, Michigan 49858-0490 U.S.A.
Phone (906) 863-1200
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