Enovation Controls Installation And Operation Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Engine Monitoring System Controller
Installation and Operations Manual
2015-03-23 00-02-0787
Section 40
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full-featured
products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs
at any time.
Enovation Controls has made efforts to ensure the
reliability of the EMS PRO LITE and to
recommend safe use practices in system
applications. Please note that in any application,
operation and controller failures can occur. These
failures might result in full control outputs or other
outputs that might cause damage to or unsafe
conditions in the equipment or process connected
to the EMS PRO LITE.
To follow good engineering practices, electrical
codes, and insurance regulations requires that you
use independent external protective devices to
prevent potentially dangerous or unsafe
conditions. Assume that the EMS PRO LITE can
fail with outputs full ON, outputs full OFF, or that
other unexpected conditions can occur.
•This installation information is intended for all EMS
PRO LITE Series models. A visual inspection of
this product before installation for any damage
during shipping is recommended.
•Disconnect all electrical power to the machine.
Failure to disconnect all electrical power
connections before welding can result in damage
to the panel and/or its components.
•It is your responsibility to have a qualified
technician install the unit and make sure
installation conforms to local codes.
•Observe all Warnings and Cautions in each
section of these instructions.
•The EMS PRO LITE is designed for use in
industrial environments. There might be potential
difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic
compatibility in other environments due to
conducted as well as radiated disturbances.
•Please contact Eno vatio n Cont ro ls im mediately if
you have any questions.
IMPORTANT! Improper use and
operation of electronic products can be
dangerous. It is required that point-ofoperation guarding devices be installed and
maintained. All such devices must meet
OSHA and ANSI Machine safety standards.
The manufacturer shall not accept any
responsibility for installation, application, or
safety of systems.
The EMS PRO LITE is a customizable pump-controller designed with
dewatering and irrigation applications in mind.
EMS PRO LITE offers field-adjustable operating parameters without the
need for a laptop computer. It can support both mechanical and J1939
electronic engines.
This unit offers selectable auto start/stop with auto-thr o ttli ng opt ions:
Floats, and Transducer. A backlit operator-interface offers many easy-touse performance-enhancing features. The display is readable day or
The EMS PRO LITE is ideal for use with a remote modem or in a
SCADA system offering Modbus® RTU protocol on either the RS232 or
RS485 port.
NOTE: Your EMS PRO LITE must be modified to use these
ports – changes include addit ion al wiri ng and enc l os ure
User Interface and Navigation
This section defines how to navigate through the EM S PRO LIT E user
interface. It explains the screens and keys used to modify settings and
how each works.
Membrane Keypad
The membrane keypad is made up of eight buttons. All of the functions
for the EMS PRO LITE can be set using these eight buttons.
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UP arrow = Use the arrow keys to scroll through information on the front
Functions described in the “Auto Start/Stop Sequence” of this
Disconnects control power to prevent the engine from starting or
Functions as described in the “MAN Start/Stop Sequence” in this
START = In the “MAN” (manual) mode this initiates a start sequence.
STOP = In the “MAN” (manual) mode this initiates a stop sequence.
THROTTLE INCREASE = In the “MAN” (manual) mode this increases
engine speed.
THROTTLE DECREASE = In the “MAN” (manual) mode this decreases
engine speed.
MENU = Toggles between the front display and the password window,
and allows user to exit menus.
display. Also, scroll through and increase values in the “S” & “P”
DOWN arrow = Use the arrow keys to scroll through information on the
front display Also, scroll through and decrease values in the
ENTER = Scroll to the entry code and press Enter to get into or out of
the M, S or P numbers group, or an indi vidually selected M, S or P
number, to make changes. If changes were made, press Enter to exit,
and your changes are saved.
Key Switch
The controller accepts inputs from a 3-position key switch. The three
positions are AUTO, OFF, and MAN:
continuing to run through the control panel. The OFF position provides
an immediate shutdown whenever the key switch is placed in this
position while the engine is running in either the automatic or manual
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4-Up Screen
Entry Code
S-Number Screen
P-Number Screen
Screens Displayed
Screen Name
FW Murphy / Murphy
From the 4-Up screen default, depending where in the
The current BUILD is usually a 5-digit number. Make
technical assistance.
The current PROGRAM is usually an 8-digit number.
requesting technical assistance.
Stop Switch
The Stop Switch is the large red push button on the front face of the
EMS PRO LITE. When it is pushed in, it latches closed. If the Stop
Switch is pushed in, power to the controller is OFF. The Stop Switch
must be pulled out to power the controller.
Screens Displayed
During normal operation, the controller allows you to scroll through a
number of informative screen displays by using the
membrane keys. Below are several example screens.
The EMS PRO LITE screens described below may appear in an order
that is different from listed.
/ Enovation Controls
screen scroll you are, when you press the down arrow,
the top line of the text page could be either FW
note of the build number. You will need it if requesting
Make note of the program number. You will need it if
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Screens Displayed
Screen Name
If the controller is in AUTO mode, the internally
the controller is in MANUAL, this does not display.
This displays the position of the key: AUTO, or MAN.
This line shows the present day of the week.
This line displays the present date
This line shows the present time.
The following are the different states the controller can
This text line displays stat es the controller can execute
generated lead/command speed is displayed in RPM. If
When a start signal is active, the display may include the
following state or start options i n place of the Auto or
Manual states.
•NOT READY occurs when the key switch is in the
OFF position. This is seen briefly while the controller
is powering ON. No sequence occurs in this state.
•PANEL READY occurs when the key switch is in
the AUTO position and no shutdowns have
occurred. The controller is waiting for an auto start
condition to occur.
•START D ELAY occurs when a start signal is active
and the start delay is tim ing. The start signal must
remain active throughout this delay before the auto
sequence can continue.
•PRESTART occurs after the start delay expires.
During the Prestart state, the prestart output is
turned ON.
•WAIT FOR ECU occurs after the Prestart delay
expires if “ECU” is selec ted in the engine type.
During the WAIT state, the unit allows the ECU to
warm-up prior to cranking.
•CRANK ON occurs when cycle cranking begins.
During the crank-on state, the crank output is turned
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Screens Displayed
Screen Name
•CRANK OFF occurs when cycle cranking begins.
This displays the current fuel level as sensed from a
This displays the current engine battery voltage.
This displays the current total engine run time. The
This displays the current engine RPM sensed either
This displays the current engine oil press ure as sensed
During this state, the crank output is turned OFF.
•RECRANK DELAY occurs if the engine speed
drops below the “crank stop” set point before the
“shutdown lockout delay” expires.
•WARMUP occurs after the engine starts. During this
state, the controller throttles the engine to the warmup RPM until this delay expires.
•AT LOAD oc curs after the Warm-up delay ex pires .
The low discharge pressure shutdown is armed
when this delay expires.
•FILL MODE occurs after the Warm-up delay
expires. Auto throttling to the minimum RPM set
point occurs during this state.
•STOP DELAY occurs when a stop signal is active
and the stop delay is timing. The stop signal must
remain active throughout this delay before the auto
sequence can continue.
•COOLDOWN occurs after the Stop Delay has
expired. During the Cool down state, the controller
throttles the engine to an idle.
•SHUTDOWN occurs if a shutdown condition i s
detected. Reasons for shutdown include low oil
pressure, high engine temperature, overspeed, etc.
During this state, the engine is signaled to shutdown
and all start signals are ignored until the state is
reset by moving the key switch to the OFF position
and then back to AUTO or MAN.
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prompt and data shown in this display is dependent on
from a magnetic pickup or as broadcast from the ECU.
from an electric gauge sender, or as broadcasted from
the ECU.
Screens Displayed
Screen Name
This displays the current system level as sensed from a
This is only show if Local Throttle is selected in S-34.
This shows the soot level percentage from SPN 3719.
This shows the urea level percentage from SPN 1761.
The first four-up screen should display Engine Oil
The second four-up screen should display Run Hours,
This screen shows the last five shutdowns that have
arrow up key past the four-up screen(s).
There are also 3 alarms associated with this Status
sent from the ECU. The Alarms will be displayed on the
Pressure, Engine Coolant Temp, Battery Voltage, &
Engine RPM. This is the default screen when powering
up the controller.
Fuel Consumption, Engine Load %, & Engine RPM. This
screen can be viewed by pressing the arrow up key from
the default screen.
occurred. This screen can be accessed by pressi ng the
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Quick Set Up
This section gives information on setting up specific functions within the
controller such as time, date, engine type, Tier 4 activity, and Unit display
type (Metric or US Standard). Other menus, such as the S-menu, Pmenu, and M-menu must also be setup before placing the unit in service.
NOTE: This section is a reference guide. We recommend you
read this document completely, and ensure you understand it,
before placing the controller in service.
Setting the Date/Time Clock
Setting up the clock is critical to many of the functions of the EMS PRO
LITE. The clock includes the time (displayed in 24hr format), the date,
and the day of the week. Use the following steps to set the Clock.
1. Access the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
2. Use the [Up or Down Arrow] to increase or decrease
the value to reach the correct Entry Code (See Entry
Code Supplement for Entry Codes).
3. When the Entry Code displays, press [Enter] to
access the S menu.
NOTE: S1 through S6 are the S-Numbers used to set the
clock. A complete guide to all S-Numbers is found in the
Menus section, page 22.
1. Press [Up or Down Arrow] to scroll through the SNumbers on the unit.
2. Press [Enter] when the setting you want to modify
3. Use the [Up or Down Arrow] to scroll to increase or
decrease the value.
4. Press [Enter] when you are finished.
5. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each clock and date
6. When setup is complete, exit the S Menu by pressing
NOTE: The user must be out of the S or P number Editing
Mode to exit the menu.
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EMS PRO LITE on electronically-governed Engine
The EMS PRO LITE factory defaults are set to run on an electronically
governed engine. See the following section to use the controller on a
mechanically governed engine.
EMS PRO LITE on mechanically-governed Engine
To use the controller on a mechanically governed engine, follow the
steps below:
1. Access the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
2. Use the [Up or Down Arrow] to scroll to the correct
Entry Code (See the section, Entry Code Supplement
for Entry Codes, page 48).
3. When the Entry Code displays, press [Enter] to
access the S menu.
4. Press the [Up Arrow] until (S38) ENGINE T YPE is
displayed and press [Enter].
5. Press the [Up Arrow] until MECHANIC AL is
highlighted, then press [Enter].
6. Press the [Up Arrow] until (S40) ENG THR TYPE
displays and press [Enter].
7. Press the [Up Arrow] until MECHANICAL is
highlighted, then press [Enter].
8. Press the [Down Arrow] until (S7) SPEED CALIB
displays and press [Enter].
9. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] to enter the number of
pulses per revolution (PULSES/REV) the magnetic
pickup supplies to the controller and press [Enter].
10. Exit the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
Start/Stop Settings
The auto/start/stop types are Transducer (pressure and level), Floats,
and Clock Start.
Transducer Start/Stop Types
Existing Transducer choices include None, Pressure Control, and
Level Control.
Use the following step-by-step instructions to set up the Pressure
Start/Stop Type and the Level Start/Stop Type.
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Pressure Start/Stop Type
The Pressure Start/Stop Type allows you to automatically start and stop
the engine using a pressure transducer to measure low and high set
points. Follow the steps below to set this start/stop feature.
1. Access the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
2. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] to scroll to the correct
Entry Code (See Entry Code Supplement, page 48).
3. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until (S35) SRT/STP
SEL is displayed and press [Enter].
4. Press the [Up Arrow] until TRANSDUCER is
highlighted and press [Enter].
5. Press the [Up Arrow] until (S37) XDUCER TYPE is
displayed and press [Enter].
6. Press the [Up Arrow] until PRESSURE CONTROL is
highlighted and press [Enter].
7. Review and modify the settings for S-numbers S45
through S56 for Pressure Start/Stop Type. To modify,
press [Enter] while the setting is highlighted. When
finished with the modification, press [Enter] again.
Refer to the S-Number table in Menus for a
description of the S-Numbers settings.
8. When finished with the S45 through S56 settings,
press [Menu] to exit.
Level Start/Stop Type
The Level Start/Stop Type allows you to automatically start and stop the
engine using a level transducer to measure low and high set points.
Follow the steps below to set this start/stop feature.
1. Access the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
2. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] to scroll to the correct
Entry Code (See Entry Code Supplement for Entry
3. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until (S35) SRT/STP
SEL is displayed and press [Enter].
4. Press the [Up Arrow] until TRANSDUCER is
highlighted and press [Enter].
5. Press the [Up Arrow] until (S37) XDUCER TYPE
displays and press [Enter].
6. Press the [Up Arrow] until LEVEL CONTROL is
highlighted and press [Enter].
Section 40 00-02-0787
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7. Review and modify the settings for S57 through S71
for Level Start/Stop Type. To modify a setting, press
[Enter] when the setting is highlighted. When finished
with the modification pr es s [Enter] again. Refer to the
S-Number table in Menus for a description of the SNumbers settings.
8. When finished with the (S57-S71) settings, press
[Menu] to exit.
2-Float Start/Stop Type
The 2-Float Start/Stop Type allows you to automatically start/stop the
engine by using two float contacts (see page 21 for a description of Float
Operation). Follow the steps below to set this start/stop feature.
1. Access the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
2. Use the [Up or Down Arrow] to scroll to the correct
Entry Code (See Entry Code Supplement for Entry
3. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until (S35) SRT/STP
SEL is displayed and press [Enter].
4. Press the [Up Arrow] until FLOATS is highlighted
then press [Enter].
5. Exit the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
Clock Start/Stop Type
Using the internal real time clock, the user can select up to (3) different
start times per day. The clock start/stop feature can be used in
conjunction with other start/stop types.
Throttle Type
This section outlines several different throttling methods from which to
choose and how to set these for operation in the controller. ). Follow the
steps below to set the type of throttling necessary for the application.
Throttle to Pressure
This type of throttling allows you to set a pressure you would like the
controller to maintain when a transducer is used for discharge pressure.
1. Access the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
2. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] to scroll to the correct
Entry Code (See Entry Code Supplement for Entry
Section 40 00-02-0787
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3. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until (S47) MAINTAIN PSI is displayed in the menu and press [Enter].
4. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until the desired pressure to maintain is highlighted and press [Enter].
5. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until (S48)
DEADBAND PSI is shown in the menu and press
6. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until the desired deadband range is highlighted and press [Enter].
7. Press [Menu] to exit.
Throttle to Level
This type of throttling allows you to set a level you would like the
controller to maintain when a transducer is used for Level.
1. Access the S Menu by pressing [Menu].
2. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] to scroll to the correct
Entry Code (See Entry Code Supplement for Entry
3. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until (S59) MAINTAIN
LEVEL is displayed in the menu and press [Enter].
4. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until the desired
pressure to maintain is highlighted and press [Enter].
5. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until (S60)
DEADBAND LEVEL is shown in the menu and press
6. Press the [Up or Down Arrow] until the desired deadband range is highlighted and press [Enter].
7. Press [Menu].to exit.
Tier 4 Emissions*
*Murphy products are compliant with requirements for U.S. EPA Emission
Standard ‒ Tier 4 Interim and EU Emissions Standard ‒ Stage IIIB for diesel
engines. These engines, when fitted with a DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter), can
self-clean the filter of particulates. The self-cleaning process is known as
Regeneration. EMS PRO LITE offers two tier levels: Tier 3 and Tier 4. The
following S-numbers are associated with emission control actions: S73 (Tier
Rating), S74 (Tier State), and S75 (Request DPF Regen) and can be seen in the
S-number table on page 22.
NOTICE: Enovation Controls does not control the
Emissions ECU, please consult with your engine
manufacturer for specific emissions operation.
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