WO98/36395, DE 100 25 561, DE 101 50 128,
WO 2004/051591, DE 103 01 678 A1, DE 10309334,
WO 04/109236, WO 05/096482, WO 02/095707,
US 6,747,573, US 7,019,241
This information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions or inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications
are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications, refer to the EnOcean website: http://www.enocean.com.
As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for modules,
not for the described applications, processes and circuits.
EnOcean does not assume responsibility for use of modules described and limits its liability to the
replacement of modules determined to be defective due to workmanship. Devices or systems containing RF components must meet the essential requirements of the local legal authorities.
The modules must not be used in any relation with equipment that supports, directly or indirectly,
human health or life or with applications that can result in danger for people, animals or real value.
Components of the modules are considered and should be disposed of as hazardous waste. Local
government regulations are to be observed.
Packing: Please use the recycling operators known to you. By agreement we will take packing material back if it is sorted. You must bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to
us unsorted or that we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred.
The extremely power saving RF transmitter module
STM 31x of EnOcean enables the realization of a wide
range of wireless and maintenance free sensors such
as temperature sensors, humidity sensors, or room
operating panels.
Power supply is provided by a small solar cell, an external energy harvester, or an external 3V battery. An
energy storage is installed to bridge periods with no
supply from the energy harvester. The module provides a user configurable cyclic wake up.
After wake up the external sensors are supplied and
after a configurable delay (default 2ms) the internal microcontroller reads the status of the
connected sensors. A radio telegram will be transmitted in case of a change of any digital
input value compared to the last sending or in case of a significant change of measured
analogue values.
In case of no relevant input change a redundant retransmission signal is sent after a user
configurable number of wake-ups to announce all current values. In addition to the cyclic
wake-up, a wake up can be triggered externally using a wake input or the internal LRN button.
Features with built-in firmware
Pre-installed solar cell (except STM 312/STM 312C)
On-board energy storage and charging circuit
On-board LRN button
On-board TX indicator LED
20 pin connector for external sensors
3 A/D converter inputs
3 digital inputs
Configurable wake-up and transmission cycle
Wake-up via Wake pins or LRN button
Product vari an ts
STM 310/310C: Variant including solar cell and whip antenna
STM 311/311C: Variant including solar cell and helical antenna
STM 312/312C: Variant including whip antenna but no pre-installed solar cell
Features accessible v i a API
Using the Dolphin API library it is possible to write custom firmware for the module.
The API provides:
Integrated 16 MHz 8051 CPU with 32 KB FLASH and 2 kB SRAM
Various power down and sleep modes down to typ. 0.2 µA current consumption
Up to 13 configurable I/Os
10 bit ADC, 8 bit DAC
Antenna whip or helical antenna installed
Frequency 315.0 MHz (STM 31xC)/868.3 MHz (STM 31x)
Radio Standard EnOcean 868 MHz/315 MHz
Data rate/Modulation type 125 kbps/ASK
Conducted Output Power typ. 2 dBm
Power Supply @ VDD Pre-installed solar cell (except STM312 / STM312C)
Illumination 50-100000 lux
2.1 V–5.0 V, 2.6 V needed for start-up
Initial operation time in darkness @
Operation start up time with empty
energy store
Input Cha nnels 3x digital input, 2x WAKE input , 3x analog input
Radio Regulations R&TTE EN 300 220 (STM 31x)
typ. 4 days, energy storage fully charged, wake-up every
100 s, transmission of telegram every 1000 s on average
typ. 2.5 min @ 400 lux / 25°C
incandescent or fluorescent light
Resolution: 3x 8 bit or 1x 10 bit, 1x 8 bit, 1x 6 bit
FCC CFR-47 Part 15 (STM 31xC)
1.3 Physical dimensions
PCB dimensions 43±0.2 x 16±0.3 x 1±0.1 mm
Module height 9 mm
Weight 3.3g (STM 312) – 6.2g (STM 311C), depending on variant
Full performance of the PAS614L energy storage is achieved after a few days of operation
at good illumination level. Performance degrades over life time, especially if energy storage
is exposed to higher temperatures. Each 10K drop in temperature doubles the expected life
(every 100 t h,
every 10th,
every cyclic wake-up
or SW defined)
The figure above shows the pin out of the STM 31x hardware. The pins are named according to the naming of the EO3000I chip to simplify usage of the DOLPHIN API.
The table in section 2.3 shows the translation of hardware pins to a naming that fits the
functionality of the built-in firmware.
2.3Pin description and operational characteristics
STM 31x
H a rd w a re
Sym bol
GND GND Ground connection
VDD VDD Supply voltage 2.1 V – 5.0 V; Start-up voltage: 2.6 V
VCHAR VCHAR Charging input Input for external energy harvester (for
VGC VGC Voltage Gold Cap Connection of additional external energy
(= switched
with 1.8MΩ
in series)
IOVDD (not
available at
pin connector)
ADIO1 AD_1 Analog input Input read ~2 ms after wake-up.
ADIO2 AD_2 Analog input Input read ~2 ms after wake-up.
ADIO3 DI_0 Digital input Input read ~2 ms after wake-up.
STM 31x
Function C haracteristics
Firm w a re
Sym bol
SWPWR DVDD supply volt-
age regulator output switched via
transistor controlled by EO3000I
Ultra low power
supply voltage
regulator output
Digital interface
supply voltage
Reset input
Programming I/F
Programming I/F HIGH: programming mode active
Analog input Input read ~2 ms after wake-up.
Digital input Input read ~2 ms after wake-up.
Maximum ripple: see 2.6
Connection of external 3 V battery possible
use in STM 312). See 2.10.
storage or battery possible. See 2.10.
1.8 V. Output current: max. 5 mA.
Supply for external circuitry, available
while not in deep sleep mode. SWPWR is
switched on 2ms (default) before sampling
of inputs and is switched off afterwards.
The delay time can be configured, see
2.7.2 (needed for stabilization of sensors)
Not for supply of external circuitry!
For use with WAKE pins only, see section
3.1. Limited to max. 1 µA output current
by internal 1.8 MΩ resistor!
Internal connection to EO3000I DVDD
(typ. 1.8 V)
See 2.3.1.
Active high reset (1.8 V)
Fixed internal 10 kΩ pull-down.
LOW: operating mode
Digital input, fixed internal 10 kΩ pulldown.
ADIO6 DI_2 Digital input Input read ~2 ms after wake-up.
See 2.7.2.
Internal pull-up
LED Transmission
indicator LED
Flashes during radio transmission.
Active LOW.
Programming I/F
Encoding input for
wake-up cycle
Configuration interface.
Leave open or connect to GND. See 2.7.1.
Internal pull-up
Programming I/F
CW_0 Encoding input for
wake-up cycle
Configuration interface.
Leave open or connect to GND. See 2.7.1.
Internal pull-up
Programming I/F
CP_1 Encoding input for
Configuration interface.
Leave open or connect to GND. See 2.7.1.
Internal pull-up
Programming I/F
CP_0 Encoding input for
Configuration interface.
Leave open or connect to GND. See 2.7.1.
Internal pull-up
Programming I/F
WAKE0 WAKE0 Wake input Change of logic state leads to wake-up and
transmission of a telegram.
Must be connected to UVDDext or GND!
At time of delivery WAKE0 is connected to
UVDDext via a jumper at the connector.
See also 3.1.
WAKE1 LRN LRN input Change of logic state to LOW leads to
wake-up and transmission of teach-in telegram.
Internal pull-up to UVDD.
See also 2.7.2, 2.8.2, and 3.1.
2.3.1 Interface supply v ol t ag e
The IOVDD pin of EO3000I is internally connected to DVDD. For digital communication with
other circuitry therefore a voltage of 1.8 V has to be used. While the module is in deep
sleep mode the microcontroller with all its peripherals is switched off and DVDD, IOVDD,
and SWPWR are not supplied.
If DVDD=0 V and IOVDD is not supplied (e.g. while in sleep mode), do not apply
voltage to ADIO0 to ADIO7 and the pins of the serial interface (SCSEDIO0,
SCLKDIO1, WSDADIO2, RSDADIO3). This may lead to unpredictable malfunction
of the device.
For I/O pins configured as analog pins the IOVDD voltage level is not relevant! See
also 2.3.2.
Single ended against
RGND @ 1 kHz
Single ended against
RGND @ 1 kHz
10 MΩ
10 pF
Effective measurement resolution Configurable, see 2.7.2 6 10 bit
Relative measurement accuracy
Related to the reference
voltage within specified
0.6 %
input range
Digital Input Mode
Input HIGH voltage
Input LOW voltage
Pull up resistor @IOVDD=1.7 … 1.9 V 90 132 200 kΩ
2.4 Absolute maximum ratings (non operating)
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
VDD Supply voltage at VDD -0.5 5.5 V
VGC Voltage gold cap 1.5 3.3 V
VCHAR Supply voltage from external energy harvester 0 6 V
GND Ground connection 0 0 V
VINA Voltage at every analog input pin -0.5 2 V
VIND Voltage at RESET, WAKE0/1, and every digital input -0.5 3.6 V
2.5 Maximum ratings (operating )
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
VDD Supply voltage at VDD and VDDLIM 2.1 5.0 V
VGC Voltage gold cap 1.5 3.3 V
VCHAR Supply voltage from external energy harvester 0 6 V
Supply current from external energy harvester
Short term (<10 min)
GND Ground connection 0 0 V
VINA Voltage at every analog input pin 0 2.0 V
VIND Voltage at RESET, WAKE0/1, and every digital input 0 3.6 V
Symbol Parameter Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Units
Voltage Regulators
Ripple on VDD, where
Min(VDD) > VON
UVDD Ultra Low Power supply 1.8 V
RVDD RF supply Internal signal only 1.7 1.8 1.9 V
DVDD Digital supply Internal signal only 1.7 1.8 1.9 V
Threshold Detector
VON Turn on threshold 2.3 2.45 2.6 V
VOFF Turn off threshold
Threshold detector
STM 31x provides an internal ultra low power ON/OFF threshold detector. If VDD > VON, it
turns on the ultra low power regulator (UVDD), the watchdog timer and the WAKE# pins
circuitry. If VDD ≤ VOFF it initiates the automatic shut down of STM 31x. For details of this
mechanism please refer to the Dolphin Core Description documentation.
50 mV
Automatic shutdown if
1.85 1.9 2.1 V
VDD drops below VOFF
2.7 Configuration
2.7.1 Configuration via pins
The encoding input pins have to be left open or connected to GND in correspondence with
the following connection schemes. These settings are checked at every wake-up.
Via CP_0 and CP_1 an internal counter is set which is decreased at every wake-up signal.
Once the counter reaches zero the redundant retransmission signal is sent.
CP_0 CP_1 Number of wake-ups that
trigger a redundant retransmission
GND NC Every timer wake-up signal
NC NC Every 7th - 14th timer wake-up signal, affected at random
NC GND Every 70th - 140th timer wake-up signal, affected at random
GND GND No redundant retransmission
A radio telegram is always transmitted after wake-up via WAKE pins!
After transmission the counter is reset to a random value within the specified interval.
According to FCC 15.231a) a redundant retransmission at every timer wake-up to
determine the system integrity is only allowed in safety and security applications!
In this case the total transmission time must not exceed two seconds per hour,
which means that a combination with a 1 s wake-up cycle time is not allowed!
If applied in other (non-safety, non-security) applications a minimum of 10 s between periodic transmissions is required. In addition the device has to comply with
the lower field strength limits of 15.231e). The limited modular approval of STM
31xC is not valid in this case.
Via the programming interface the configuration area can be modified. This provides a lot
more configuration options. Values set via serial interface override hardware settings!
These settings are read after RESET or power-on reset only and not at every wake-up of
the module!
Parameter Configuration
via pin s
Wake up cycle See section 2.7.1 Value can be set from 1 s to 65534 s
Retransmission cycle
Threshold values for
analog inputs
(transmission of telegram if
threshold value exceeded)
Resolution of the analog
Input mask No
Delay time between SWPWR
on and sampling moment
(for stabilization of external sensor
measurement values)
Source of AD_2 No
Edge of wake pin change
causing a telegram transmission
Manufacturer ID and EEP
(EnOcean Equipment Profile)
See section 2.7.1
Min…Max values for random interval
If Min=Max -> random switched off
The default values are: 5 LSB at AD_1 input, 6
LSB at AD_0 and 14 LSB at AD_2.
The threshold value can be set between 0 and
full scale for every input individually.
Default: AD_0: 8 bit, AD_1: 8 bit, AD_2: 8 bit
Option: AD_0: 10 bit, AD_1: 6 bit, AD_2: 8 bit
A digital input mask for ignoring changes on
digital input pins.At default all input bits are
Value can be set from 0 ms to 508 ms in steps
of 2 ms. Default delay time is 2 ms.
Select if AD_2 contains measurement value of
external ADIO2 pin or from internal VDD/4
Every change of a wake pin triggers a wake-up.
For both wake pins it can be configured individually if a telegram shall be sent on rising,
falling or both edges.
Information about manufacturer and type of
device. This feature is needed for “automatic”
interoperability of sensors and actuators or bus
systems. Unique manufacturer IDs are distributed by the EnOcean Alliance.
EnOcean provides EOPx (EnOcean Programmer, a command line program) and Dolphin Studio (Windows application for chip configuration, programming, and testing) and the
USB/SPI programmer device as part of the EDK 300 developer´s kit.
2.8 Radio telegram
2.8.1 Normal operation
Telegram content (seen at serial interface of RCM 130/TCM 3x0 or at DOLPHIN API):
ORG = 0x07 (Telegram type “4BS”)
3x8bit mode:
DATA_BYTE3 = Value of AD_2 analog input
DATA_BYTE2 = Value of AD_1 analog input
DATA_BYTE1 = Value of AD_0 analog input
1x8bit, 1x6it, 1x10bit mode:
DATA_BYTE3 = Value of AD_2
DATA_BYTE2 = Upper 2 bits of AD_0 and value of AD_1
DATA_BYTE1 = Lower 8 bits Value of AD_0 analog input
DATA_BYTE0 = Digital sensor inputs as follows: Bit 7 Bit 0
In case of a wake-up via WAKE1 pin (LRN input) the module transmits a teach-in telegram.
If the manufacturer code is not set, the module transmits a normal telegram according to 2.8.1
with the difference that DI_3=0.
If a manufacturer code is set, this teach-in telegram contains special information as described
With this special teach-in telegram it is possible to identify the manufacturer of a device
and the function and type of a device. There is a list available from the EnOcean Alliance
describing the functionalities of the respective products.
ORG = 0x07 (Telegram type “4BS”)
DATA_BYTE0..3 see below
LRN Type = 1
LRN = 0
DI0..DI2: current status of digital inputs
Profile, Type, Manufacturer-ID defined by manufacturer
RE0..2: set to 0
ORG Data_Byte3 Data_Byte2 Data_Byte1 Data_Byte0 ID
6 Bit
7 Bit
ManufacturerID 11 Bit
LRN Type
2.9 Transmit tim ing
The setup of the transmission timing allows avoiding possible collisions with data packages
of other EnOcean transmitters as well as disturbances from the environment. With each
transmission cycle, 3 identical subtelegrams are transmitted within 40 ms. The transmission of a subtelegram lasts approximately 1.2 ms. The delay between the three transmission bursts is affected at random.
If a new wake-up occurs before all sub-telegrams have been sent, the series of
transmissions is stopped and a new series of telegrams with new valid measurement values is transmitted.