EnOcean PTM215B User Manual

PTM 215B BLE Pushbutton Transmitter Module
PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
Observe precautions! Electrostatic sensitive devices!
Patent protected:
WO98/36395, DE 100 25 561, DE 101 50 128, WO 2004/051591, DE 103 01 678 A1, DE 10309334, WO 04/109236, WO 05/096482, WO 02/095707, US 6,747,573, US 7,019,241
© 2016 EnOcean | www.enocean.com F-710-017, V1.0 PTM 215B User Manual | v0.8 | September 2016 | Page 1/42
Major Changes
Initial Release
Added security handling
Added c ommi ssioning information
Added NFC information
Added Optional Data field
Added NFC addresses
Added EnOcean company identifier
Added r eg ulatory info r mation
PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
The follow ing major modifications an d imp rovements ha ve been made to this document:
Published by EnOcean GmbH , K olpingring 18a, 82041 Ob erhaching, Germany www.enocean.com, info@enocean.com, ph one + 49 (89) 6734 6890
© EnOcean GmbH, All Rights Reserved
This information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions or inaccuracies. Cir cuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifica­tions, refer to the EnOcean website:
As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for modules, not for the described applications, processes and circuits. EnOcean does not assume responsibility for use of modules described and limits its liability to the replacement of modules determined to be defective due to workmanship. Devices or systems containing RF components must meet the essential requirements of the local legal authorities. The modules must not be used in any relation with equipment that supports, directly or indirectly, human health or life or with applications that can result in danger for people, animals or real value. Component s of th e m odules ar e cons i dered an d shoul d b e di s posed of as ha zar dous wa ste . Local gov ernment regula tions are to be obs erved. Packing: Please use th e recycling operators known to you.
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PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIO N ................................................................................. 5
1.1 Basic functionality ......................................................................................... 5
1.2 Technical data ............................................................................................... 6
1.3 Physical dimensions ....................................................................................... 6
1.4 Environmental conditions ............................................................................... 6
1.5 Packa ging informa tion .................................................................................... 6
1.6 Ordering information...................................................................................... 6
2 FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION ........................................................................... 7
2.1 PTM 215B Device Overview ............................................................................. 7
2.2 Basic Func tionality ......................................................................................... 7
2.3 Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 8
2.4 User Interface ............................................................................................... 9
2.5 PTM 215B radio channel parameters .............................................................. 10
2.5.1 PTM 215B radio transmission sequence .................................................. 10
2.6 PTM 215B button action encod ing .................................................................. 11
2.7 PTM 215B commissioning ............................................................................. 12
2.8 Operation modes ......................................................................................... 13
2.8.1 Data mode .......................................................................................... 13
2.8.2 Radio-based commissioning mode ......................................................... 14 Commissioning mode entry ................................................................ 14 Commissioning telegr am tran s mission ................................................. 15 Exit from commiss ioning mode ........................................................... 15
2.9 BLE frame structure ..................................................................................... 16
2.9.1 Preamble ............................................................................................ 16
2.9.2 Access Address .................................................................................... 16
2.9.3 Header ............................................................................................... 16
2.9.4 Source address .................................................................................... 17 Static source address mode ................................................................ 17 Private resolvable source address mode ............................................... 18
2.9.5 Check Sum ......................................................................................... 19
2.9.6 Payload .............................................................................................. 20 Data Telegram Payload ...................................................................... 20 Commissioning Telegram Payload ....................................................... 21
2.10 Telegram authentication ............................................................................... 22
2.10.1 Authe n ti c a t io n implementa tion .............................................................. 23
2.11 NFC interface .............................................................................................. 24
2.11.1 Configuration memory organization........................................................ 24
2.11.2 Memory Address Map ........................................................................... 25
2.11.3 Public data .......................................................................................... 26
2.11.4 Protected Data .................................................................................... 26 PIN Code ......................................................................................... 27 Modifying product parameters ............................................................ 27 Source Address Write regi s ter............................................................. 27 Security Key Write register ................................................................. 28
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PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module Optional Data register ....................................................................... 29 Configuration register ........................................................................ 30 Customer Data ................................................................................. 30
2.11.5 Private Data ........................................................................................ 31 Security Key ..................................................................................... 31 Default Settings ................................................................................ 31
2.12 Factory Reset .............................................................................................. 32
3 Device Integration ....................................................................................... 33
3.1 Mechanical Interface Chara cte ri st ics .............................................................. 33
3.2 Mechanical Interface Drawings ...................................................................... 33
3.3 Device Label ............................................................................................... 38
3.3.1 Device DMC ........................................................................................ 39
4 APPLICATION INFORMAT ION ........................................................................ 40
4.1 Transmission range ..................................................................................... 40
5 REGULATORY INFORMATION......................................................................... 41
5.1 FCC (United States) Certificate ...................................................................... 41
5.1.1 FCC (Un i te d States) Regulatory Statem ent.............................................. 41
5.2 IC (Industry Canada) Certificate .................................................................... 42
5.2.1 IC (Industry Canada) Regulatory Statement ............................................ 42
Product ID Write register ................................................................... 29
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PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
1.1 Basic functionality
PTM 215B enables the realization of energy harvesting wireless switches for EnOcean sys­tems communicating based on the 2.4 GHz B LE communication standard.
PTM 215B is mechanically compatible with the established PTM 21x form factor enabling quick in t egrati on int o a wide range of designs. Ke y appl ications are wall -mount ed or por t a­ble switches either with up to two rockers or up to four push buttons.
PTM 215B pushbutton transmitters are self-powered (no batteries) and fully maintenance­free. They can therefore be used in all environments including locations that are difficult to reach or within hermetically sealed housings. The required energy is generated by an elec­tro-dynamic en ergy transducer actuated by an energy bow located on the left and right of the m odule. This energy bow which can be pushed from outs ide the mod ule by an appro­priate pushbutton or switch rocker.
When the energy bow is pushed down or released, electrical energy is cre ated and a radio telegr am accordin g to the 2.4 GHz BLE standard is transmitted. This radio telegram trans­mits the operating status of all four contact nipples at the moment when the energy bow was pushed down or released.
PTM 215B radio telegrams are protected with AES-128 security based on a device-unique private key.
Figure 1 below shows PTM 215B.
Figure 1 – PTM 215B Product Outline
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Integrated antenna
Output Power
0 dBm
Communication Ran ge (Gui dance Only )
75 m ideal line of sight / 10 m indoor environment
Communication Standard
BLE Advertising
Radio Frequency (min / max)
2402 MHz / 2480 MHz
Default Radio Channels
BLE CH 37 / 38 / 39 (2402 MHz / 2426 MHz / 2480 MHz)
Advertising Events per action (min / max)
2 / 3
Data Rate and Modulation
1 Mbit/s GFSK
Configuration Interface
NFC Forum Type 2 Tag (ISO/IEC 14443 Part 2 and 3)
Device Identificat io n
Individual 48 Bit Device ID (factory programmed)
AES128 (CBC Mode) with Sequence Code
Power Supply
Integrated Ki netic Ener gy Harvester
Button Inputs
Up to four buttons or two rockers
Module Dimensions
40.0 x 40.0 x 11.2 mm
Module Weight
20 g
Operating Temperature
-25°C ... 65°C
Storage Temperature
-25°C ... 65°C
0% to 95% r.h. (non-condensing)
Packaging Unit 100 units
Packaging Metho d Tray / Box (10 units per tray, 10 trays per box)
Ordering Code
2.4 GHz (BLE)
PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
1.2 Technical data
1.3 Physical dimensions
1.4 Environmental conditions
1.5 Packaging inf o rmation
1.6 Ordering information
PTM 215B S3221-A215
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(2) Button contacts (1) Energy bow
Rotation axis for
PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
2.1 PTM 215B D ev ice Overview
The pushbutton transmitter module PTM 215B from EnOcean enables the implementation of wireles s remote contr ols without batteries. P ower is provided by a built-in electro-dynamic power generator. PTM 215B device transmits data based on the 2.4GHz BLE standard.
The outer appearance of PTM 215B is s hown on the pictur e be low.
on both device sides
Figure 2 – Electro-dynamic powered pushbutton t ransmitter module PTM 2 15B
for switch rocker identification
pushbuttons or switch rocker
2.2 Basic Functionality
PTM 215B devices contain an electro-dynamic energy transducer which is act uat ed by an energy bow (1). This bow is pushed by an appropriate push button, switch rocker or a simi­lar cons tru ction m ounte d ont o the devic e. An inte rnal s pring will re leas e th e ener gy b ow as soon as it is not pushed down anymore.
When the energy bow is pushed down, electrical energy is created and an BLE radio tele­gram is transmitted which identifies the status (pressed or not pressed) of the four button contacts (2). Releasing the energy bow similarly generates energy which is used to trans­mit a different radio telegram.
It is therefore possible to distinguish between radio telegrams sent when the energy bar was pushed and radio telegrams sent when the energy bar was released.
By identifying these different telegrams types and measuring the time between pushing and releasing of the energy bar, it is possible to distinguish between “Long” and “Short” button contact presses. This enables simple implementation of applications such as dim­ming control or blinds control including slat action.
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Button Contacts
Push / Release Detection
RF Transmitter
PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
2.3 Block Diagram
Figure 3 – Functional block diagram of PTM 215B
Energy Bow / Power Genera t or
Converts the motion of the energy bow into electr ical energy
Power Converter
Converts the e nergy of the p ower gen erator into a sta ble DC s upply voltage for the device electronics
Determines the status of the button contacts and the energy bow, encodes this status into a data word, generates the proper radio telegram structure and sends it to the radio transmitter
RF transmitter
Transmits the data in the form of a series of short BLE 2.4 GHz radio telegrams using the integrated antenna
NFC interface
Allows reading and writing certain product parameters using an NFC compliant reader / writer supporting NFC Forum Type 2 tags (as specified by ISO/IEC 14443 P art 2 and 3 ).
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PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
2.4 User Interface
PTM 215B devices provide four button contacts. They are grouped into two channels (Channel A and Channel B) each containing two button contacts (S tate O and State I) .
The sta te of all four button contacts (pressed or not pressed) is transmitted together with a unique device identification (48 Bit device ID) whenever the energy bow is pushed or re­leased.
Figure 4 below shows the arrangement of the four button contacts and their designation:
Figure 4 – Button contact designation
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PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
2.5 PTM 215B radio channel parameters
PTM 215B transmits advertising telegrams within the 2.4 GHz radio frequency band (2402M Hz … 24 8 2M Hz ) using the BLE advertising frame format.
By def ault, PT M 215B w ill us e the three BLE advertisin g channels (Channel 37, 38 and 39) defined for transmission.
Table 1 below summarizes the radio channel assignment within the BLE standard.
Table 1 – Radio channel paramet ers
The transmission of a radio telegram on all three advertising chan nel s is cal led an Advertis­ing Event. In order to further increase communication reliability, more than one Advertising Event might be transmitted for an individual radio telegram.
2.5.1 PTM 215B radio transmission sequence
PTM 215B transmits radio telegrams using so-called Advertising Events. An advertising event is defined as the transmission of the same radio telegram on all se-
lected radio channels (by default this would be on BLE Channel 37, 38 and 39) one after another with mini mum delay in between.
For reliability reasons, PTM 215B will send several (mi nimu m t wo, m axi mum thr ee) adver­tising events for each button input. The resulting transmission sequence is shown in Figure 5 below.
Figure 5 – Rad i o t ransmission sequence
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PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
2.6 PTM 215B button action encoding
Figure 6 below shows the button action encoding used by PTM 215B. In PTM 215B, the type of action (Press Action or Release Action) is indicated by B it 0 (Ener-
gy Bar). If a butt on contact has been actuated during Press Action or Release Action then this is indicated by the accordi n g status bit set to ‘1’.
Note that all contacts that were pressed during Press Action will be released during Release Action . The case of cont inuing to h old one (or sev eral) button contacts during Release Ac­tion is me chanically not poss ible.
Figure 6 - PTM 215B button action encoding
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PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
2.7 PTM 215B comm iss io ning
Commissioning is the process by which PTM 215B is learned into a receiver (actuator, con­troller, gateway, etc.).
The follow ing two tasks are required in this process:
n Device identification
The receiver needs to know how to uniquely identify this specific PTM 215B device. This is achieved by using a unique 48 Bit ID (Source Address) for each PTM 215B device as described in chapter 2.9.4. In addition, up to 4 b yte of Optional Data can be co nfigured as described in chapter
n Security parame ter exchange
The receiver needs to be able to authenticate radio telegrams from PTM 2 15B in order to ensure that they originate from this specific device and have not been modified as de­scribed in chapte r 2.10. This is achieved by exchanging t he 128 Bit random security key used by PTM 215B to authenticate its radio telegrams.
PTM 215B pr ovides the following option s f or these tasks:
n NFC-based commissioning
The PTM 215B parameters are read by a suitable commissioning tool (e.g. NFC smartphone) which is alr eady part of the network into which PTM 215B will be com mis­sioned. The commissioning tool then communicates these parameters to the intended receiver of PTM 215B radio telegrams. NFC-based commissioning is described in chapter
n Radio-based commissioning
PTM 215B can communicate i ts parameters via special radio telegrams (commissioning telegrams) to the intended receiver. To do so, PTM 215B can be temporarily placed into radio-based commissioning mode as described in chapter 2.8.2
n Camera-based commissioning
Each PTM 215 B m odu le contains an automatically readable Data Mat rix Code (DMC) which identi fies its ID and its security key. This DMC can be read by a by a suitable commissioning tool (e.g. smartphone) which is already part of the network into which PTM 215B will be commissioned. The commis sioning tool then c ommunicates these pa­rameters to the intended receiver of PTM 215B radio telegrams. The DMC structure is described in chapter 3.3.1
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PTM 215B – 2.4 GHZ Pusbutton Transmitter Module
2.8 Operation modes
PTM 215B can operate in two modes:
n Data mode
Data mo de is used to transmit data telegrams reporting the status of PTM 215B button inputs
n Radio-based commis sioning mode
Radio-based commis sioning mode is used to commission (teach-in) PTM 21 5B into a specific receiver or ne twork by means of a specific commissioning telegram. This is an alternative for scenarios where NFC commissioning cannot be used.
2.8.1 Data mode
Data mode i s the st andard mode of op eration. In this mod e, PTM 215B will transmit radio telegr a ms id entifying the status of its four button contacts and the energy bar.
PTM 215B uses the following sequence to identify and transmit button contact status:
1. Determine direction of the energy bar movement (Push Action or Release Action)
2. Read input status of all button contacts
3. Calculate data payload
4. Calculate security signature
5. Format BLE radio telegram
6. Transmit BLE radio telegram as sequence of Ad v e r t ising Events
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