WO98/36395, DE 100 25 561, DE 101 50 128,
WO 2004/051591, DE 103 01 678 A1, DE 10309334,
WO 04/109236, WO 05/096482, WO 02/095707,
US 6,747,573, US 7,019,241
This information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured
characteristics. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions or inaccuracies. Circuitry
and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications, refer to the EnOcean website: http://www.enocean.com.
As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for
modules, not for the described applications, processes and circuits.
EnOcean does not assume responsibility for use of modules described and limits its liability
to the replacement of modules determined to be defective due to workmanship. Devices or
systems containing RF components must meet the essential requirements of the local legal
The modules must not be used in any relation with equipment that supports, directly or
indirectly, human health or life or with applications that can result in danger for people,
animals or real value.
Components of the modules are considered and should be disposed of as hazardous waste.
Local government regulations are to be observed.
Packing: Please use the recycling operators known to you.
TCM515 is a transceiver module limited to OEM installation ONLY.
TCM 515 enables the realization of line-powered actuators, controllers and gateways communicating based on EnOcean Radio Protocol version 1 (ERP1, 868 MHz ASK) and EnOcean
Radio Protocol version 2 (ERP2, 902 MHz FSK, 928MHz FSK).
It provides a transparent radio link between EnOcean radio devices and an external host
connected via UART interface using the standardized EnOcean Serial Protocol V3 (ESP3)
communication protocol.
TCM 515 receives and transmits radio telegrams based on a 50 Ohm or whip antenna connected to the host PCB. It forwards received radio telegrams to an external host processor
or host PC via the ESP3 interface. Messages received from an external host via the ESP3
interface will be transmitted by TCM 515 as EnOcean radio telegrams according to the chosen frequency.
TCM 515 is implemented as 31 pin reflow-solderable module with optimized form factor for
size constrained applications. It is not pin compatible with existing TCM 310 products.
In receive mode, TCM 515 processes received radio telegrams and verifies correct frame
structure and check sum.
Received telegrams can be filtered according to a filter list that can be setup via dedicated
ESP3 commands (see chapter 3 for the list of supported ESP3 commands).
TCM 515 fully integrates security handling for radio telegrams. It contains a security link
table that stores for each device that has been learned in the security key and the sequence counter value of the most recently received radio telegram. Received radio telegrams can therefore be automatically decrypted and authenticated.
Processed radio telegrams will then be forwarded to the external host via the ESP3 interface.
2.2.2 Telegram transmission
In transmit mode, TCM 515 receives radio telegrams for transmission from the external
host via its ESP3 interface. TCM 515 will apply the required security processing and properly format the radio telegram frame including checksum. It will then transmit the telegram
as a series of redundant telegrams.
2.2.3 Telegram repeating
TCM 515 can act as repeater for all or selected radio telegrams. The repeating functionality
is configured via ESP3 interface.
If TCM 515 is configured to act as repeater and it receives a radio telegram that it has to
repeat then TCM 515 will automatically transition from receive to transmit state to retransmit (repeat) this telegram. After successful transmission, it will automatically transition back to receive mode.
See chapter 6.3 for a description of the repeater functionality.
2.2.4 Low power sleep mode
TCM 515 can be set into a low power sleep mode for a defined period of time by means of
an ESP3 command. After expiry of the requested sleep period, TCM 515 will automatically
wake-up and transition back to receive mode.
TCM 515 is supplied by the VDD and GND Pins and supports a supply voltage range from
2.0V to 3.6V. For best radio performance it is very important to minimize noise on the sup-
ply voltage lines. Please see chapter 9.4.
2.3.3 Antenna
TCM 515 receives and transmits data based on a 50Ω whip antenna connected to its RF_50
input (Pin 2). Please see chapter 10.
2.3.4 UART interface
TCM 515 communicates with the external host using the standard ESP3 serial (UART) interface based on the signals UART_TX (Pin 21, direction from TCM 515 to external host) and
UART_RX (Pin 20, direction from external host to TCM 515).
The default interface speed of the ESP3 interface is 57600 bit per second and data is
transmitted using 8 data bits, 1 STOP bit and no parity (8N1).
It is possible to select faster communication speeds during operation using the ESP3
CO_SET_BAUDRATE command (see chapter 3). The following interface speeds are supported by TCM 515:
57600 bit per second
460800 bit per second
Additionally, it is possible to change the default ESP3 interface speed at power up from
57.600 Bit per second to 460.800 Bit per second by connecting the nTURBO input (Pin 31,
active low) to Ground.
Subsequent modification of the interface speed during operation using the
CO_SET_BAUDRATE command is always possible irrespective of the state of the TURBO
input pin.
In all cases, care should be taken not to select a UART interface speed which cannot be
supported by the connected host processor as this would prevent subsequent communication.
TCM 515 can be reset by pulling the nRST pin (Pin 24, active low) to Ground. Please see
chapter 9.5 for reset circuit recommendations.
2.3.6 Debug interface
TCM 515 provides a two pin debug interface (Pin 25 – SWCLK, Pin 26 – SWDIO) according
to the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) standard. Please see chapter 9.6 for the typical connection
to a 10 pin SWD debug connector.
2.3.7 Firmware update (PROG)
The following information is provided as advance notice to customers. This functionality is
not supported by the current TCM 515 product, but considered for future product variants.
The implementation of this feature is subject to change without notice.
The option to update the device firmware in the field from the host processor using the
UART interface together with a dedicated programming pin (PROG) and the reset pin
(nRST) is under evaluation. If implemented, the firmware update mechanism would be
triggered by the following sequence:
1. Assert (pull high) the PROG input
2. Assert (pull low) the nRST input
3. Release (pull high) the nRST input
At this point, an integrated bootloader will check for a firmware update available via the
UART interface and download this. The following UART settings are planned to be used:
115200 baud per second
8 data bits
1 stop bit
After the download has been completed, the PROG pin should again either be released
(pulled low or disconnected).
Execution of the updated SW can then be started by asserting and releasing the nRST input
as described above.
For current designs without firmware update functionality, the PROG pin can be left disconnected.
TCM 515 provides an external interface according to the EnOcean Serial Protocol, version 3
(ESP3). This interface is used both to exchange telegrams and command / status messages
with an external host. Please refer to the ESP3 specification: https://www.enocean.com/esp
3.1 Supported ESP3 commands
TCM 515 provides a bi-directional serial interface which conforms to the EnOcean ESP3
specification. For details regarding ESP3 please refer to the ESP3 specification.
The following ESP3 commands are supported by TCM 515:
Type 1: ERP1 Radio Telegram
Type 10: ERP2 Radio Telegram (TCM 515U only)
Type 11: Configuration commands (TCM 515U only)
Type 2 Responses
Type 4 Event
o SA_CONFIRM_LEARN to confirm/discard learn in/out
o CO_READY to indicate wake up from deep sleep initiated by CO_WR_SLEEP
o CO_DUTYCYCLE_LIMIT to inform about a current limitation due to duty cycle
Type 5 Common commands
o CO_WR_RESET to reset the device
o CO_WR_STARTUP_DELAY to specify the delay from reset to start-up
o CO_WR_SLEEP to put the device into low power sleep mode
o CO_RD_VERSION to read SW/HW versions, chip ID etc.
o CO_WR_IDBASE to write ID range base number
o CO_RD_IDBASE to read ID range base number
o CO_WR_REPEATER to configure repeater functionality
o CO_RD_REPEATER to read repeater state
o CO_WR_FILTER_ADD to add filter to filter list or to selective repeating
o CO_WR_FILTER_DEL to delete filter from filter list or from selective repeating
o CO_WR_FILTER_DEL_ALL to delete all filter
o CO_WR_FILTER_ENABLE to enable/disable supplied filters
o CO_RD_FILTER to read supplied filters
o CO_WR_LEARNMODE to enable / disable learn mode
o CO_RD_LEARNMODE to read the status of the learn mode
o CO_WR_WAIT_MATURITY to wait until the end of the maturity time before
transmitting radio telegrams
o CO_RD_DUTYCYCLE_LIMIT to read status of current duty cycle limitations
(for 868 MHz EU version)
o CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO to read the operating frequency of the device
o CO_RD_RORGS_COUNT to read the number of entries in the RORG table
o CO_RD_RORGS_BY_ID to read the RORG’s supported by a specific device ID
o CO_WR_RORG_ADD to write the RORG’s supported by a specific device ID
o CO_WR_RORG_DELETE to delete a specific RORG (specified by its index)
o CO_WR_RORGS_CLEAR to clear all RORG’s from the RORG table
o CO_SET_BAUDRATE to set the baudrate of the ESP3 interface