WO98/36395, DE 100 25 561, DE 101 50 128,
WO 2004/051591, DE 103 01 678 A1, DE 10309334,
WO 04/109236, WO 05/096482, WO 02/095707,
US 6,747,573, US 7,019,241
This information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured
characteristics. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions or inaccuracies. Circuitry
and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications, refer to the EnOcean website:
As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for
modules, not for the described applications, processes and circuits.
EnOcean does not assume responsibility for use of modules described and limits its liability
to the replacement of modules determined to be defective due to workmanship. Devices or
systems containing RF components must meet the essential requirements of the local legal
The modules must not be used in any relation with equipment that supports, directly or
indirectly, human health or life or with applications that can result in danger for people,
animals or real value.
Components of the modules are considered and should be disposed of as hazardous waste.
Local government regulations are to be observed.
Packing: Please use the recycling operators known to you.
1.1 Basic functionality
TCM 515B provides radio transceiver functionality (telegram transmission and reception)
according to the Bluetooth Low Energy standard in the 2.4 GHz radio band. TCM 515B receives and transmits radio telegrams based on a whip or PCB antenna connected via the
host PCB.
TCM 515B is primarily intended for use within energy harvesting wireless sensors where it
will provide the required radio functionality. To meet this requirement, TCM 515B provides
a radio application programming interface (API) for transmission and reception of 2.4 GHz
BLE radio telegrams. This radio API can be used by sensor applications running on TCM
515B to transmit and receive radio telegrams.
Additionally, TCM 515B provides an ESP3 interface to an external host which can be used to
transmit and receive data tele-grams.
TCM 515B provides an I2C interface which can be used to connect external sensors.
TCM 515B is implemented as 31 pin reflow-solderable module in an optimized form factor
to enable size constrained applications. The module design is mechanically compatible with
the other members of the TCM 515 radio transceiver family to enable reuse.
1.2 Technical data
Antenna External 50 Ohm or whip antenna (connected at host board)
Supported Radio Frequency Range 2402 … 2480 MHz
Default Radio Channels Advertising on Channel 37, 38 and 39
Receiver Sensitivity (at 25°C)
Transmit Power (at 25°C) Adjustable up to +4 dBm
Power Supply 3.3 V +- 10%
Serial Host Interface UART according to ESP3 Standard with Turbo Mode Option
Current Consumption (typ, at 25°C) 15 mA
Module Dimensions 19.0 x 14.7 x 3.0 mm (each dimension +-0.3 mm)
Note (1): Receiver sensitivity is based on the combination of 3 subtelegrams
Minimum: -92dBm / Typical: –95 dBm
1.3 Physical dimensions
Module Dimensions 19.0 x 14.7 x 3.0 mm (each dimension +-0.3 mm)
Module Weight 1 g
1.4 Environmental conditions
Operating Temperature -25°C ... 85°C
Storage Temperature -25°C ... 85°C
Humidity 0% to 95% r.h. (non-condensing)
2.1 TCM 515B Device Interface
TCM 515B implements a 31 pin reflow-solderable interface. Solder mask data is available
on request from EnOcean. The pin assignment (as seen from the top of the device) is
shown in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2 – TCM 515B device interface
Table 1 below summarizes the signal assignment.
1 GND 12 Digital IO 23 GND
2 ANTENNA (50 Ohms) 13 Digital IO 24 Debug
3 GND 14 Digital IO 25 Debug
4 Digital IO 15 GND 26 Digital IO
5 Digital IO 16 Analog / Digital IO 27 Digital IO
6 GND 17 Analog / Digital IO 28 Digital IO
7 Analog / Digital IO 18 I2C Data 29 Digital IO
8 Analog / Digital IO 19 I2C CLK 30 Digital IO
9 Analog / Digital IO / 32 kHz OSC 20 UART RX (Input) 31 TURBO
10 Analog / Digital IO / 32 kHz OSC 21 UART TX (Output)
2.1.1 Signal Description
TCM 515B is supplied by the VDD and GND Pins. The required supply voltage is 3.3V with a
tolerance of no more than +-10%.
TCM 515B receives and transmits data based on a 50Ω whip antenna connected to its ANTENNA input (Pin 2).
TCM 515B communicates with the external host using the standard ESP3 serial (UART) interface based on the signals UART_TX (Pin 21, direction from TCM 515B to external host)
and UART_RX (Pin 20, direction from external host to TCM 51Z).
The default interface speed of the ESP3 interface is 57600 bit per second (the exact speed
is 57347 Bit per second, a deviation of -0.04%).
It is possible to select faster communication speeds of 115200, 230400 and 460800 bit per
second during operation using the ESP3 CO_SET_BAUDRATE command.
Additionally it is possible to change the default ESP3 interface speed at power up from
57.600 Bit per second to 460.800 Bit per second by connecting the TURBO input (Pin 31) to
Ground. Subsequent modification of the interface speed during operation using the
CO_SET_BAUDRATE command is always possible irrespective of the state of the TURBO
input pin.
TCM 515B provides one or two I2C interfaces as primarily means to connect external sensors. Additionally, it provides digital and analog inputs and outputs as well as the option for
an SPI interface.
2.2 High-level operation principle
In receive mode, TCM 515B forwards the content of received BLE radio telegrams (which
pass frame check sum validation) unmodified to the sensor application SW or an external
host via the ESP3 interface. The sensor application can use the data of received telegrams
for instance to adjust parameters such as update intervals.
In transmit mode, TCM 515B receives from the application SW or an external host the precomputed message payload. TCM 515B then calculates the frame check sum and appends it
to the message. The full frame (including the Preamble and Start of Frame fields) will then
be transmitted as BLE radio telegram (TX mode).
The sensor application uses an internal or external timer to periodically wake-up and check
the status of the connected sensors. Based on this status information, it will decide if
transmission of a telegram is necessary and if so forward it to the radio routine by means
of its API.
2.3 Radio functionality
TCM 515B transmits and receives advertising telegrams within the 2.4 GHz radio frequency
band (2402MHz … 2480MHz) using the BLE advertising frame format.
By default, TCM 515B will use the three BLE advertising channels (BLE Channel 37, 38 and
39) defined for transmission and reception. The transmission of a radio telegram on these
three advertising channels is called an Advertising Event.
Use of different radio channels within the frequency band from 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz is
possible and can be configured by the application software or the external host (via ESP3
Table 2 below summarizes radio channels supported by TCM 515B.
Radio Channel Frequency Channel Type
BLE Radio Channels
37 2402 MHz BLE Advertising Channel
0 2404 MHz BLE Data Channel
1 2406 MHz BLE Data Channel
10 2424 MHz BLE Data Channel
38 2426 MHz BLE Advertising Channel
11 2428 MHz BLE Data Channel
12 2430 MHz BLE Data Channel
36 2478 MHz BLE Data Channel
39 2480 MHz BLE Advertising Channel
Custom Radio Channels
40 2403 MHz Custom Radio Channel
41 2405 MHz Custom Radio Channel
77 2477 MHz Custom Radio Channel
78 2479 MHz Custom Radio Channel
2.4 Radio transmission sequence
TCM 515B transmits telegrams in its standard configuration by using so-called Advertising
An advertising event is defined as the transmission of the same radio telegram on all selected radio channels (by default this would be on BLE Channel 37, 38 and 39) one after
another with minimum delay in between.
For reliability reasons, TCM 515B will send three redundant advertising events for each
transmission. The resulting transmission sequence is shown in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3 – Default radio transmission sequence
2.5 Radio reception sequence
TCM 515B receives radio telegrams in its standard configuration by monitoring the Advertising Channels (Channel 37, 38 and 39). Alternative channels can be selected via the radio
API or the ESP3 interface.
TCM 515B will continuously scan these channels one after the other for valid data telegrams. The time spent on each channel is configurable.
2.6 User-defined radio channels
In certain situations it might be desirable to transmit and receive radio telegrams on channels other than the three advertising channels.
TCM 515B therefore allows to select the radio channels to be used for the transmission and
reception. The selection of the radio channels is done by the application SW using the radio
API or the external host using the ESP3 interface.
3 Telegram format
TCM 515B transmits and receives radio telegrams in the 2.4 GHz band according to BLE
frame structure. For detailed information about the BLE standard, please refer to the applicable specifications.
Figure 4 below summarizes the BLE frame structure.
Figure 4 – BLE frame structure
The content of these fields is described in more detail below.
3.1 Preamble
The BLE Preamble is 1 byte long and identifies the start of the BLE frame. The value of the
BLE Preamble is always set to 0xAA.
3.2 Access Address
The 4 byte BLE Access Address identifies the radio telegram type. For advertising frames,
the value of the Access Address is always set to 0x8E89BED6.
3.3 Header
The BLE Header identifies certain radio telegram parameters. Figure 5 below shows the
structure of the BLE header.
3.4 Source address
The 6 byte BLE Source Address (MAC address) uniquely identifies each TCM 515B product.
TCM 515B supports two source address modes:
Static Source Address mode (default)
In this mode, the source address is constant (but its lower 32 bit can be configured
via radio API)
Private Resolvable Address mode (NFC configurable)
In this mode, the source address changes for each transmission
TCM 515B uses by default the Static Source Address mode. Private Resolvable Address
mode can be selected via the radio API. These two address modes are described in the following chapters.
3.4.1 Static source address mode
By default, TCM 515B uses static source addresses meaning that the source address is constant during normal operation. The structure of TCM 515B static addresses is as follows:
The upper 2 bytes of the source address are used to identify the device type and set
to 0xE500 to designate EnOcean STM 500 multi-sensor type. These two bytes cannot
be changed.
The lower 4 bytes are uniquely assigned to each device.
Figure 6 below illustrates the static address structure used by TCM 515B.